Dalai Felinto b263aefb0e TexFace to Material Settings big patch
The idea here is to move the texface options into the material panel.
For images with the change please visit:

1 - Some of the legacy problems 2.49 and 2.5x has with the texface system:
1.1) Shadow, Bilboard and Halo are mutual exclusive (in the code), yet you can
select a face to be more than one mode.
1.2) Sort only works for blend Alpha yet it's an option regardless of the
Transparency Blend you pick.
1.3) Shared doesn't affect anything in BGE.
1.4) ObColor only works for Text objects (old bitmap texts) when using Texture
Face Materials. (not address yet, I so far ignored obcolor)

2 - Notes:
2.1) Now "Use Face Textures" in material Option panel will work in Multitexture
even if there is no texture channel.

2.2) In FaceTexture mode it will use TexFace all the time, even if you don't
check the "Use Texture Face" option in the UI. It's a matter of decision, since
the code for either way is there. I decided by the solution that makes the
creation of a material fast - in this mode the user doesn't need to mess with
textures or this "Use Texture Face" option at all. I'm not strong in my opinion
here. But I think if we don't have this then what is the point of the Texture
Face mode?

2.3) I kept references for tface only when we need the image, UV or the tiling
setting. It should help later when/if we split the Image and UV layers from the
tface struct  (Campbell and Brecht proposal).

3 - Changes in a Nutshell:
3.1) "Texture Face" panel (in the Mesh/Object Data panel) no longer exists. Those settings are all part of the material properties, visible when Game Render is set.

3.2) "Texture Face" Shading mode (in the Render panel) is now called “Single Texture”, it needs a material for special settings (e.g. Billboard, Alpha Sort, …).

3.3) New options in the Material Panel
* Shadeless option in the Material panel is now supported for all three Shading modes.
* Physics is now toggleable, this is the old Collision option.
* Two Side (on) is now called Back Culling (off).
* Alpha Sort is one of the Alpha options, together (and mutually exclusive) to Alpha Blend, Alpha Clip, Add and Opaque (i.e. solid).
* Shadow, Billboard and Halo are grouped in the “Face Orientation” property.
* "Face Textures" and "Face Textures Alpha" (under Options) can be used for all but GLSL shading mode (to be supported in GLSL eventually).
* The backend in the game engine is still the same as before. The only changes are in the interface and in the way you need to think your materials. The bottomline is: It’s no longer possible to share materials between faces that do not share the same game properties.

4 - Acknowledgment:
Mike Pan for the design discussions, and testing along the whole development process.
Vitor Balbio for the first hands-on code with the interface changes. That helped me a lot to push me into work on that.
Benoit Bolsee and Brecht van Lommel for patch review (* no one reviewed the whole patch, or the latest iteractions, so I still hold liability for any problems).
Blender artists that gave feedback and helped testing the patch.

Patch review and original documentation can be found here:
2011-09-19 19:55:59 +00:00

