Diego Borghetti 405cf80eb8 Big, big commit!!
1) Remove WITH_FREETYPE2 from code, so now blender always need freetype2
2) Remove the old bmfont
3) Remove ftfont and bFTGL library
4) Implement a new BLF_draw_default function for place that still need/use
   the old BMF api.

I try to update both, scons and cmake, but I only can test with make, so
hope all work fine.

MSVC is broken, but I don't have Windows, things to search and fix are
any reference to WITH_FREETYPE2, FTGL and BMFONT (take in care that
blenkernel also have a BKE_bmfont.h, this don't have anything to do with bmfont).
        Always have to link/include the freetype2 library
        Remove any reference to libbmfont
        Remove any reference to libftfont
        Remove any reference to libbftgl (or libbFTGL)
2009-05-05 23:10:32 +00:00

59 lines
1.8 KiB

import sys
Import ('env')
source_files = ['GPG_Application.cpp',
incs = ['.',
if env['WITH_BF_SOLID']:
incs.append(['#source/gameengine/Physics/Sumo', '#source/gameengine/Physics/Sumo/Fuzzics/include'])
incs += Split(env['BF_SOLID_INC'])
incs += Split(env['BF_PYTHON_INC'])
cxxflags = []
if env['OURPLATFORM']=='win32-vc':
cxxflags.append ('/GR')
cxxflags.append ('/O2')
defs = ''
if env['WITH_BF_FFMPEG']:
defs += ' WITH_FFMPEG'
env.BlenderLib (libname='gp_ghost', sources=source_files, includes = incs, defines = Split(defs), libtype='player',priority=5, cxx_compileflags=cxxflags)