Patrick Mours baeb11826b Cycles: Add OptiX acceleration structure compaction
This adds compaction support for OptiX acceleration structures, which reduces the device memory footprint in a post step after building. Depending on the scene this can reduce the amount of used device memory quite a bit and even improve performance (smaller acceleration structure improves cache usage). It's only enabled for background renders to make acceleration structure builds fast in viewport.

Also fixes a bug in the memory management for OptiX acceleration structures: These were held in a dynamic vector of 'device_memory' instances and used the mem_alloc/mem_free functions. However, those keep track of memory instances in the 'cuda_mem_map' via pointers to 'device_memory' (which works fine everywhere else since those are never copied/moved). But in the case of the vector, it may decide to reallocate at some point, which invalidates those pointers and would result in some nasty accesses to invalid memory. So it is not actually safe to move a 'device_memory' object and therefore this removes the move operator overloads again.

Reviewed By: brecht

Differential Revision:
2019-12-09 14:32:12 +01:00

222 lines
7.2 KiB

* Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Bevel shader averaging normals from nearby surfaces.
* Sampling strategy from: BSSRDF Importance Sampling, SIGGRAPH 2013
ccl_device_noinline float3 svm_bevel(KernelGlobals *kg,
ShaderData *sd,
ccl_addr_space PathState *state,
float radius,
int num_samples)
/* Early out if no sampling needed. */
if (radius <= 0.0f || num_samples < 1 || sd->object == OBJECT_NONE) {
return sd->N;
/* Can't raytrace from shaders like displacement, before BVH exists. */
if (kernel_data.bvh.bvh_layout == BVH_LAYOUT_NONE) {
return sd->N;
/* Don't bevel for blurry indirect rays. */
if (state->min_ray_pdf < 8.0f) {
return sd->N;
/* Setup for multi intersection. */
LocalIntersection isect;
uint lcg_state = lcg_state_init_addrspace(state, 0x64c6a40e);
/* Sample normals from surrounding points on surface. */
float3 sum_N = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (int sample = 0; sample < num_samples; sample++) {
float disk_u, disk_v;
kg, state->rng_hash, state, sample, num_samples, PRNG_BEVEL_U, &disk_u, &disk_v);
/* Pick random axis in local frame and point on disk. */
float3 disk_N, disk_T, disk_B;
float pick_pdf_N, pick_pdf_T, pick_pdf_B;
disk_N = sd->Ng;
make_orthonormals(disk_N, &disk_T, &disk_B);
float axisu = disk_u;
if (axisu < 0.5f) {
pick_pdf_N = 0.5f;
pick_pdf_T = 0.25f;
pick_pdf_B = 0.25f;
disk_u *= 2.0f;
else if (axisu < 0.75f) {
float3 tmp = disk_N;
disk_N = disk_T;
disk_T = tmp;
pick_pdf_N = 0.25f;
pick_pdf_T = 0.5f;
pick_pdf_B = 0.25f;
disk_u = (disk_u - 0.5f) * 4.0f;
else {
float3 tmp = disk_N;
disk_N = disk_B;
disk_B = tmp;
pick_pdf_N = 0.25f;
pick_pdf_T = 0.25f;
pick_pdf_B = 0.5f;
disk_u = (disk_u - 0.75f) * 4.0f;
/* Sample point on disk. */
float phi = M_2PI_F * disk_u;
float disk_r = disk_v;
float disk_height;
/* Perhaps find something better than Cubic BSSRDF, but happens to work well. */
bssrdf_cubic_sample(radius, 0.0f, disk_r, &disk_r, &disk_height);
float3 disk_P = (disk_r * cosf(phi)) * disk_T + (disk_r * sinf(phi)) * disk_B;
/* Create ray. */
Ray *ray = &isect.ray;
ray->P = sd->P + disk_N * disk_height + disk_P;
ray->D = -disk_N;
ray->t = 2.0f * disk_height;
ray->dP = sd->dP;
ray->dD = differential3_zero();
ray->time = sd->time;
