Matt Ebb d34f89b755 * Edited and consistent-ified the File->Import menu item labels and fileselect button labels, as discussed on the forums.
* Added items for importing DXF, VRML, etc. in the File->Import menu, that just call the normal Open function. Most people don't even know that you can open these formats through the normal Open fileselect, so this will make it more obvious.

* Removed the 'Export Selected' menu, and put poor old lonely STL in the Import and Export menus too. Most of the exporters export only the selected object anyway, so it's not really a necessary distinction to make.
2004-06-11 02:12:37 +00:00

390 lines
13 KiB

Name: 'Motion Capture (.bvh)...'
Blender: 232
Group: 'Export'
Tip: 'Export a (.bvh) motion capture file'
# $Id$
# BVH Export script 1.0 by Campbell Barton #
# Copyright MetaVR 30/03/2004, #
# if you have any questions about this script #
# email me #
# #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BVH Export v0.9 by Campbell Barton (AKA Ideasman)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import Blender
from Blender import Scene, Object
import math
from math import *
# Get the current scene.
scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
context = scn.getRenderingContext()
frameRate = 0.3333 # 0.04 = 25fps
scale = 1
indent = ' ' # 2 space indent per object
prefixDelimiter = '_'
# Vars used in eular rotation funtcion
RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0/3.14159265359
# Search for children of this object and return them #
def getChildren(parent):
children = [] # We'll assume none.
for child in Object.Get():
if child.getParent() == Object.Get(parent):
children.append( child.getName() )
return children
# MESSY BUT WORKS: Make a string that shows the #
# hierarchy as a list and then eval it #
def getHierarchy(root, hierarchy):
hierarchy = hierarchy + '["' + root + '",'
for child in getChildren(root):
hierarchy = getHierarchy(child, hierarchy)
hierarchy += '],'
return hierarchy
# Strips the prefix off the name before writing #
def stripName(name): # name is a string
# WARNING!!! Special case for a custom RIG for output
# for MetaVR's HPX compatable RIG.
print 'stripname', name[0:10]
if name[0:10] == 'Transform(':
name = name[10:]
while name[-1] != ')':
name = name[0:-1]
print name
name = name[:-1]
return name[1+name.find(prefixDelimiter): ]
# Return a 6 deciaml point floating point value #
# as a string that dosent have any python chars #
def saneFloat(float):
#return '%(float)b' % vars() # 6 fp as house.hqx
return str('%f' % float) + ' '
# Recieves an object name, gets all the data for that#
# node from blender and returns it for formatting #
# and writing to a file. #
def getNodeData(nodeName):
# Get real location
offset = Object.Get(nodeName).getLocation()
offset = (offset[0]*scale, offset[1]*scale, offset[2]*scale,)
# Test for X/Y/Z IPO's #
obipo = Object.Get(nodeName).getIpo()
# IF we dont have an IPO then dont check the curves.
# This was added to catch end nodes that never have an IPO, only an offset.
if obipo == None:
xloc=yloc=zloc=xrot=yrot=zrot = 0
else: # Do have an IPO, checkout which curves are in use.
# Assume the rot's/loc's exist until proven they dont
xloc=yloc=zloc=xrot=yrot=zrot = 1
if obipo.getCurve('LocX') == None:
xloc = 0
if obipo.getCurve('LocY') == None:
yloc = 0
if obipo.getCurve('LocZ') == None:
zloc = 0
# Now for the rotations, Because of the conversion of rotation coords
# if there is one rotation er need to store all 3
if obipo.getCurve('RotX') == None and \
obipo.getCurve('RotY') == None and \
obipo.getCurve('RotZ') == None:
xrot=yrot=zrot = 0
# DUMMY channels xloc, yloc, zloc, xrot, yrot, zrot
# [<bool>, <bool>, <bool>, <bool>, <bool>, <bool>]
channels = [xloc, yloc, zloc, xrot, yrot, zrot]
return offset, channels
# Return the BVH hierarchy to a file from a list #
# hierarchy: is a list of the empty hierarcht #
# bvhHierarchy: a string, in the bvh format to write #
# level: how many levels we are down the tree, #
# ...used for indenting #
# Also gathers channelList , so we know the order to #
# write the motiondata in #
def hierarchy2bvh(hierarchy, bvhHierarchy, level, channelList, nodeObjectList):
nodeName = hierarchy[0]
# Add object to nodeObjectList
bvhHierarchy += level * indent
if level == 0:
# Add object to nodeObjectList
bvhHierarchy+= 'ROOT '
bvhHierarchy += stripName(nodeName) + '\n'
# If this is the last object in the list then we
# dont bother withwriting its real name, use "End Site" instead
elif len(hierarchy) == 1:
bvhHierarchy+= 'End Site\n'
# Ok This is a normal joint
# Add object to nodeObjectList
bvhHierarchy+= 'JOINT '
bvhHierarchy += stripName(nodeName) + '\n'
# Indent again, this line is just for the brackets
bvhHierarchy += level * indent + '{' + '\n'
# Indent
level += 1
# Data for writing to a file offset and channels #
offset, channels = getNodeData(nodeName)
# Offset #
bvhHierarchy += level * indent + 'OFFSET ' + saneFloat(scale * offset[0]) + ' ' + saneFloat(scale * offset[1]) + ' ' + saneFloat(scale * offset[2]) + '\n'
# Channels #
if len(hierarchy) != 1:
