Campbell Barton f23bfdfab4 style cleanup
2012-07-27 22:35:27 +00:00

448 lines
11 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Original Author: Laurence
* Contributor(s): Brecht
/** \file iksolver/intern/IK_QJacobian.cpp
* \ingroup iksolver
#include "IK_QJacobian.h"
#include "TNT/svd.h"
: m_sdls(true), m_min_damp(1.0)
void IK_QJacobian::ArmMatrices(int dof, int task_size)
m_dof = dof;
m_task_size = task_size;
m_jacobian.newsize(task_size, dof);
m_jacobian = 0;
m_alpha = 0;
m_null.newsize(dof, dof);
m_norm = 0.0;
m_weight = 1.0;
m_weight_sqrt = 1.0;
if (task_size >= dof) {
m_transpose = false;
m_jacobian_tmp.newsize(task_size, dof);
m_svd_u.newsize(task_size, dof);
m_svd_v.newsize(dof, dof);
m_svd_u_t.newsize(dof, task_size);
else {
// use the SVD of the transpose jacobian, it works just as well
// as the original, and often allows using smaller matrices.
m_transpose = true;
m_jacobian_tmp.newsize(dof, task_size);
m_svd_u.newsize(task_size, task_size);
m_svd_v.newsize(dof, task_size);
m_svd_u_t.newsize(task_size, task_size);
void IK_QJacobian::SetBetas(int id, int, const MT_Vector3& v)
m_beta[id + 0] = v.x();
m_beta[id + 1] = v.y();
m_beta[id + 2] = v.z();
void IK_QJacobian::SetDerivatives(int id, int dof_id, const MT_Vector3& v, MT_Scalar norm_weight)
m_jacobian[id + 0][dof_id] = v.x() * m_weight_sqrt[dof_id];
m_jacobian[id + 1][dof_id] = v.y() * m_weight_sqrt[dof_id];
m_jacobian[id + 2][dof_id] = v.z() * m_weight_sqrt[dof_id];
m_d_norm_weight[dof_id] = norm_weight;
void IK_QJacobian::Invert()
if (m_transpose) {
// SVD will decompose Jt into V*W*Ut with U,V orthogonal and W diagonal,
// so J = U*W*Vt and Jinv = V*Winv*Ut
TNT::transpose(m_jacobian, m_jacobian_tmp);
TNT::SVD(m_jacobian_tmp, m_svd_v, m_svd_w, m_svd_u, m_work1, m_work2);
else {
// SVD will decompose J into U*W*Vt with U,V orthogonal and W diagonal,
// so Jinv = V*Winv*Ut
m_jacobian_tmp = m_jacobian;
TNT::SVD(m_jacobian_tmp, m_svd_u, m_svd_w, m_svd_v, m_work1, m_work2);
if (m_sdls)
bool IK_QJacobian::ComputeNullProjection()
MT_Scalar epsilon = 1e-10;
// compute null space projection based on V
int i, j, rank = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m_svd_w.size(); i++)
if (m_svd_w[i] > epsilon)
if (rank < m_task_size)
return false;
TMatrix basis(m_svd_v.num_rows(), rank);
TMatrix basis_t(rank, m_svd_v.num_rows());
int b = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m_svd_w.size(); i++)
if (m_svd_w[i] > epsilon) {
for (j = 0; j < m_svd_v.num_rows(); j++)
basis[j][b] = m_svd_v[j][i];
TNT::transpose(basis, basis_t);
TNT::matmult(m_null, basis, basis_t);
for (i = 0; i < m_null.num_rows(); i++)
for (j = 0; j < m_null.num_cols(); j++)
if (i == j)
m_null[i][j] = 1.0 - m_null[i][j];
m_null[i][j] = -m_null[i][j];
return true;
void IK_QJacobian::SubTask(IK_QJacobian& jacobian)
if (!ComputeNullProjection())
// restrict lower priority jacobian
jacobian.Restrict(m_d_theta, m_null);
// add angle update from lower priority
// note: now damps secondary angles with minimum damping value from
// SDLS, to avoid shaking when the primary task is near singularities,
// doesn't work well at all
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_d_theta.size(); i++)
m_d_theta[i] = m_d_theta[i] + /*m_min_damp * */ jacobian.AngleUpdate(i);
void IK_QJacobian::Restrict(TVector& d_theta, TMatrix& null)
// subtract part already moved by higher task from beta
TVector beta_sub(m_beta.size());
TNT::matmult(beta_sub, m_jacobian, d_theta);
m_beta = m_beta - beta_sub;
// note: should we be using the norm of the unrestricted jacobian for SDLS?