433 lines
11 KiB

* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
/** \file RAS_IRasterizer.h
* \ingroup bgerast
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(FREE_WINDOWS)
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
#include "STR_HashedString.h"
#include "MT_CmMatrix4x4.h"
#include "MT_Matrix4x4.h"
#include "RAS_TexVert.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
class RAS_ICanvas;
class RAS_IPolyMaterial;
typedef vector<unsigned short> KX_IndexArray;
typedef vector<RAS_TexVert> KX_VertexArray;
typedef vector< KX_VertexArray* > vecVertexArray;
typedef vector< KX_IndexArray* > vecIndexArrays;
* 3D rendering device context interface.
class RAS_IRasterizer
RAS_IRasterizer(RAS_ICanvas* canv){};
virtual ~RAS_IRasterizer(){};
* Drawing types
enum DrawType {
* Drawing modes
enum DrawMode {
* Valid SetDepthMask parameters
enum DepthMask {
enum {
KX_TEX = 4096, /* GEMAT_TEX */
KX_LINES = 32768
* Stereo mode types
enum StereoMode {
* Texture gen modes.
enum TexCoGen {
RAS_TEXCO_GEN, //< GPU will generate texture coordinates
RAS_TEXCO_ORCO, //< Vertex coordinates (object space)
RAS_TEXCO_GLOB, //< Vertex coordinates (world space)
RAS_TEXCO_UV1, //< UV coordinates
RAS_TEXCO_OBJECT, //< Use another object's position as coordinates
RAS_TEXCO_LAVECTOR, //< Light vector as coordinates
RAS_TEXCO_VIEW, //< View vector as coordinates
RAS_TEXCO_STICKY, //< Sticky coordinates
RAS_TEXCO_WINDOW, //< Window coordinates
RAS_TEXCO_NORM, //< Normal coordinates
RAS_TEXCO_VCOL, //< Vertex Color
RAS_TEXCO_DISABLE //< Disable this texture unit (cached)
* Render pass identifiers for stereo.
enum StereoEye {
* SetDepthMask enables or disables writing a fragment's depth value
* to the Z buffer.
virtual void SetDepthMask(DepthMask depthmask)=0;
* SetMaterial sets the material settings for subsequent primitives
* to be rendered with.
* The material will be cached.
virtual bool SetMaterial(const RAS_IPolyMaterial& mat)=0;
* Init initialises the renderer.
virtual bool Init()=0;
* Exit cleans up the renderer.
virtual void Exit()=0;
* BeginFrame is called at the start of each frame.
virtual bool BeginFrame(int drawingmode, double time)=0;
* ClearColorBuffer clears the color buffer.
virtual void ClearColorBuffer()=0;
* ClearDepthBuffer clears the depth buffer.
virtual void ClearDepthBuffer()=0;
* ClearCachingInfo clears the currently cached material.
virtual void ClearCachingInfo(void)=0;
* EndFrame is called at the end of each frame.
virtual void EndFrame()=0;
* SetRenderArea sets the render area from the 2d canvas.
* Returns true if only of subset of the canvas is used.
virtual void SetRenderArea()=0;
// Stereo Functions
* SetStereoMode will set the stereo mode
virtual void SetStereoMode(const StereoMode stereomode)=0;
* Stereo can be used to query if the rasterizer is in stereo mode.
* @return true if stereo mode is enabled.
virtual bool Stereo()=0;
virtual StereoMode GetStereoMode()=0;
virtual bool InterlacedStereo()=0;
* Sets which eye buffer subsequent primitives will be rendered to.
virtual void SetEye(const StereoEye eye)=0;
virtual StereoEye GetEye()=0;
* Sets the distance between eyes for stereo mode.
virtual void SetEyeSeparation(const float eyeseparation)=0;
virtual float GetEyeSeparation() = 0;
* Sets the focal length for stereo mode.
virtual void SetFocalLength(const float focallength)=0;
virtual float GetFocalLength() = 0;
* SwapBuffers swaps the back buffer with the front buffer.
virtual void SwapBuffers()=0;
// Drawing Functions
* IndexPrimitives: Renders primitives from mesh slot.
virtual void IndexPrimitives(class RAS_MeshSlot& ms)=0;
virtual void IndexPrimitivesMulti(class RAS_MeshSlot& ms)=0;
* IndexPrimitives_3DText will render text into the polygons.
* The text to be rendered is from @param rendertools client object's text property.
virtual void IndexPrimitives_3DText(class RAS_MeshSlot& ms,
class RAS_IPolyMaterial* polymat,
class RAS_IRenderTools* rendertools)=0;
virtual void SetProjectionMatrix(MT_CmMatrix4x4 & mat)=0;
/* This one should become our final version, methinks. */
* Set the projection matrix for the rasterizer. This projects
