Campbell Barton 332032fb99 BGE Python API
Support for assigning any Type to a KX_GameObject

so you can do...
 gameOb.follow = otherGameOb
 gameOb[otherGameOb] = distanceTo
 gameOb["path"] = [(x,y,x), (x,y,x)]
 del gameOb[mesh]

* types that cannot be converted into CValue types are written into the KX_GameObject dict
* the KX_GameObject dict is only initialized when needed
* Python properties in this dict cannot be accessed by logic bricks
* dir(ob) and ob.getPropertyNames() return items from both CValue and Py dictionary properties.

Also found that CType was converting python lists to CType Lists but very buggy, would crash after printing the list most times.
Use python lists instead since logic bricks dont deal with lists.
2009-04-12 14:22:51 +00:00

463 lines
22 KiB

* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
#ifndef _adr_py_lib_h_ // only process once,
#define _adr_py_lib_h_ // even if multiply included
#ifndef __cplusplus // c++ only
#error Must be compiled with C++
#include "KX_Python.h"
#include "STR_String.h"
* Python defines
Python 2.4 macro.
defined here until we switch to 2.4
also in api2_2x/gen_utils.h
#ifndef Py_RETURN_NONE
#define Py_RETURN_NONE return Py_BuildValue("O", Py_None)
#define Py_RETURN_FALSE return PyBool_FromLong(0)
#ifndef Py_RETURN_TRUE
#define Py_RETURN_TRUE return PyBool_FromLong(1)
/* for pre Py 2.5 */
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000
typedef int Py_ssize_t;
typedef Py_ssize_t (*lenfunc)(PyObject *);
#define PY_METHODCHAR char *
/* Py 2.5 and later */
#define intargfunc ssizeargfunc
#define intintargfunc ssizessizeargfunc
#define PY_METHODCHAR const char *
#include "descrobject.h"
static inline void Py_Fatal(const char *M) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", M);
// This must be the first line of each
// PyC++ class
#define Py_Header \
public: \
static PyTypeObject Type; \
static PyMethodDef Methods[]; \
static PyAttributeDef Attributes[]; \
static PyParentObject Parents[]; \
virtual PyTypeObject *GetType(void) {return &Type;}; \
virtual PyParentObject *GetParents(void) {return Parents;}
// This defines the py_getattro_up macro
// which allows attribute and method calls
// to be properly passed up the hierarchy.
#define py_getattro_up(Parent) \
PyObject *descr = PyDict_GetItem(Type.tp_dict, attr); \
if(descr) { \
if (PyCObject_Check(descr)) { \
return py_get_attrdef((void *)this, (const PyAttributeDef*)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(descr)); \
} else if (descr->ob_type->tp_descr_get) { \
return PyCFunction_New(((PyMethodDescrObject *)descr)->d_method, (PyObject *)this); \
} else { \
fprintf(stderr, "unknown attribute type"); \
return descr; \
} \
} else { \
PyErr_Clear(); \
PyObject *rvalue= Parent::py_getattro(attr); \
if (strcmp(PyString_AsString(attr), "__dict__")==0) { \
return py_getattr_dict(rvalue, Type.tp_dict); \
} \
return rvalue; \
} \
return NULL;
* nonzero values are an error for setattr
* however because of the nested lookups we need to know if the errors
* was because the attribute didnt exits of if there was some problem setting the value
#define PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL 1
#define py_setattro_up(Parent) \
PyObject *descr = PyDict_GetItem(Type.tp_dict, attr); \
if(descr) { \
if (PyCObject_Check(descr)) { \
const PyAttributeDef* attrdef= reinterpret_cast<const PyAttributeDef *>(PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(descr)); \
if (attrdef->m_access == KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO) { \
PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "\"%s\" is read only", PyString_AsString(attr)); \
return PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; \
} \
else { \
return py_set_attrdef((void *)this, attrdef, value); \
} \
} else { \
PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "\"%s\" cannot be set", PyString_AsString(attr)); \
return PY_SET_ATTR_FAIL; \
} \
} else { \
PyErr_Clear(); \
return Parent::py_setattro(attr, value); \
* These macros are helpfull when embedding Python routines. The second
* macro is one that also requires a documentation string
#define KX_PYMETHOD(class_name, method_name) \
PyObject* Py##method_name(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds); \
static PyObject* sPy##method_name( PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) { \
return ((class_name*) self)->Py##method_name(self, args, kwds); \
}; \
#define KX_PYMETHOD_VARARGS(class_name, method_name) \
PyObject* Py##method_name(PyObject* self, PyObject* args); \
static PyObject* sPy##method_name( PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { \
return ((class_name*) self)->Py##method_name(self, args); \
}; \
#define KX_PYMETHOD_NOARGS(class_name, method_name) \
PyObject* Py##method_name(PyObject* self); \
static PyObject* sPy##method_name( PyObject* self) { \
return ((class_name*) self)->Py##method_name(self); \
}; \
#define KX_PYMETHOD_O(class_name, method_name) \
PyObject* Py##method_name(PyObject* self, PyObject* value); \
static PyObject* sPy##method_name( PyObject* self, PyObject* value) { \
return ((class_name*) self)->Py##method_name(self, value); \
}; \
#define KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(class_name, method_name) \
PyObject* Py##method_name(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds); \
static PyObject* sPy##method_name( PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwds) { \
return ((class_name*) self)->Py##method_name(self, args, kwds); \
}; \
static const char method_name##_doc[]; \
#define KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_VARARGS(class_name, method_name) \
PyObject* Py##method_name(PyObject* self, PyObject* args); \
static PyObject* sPy##method_name( PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { \
return ((class_name*) self)->Py##method_name(self, args); \
}; \
static const char method_name##_doc[]; \
#define KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_O(class_name, method_name) \
PyObject* Py##method_name(PyObject* self, PyObject* value); \