// project jacobian on to null space of higher priority task
TMatrix jacobian_copy(m_jacobian);
TNT::matmult(m_jacobian, jacobian_copy, null);
void IK_QJacobian::InvertSDLS()
// Compute the dampeds least squeares pseudo inverse of J.
// Since J is usually not invertible (most of the times it's not even
// square), the psuedo inverse is used. This gives us a least squares
// solution.
// This is fine when the J*Jt is of full rank. When J*Jt is near to
// singular the least squares inverse tries to minimize |J(dtheta) - dX)|
// and doesn't try to minimize dTheta. This results in eratic changes in
// angle. The damped least squares minimizes |dtheta| to try and reduce this
// erratic behaviour.
// The selectively damped least squares (SDLS) is used here instead of the
// DLS. The SDLS damps individual singular values, instead of using a single
// damping term.
MT_Scalar max_angle_change = MT_PI / 4.0;
MT_Scalar epsilon = 1e-10;
int i, j;
m_d_theta = 0;
m_min_damp = 1.0;
for (i = 0; i < m_dof; i++) {
m_norm[i] = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < m_task_size; j += 3) {
MT_Scalar n = 0.0;
n += m_jacobian[j][i] * m_jacobian[j][i];
n += m_jacobian[j + 1][i] * m_jacobian[j + 1][i];
n += m_jacobian[j + 2][i] * m_jacobian[j + 2][i];
m_norm[i] += sqrt(n);
for (i = 0; i < m_svd_w.size(); i++) {
if (m_svd_w[i] <= epsilon)
MT_Scalar wInv = 1.0 / m_svd_w[i];
MT_Scalar alpha = 0.0;
MT_Scalar N = 0.0;
// compute alpha and N
for (j = 0; j < m_svd_u.num_rows(); j += 3) {
alpha += m_svd_u[j][i] * m_beta[j];
alpha += m_svd_u[j + 1][i] * m_beta[j + 1];
alpha += m_svd_u[j + 2][i] * m_beta[j + 2];
// note: for 1 end effector, N will always be 1, since U is
// orthogonal, .. so could be optimized
MT_Scalar tmp;
tmp = m_svd_u[j][i] * m_svd_u[j][i];
tmp += m_svd_u[j + 1][i] * m_svd_u[j + 1][i];
tmp += m_svd_u[j + 2][i] * m_svd_u[j + 2][i];
N += sqrt(tmp);
alpha *= wInv;
// compute M, dTheta and max_dtheta
MT_Scalar M = 0.0;
MT_Scalar max_dtheta = 0.0, abs_dtheta;
for (j = 0; j < m_d_theta.size(); j++) {
MT_Scalar v = m_svd_v[j][i];
M += MT_abs(v) * m_norm[j];
// compute tmporary dTheta's
m_d_theta_tmp[j] = v * alpha;
// find largest absolute dTheta
// multiply with weight to prevent unnecessary damping
abs_dtheta = MT_abs(m_d_theta_tmp[j]) * m_weight_sqrt[j];
if (abs_dtheta > max_dtheta)
max_dtheta = abs_dtheta;
M *= wInv;
// compute damping term and damp the dTheta's
MT_Scalar gamma = max_angle_change;
if (N < M)
gamma *= N / M;
MT_Scalar damp = (gamma < max_dtheta) ? gamma / max_dtheta : 1.0;
for (j = 0; j < m_d_theta.size(); j++) {
// slight hack: we do 0.80*, so that if there is some oscillation,
// the system can still converge (for joint limits). also, it's
// better to go a little to slow than to far
MT_Scalar dofdamp = damp / m_weight[j];
if (dofdamp > 1.0) dofdamp = 1.0;
m_d_theta[j] += 0.80 * dofdamp * m_d_theta_tmp[j];
if (damp < m_min_damp)
m_min_damp = damp;
// weight + prevent from doing angle updates with angles > max_angle_change
MT_Scalar max_angle = 0.0, abs_angle;
for (j = 0; j < m_dof; j++) {
m_d_theta[j] *= m_weight[j];
abs_angle = MT_abs(m_d_theta[j]);
if (abs_angle > max_angle)
max_angle = abs_angle;
if (max_angle > max_angle_change) {
MT_Scalar damp = (max_angle_change) / (max_angle_change + max_angle);
for (j = 0; j < m_dof; j++)
m_d_theta[j] *= damp;
void IK_QJacobian::InvertDLS()
// Compute damped least squares inverse of pseudo inverse
// Compute damping term lambda
// Note when lambda is zero this is equivalent to the
// least squares solution. This is fine when the m_jjt is
// of full rank. When m_jjt is near to singular the least squares
// inverse tries to minimize |J(dtheta) - dX)| and doesn't
// try to minimize dTheta. This results in eratic changes in angle.