# Channels, remember who is where so when we write motiondata
bvhHierarchy += level * indent + 'CHANNELS '
# Count the channels
chCount = 0
for chn in channels:
chCount += chn
bvhHierarchy += str(chCount) + ' '
if channels[0]:
bvhHierarchy += 'Xposition '
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 0])
if channels[1]:
bvhHierarchy += 'Yposition '
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 1])
if channels[2]:
bvhHierarchy += 'Zposition '
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 2])
if channels[5]:
bvhHierarchy += 'Zrotation '
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 5])
if channels[3]:
bvhHierarchy += 'Xrotation '
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 3])
if channels[4]:
bvhHierarchy += 'Yrotation '
channelList.append([len(nodeObjectList)-1, 4])
bvhHierarchy += '\n'
# Loop through children if any and run this function (recursively)
for hierarchyIdx in range(len(hierarchy)-1):
bvhHierarchy, level, channelList, nodeObjectList = hierarchy2bvh(hierarchy[hierarchyIdx+1], bvhHierarchy, level, channelList, nodeObjectList)
# Unindent
level -= 1
bvhHierarchy += level * indent + '}' + '\n'
return bvhHierarchy, level, channelList, nodeObjectList
# added by Ben Batt 30/3/2004 to make the exported rotations correct
def ZYXToZXY(x, y, z):
Converts a set of Euler rotations (x, y, z) (which are intended to be
applied in z, y, x order) into a set which are intended to be applied in
z, x, y order (the order expected by .bvh files)
A,B = cos(x),sin(x)
C,D = cos(y),sin(y)
E,F = cos(z),sin(z)
x = asin(-B*C)
y = atan2(D, A*C)
z = atan2(-B*D*E + A*F, B*D*F + A*E)
# this seems to be necessary - not sure why (right/left-handed coordinates?)
x = -x
def getIpoLocation(object, frame):
x = y = z = 0
obipo = object.getIpo()
for i in range(object.getIpo().getNcurves()):
if obipo.getCurves()[i].getName() =='LocX':
x = object.getIpo().EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
elif obipo.getCurves()[i].getName() =='LocY':
y = object.getIpo().EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
elif obipo.getCurves()[i].getName() =='LocZ':
z = object.getIpo().EvaluateCurveOn(i,frame)
return x, y, z
# Return the BVH motion for the spesified frame #
# hierarchy: is a list of the empty hierarcht #
# bvhHierarchy: a string, in the bvh format to write #
# level: how many levels we are down the tree, #
# ...used for indenting #
def motion2bvh(frame, chennelList, nodeObjectList):
motionData = '' # We'll append the frames to the string.
for chIdx in chennelList:
ob = nodeObjectList[chIdx[0]]
chType = chIdx[1]
# Get object rotation
x, y, z = ob.getEuler()
# Convert the rotation from ZYX order to ZXY order
x, y, z = ZYXToZXY(x, y, z)
# Using regular Locations stuffs upIPO locations stuffs up
# Get IPO locations instead
xloc, yloc, zloc = getIpoLocation(ob, frame)
# WARNING non standard Location
xloc, zloc, yloc = -xloc, yloc, zloc
if chType == 0:
motionData += saneFloat(scale * (xloc))
if chType == 1:
motionData += saneFloat(scale * (yloc))
if chType == 2:
motionData += saneFloat(scale * (zloc))
if chType == 3:
motionData += saneFloat(x)
if chType == 4:
motionData += saneFloat(y)
if chType == 5:
motionData += saneFloat(z)
motionData += ' '
motionData += '\n'
return motionData
def saveBVH(filename):
if filename.find('.bvh', -4) <= 0: filename += '.bvh' # for safety
# Here we store a serialized list of blender objects as they appier
# in the hierarchy, this is refred to when writing motiondata
nodeObjectList = []
# In this list we store a 2 values for each node
# 1) An index pointing to a blender object
# in objectList
# 2) The type if channel x/y/z rot:x/y/z - Use 0-5 to indicate this
chennelList = []
print ''
print 'BVH 1.0 by Campbell Barton (Ideasman) -'
# Get the active object and recursively traverse its kids to build
# the BVH hierarchy, then eval the string to make a hierarchy list.
hierarchy = eval(getHierarchy(Object.GetSelected()[0].getName(),''))[0] # somhow this returns a tuple with one list in it.
# Put all data in the file we have selected file.
file = open(filename, "w")
file.write('HIERARCHY\n') # all bvh files have this on the first line
# Write the whole hirarchy to a list
bvhHierarchy, level, chennelList, nodeObjectList = hierarchy2bvh(hierarchy, '', 0, chennelList, nodeObjectList)
file.write( bvhHierarchy ) # Rwite the var fileBlock to the output.
bvhHierarchy = None # Save a tit bit of memory
# MOTION: Loop through the frames ande write out #
# the motion data for each #
# Do some basic motion file header stuff
file.write( 'Frames: ' + str(1 + context.endFrame() - context.startFrame()) + '\n' )
file.write( 'Frame Time: ' + saneFloat(frameRate) + '\n' )
#print 'WARNING- exact frames might be stuffed up- inclusive whatever, do some tests later on.'
frames = range(context.startFrame(), context.endFrame()+1)
print 'exporting ' + str(len(frames)) + ' of motion...'
for frame in frames:
scn.update(1) # Update locations so we can write the new locations
#Blender.Window.RedrawAll() # causes crash
file.write( motion2bvh(frame, chennelList, nodeObjectList) )
file.write('\n') # newline
print 'done'
Blender.Window.FileSelector(saveBVH, 'Export BVH')