Sergey Sharybin 7f6530e5bd Cycles: Add finite checks for float4 and transforms
Currently unused, preparing for an upcoming development.
2020-08-04 11:40:09 +02:00

529 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __UTIL_TRANSFORM_H__
#define __UTIL_TRANSFORM_H__
#ifndef __KERNEL_GPU__
# include <string.h>
#include "util/util_math.h"
#include "util/util_types.h"
/* Affine transformation, stored as 4x3 matrix. */
typedef struct Transform {
float4 x, y, z;
#ifndef __KERNEL_GPU__
float4 operator[](int i) const
return *(&x + i);
float4 &operator[](int i)
return *(&x + i);
} Transform;
/* Transform decomposed in rotation/translation/scale. we use the same data
* structure as Transform, and tightly pack decomposition into it. first the
* rotation (4), then translation (3), then 3x3 scale matrix (9). */
typedef struct DecomposedTransform {
float4 x, y, z, w;
} DecomposedTransform;
/* Functions */
ccl_device_inline float3 transform_point(const Transform *t, const float3 a)
/* TODO(sergey): Disabled for now, causes crashes in certain cases. */
#if defined(__KERNEL_SSE__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__)
ssef x, y, z, w, aa;
aa = a.m128;
x = _mm_loadu_ps(&t->x.x);
y = _mm_loadu_ps(&t->y.x);
z = _mm_loadu_ps(&t->z.x);
w = _mm_set_ps(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
_MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(x, y, z, w);
ssef tmp = shuffle<0>(aa) * x;
tmp = madd(shuffle<1>(aa), y, tmp);
tmp = madd(shuffle<2>(aa), z, tmp);
tmp += w;
return float3(tmp.m128);
float3 c = make_float3(a.x * t->x.x + a.y * t->x.y + a.z * t->x.z + t->x.w,
a.x * t->y.x + a.y * t->y.y + a.z * t->y.z + t->y.w,
a.x * t->z.x + a.y * t->z.y + a.z * t->z.z + t->z.w);
return c;
ccl_device_inline float3 transform_direction(const Transform *t, const float3 a)
#if defined(__KERNEL_SSE__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__)
ssef x, y, z, w, aa;
aa = a.m128;
x = _mm_loadu_ps(&t->x.x);
y = _mm_loadu_ps(&t->y.x);
z = _mm_loadu_ps(&t->z.x);
w = _mm_setzero_ps();
_MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(x, y, z, w);
ssef tmp = shuffle<0>(aa) * x;
tmp = madd(shuffle<1>(aa), y, tmp);
tmp = madd(shuffle<2>(aa), z, tmp);
return float3(tmp.m128);
float3 c = make_float3(a.x * t->x.x + a.y * t->x.y + a.z * t->x.z,
a.x * t->y.x + a.y * t->y.y + a.z * t->y.z,
a.x * t->z.x + a.y * t->z.y + a.z * t->z.z);
return c;
ccl_device_inline float3 transform_direction_transposed(const Transform *t, const float3 a)
float3 x = make_float3(t->x.x, t->y.x, t->z.x);
float3 y = make_float3(t->x.y, t->y.y, t->z.y);
float3 z = make_float3(t->x.z, t->y.z, t->z.z);
return make_float3(dot(x, a), dot(y, a), dot(z, a));
ccl_device_inline Transform make_transform(float a,
float b,
float c,
float d,
float e,
float f,
float g,
float h,
float i,
float j,
float k,
float l)
Transform t;
t.x.x = a;
t.x.y = b;
t.x.z = c;
t.x.w = d;
t.y.x = e;
t.y.y = f;
t.y.z = g;
t.y.w = h;
t.z.x = i;
t.z.y = j;
t.z.z = k;
t.z.w = l;
return t;
ccl_device_inline Transform euler_to_transform(const float3 euler)
float cx = cosf(euler.x);
float cy = cosf(euler.y);
float cz = cosf(euler.z);
float sx = sinf(euler.x);
float sy = sinf(euler.y);
float sz = sinf(euler.z);
Transform t;
t.x.x = cy * cz;
t.y.x = cy * sz;
t.z.x = -sy;
t.x.y = sy * sx * cz - cx * sz;
t.y.y = sy * sx * sz + cx * cz;
t.z.y = cy * sx;
t.x.z = sy * cx * cz + sx * sz;
t.y.z = sy * cx * sz - sx * cz;
t.z.z = cy * cx;
t.x.w = t.y.w = t.z.w = 0.0f;
return t;
