Willian Padovani Germano 452c8cf838 Done.
- Jean-Michel Soler probably lost some hours of sleep since Sunday,
  but he managed to send me the updated path import scripts a few
  hours ago.  My tests with Inkscape .svg and .ps and Gimp worked fine.
  He also tested a lot and sent me info about what is already
  supported.  I'll send Ton a doc about bundled scripts including this
  info.  Importers: .ai, .svg, .eps/.ps, Gimp 1-1.2.5 / 2.0.

- Jean-Michel also contributed his Texture Baker script.

- Campbell Barton contributed two new scripts: a mesh cleaner and a
  vloop skinning / lofting script.  He also sent updates to his obj
  import / export ones.

- A Vanpoucke (xand) contributed his Axis Orientation Copy script.

And that makes 8 last minute additions.  Thanks a lot to the authors
and special thanks to JMS and Campbell for their hard work : ).


- tiny addition (I'm forced to call it a showstopper bug ;) so JMS's
path import scripts (that actually convert to obj and make Blender
load the .obj curves) can use Blender.Load() and not rename G.sce,
the default filename.  Blender.Load(filename, 1) doesn't update G.sce.
Nothing should break because of this, Load(filename) still works fine.

- Made Blender complain again if script is for a newer Blender version than the one running it.
2004-08-04 06:16:46 +00:00

691 lines
19 KiB

Name: 'Blender Knife Tool'
Blender: 232
Group: 'Mesh'
Tooltip: 'Cut selected mesh(es) along an active plane w/o creating doubles'
# $Id$
# #
# Blender Knife Tool #
# #
# v. 0.0.0 - 0.0.6 (C) December 2002 Stefano <S68> Selleri #
# v. 0.0.7 (C) March 2004 Wim Van Hoydonck #
# v. 0.0.8 (C) March 2004 Wim Van Hoydonck & Stefano <S68> Selleri#
# #
# Released under the Blender Artistic Licence (BAL) #
# See #
# #
# Works in Blender 2.32 and higher #
# #
# this script can be found online at: #
# #
# #
# #
# email: #
# #
# History #
# V: 0.0.0 - 08-12-02 - The script starts to take shape, a #
# history is now deserved :) #
# 0.0.1 - 09-12-02 - The faces are correctly selected and #
# assigned to the relevant objects now the #
# hard (splitting) part... #
# 0.0.2 - 14-12-02 - Still hacking on the splitting... #
# It works, but I have to de-globalize #
# the intersection coordinates #
# 0.0.3 - 15-12-02 - First Alpha version #
# 0.0.4 - 17-12-02 - Upgraded accordingly to eeshlo tips #
# Use Matrices for coordinate transf. #
# Add a GUI #
# Make it Run on 2.23 #
# 0.0.5 - 17-12-02 - Eeshlo solved some problems.... #
# Theeth too adviced me #
# 0.0.6 - 18-12-02 - Better error messages #
# 0.0.7 - 26-03-04 - Developer team doubles! #
# This version is by Wim! #
# Doesn't create doubles (AFAIK) #
# - Faster (for small meshes), global #
# coordinates of verts are calculated only #
# once #
# - Editing the CutPlane in editmode (move) #
# shouldn't cause problems anymore #
# - Menu button added to choose between the #
# different Edit Methods #
# - If a mesh is cut twice at the same place, #
# this gives errors :( (also happened in #
# previous versions) #
# - Willian Padovani Germano solved #
# a problem, many thanks :) #
# - Stefano Selleri made some good #
# suggestions, thanks :) #
# 0.0.8 - 26-03-04 - General Interface rewrite (Stefano) #
# 0.0.8a- 31-03-04 - Added some error messages #
# - Cut multiple meshes at once #
# #
import Blender