static PyObject* sPy##method_name( PyObject* self, PyObject* value) { \
return ((class_name*) self)->Py##method_name(self, value); \
}; \
static const char method_name##_doc[]; \
#define KX_PYMETHOD_DOC_NOARGS(class_name, method_name) \
PyObject* Py##method_name(PyObject* self); \
static PyObject* sPy##method_name( PyObject* self) { \
return ((class_name*) self)->Py##method_name(self); \
}; \
static const char method_name##_doc[]; \
/* The line above should remain empty */
* Method table macro (with doc)
#define KX_PYMETHODTABLE(class_name, method_name) \
{#method_name , (PyCFunction) class_name::sPy##method_name, METH_VARARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)class_name::method_name##_doc}
#define KX_PYMETHODTABLE_O(class_name, method_name) \
{#method_name , (PyCFunction) class_name::sPy##method_name, METH_O, (PY_METHODCHAR)class_name::method_name##_doc}
#define KX_PYMETHODTABLE_NOARGS(class_name, method_name) \
{#method_name , (PyCFunction) class_name::sPy##method_name, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)class_name::method_name##_doc}
* Function implementation macro
#define KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC(class_name, method_name, doc_string) \
const char class_name::method_name##_doc[] = doc_string; \
PyObject* class_name::Py##method_name(PyObject*, PyObject* args, PyObject*)
#define KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC_VARARGS(class_name, method_name, doc_string) \
const char class_name::method_name##_doc[] = doc_string; \
PyObject* class_name::Py##method_name(PyObject*, PyObject* args)
#define KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC_O(class_name, method_name, doc_string) \
const char class_name::method_name##_doc[] = doc_string; \
PyObject* class_name::Py##method_name(PyObject*, PyObject* value)
#define KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC_NOARGS(class_name, method_name, doc_string) \
const char class_name::method_name##_doc[] = doc_string; \
PyObject* class_name::Py##method_name(PyObject*)
* Attribute management
typedef int (*KX_PYATTRIBUTE_CHECK_FUNCTION)(void *self, const struct KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef);
typedef int (*KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SET_FUNCTION)(void *self, const struct KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value);
typedef PyObject* (*KX_PYATTRIBUTE_GET_FUNCTION)(void *self, const struct KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef);
typedef struct KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF {
const char *m_name; // name of the python attribute
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE m_type; // type of value
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_ACCESS m_access; // read/write access or read-only
int m_imin; // minimum value in case of integer attributes (for string: minimum string length)
int m_imax; // maximum value in case of integer attributes (for string: maximum string length)
float m_fmin; // minimum value in case of float attributes
float m_fmax; // maximum value in case of float attributes
bool m_clamp; // enforce min/max value by clamping
size_t m_offset; // position of field in structure
size_t m_size; // size of field for runtime verification (enum only)
size_t m_length; // length of array, 1=simple attribute
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_CHECK_FUNCTION m_checkFunction; // static function to check the assignment, returns 0 if no error
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SET_FUNCTION m_setFunction; // static function to check the assignment, returns 0 if no error
KX_PYATTRIBUTE_GET_FUNCTION m_getFunction; // static function to check the assignment, returns 0 if no error
// The following pointers are just used to have compile time check for attribute type.
// It would have been good to use a union but that would require C99 compatibility
// to initialize specific union fields through designated initializers.
struct {
bool *m_boolPtr;
short int *m_shortPtr;
int *m_intPtr;
float *m_floatPtr;
STR_String *m_stringPtr;
} m_typeCheck;
} PyAttributeDef;
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DUMMY(name) \
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_BOOL_RW(name,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOL, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, 0, 1, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {&((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_BOOL_RW_CHECK(name,object,field,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOL, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, 0, 1, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {&((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_BOOL_RO(name,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_BOOL, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 1, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {&((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
// enum field cannot be mapped to pointer (because we would need a pointer for each enum)
// use field size to verify mapping at runtime only, assuming enum size is equal to int size.
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_ENUM_RW(name,min,max,clamp,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ENUM, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), sizeof(((object *)0)->field), 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_ENUM_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ENUM, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), sizeof(((object *)0)->field), 1, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_ENUM_RO(name,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ENUM, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), sizeof(((object *)0)->field), 