// Damped least squares minimizes |dtheta| to try and reduce this
// erratic behaviour.
// We don't want to use the damped solution everywhere so we
// only increase lamda from zero as we approach a singularity.
// find the smallest non-zero W value, anything below epsilon is
// treated as zero
MT_Scalar epsilon = 1e-10;
MT_Scalar max_angle_change = 0.1;
MT_Scalar x_length = sqrt(TNT::dot_prod(m_beta, m_beta));
int i, j;
MT_Scalar w_min = MT_INFINITY;
for (i = 0; i < m_svd_w.size(); i++) {
if (m_svd_w[i] > epsilon && m_svd_w[i] < w_min)
w_min = m_svd_w[i];
// compute lambda damping term
MT_Scalar d = x_length / max_angle_change;
MT_Scalar lambda;
if (w_min <= d / 2)
lambda = d / 2;
else if (w_min < d)
lambda = sqrt(w_min * (d - w_min));
lambda = 0.0;
lambda *= lambda;
if (lambda > 10)
lambda = 10;
// immediately multiply with Beta, so we can do matrix*vector products
// rather than matrix*matrix products
// compute Ut*Beta
TNT::transpose(m_svd_u, m_svd_u_t);
TNT::matmult(m_svd_u_beta, m_svd_u_t, m_beta);
m_d_theta = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < m_svd_w.size(); i++) {
if (m_svd_w[i] > epsilon) {
MT_Scalar wInv = m_svd_w[i] / (m_svd_w[i] * m_svd_w[i] + lambda);
// compute V*Winv*Ut*Beta
m_svd_u_beta[i] *= wInv;
for (j = 0; j < m_d_theta.size(); j++)
m_d_theta[j] += m_svd_v[j][i] * m_svd_u_beta[i];
for (j = 0; j < m_d_theta.size(); j++)
m_d_theta[j] *= m_weight[j];
void IK_QJacobian::Lock(int dof_id, MT_Scalar delta)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_task_size; i++) {
m_beta[i] -= m_jacobian[i][dof_id] * delta;
m_jacobian[i][dof_id] = 0.0;
m_norm[dof_id] = 0.0; // unneeded
m_d_theta[dof_id] = 0.0;
MT_Scalar IK_QJacobian::AngleUpdate(int dof_id) const
return m_d_theta[dof_id];
MT_Scalar IK_QJacobian::AngleUpdateNorm() const
int i;
MT_Scalar mx = 0.0, dtheta_abs;
for (i = 0; i < m_d_theta.size(); i++) {
dtheta_abs = MT_abs(m_d_theta[i] * m_d_norm_weight[i]);
if (dtheta_abs > mx)
mx = dtheta_abs;
return mx;
void IK_QJacobian::SetDoFWeight(int dof, MT_Scalar weight)
m_weight[dof] = weight;
m_weight_sqrt[dof] = sqrt(weight);