Benoit Bolsee 5e2ee19187 BGE patch: support for partial hierarchy in dupligroup instantiation; removal of links that point to inactive objects during group instantiation.
This situation corresponds to a group containing only a portion
of a parent hierarchy (the Apricot team needed that to avoid
logic duplication). The BGE will instantiate only the
children that are in the group so that it follows the 3D view
more closely.
As a result, the logic links to the objects in the portion of the
hierarchy that was not replicated will point to inactive objects
(if the groups are stored in inactive layers as they should be). 
To keep the logic system consistent, these links are automatically
This last part of the patch is a general fix that could go in
2.47 but as this situation does not normally occurs in pre-2.47
games, it is not needed.
2008-07-18 19:56:56 +00:00

597 lines
14 KiB

* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
#ifndef __KX_SCENE_H
#define __KX_SCENE_H
#include "KX_PhysicsEngineEnums.h"
#include "MT_CmMatrix4x4.h"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include "GEN_Map.h"
#include "GEN_HashedPtr.h"
#include "SG_IObject.h"
#include "SCA_IScene.h"
#include "MT_Transform.h"
#include "SND_Scene.h"
#include "RAS_FramingManager.h"
#include "RAS_Rect.h"
#include "PyObjectPlus.h"
* @section Forward declarations
struct SM_MaterialProps;
struct SM_ShapeProps;
class GEN_HashedPtr;
class CListValue;
class CValue;
class SCA_LogicManager;
class SCA_KeyboardManager;
class SCA_TimeEventManager;
class SCA_MouseManager;
class SCA_ISystem;
class SCA_IInputDevice;
class SND_Scene;
class SND_IAudioDevice;
class NG_NetworkDeviceInterface;
class NG_NetworkScene;
class SG_IObject;
class SG_Node;
class SG_Tree;
class KX_WorldInfo;
class KX_Camera;
class KX_GameObject;
class KX_LightObject;
class RAS_BucketManager;
class RAS_BucketManager;
class RAS_MaterialBucket;
class RAS_IPolyMaterial;
class RAS_IRasterizer;
class RAS_IRenderTools;
class SCA_JoystickManager;
class btCollisionShape;
class KX_BlenderSceneConverter;
* The KX_Scene holds all data for an independent scene. It relates
* KX_Objects to the specific objects in the modules.
* */
class KX_Scene : public PyObjectPlus, public SCA_IScene
RAS_BucketManager* m_bucketmanager;
CListValue* m_tempObjectList;
* The list of objects which have been removed during the
* course of one frame. They are actually destroyed in
* LogicEndFrame() via a call to RemoveObject().
CListValue* m_euthanasyobjects;
* The list of objects that couldn't be released during logic update.
* for example, AddObject actuator sometimes releases an object that was cached from previous frame
CListValue* m_delayReleaseObjects;
CListValue* m_objectlist;
CListValue* m_parentlist; // all 'root' parents
CListValue* m_lightlist;
CListValue* m_inactivelist; // all objects that are not in the active layer
* The tree of objects in the scene.
SG_Tree* m_objecttree;
* The set of cameras for this scene
list<class KX_Camera*> m_cameras;
* The set of bullet shapes that must be deleted at the end of the scene
* to avoid memory leak (not deleted by bullet because shape are shared between replicas)
vector<class btCollisionShape*> m_shapes;
* Various SCA managers used by the scene
SCA_LogicManager* m_logicmgr;
SCA_KeyboardManager* m_keyboardmgr;
SCA_MouseManager* m_mousemgr;
SCA_TimeEventManager* m_timemgr;
// Scene converter where many scene entities are registered
// Used to deregister objects that are deleted
class KX_BlenderSceneConverter* m_sceneConverter;
* physics engine abstraction
//e_PhysicsEngine m_physicsEngine; //who needs this ?
class PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* m_physicsEnvironment;
* Does this scene clear the z-buffer?
bool m_isclearingZbuffer;
* The name of the scene
STR_String m_sceneName;
* stores the worldsettings for a scene
KX_WorldInfo* m_worldinfo;
* @section Different scenes, linked to ketsji scene
* Sound scenes
SND_Scene* m_soundScene;
SND_IAudioDevice* m_adi;
* Network scene.
NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* m_networkDeviceInterface;
NG_NetworkScene* m_networkScene;
* A temoprary variable used to parent objects together on
* replication. Don't get confused by the name it is not
* the scene's root node!
SG_Node* m_rootnode;
* The active camera for the scene
KX_Camera* m_active_camera;
* The projection and view matrices of this scene
* The projection matrix is computed externally by KX_Engine
* The view mat is stored as a side effect of GetViewMatrix()
* and is totally unnessary.
MT_CmMatrix4x4 m_projectionmat;
MT_CmMatrix4x4 m_viewmat;
/** Desired canvas width set at design time. */
unsigned int m_canvasDesignWidth;
/** Desired canvas height set at design time. */
unsigned int m_canvasDesignHeight;
* Another temporary variable outstaying its welcome
* used in AddReplicaObject to map game objects to their
* replicas so pointers can be updated.
GEN_Map <GEN_HashedPtr, void*> m_map_gameobject_to_replica;
* Another temporary variable outstaying its welcome
* used in AddReplicaObject to keep a record of all added
* objects. Logic can only be updated when all objects
* have been updated. This stores a list of the new objects.
std::vector<KX_GameObject*> m_logicHierarchicalGameObjects;
* This temporary variable will contain the list of
* object that can be added during group instantiation.
* objects outside this list will not be added (can
* happen with children that are outside the group).
* Used in AddReplicaObject. If the list is empty, it
* means don't care.
std::set<CValue*> m_groupGameObjects;
* Pointer to system variable passed in in constructor
* only used in constructor so we do not need to keep it
* around in this class.
SCA_ISystem* m_kxsystem;
* The execution priority of replicated object actuators?
int m_ueberExecutionPriority;
* Activity 'bubble' settings :
* Suspend (freeze) the entire scene.
bool m_suspend;
* Radius in Manhattan distance of the box for activity culling.
float m_activity_box_radius;
* Toggle to enable or disable activity culling.
bool m_activity_culling;
* The framing settings used by this scene
RAS_FrameSettings m_frame_settings;
* This scenes viewport into the game engine
* canvas.Maintained externally, initially [0,0] -> [0,0]
RAS_Rect m_viewport;
* Visibility testing functions.
void MarkVisible(SG_Tree *node, RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, KX_Camera*cam,int layer=0);
void MarkSubTreeVisible(SG_Tree *node, RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, bool visible, KX_Camera*cam,int layer=0);
void MarkVisible(RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, KX_GameObject* gameobj, KX_Camera*cam, int layer=0);
double m_suspendedtime;
double m_suspendeddelta;
* This stores anything from python
PyObject* m_attrlist;
KX_Scene(class SCA_IInputDevice* keyboarddevice,
class SCA_IInputDevice* mousedevice,
class NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* ndi,
class SND_IAudioDevice* adi,
const STR_String& scenename );
RAS_BucketManager* GetBucketManager();
RAS_MaterialBucket* FindBucket(RAS_IPolyMaterial* polymat, bool &bucketCreated);
void RenderBuckets(const MT_Transform& cameratransform,
RAS_IRasterizer* rasty,
RAS_IRenderTools* rendertools);
* Update all transforms according to the scenegraph.
void UpdateParents(double curtime);
void DupliGroupRecurse(CValue* gameobj, int level);
bool IsObjectInGroup(CValue* gameobj)
return (m_groupGameObjects.empty() ||
m_groupGameObjects.find(gameobj) != m_groupGameObjects.end());
SCA_IObject* AddReplicaObject(CValue* gameobj,
CValue* locationobj,
int lifespan=0);
KX_GameObject* AddNodeReplicaObject(SG_IObject* node,
CValue* gameobj);
void RemoveNodeDestructObject(SG_IObject* node,
CValue* gameobj);
void RemoveObject(CValue* gameobj);
void DelayedRemoveObject(CValue* gameobj);
void DelayedReleaseObject(CValue* gameobj);
int NewRemoveObject(CValue* gameobj);
void ReplaceMesh(CValue* gameobj,
void* meshobj);
void AddShape(class btCollisionShape* shape);
* @section Logic stuff
* Initiate an update of the logic system.
void LogicBeginFrame(double curtime);
void LogicUpdateFrame(double curtime, bool frame);
list<class KX_Camera*>*
/** Find a camera in the scene by pointer. */
/** Find a scene in the scene by name. */
/** Add a camera to this scene. */
/** Find the currently active camera. */
* Set this camera to be the active camera in the scene. If the
* camera is not present in the camera list, it will be added
class KX_Camera*
* Move this camera to the end of the list so that it is rendered last.