from Blender import *
from Blender.sys import time
from math import *
Epsilon = 0.00001
msg = ''
RBmesh0 = Draw.Create(0)
RBmesh1 = Draw.Create(0)
RBmesh2 = Draw.Create(1)
VERSION = '0.0.8'
# see if time module is available
# import time
# timport = 1
# timport = 0
BL_VERSION = Blender.Get('version')
if (BL_VERSION<=223):
import Blender210
# Vector and matrix manipulations #
# vector addition
def vecadd(a, b):
return [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] + b[2]]
# vector substration
def vecsub(a, b):
return [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]]
# vector crossproduct
def veccross(x, y):
v = [0, 0, 0]
v[0] = x[1]*y[2] - x[2]*y[1]
v[1] = x[2]*y[0] - x[0]*y[2]
v[2] = x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0]
return v
# vector dotproduct
def vecdot(x, y):
return x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2]
# vector length
def length(v):
return sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2])
# vector multiplied by constant s
def vecmul(a, s):
return[a[0]*s, a[1]*s, a[2]*s]
# vector divided by constant s
def vecdiv(a, s):
if s!=0.0: s = 1.0/s
return vecmul(a, s)
# matrix(4x3) vector multiplication
def mulmatvec4x3(a, b):
# a is vector, b is matrix
r = [0, 0, 0]
r[0] = a[0]*b[0][0] + a[1]*b[1][0] + a[2]*b[2][0] + b[3][0]
r[1] = a[0]*b[0][1] + a[1]*b[1][1] + a[2]*b[2][1] + b[3][1]
r[2] = a[0]*b[0][2] + a[1]*b[1][2] + a[2]*b[2][2] + b[3][2]
return r
# Normalization of a vector
def Normalize(a):
lengte = length(a)
return vecdiv(a, lengte)
# calculate normal from 3 verts
def Normal(v0, v1, v2):
return veccross(vecsub(v0, v1),vecsub(v0, v2))
# Coordinatetransformations #
def GlobalPosition(P, Obj):
if (BL_VERSION<=223):
m = Obj.matrix
m = Obj.getMatrix()
return mulmatvec4x3(P, m)
def LocalPosition(P, Obj):
if (BL_VERSION<=223):
m = Blender210.getObject(
m = Obj.getInverseMatrix()
return mulmatvec4x3(P, m)
# Get Plane Data #
def PlaneData(Plane):
global msg
# Calculate:
# - the normal of the plane,
# - the offset of the plane wrt the global coordinate system
# in the direction of the normal of the plane
PlaneMesh = NMesh.GetRawFromObject(
if (len(PlaneMesh.faces)>1):
msg = "ERROR: Active object must be a single face plane"
return ((0,0,0),(0,0,0),1)
if (len(PlaneMesh.verts)<3):
msg = "ERROR: 3 vertices needed to define a plane"
return ((0,0,0),(0,0,0),1)
v0 = GlobalPosition(PlaneMesh.faces[0].v[0].co, Plane)
v1 = GlobalPosition(PlaneMesh.faces[0].v[1].co, Plane)
v2 = GlobalPosition(PlaneMesh.faces[0].v[2].co, Plane)
# the normal of the plane, calculated from the first 3 verts
PNormal = Normalize(Normal(v0,v1,v2))
# offset of the plane, using 1st vertex instead of Plane.getLocaction()
POffset = vecdot(v0,PNormal)
return PNormal, POffset, 0
# Position with respect to Cut Plane #
def Distance(P, N, d0):