/* Intersect with the same object. if multiple intersections are found it
* will use at most LOCAL_MAX_HITS hits, a random subset of all hits. */
scene_intersect_local(kg, ray, &isect, sd->object, &lcg_state, LOCAL_MAX_HITS);
int num_eval_hits = min(isect.num_hits, LOCAL_MAX_HITS);
for (int hit = 0; hit < num_eval_hits; hit++) {
/* Quickly retrieve P and Ng without setting up ShaderData. */
float3 hit_P;
if (sd->type & PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE) {
hit_P = triangle_refine_local(kg, sd, &isect.hits[hit], ray);
# ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
else if (sd->type & PRIMITIVE_MOTION_TRIANGLE) {
float3 verts[3];
kg, sd->object, kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_index, isect.hits[hit].prim), sd->time, verts);
hit_P = motion_triangle_refine_local(kg, sd, &isect.hits[hit], ray, verts);
# endif /* __OBJECT_MOTION__ */
/* Get geometric normal. */
float3 hit_Ng = isect.Ng[hit];
int object = (isect.hits[hit].object == OBJECT_NONE) ?
kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, isect.hits[hit].prim) :
int object_flag = kernel_tex_fetch(__object_flag, object);
hit_Ng = -hit_Ng;
/* Compute smooth normal. */
float3 N = hit_Ng;
int prim = kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_index, isect.hits[hit].prim);
int shader = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_shader, prim);
if (shader & SHADER_SMOOTH_NORMAL) {
float u = isect.hits[hit].u;
float v = isect.hits[hit].v;
if (sd->type & PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE) {
N = triangle_smooth_normal(kg, N, prim, u, v);
# ifdef __OBJECT_MOTION__
else if (sd->type & PRIMITIVE_MOTION_TRIANGLE) {
N = motion_triangle_smooth_normal(kg, N, sd->object, prim, u, v, sd->time);
# endif /* __OBJECT_MOTION__ */
/* Transform normals to world space. */
if (!(object_flag & SD_OBJECT_TRANSFORM_APPLIED)) {
object_normal_transform(kg, sd, &N);
object_normal_transform(kg, sd, &hit_Ng);
/* Probability densities for local frame axes. */
float pdf_N = pick_pdf_N * fabsf(dot(disk_N, hit_Ng));
float pdf_T = pick_pdf_T * fabsf(dot(disk_T, hit_Ng));
float pdf_B = pick_pdf_B * fabsf(dot(disk_B, hit_Ng));
/* Multiple importance sample between 3 axes, power heuristic
* found to be slightly better than balance heuristic. pdf_N
* in the MIS weight and denominator cancelled out. */
float w = pdf_N / (sqr(pdf_N) + sqr(pdf_T) + sqr(pdf_B));
if (isect.num_hits > LOCAL_MAX_HITS) {
w *= isect.num_hits / (float)LOCAL_MAX_HITS;
/* Real distance to sampled point. */
float r = len(hit_P - sd->P);
/* Compute weight. */
float pdf = bssrdf_cubic_pdf(radius, 0.0f, r);
float disk_pdf = bssrdf_cubic_pdf(radius, 0.0f, disk_r);
w *= pdf / disk_pdf;
/* Sum normal and weight. */
sum_N += w * N;
/* Normalize. */
float3 N = safe_normalize(sum_N);
return is_zero(N) ? sd->N : (sd->flag & SD_BACKFACING) ? -N : N;
ccl_device void svm_node_bevel(
KernelGlobals *kg, ShaderData *sd, ccl_addr_space PathState *state, float *stack, uint4 node)
uint num_samples, radius_offset, normal_offset, out_offset;
svm_unpack_node_uchar4(node.y, &num_samples, &radius_offset, &normal_offset, &out_offset);
float radius = stack_load_float(stack, radius_offset);
float3 bevel_N = svm_bevel(kg, sd, state, radius, num_samples);
if (stack_valid(normal_offset)) {
/* Preserve input normal. */
float3 ref_N = stack_load_float3(stack, normal_offset);
bevel_N = normalize(ref_N + (bevel_N - sd->N));
stack_store_float3(stack, out_offset, bevel_N);
#endif /* __SHADER_RAYTRACE__ */