/* Constructs a coordinate frame from a normalized normal. */
ccl_device_inline Transform make_transform_frame(float3 N)
const float3 dx0 = cross(make_float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), N);
const float3 dx1 = cross(make_float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), N);
const float3 dx = normalize((dot(dx0, dx0) > dot(dx1, dx1)) ? dx0 : dx1);
const float3 dy = normalize(cross(N, dx));
return make_transform(dx.x, dx.y, dx.z, 0.0f, dy.x, dy.y, dy.z, 0.0f, N.x, N.y, N.z, 0.0f);
#ifndef __KERNEL_GPU__
ccl_device_inline Transform operator*(const Transform a, const Transform b)
float4 c_x = make_float4(b.x.x, b.y.x, b.z.x, 0.0f);
float4 c_y = make_float4(b.x.y, b.y.y, b.z.y, 0.0f);
float4 c_z = make_float4(b.x.z, b.y.z, b.z.z, 0.0f);
float4 c_w = make_float4(b.x.w, b.y.w, b.z.w, 1.0f);
Transform t;
t.x = make_float4(dot(a.x, c_x), dot(a.x, c_y), dot(a.x, c_z), dot(a.x, c_w));
t.y = make_float4(dot(a.y, c_x), dot(a.y, c_y), dot(a.y, c_z), dot(a.y, c_w));
t.z = make_float4(dot(a.z, c_x), dot(a.z, c_y), dot(a.z, c_z), dot(a.z, c_w));
return t;
ccl_device_inline void print_transform(const char *label, const Transform &t)
print_float4(label, t.x);
print_float4(label, t.y);
print_float4(label, t.z);
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_translate(float3 t)
return make_transform(1, 0, 0, t.x, 0, 1, 0, t.y, 0, 0, 1, t.z);
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_translate(float x, float y, float z)
return transform_translate(make_float3(x, y, z));
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_scale(float3 s)
return make_transform(s.x, 0, 0, 0, 0, s.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, s.z, 0);
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_scale(float x, float y, float z)
return transform_scale(make_float3(x, y, z));
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_rotate(float angle, float3 axis)
float s = sinf(angle);
float c = cosf(angle);
float t = 1.0f - c;
axis = normalize(axis);
return make_transform(axis.x * axis.x * t + c,
axis.x * axis.y * t - s * axis.z,
axis.x * axis.z * t + s * axis.y,
axis.y * axis.x * t + s * axis.z,
axis.y * axis.y * t + c,
axis.y * axis.z * t - s * axis.x,
axis.z * axis.x * t - s * axis.y,
axis.z * axis.y * t + s * axis.x,
axis.z * axis.z * t + c,
/* Euler is assumed to be in XYZ order. */
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_euler(float3 euler)
return transform_rotate(euler.z, make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) *
transform_rotate(euler.y, make_float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) *
transform_rotate(euler.x, make_float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_identity()
return transform_scale(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
ccl_device_inline bool operator==(const Transform &A, const Transform &B)
return memcmp(&A, &B, sizeof(Transform)) == 0;
ccl_device_inline bool operator!=(const Transform &A, const Transform &B)
return !(A == B);
ccl_device_inline float3 transform_get_column(const Transform *t, int column)
return make_float3(t->x[column], t->y[column], t->z[column]);
ccl_device_inline void transform_set_column(Transform *t, int column, float3 value)
t->x[column] = value.x;
t->y[column] = value.y;
t->z[column] = value.z;
Transform transform_inverse(const Transform &a);
Transform transform_transposed_inverse(const Transform &a);
ccl_device_inline bool transform_uniform_scale(const Transform &tfm, float &scale)