# distance from a point to a plane
return vecdot(P, N) - d0
def FacePosition(dist):
# position of a face wrt to the plane
np, nn, nz = 0, 0, 0
for d in dist:
# the distances are calculated in advance
if d > 0:
np += 1
elif d < 0:
nn += 1
nz += 1
if np == 0:
return -1
if nn == 0:
return 1
return 0
# Append existing faces / create new faces #
def FaceAppend(me, fidx):
# append a face to a mesh based on a list of vertex-indices
nf = NMesh.Face()
for i in fidx:
def FaceMake(me, vl):
# make one or two new faces based on a list of vertex-indices
idx = len(me.verts)
if len(vl) <= 4:
nf = NMesh.Face()
for i in range(len(vl)):
nf = NMesh.Face()
nf = NMesh.Face()
# Generate vertex lists for new faces #
def Split(Obj, MeshPos, MeshNeg, Vglob, Vidx, N, d0, newvidx, newvcoo, totverts, d):
# - calculate intersectionpoints of the plane with faces
# - see if this intersectionpoint already exists (look for vertices close to the new vertex)
# - if it does not yet exist, append a vertex to the mesh,
# remember its index and location and append the index to the appropriate vertex-lists
# - if it does, use that vertex (and its index) to create the face
vp = []
vn = []
# distances of the verts wrt the plane are calculated in main part of script
for i in range(len(d)):
# the previous vertex
dim1 = d[int(fmod(i-1,len(d)))]
Vim1 = Vglob[int(fmod(i-1,len(d)))]
if abs(d[i]) < Epsilon:
# if the vertex lies in the cutplane
if abs(dim1) < Epsilon:
# if the previous vertex lies in cutplane
if d[i] > 0:
if d[i]*dim1 > 0:
# if they are on the same side of the plane
if d[i] > 0:
# the vertices are not on the same side of the plane, so we have an intersection
Den = vecdot(vecsub(Vglob[i],Vim1),N)
Vi = []
Vi.append ( ((Vim1[0]*Vglob[i][1]-Vim1[1]*Vglob[i][0])*N[1]+(Vim1[0]*Vglob[i][2]-Vim1[2]*Vglob[i][0])*N[2]+(Vglob[i][0]-Vim1[0])*d0)/Den)
Vi.append ( ((Vim1[1]*Vglob[i][0]-Vim1[0]*Vglob[i][1])*N[0]+(Vim1[1]*Vglob[i][2]-Vim1[2]*Vglob[i][1])*N[2]+(Vglob[i][1]-Vim1[1])*d0)/Den)
Vi.append ( ((Vim1[2]*Vglob[i][0]-Vim1[0]*Vglob[i][2])*N[0]+(Vim1[2]*Vglob[i][1]-Vim1[1]*Vglob[i][2])*N[1]+(Vglob[i][2]-Vim1[2])*d0)/Den)
ViL = LocalPosition(Vi, Obj)
if newvidx == []:
# if newvidx is empty (the first time Split is called), append a new vertex
# to the mesh and remember its vertex-index and location
ViLl = NMesh.Vert(ViL[0],ViL[1],ViL[2])
if MeshPos == MeshNeg:
nvidx = totverts
# newvidx is not empty
dist1 = []
tlr = 0
for j in range(len(newvidx)):
# calculate the distance from the new vertex to the vertices
# in the list with new vertices
dist1.append(length(vecsub(ViL, newvcoo[j])))
for k in range(len(dist1)):
if dist1[k] < Epsilon:
# if distance is smaller than epsilon, use the other vertex
# use newvidx[k] as vert
break # get out of closest loop
tlr += 1
if tlr == len(newvidx):
nvidx = totverts + len(newvidx)
ViLl = NMesh.Vert(ViL[0],ViL[1],ViL[2])
if MeshPos == MeshNeg:
if d[i] > 0:
return vp, vn, newvidx, newvcoo
# Main part #
def CutMesh():
global msg
global RBmesh0,RBmesh1,RBmesh2
#if timport == 1:
# start = time.clock()
start = time()
selected_obs = Object.GetSelected()
