Sergey Sharybin 5ff132182d Cycles: Code cleanup, spaces around keywords
This inconsistency drove me totally crazy, it's really confusing
when it's inconsistent especially when you work on both Cycles and
Blender sides.

Shouldn;t cause merge PITA, it's whitespace changes only, Git should
be able to merge it nicely.
2015-03-28 00:15:15 +05:00

317 lines
7.6 KiB

* Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Voronoi Distances */
#if 0
ccl_device float voronoi_distance(NodeDistanceMetric distance_metric, float3 d, float e)
#if 0
if(distance_metric == NODE_VORONOI_DISTANCE_SQUARED)
return dot(d, d);
#if 0
if(distance_metric == NODE_VORONOI_ACTUAL_DISTANCE)
return len(d);
if(distance_metric == NODE_VORONOI_MANHATTAN)
return fabsf(d.x) + fabsf(d.y) + fabsf(d.z);
if(distance_metric == NODE_VORONOI_CHEBYCHEV)
return fmaxf(fabsf(d.x), fmaxf(fabsf(d.y), fabsf(d.z)));
if(distance_metric == NODE_VORONOI_MINKOVSKY_H)
return sqrtf(fabsf(d.x)) + sqrtf(fabsf(d.y)) + sqrtf(fabsf(d.y));
if(distance_metric == NODE_VORONOI_MINKOVSKY_4)
return sqrtf(sqrtf(dot(d*d, d*d)));
if(distance_metric == NODE_VORONOI_MINKOVSKY)
return powf(powf(fabsf(d.x), e) + powf(fabsf(d.y), e) + powf(fabsf(d.z), e), 1.0f/e);
return 0.0f;
/* Voronoi / Worley like */
ccl_device_inline float4 voronoi_Fn(float3 p, float e, int n1, int n2)
float da[4];
float3 pa[4];
NodeDistanceMetric distance_metric = NODE_VORONOI_DISTANCE_SQUARED;
/* returns distances in da and point coords in pa */
int xx, yy, zz, xi, yi, zi;
xi = floor_to_int(p.x);
yi = floor_to_int(p.y);
zi = floor_to_int(p.z);
da[0] = 1e10f;
da[1] = 1e10f;
da[2] = 1e10f;
da[3] = 1e10f;
pa[0] = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
pa[1] = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
pa[2] = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
pa[3] = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for(xx = xi-1; xx <= xi+1; xx++) {
for(yy = yi-1; yy <= yi+1; yy++) {
for(zz = zi-1; zz <= zi+1; zz++) {
float3 ip = make_float3((float)xx, (float)yy, (float)zz);
float3 vp = cellnoise_color(ip);
float3 pd = p - (vp + ip);
float d = voronoi_distance(distance_metric, pd, e);
vp += ip;
if(d < da[0]) {
da[3] = da[2];
da[2] = da[1];
da[1] = da[0];
da[0] = d;
pa[3] = pa[2];
pa[2] = pa[1];
pa[1] = pa[0];
pa[0] = vp;
else if(d < da[1]) {
da[3] = da[2];
da[2] = da[1];
da[1] = d;
pa[3] = pa[2];
pa[2] = pa[1];
pa[1] = vp;
else if(d < da[2]) {
da[3] = da[2];
da[2] = d;
pa[3] = pa[2];
pa[2] = vp;
else if(d < da[3]) {
da[3] = d;
pa[3] = vp;
float4 result = make_float4(pa[n1].x, pa[n1].y, pa[n1].z, da[n1]);
if(n2 != -1)
result = make_float4(pa[n2].x, pa[n2].y, pa[n2].z, da[n2]) - result;
return result;
ccl_device float voronoi_F1_distance(float3 p)
/* returns squared distance in da */
float da = 1e10f;
#ifndef __KERNEL_SSE2__
int ix = floor_to_int(p.x), iy = floor_to_int(p.y), iz = floor_to_int(p.z);
for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) {
for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++) {
for(int zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++) {
float3 ip = make_float3(ix + xx, iy + yy, iz + zz);
float3 vp = ip + cellnoise_color(ip);
float d = len_squared(p - vp);
da = min(d, da);
ssef vec_p = load4f(p);
ssei xyzi = quick_floor_sse(vec_p);
for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) {
for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++) {
for(int zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++) {
ssef ip = ssef(xyzi + ssei(xx, yy, zz, 0));
ssef vp = ip + cellnoise_color(ip);
float d = len_squared<1, 1, 1, 0>(vec_p - vp);
da = min(d, da);