/* the epsilon here is quite arbitrary, but this function is only used for
* surface area and bump, where we expect it to not be so sensitive */
float eps = 1e-6f;
float sx = len_squared(float4_to_float3(tfm.x));
float sy = len_squared(float4_to_float3(tfm.y));
float sz = len_squared(float4_to_float3(tfm.z));
float stx = len_squared(transform_get_column(&tfm, 0));
float sty = len_squared(transform_get_column(&tfm, 1));
float stz = len_squared(transform_get_column(&tfm, 2));
if (fabsf(sx - sy) < eps && fabsf(sx - sz) < eps && fabsf(sx - stx) < eps &&
fabsf(sx - sty) < eps && fabsf(sx - stz) < eps) {
scale = sx;
return true;
return false;
ccl_device_inline bool transform_negative_scale(const Transform &tfm)
float3 c0 = transform_get_column(&tfm, 0);
float3 c1 = transform_get_column(&tfm, 1);
float3 c2 = transform_get_column(&tfm, 2);
return (dot(cross(c0, c1), c2) < 0.0f);
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_clear_scale(const Transform &tfm)
Transform ntfm = tfm;
transform_set_column(&ntfm, 0, normalize(transform_get_column(&ntfm, 0)));
transform_set_column(&ntfm, 1, normalize(transform_get_column(&ntfm, 1)));
transform_set_column(&ntfm, 2, normalize(transform_get_column(&ntfm, 2)));
return ntfm;
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_empty()
return make_transform(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* Motion Transform */
ccl_device_inline float4 quat_interpolate(float4 q1, float4 q2, float t)
/* Optix is using lerp to interpolate motion transformations. */
#ifdef __KERNEL_OPTIX__
return normalize((1.0f - t) * q1 + t * q2);
#else /* __KERNEL_OPTIX__ */
/* note: this does not ensure rotation around shortest angle, q1 and q2
* are assumed to be matched already in transform_motion_decompose */
float costheta = dot(q1, q2);
/* possible optimization: it might be possible to precompute theta/qperp */
if (costheta > 0.9995f) {
/* linear interpolation in degenerate case */
return normalize((1.0f - t) * q1 + t * q2);
else {
/* slerp */
float theta = acosf(clamp(costheta, -1.0f, 1.0f));
float4 qperp = normalize(q2 - q1 * costheta);
float thetap = theta * t;
return q1 * cosf(thetap) + qperp * sinf(thetap);
#endif /* __KERNEL_OPTIX__ */
ccl_device_inline Transform transform_quick_inverse(Transform M)
/* possible optimization: can we avoid doing this altogether and construct
* the inverse matrix directly from negated translation, transposed rotation,
* scale can be inverted but what about shearing? */
Transform R;
float det = M.x.x * (M.z.z * M.y.y - M.z.y * M.y.z) - M.y.x * (M.z.z * M.x.y - M.z.y * M.x.z) +
M.z.x * (M.y.z * M.x.y - M.y.y * M.x.z);
if (det == 0.0f) {
M.x.x += 1e-8f;
M.y.y += 1e-8f;
M.z.z += 1e-8f;
det = M.x.x * (M.z.z * M.y.y - M.z.y * M.y.z) - M.y.x * (M.z.z * M.x.y - M.z.y * M.x.z) +
M.z.x * (M.y.z * M.x.y - M.y.y * M.x.z);
det = (det != 0.0f) ? 1.0f / det : 0.0f;
float3 Rx = det * make_float3(M.z.z * M.y.y - M.z.y * M.y.z,
M.z.y * M.x.z - M.z.z * M.x.y,
M.y.z * M.x.y - M.y.y * M.x.z);
float3 Ry = det * make_float3(M.z.x * M.y.z - M.z.z * M.y.x,
M.z.z * M.x.x - M.z.x * M.x.z,
M.y.x * M.x.z - M.y.z * M.x.x);
float3 Rz = det * make_float3(M.z.y * M.y.x - M.z.x * M.y.y,
M.z.x * M.x.y - M.z.y * M.x.x,
M.y.y * M.x.x - M.y.x * M.x.y);
float3 T = -make_float3(M.x.w, M.y.w, M.z.w);
R.x = make_float4(Rx.x, Rx.y, Rx.z, dot(Rx, T));
R.y = make_float4(Ry.x, Ry.y, Ry.z, dot(Ry, T));
R.z = make_float4(Rz.x, Rz.y, Rz.z, dot(Rz, T));
return R;
ccl_device_inline void transform_compose(Transform *tfm, const DecomposedTransform *decomp)