total = len(selected_obs)
meshes = 0
# check to see if every selected object is a mesh
for ob in selected_obs:
type = ob.getType()
if type == 'Mesh':
meshes += 1
# at least select two objects
if meshes <= 1:
msg = "ERROR: At least two objects should be selected"
NoErrors = 1
# if not every object is a mesh
if meshes != total:
msg = "ERROR: You should only select meshobjects"
# everything is ok
if NoErrors == 0:
Pln = selected_obs[0]
PNormal, POffset, NoErrors = PlaneData(Pln)
# loop to cut multiple meshes at once
for o in range(1, total):
Obj = selected_obs[o]
if (NoErrors == 0) :
m = Obj.getData()
if RBmesh1.val == 1:
MeshNew = NMesh.GetRaw()
if RBmesh2.val == 1:
MeshPos = NMesh.GetRaw()
MeshNeg = NMesh.GetRaw()
# get the indices of the faces of the mesh
idx = []
for i in range(len(m.faces)):
# if idx is not reversed, this results in a list index out of range if
# the original mesh is used (RBmesh1 == 0)
lenface, vertglob, vertidx, vertdist = [], [], [], []
# total number of vertices
totverts = len(m.verts)
# for every face: calculate global coordinates of the vertices
# append the vertex-index to a list
# calculate distance of vertices to cutplane in advance
for i in idx:
fvertidx, Ve, dist = [], [], []
fa = m.faces[i]
for v in fa.v:
globpos = GlobalPosition(, Obj)
dist.append(Distance(globpos, PNormal, POffset))
# append the verts of the original mesh to the new mesh
if RBmesh1.val == 1:
for v in m.verts:
if RBmesh2.val == 1:
idx2 = []
dist2 = []
for v in m.verts:
dist2.append(Distance(GlobalPosition(, Obj), PNormal, POffset))
# remove all faces of m if the original object has to be used
if RBmesh0.val == 1:
m.faces = []
newvidx, newvcoo = [], []
testidxpos, testidxneg = [], []
# what its all about...
for i in idx:
fp = FacePosition(vertdist[i])
# no intersection
if fp > 0:
if RBmesh0.val == 1:
FaceAppend(m, vertidx[i])
elif RBmesh1.val == 1:
FaceAppend(MeshNew, vertidx[i])
elif RBmesh2.val == 1:
FaceAppend(MeshPos, vertidx[i])
if testidxpos == []:
testidxpos = vertidx[i]
elif fp < 0:
if RBmesh0.val == 1:
FaceAppend(m, vertidx[i])
elif RBmesh1.val == 1:
FaceAppend(MeshNew, vertidx[i])
elif RBmesh2.val == 1:
FaceAppend(MeshNeg, vertidx[i])
if testidxneg == []:
testidxneg = vertidx[i]
# intersected faces
# make new mesh
if RBmesh1.val == 1:
vlp, vln, newvidx, newvcoo = Split(Obj, MeshNew, MeshNew, vertglob[i], vertidx[i], PNormal, POffset, newvidx, newvcoo, totverts, vertdist[i])
if vlp != 0 and vln != 0:
FaceMake(MeshNew, vlp)
FaceMake(MeshNew, vln)
# two new meshes
elif RBmesh2.val == 1:
vlp, vln, newvidx, newvcoo = Split(Obj, MeshPos, MeshNeg, vertglob[i], vertidx[i], PNormal, POffset, newvidx, newvcoo, totverts, vertdist[i])
if vlp != 0 and vln != 0:
FaceMake(MeshPos, vlp)
FaceMake(MeshNeg, vln)
# use old mesh
elif RBmesh0.val == 1:
vlp, vln, newvidx, newvcoo = Split(Obj, m, m, vertglob[i], vertidx[i], PNormal, POffset, newvidx, newvcoo, totverts, vertdist[i])
if vlp != 0 and vln != 0:
FaceMake(m, vlp)
FaceMake(m, vln)
if RBmesh1.val == 1:
ObOne = NMesh.PutRaw(MeshNew)
ObOne.LocX, ObOne.LocY, ObOne.LocZ = Obj.LocX, Obj.LocY, Obj.LocZ