* from camera coordinates to window coordinates.
* @param mat The projection matrix.
virtual void SetProjectionMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 & mat)=0;
* Sets the modelview matrix.
virtual void SetViewMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 & mat,
const MT_Matrix3x3 & ori,
const MT_Point3 & pos,
bool perspective)=0;
virtual const MT_Point3& GetCameraPosition()=0;
virtual bool GetCameraOrtho()=0;
virtual void SetFog(float start,
float dist,
float r,
float g,
float b)=0;
virtual void SetFogColor(float r,
float g,
float b)=0;
virtual void SetFogStart(float start)=0;
virtual void SetFogEnd(float end)=0;
virtual void DisplayFog()=0;
virtual void DisableFog()=0;
virtual bool IsFogEnabled()=0;
virtual void SetBackColor(float red,
float green,
float blue,
float alpha)=0;
virtual void SetDrawingMode(int drawingmode)=0;
* @return the current drawing mode: KX_BOUNDINGBOX, KX_WIREFRAME, KX_SOLID, KX_SHADED or KX_TEXTURED.
virtual int GetDrawingMode()=0;
* Sets face culling
virtual void SetCullFace(bool enable)=0;
* Sets wireframe mode.
virtual void SetLines(bool enable)=0;
virtual double GetTime()=0;
* Generates a projection matrix from the specified frustum.
* @param left the left clipping plane
* @param right the right clipping plane
* @param bottom the bottom clipping plane
* @param top the top clipping plane
* @param frustnear the near clipping plane
* @param frustfar the far clipping plane
* @return a 4x4 matrix representing the projection transform.
virtual MT_Matrix4x4 GetFrustumMatrix(
float left,
float right,
float bottom,
float top,
float frustnear,
float frustfar,
float focallength = 0.0f,
bool perspective = true
* Generates a orthographic projection matrix from the specified frustum.
* @param left the left clipping plane
* @param right the right clipping plane
* @param bottom the bottom clipping plane
* @param top the top clipping plane
* @param frustnear the near clipping plane
* @param frustfar the far clipping plane
* @return a 4x4 matrix representing the projection transform.
virtual MT_Matrix4x4 GetOrthoMatrix(
float left,
float right,
float bottom,
float top,
float frustnear,
float frustfar
* Sets the specular color component of the lighting equation.
virtual void SetSpecularity(float specX,
float specY,
float specZ,
float specval)=0;
* Sets the specular exponent component of the lighting equation.
virtual void SetShinyness(float shiny)=0;
* Sets the diffuse color component of the lighting equation.
virtual void SetDiffuse(float difX,
float difY,
float difZ,
float diffuse)=0;
* Sets the emissive color component of the lighting equation.
virtual void SetEmissive(float eX,
float eY,
float eZ,
float e
virtual void SetAmbientColor(float red, float green, float blue)=0;
virtual void SetAmbient(float factor)=0;
* Sets a polygon offset. z depth will be: z1 = mult*z0 + add
virtual void SetPolygonOffset(float mult, float add) = 0;
virtual void DrawDebugLine(const MT_Vector3& from,const MT_Vector3& to,const MT_Vector3& color)=0;
virtual void DrawDebugCircle(const MT_Vector3& center, const MT_Scalar radius, const MT_Vector3& color,
const MT_Vector3& normal, int nsector)=0;
virtual void FlushDebugShapes()=0;
virtual void SetTexCoordNum(int num) = 0;
virtual void SetAttribNum(int num) = 0;
virtual void SetTexCoord(TexCoGen coords, int unit) = 0;
virtual void SetAttrib(TexCoGen coords, int unit) = 0;
virtual const MT_Matrix4x4& GetViewMatrix() const = 0;
virtual const MT_Matrix4x4& GetViewInvMatrix() const = 0;
virtual bool QueryLists(){return false;}
virtual bool QueryArrays(){return false;}
virtual void EnableMotionBlur(float motionblurvalue)=0;
virtual void DisableMotionBlur()=0;
virtual float GetMotionBlurValue()=0;
virtual int GetMotionBlurState()=0;
virtual void SetMotionBlurState(int newstate)=0;
virtual void SetAlphaBlend(int alphablend)=0;
virtual void SetFrontFace(bool ccw)=0;
virtual void SetAnisotropicFiltering(short level)=0;
virtual short GetAnisotropicFiltering()=0;
void *operator new(size_t num_bytes) { return MEM_mallocN(num_bytes, "GE:RAS_IRasterizer"); }
void operator delete( void *mem ) { MEM_freeN(mem); }