/* rotation */
float q0, q1, q2, q3, qda, qdb, qdc, qaa, qab, qac, qbb, qbc, qcc;
q0 = M_SQRT2_F * decomp->x.w;
q1 = M_SQRT2_F * decomp->x.x;
q2 = M_SQRT2_F * decomp->x.y;
q3 = M_SQRT2_F * decomp->x.z;
qda = q0 * q1;
qdb = q0 * q2;
qdc = q0 * q3;
qaa = q1 * q1;
qab = q1 * q2;
qac = q1 * q3;
qbb = q2 * q2;
qbc = q2 * q3;
qcc = q3 * q3;
float3 rotation_x = make_float3(1.0f - qbb - qcc, -qdc + qab, qdb + qac);
float3 rotation_y = make_float3(qdc + qab, 1.0f - qaa - qcc, -qda + qbc);
float3 rotation_z = make_float3(-qdb + qac, qda + qbc, 1.0f - qaa - qbb);
/* scale */
float3 scale_x = make_float3(decomp->y.w, decomp->z.z, decomp->w.y);
float3 scale_y = make_float3(decomp->z.x, decomp->z.w, decomp->w.z);
float3 scale_z = make_float3(decomp->z.y, decomp->w.x, decomp->w.w);
/* compose with translation */
tfm->x = make_float4(
dot(rotation_x, scale_x), dot(rotation_x, scale_y), dot(rotation_x, scale_z), decomp->y.x);
tfm->y = make_float4(
dot(rotation_y, scale_x), dot(rotation_y, scale_y), dot(rotation_y, scale_z), decomp->y.y);
tfm->z = make_float4(
dot(rotation_z, scale_x), dot(rotation_z, scale_y), dot(rotation_z, scale_z), decomp->y.z);
/* Interpolate from array of decomposed transforms. */
ccl_device void transform_motion_array_interpolate(Transform *tfm,
const ccl_global DecomposedTransform *motion,
uint numsteps,
float time)
/* Figure out which steps we need to interpolate. */
int maxstep = numsteps - 1;
int step = min((int)(time * maxstep), maxstep - 1);
float t = time * maxstep - step;
const ccl_global DecomposedTransform *a = motion + step;
const ccl_global DecomposedTransform *b = motion + step + 1;
/* Interpolate rotation, translation and scale. */
DecomposedTransform decomp;
decomp.x = quat_interpolate(a->x, b->x, t);
decomp.y = (1.0f - t) * a->y + t * b->y;
decomp.z = (1.0f - t) * a->z + t * b->z;
decomp.w = (1.0f - t) * a->w + t * b->w;
/* Compose rotation, translation, scale into matrix. */
transform_compose(tfm, &decomp);
ccl_device_inline bool transform_isfinite_safe(Transform *tfm)
return isfinite4_safe(tfm->x) && isfinite4_safe(tfm->y) && isfinite4_safe(tfm->z);
ccl_device_inline bool transform_decomposed_isfinite_safe(DecomposedTransform *decomp)
return isfinite4_safe(decomp->x) && isfinite4_safe(decomp->y) && isfinite4_safe(decomp->z) &&
#ifndef __KERNEL_GPU__
class BoundBox2D;
ccl_device_inline bool operator==(const DecomposedTransform &A, const DecomposedTransform &B)
return memcmp(&A, &B, sizeof(DecomposedTransform)) == 0;
float4 transform_to_quat(const Transform &tfm);
void transform_motion_decompose(DecomposedTransform *decomp, const Transform *motion, size_t size);
Transform transform_from_viewplane(BoundBox2D &viewplane);
/* TODO(sergey): This is only for until we've got OpenCL 2.0
* on all devices we consider supported. It'll be replaced with
* generic address space.
#ifdef __KERNEL_OPENCL__
ccl_device_inline float3 OPENCL_TRANSFORM_ADDRSPACE_GLUE(function, _addrspace)( \
ccl_addr_space const Transform *t, const float3 a) \
{ \
Transform private_tfm = *t; \
return function(&private_tfm, a); \
# define transform_point_auto transform_point_addrspace
# define transform_direction_auto transform_direction_addrspace
# define transform_direction_transposed_auto transform_direction_transposed_addrspace
# define transform_point_auto transform_point
# define transform_direction_auto transform_direction
# define transform_direction_transposed_auto transform_direction_transposed
#endif /* __UTIL_TRANSFORM_H__ */