return da;
ccl_device float3 voronoi_F1_color(float3 p)
/* returns color of the nearest point */
float da = 1e10f;
#ifndef __KERNEL_SSE2__
float3 pa;
int ix = floor_to_int(p.x), iy = floor_to_int(p.y), iz = floor_to_int(p.z);
for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) {
for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++) {
for(int zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++) {
float3 ip = make_float3(ix + xx, iy + yy, iz + zz);
float3 vp = ip + cellnoise_color(ip);
float d = len_squared(p - vp);
if(d < da) {
da = d;
pa = vp;
return cellnoise_color(pa);
ssef pa, vec_p = load4f(p);
ssei xyzi = quick_floor_sse(vec_p);
for(int xx = -1; xx <= 1; xx++) {
for(int yy = -1; yy <= 1; yy++) {
for(int zz = -1; zz <= 1; zz++) {
ssef ip = ssef(xyzi + ssei(xx, yy, zz, 0));
ssef vp = ip + cellnoise_color(ip);
float d = len_squared<1, 1, 1, 0>(vec_p - vp);
if(d < da) {
da = d;
pa = vp;
ssef color = cellnoise_color(pa);
return (float3 &)color;
#if 0
ccl_device float voronoi_F1(float3 p) { return voronoi_Fn(p, 0.0f, 0, -1).w; }
ccl_device float voronoi_F2(float3 p) { return voronoi_Fn(p, 0.0f, 1, -1).w; }
ccl_device float voronoi_F3(float3 p) { return voronoi_Fn(p, 0.0f, 2, -1).w; }
ccl_device float voronoi_F4(float3 p) { return voronoi_Fn(p, 0.0f, 3, -1).w; }
ccl_device float voronoi_F1F2(float3 p) { return voronoi_Fn(p, 0.0f, 0, 1).w; }
ccl_device float voronoi_Cr(float3 p)
/* crackle type pattern, just a scale/clamp of F2-F1 */
float t = 10.0f*voronoi_F1F2(p);
return (t > 1.0f)? 1.0f: t;
ccl_device float voronoi_F1S(float3 p) { return 2.0f*voronoi_F1(p) - 1.0f; }
ccl_device float voronoi_F2S(float3 p) { return 2.0f*voronoi_F2(p) - 1.0f; }
ccl_device float voronoi_F3S(float3 p) { return 2.0f*voronoi_F3(p) - 1.0f; }
ccl_device float voronoi_F4S(float3 p) { return 2.0f*voronoi_F4(p) - 1.0f; }
ccl_device float voronoi_F1F2S(float3 p) { return 2.0f*voronoi_F1F2(p) - 1.0f; }
ccl_device float voronoi_CrS(float3 p) { return 2.0f*voronoi_Cr(p) - 1.0f; }
/* Noise Bases */
ccl_device float noise_basis(float3 p, NodeNoiseBasis basis)
/* Only Perlin enabled for now, others break CUDA compile by making kernel
* too big, with compile using > 4GB, due to everything being inlined. */
#if 0
if(basis == NODE_NOISE_PERLIN)
return noise(p);
#if 0
if(basis == NODE_NOISE_VORONOI_F1)
return voronoi_F1S(p);
if(basis == NODE_NOISE_VORONOI_F2)
return voronoi_F2S(p);
if(basis == NODE_NOISE_VORONOI_F3)
return voronoi_F3S(p);
if(basis == NODE_NOISE_VORONOI_F4)
return voronoi_F4S(p);
if(basis == NODE_NOISE_VORONOI_F2_F1)
return voronoi_F1F2S(p);
return voronoi_CrS(p);
return cellnoise(p);
return 0.0f;
/* Soft/Hard Noise */
ccl_device float noise_basis_hard(float3 p, NodeNoiseBasis basis, int hard)
float t = noise_basis(p, basis);
return (hard)? fabsf(2.0f*t - 1.0f): t;
/* Turbulence */
ccl_device_noinline float noise_turbulence(float3 p, NodeNoiseBasis basis, float octaves, int hard)
float fscale = 1.0f;
float amp = 1.0f;
float sum = 0.0f;
int i, n;
octaves = clamp(octaves, 0.0f, 16.0f);
n = float_to_int(octaves);
for(i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
float t = noise_basis(fscale*p, basis);
t = fabsf(2.0f*t - 1.0f);
sum += t*amp;
amp *= 0.5f;
fscale *= 2.0f;
float rmd = octaves - floorf(octaves);
if(rmd != 0.0f) {
float t = noise_basis(fscale*p, basis);
t = fabsf(2.0f*t - 1.0f);
float sum2 = sum + t*amp;
sum *= ((float)(1 << n)/(float)((1 << (n+1)) - 1));
sum2 *= ((float)(1 << (n+1))/(float)((1 << (n+2)) - 1));
return (1.0f - rmd)*sum + rmd*sum2;
else {
sum *= ((float)(1 << n)/(float)((1 << (n+1)) - 1));
return sum;