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_RW(name,min,max,clamp,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_RO(name,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_ARRAY_RW(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_ARRAY_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,length,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_ARRAY_RO(name,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_LIST_RW(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_LIST_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,length,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_SHORT_LIST_RO(name,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_SHORT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_RW(name,min,max,clamp,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_RO(name,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_ARRAY_RW(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_ARRAY_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,length,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_ARRAY_RO(name,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_LIST_RW(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_LIST_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,length,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_INT_LIST_RO(name,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL, NULL} }
// always clamp for float
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_FLOAT_RW(name,min,max,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, 0, 0, min, max, true, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_FLOAT_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,object,field,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, 0, 0, min, max, true, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_FLOAT_RO(name,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_FLOAT_ARRAY_RW(name,min,max,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, 0, 0, min, max, true, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_FLOAT_ARRAY_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,object,field,length,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, 0, 0, min, max, true, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_FLOAT_ARRAY_RO(name,object,field,length) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FLOAT, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, length, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, ((object *)0)->field, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_STRING_RW(name,min,max,clamp,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_STRING_RW_CHECK(name,min,max,clamp,object,field,function) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, min, max, 0.f, 0.f, clamp, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1, &object::function, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_STRING_RO(name,object,field) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, offsetof(object,field), 0, 1 , NULL, NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &((object *)0)->field} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW_FUNCTION(name,object,getfunction,setfunction) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FUNCTION, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, 0, 0, 1, NULL, &object::setfunction, &object::getfunction, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION(name,object,getfunction) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FUNCTION, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0.f, false, 0, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, &object::getfunction, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_RW_FUNCTION(name,object,length,getfunction,setfunction) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FUNCTION, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW, 0, 0, 0.f, 0,f, false, 0, 0, length, NULL, &object::setfunction, &object::getfunction, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
#define KX_PYATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_RO_FUNCTION(name,object,length,getfunction) \
{ name, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FUNCTION, KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO, 0, 0, 0.f, 0,f, false, 0, 0, length, NULL, NULL, &object::getfunction, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }
* PyObjectPlus
typedef PyTypeObject * PyParentObject; // Define the PyParent Object
class PyObjectPlus : public PyObject
{ // The PyObjectPlus abstract class
Py_Header; // Always start with Py_Header
PyObjectPlus(PyTypeObject *T);
virtual ~PyObjectPlus(); // destructor
static void PyDestructor(PyObject *P) // python wrapper
delete ((PyObjectPlus *) P);
// void INCREF(void) {
// Py_INCREF(this);
// }; // incref method
// void DECREF(void) {
// Py_DECREF(this);
// }; // decref method
virtual PyObject *py_getattro(PyObject *attr); // py_getattro method
static PyObject *py_base_getattro(PyObject * self, PyObject *attr) // This should be the entry in Type.
return ((PyObjectPlus*) self)->py_getattro(attr);
static PyObject* py_get_attrdef(void *self, const PyAttributeDef *attrdef);
static int py_set_attrdef(void *self, const PyAttributeDef *attrdef, PyObject *value);
#if 0
static PyObject *py_getattro_self(const PyAttributeDef attrlist[], void *self, PyObject *attr);
static int py_setattro_self(const PyAttributeDef attrlist[], void *self, PyObject *attr, PyObject *value);
virtual int py_delattro(PyObject *attr);
virtual int py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject *value); // py_setattro method
static int py_base_setattro(PyObject *self, PyObject *attr, PyObject *value) // the PyType should reference this
if (value==NULL)
return ((PyObjectPlus*) self)->py_delattro(attr);
return ((PyObjectPlus*) self)->py_setattro(attr, value);
virtual PyObject *py_repr(void); // py_repr method
static PyObject *py_base_repr(PyObject *PyObj) // This should be the entry in Type.
return ((PyObjectPlus*) PyObj)->py_repr();
// isA methods
bool isA(PyTypeObject *T);
bool isA(const char *mytypename);
PyObject *Py_isA(PyObject *value);
static PyObject *sPy_isA(PyObject *self, PyObject *value)
return ((PyObjectPlus*)self)->Py_isA(value);
PyObject *py_getattr_dict(PyObject *pydict, PyObject *tp_dict);
#endif // _adr_py_lib_h_