* If the camera is not on the list, it will be added
class KX_Camera*
/** Return the viewmatrix as used by the last frame. */
* Return the projectionmatrix as used by the last frame. This is
* set by hand :)
/** Sets the projection matrix. */
MT_CmMatrix4x4& pmat
* Activates new desired canvas width set at design time.
* @param width The new desired width.
unsigned int width
* Activates new desired canvas height set at design time.
* @param width The new desired height.
unsigned int height
* Returns the current desired canvas width set at design time.
* @return The desired width.
unsigned int
) const;
* Returns the current desired canvas height set at design time.
* @return The desired height.
unsigned int
) const;
* Set the framing options for this scene
RAS_FrameSettings & frame_settings
* Return a const reference to the framing
* type set by the above call.
* The contents are not guarenteed to be sensible
* if you don't call the above function.
RAS_FrameSettings &
) const;
* Store the current scene's viewport on the
* game engine canvas.
void SetSceneViewport(const RAS_Rect &viewport);
* Get the current scene's viewport on the
* game engine canvas. This maintained
* externally in KX_GameEngine
const RAS_Rect& GetSceneViewport() const;
* @section Accessors to different scenes of this scene
void SetNetworkDeviceInterface(NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* newInterface);
void SetNetworkScene(NG_NetworkScene *newScene);
void SetWorldInfo(class KX_WorldInfo* wi);
KX_WorldInfo* GetWorldInfo();
void CalculateVisibleMeshes(RAS_IRasterizer* rasty, KX_Camera *cam, int layer=0);
void UpdateMeshTransformations();
KX_Camera* GetpCamera();
SND_Scene* GetSoundScene();
NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* GetNetworkDeviceInterface();
NG_NetworkScene* GetNetworkScene();
* Replicate the logic bricks associated to this object.
void ReplicateLogic(class KX_GameObject* newobj);
static SG_Callbacks m_callbacks;
const STR_String& GetName();
// Suspend the entire scene.
void Suspend();
// Resume a suspended scene.
void Resume();
// Update the activity box settings for objects in this scene, if needed.
void UpdateObjectActivity(void);
// Enable/disable activity culling.
void SetActivityCulling(bool b);
// Set the radius of the activity culling box.
void SetActivityCullingRadius(float f);
bool IsSuspended();
bool IsClearingZBuffer();
void EnableZBufferClearing(bool isclearingZbuffer);
void SetSceneConverter(class KX_BlenderSceneConverter* sceneConverter);
class PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* GetPhysicsEnvironment()
return m_physicsEnvironment;
void SetPhysicsEnvironment(class PHY_IPhysicsEnvironment* physEnv);
void SetGravity(const MT_Vector3& gravity);
* Sets the node tree for this scene.
void SetNodeTree(SG_Tree* root);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getLightList);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getObjectList);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getName);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getActiveCamera);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getActiveCamera);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, findCamera);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, getGravity);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, setActivityCulling);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, setActivityCullingRadius);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, setSceneViewport);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Scene, setSceneViewport);
virtual PyObject* _getattr(const STR_String& attr); /* name, active_camera, gravity, suspended, viewport, framing, activity_culling, activity_culling_radius */
virtual int _setattr(const STR_String &attr, PyObject *pyvalue);
virtual int _delattr(const STR_String &attr);
* Sets the time the scene was suspended
void setSuspendedTime(double suspendedtime);
* Returns the "curtime" the scene was suspended
double getSuspendedTime();
* Sets the difference between the local time of the scene (when it
* was running and not suspended) and the "curtime"
void setSuspendedDelta(double suspendeddelta);
* Returns the difference between the local time of the scene (when it
* was running and not suspended) and the "curtime"
double getSuspendedDelta();
typedef std::vector<KX_Scene*> KX_SceneList;
#endif //__KX_SCENE_H