Campbell Barton 0369f08299 made the hax height of the clever_numbers 8 rather then 5, was wrapping on too many scripts.
bvh import was having errors on joints with no animation.
typo in uvcopy from my previous commit.
2006-12-15 20:22:59 +00:00

96 lines
2.6 KiB

""" Registration info for Blender menus: <- these words are ignored
Name: 'UV Copy from Active'
Blender: 242
Group: 'Object'
Tip: 'Copy UV coords from a mesh to another that has same vertex indices'
__author__ = "Toni Alatalo, Martin Poirier et. al."
__url__ = ("blender", "elysiun",
"Script's homepage,",
"Communicate problems and errors,")
__version__ = "0.2 01/2006"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script copies UV coords from a mesh to another (version of the same mesh).
All target meshes must have the same number of faces at the active
import Blender
def face_key(me):
Returns the face lengths for this mesh
only copy between meshes that have matching face_key's
return tuple([len(f) for f in me.faces])
def main():
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
source_ob =
if not source_ob or source_ob.type != 'Mesh':
Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|No active object to copy UVs from.")
source_me = source_ob.getData(mesh=1)
target_mes = [ ob.getData(mesh=1) for ob in scene.objects.context if ob != source_ob if ob.type == 'Mesh']
# remove double meshes
target_mes = dict([(, me) for me in target_mes])
target_mes = target_mes.values()
if not target_mes:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|No selected object(s) to copy UVs to.")
source_me = source_ob.getData(mesh=1)
if not source_me.faceUV:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|Active mesh has no UVs.")
if not target_mes:
Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|no selected object other than the source, hence no target defined.")
error = False
source_face_key = face_key(source_me)
source_faces = source_me.faces
fail_count = 0
for target in target_mes:
if len(source_me.faces) != len(target.faces):
print '\ttarget "%s" facelen does not match "%s".' % (,
error = True
fail_count +=1
# slow but worth comparing
if source_face_key != face_key(target):
print '\t\terror, face len dosnt match for ob "%s" next mesh...' %
error = True
fail_count +=1
target_faces = target.faces
# Add uvs if there not there
target.faceUV = True
for i, f_source in enumerate(source_faces):
target_faces[i].uv = f_source.uv
msg = 'Copied UVs to %d of %d mesh(s)' % (len(target_mes)-fail_count, len(target_mes))
if error:
msg += "|Could not copy some UV's, see console."
Blender.Draw.PupMenu('UV Copy Finished%t|' + msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':