Nathan Letwory c3d74547be SCons:
* giving compileflags, cc_compileflags and cxx_compileflags to BlenderLib() now actually overrides any other setting (so there's no unclarity when ie. conflicting options are being specified in REL_CFLAGS et al). These are set after either release or debug flags, but before any *_WARN flags (so those stay maintained).
* add cxx_compileflags for GE parts on win32-vc to have better performance.
* NOTE: if platform maintainers (OSX and Linux) could check and do the same for their systems. Not vital, but probably very, very much welcomed by GE users.
2009-02-15 23:26:00 +00:00

59 lines
1.8 KiB

import sys
Import ('env')
source_files = ['GPG_Application.cpp',
incs = ['.',
incs += Split(env['BF_PYTHON_INC'])
incs += Split(env['BF_SOLID_INC'])
cxxflags = []
if env['OURPLATFORM']=='win32-vc':
cxxflags.append ('/GR')
cxxflags.append ('/O2')
defs = ''
if env['WITH_BF_FFMPEG']:
defs += ' WITH_FFMPEG'
env.BlenderLib (libname='gp_ghost', sources=source_files, includes = incs, defines = Split(defs), libtype='player',priority=0, cxx_compileflags=cxxflags)