ObOne.RotX, ObOne.RotY, ObOne.RotZ = Obj.RotX, Obj.RotY, Obj.RotZ
ObOne.SizeX, ObOne.SizeY, ObOne.SizeZ = Obj.SizeX, Obj.SizeY, Obj.SizeZ
elif RBmesh2.val == 1:
# remove verts that do not belong to a face
for i in range(len(idx2)):
if dist2[i] < 0:
v = MeshPos.verts[idx2[i]]
if dist2[i] > 0:
v = MeshNeg.verts[idx2[i]]
ObPos = NMesh.PutRaw(MeshPos)
ObPos.LocX, ObPos.LocY, ObPos.LocZ = Obj.LocX, Obj.LocY, Obj.LocZ
ObPos.RotX, ObPos.RotY, ObPos.RotZ = Obj.RotX, Obj.RotY, Obj.RotZ
ObPos.SizeX, ObPos.SizeY, ObPos.SizeZ = Obj.SizeX, Obj.SizeY, Obj.SizeZ
ObNeg = NMesh.PutRaw(MeshNeg)
ObNeg.LocX, ObNeg.LocY, ObNeg.LocZ = Obj.LocX, Obj.LocY, Obj.LocZ
ObNeg.RotX, ObNeg.RotY, ObNeg.RotZ = Obj.RotX, Obj.RotY, Obj.RotZ
ObNeg.SizeX, ObNeg.SizeY, ObNeg.SizeZ = Obj.SizeX, Obj.SizeY, Obj.SizeZ
elif RBmesh0.val == 1:
#if timport == 1:
#end = time.clock()
#total = end - start
#print "mesh(es) cut in", total, "seconds"
end = time()
total = end - start
print "mesh(es) cut in", total, "seconds"
# Graphics #
def Warn():
BGL.glRasterPos2d(115, 23)
def draw():
global msg
global RBmesh0,RBmesh1,RBmesh2
global VERSION
BGL.glClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
BGL.glColor3f(0, 0, 0) # Black
BGL.glRectf(2, 2, 482, 220)
BGL.glColor3f(0.48, 0.4, 0.57) # Light Purple
BGL.glRectf(4, 179, 480, 210)
BGL.glRectf(4, 34, 480, 150)
BGL.glColor3f(0.3, 0.27, 0.35) # Dark purple
BGL.glRectf(4, 151,480, 178)
BGL.glRectf(4, 4, 480, 33)
BGL.glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
BGL.glRasterPos2d(8, 200)
Draw.Text("Blender Knife Tool - V. 0.0.8a - 26 March 2004")
BGL.glRasterPos2d(8, 185)
Draw.Text("by Wim <tuinbels> Van Hoydonck & Stefano <S68> Selleri")
Draw.Button("Exit", 1, 430, 185, 40, 20)
RBmesh0 = Draw.Toggle("Edit Object", 10,10,157,153,18,RBmesh0.val, "The knife creates new vertices in the selected object.");
RBmesh1 = Draw.Toggle("New Object", 11,165,157,153,18,RBmesh1.val, "The knife duplicates the object and creates new vertices in the new object.");
RBmesh2 = Draw.Toggle("Two New Objects",12,320,157,153,18,RBmesh2.val, "The knife creates two new separate objects.");
BGL.glRasterPos2d(8, 128)
Draw.Text("1 - Draw a Mesh Plane defining the Cut Plane")
BGL.glRasterPos2d(8, 108)
Draw.Text("2 - Select the Meshes to be Cut and the Cut Plane")
BGL.glRasterPos2d(8, 88)
Draw.Text(" (Meshes Dark Purple, Plane Light Purple)")
BGL.glRasterPos2d(8, 68)
Draw.Text("3 - Choose the Edit Method (Radio Buttons above)")
BGL.glRasterPos2d(8, 48)
Draw.Text("4 - Push the 'CUT' button (below)")
#Create Buttons
Draw.Button("CUT", 4, 10, 10, 465, 18, "Cut the selected mesh along the plane")
BGL.glRasterPos2d(10, 223)
msg = ''
def event(evt, val):
if (evt == Draw.QKEY or evt == Draw.ESCKEY) and not val:
if evt == Draw.CKEY and not val:
def bevent(evt):
global RBmesh0,RBmesh1,RBmesh2
if evt == 1:
elif evt == 4:
elif evt == 10:
RBmesh0.val = 1
RBmesh1.val = 0
RBmesh2.val = 0
elif evt == 11:
RBmesh0.val = 0
RBmesh1.val = 1
RBmesh2.val = 0
elif evt == 12:
RBmesh0.val = 0
RBmesh1.val = 0
RBmesh2.val = 1
Draw.Register(draw, event, bevent)