forked from bartvdbraak/blender
* Added Bone Groups UI to 'Armature' context buttons for now. Later, it may be more convenient to have these with bones instead? * Added operators for the operations that can be performed on these groups. Moved the core adding/removing functions to blenkernel so that they can be used elsewhere in future if need be. * Properly wrapped bone groups in RNA. Copied the way that Vertex Groups are wrapped, since they share some similarities. Setting colours for bone groups still needs more work though.
174 lines
4.7 KiB
174 lines
4.7 KiB
import bpy
class DataButtonsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
__space_type__ = "BUTTONS_WINDOW"
__region_type__ = "WINDOW"
__context__ = "data"
def poll(self, context):
return (context.armature != None)
class DATA_PT_context_arm(DataButtonsPanel):
__idname__ = "DATA_PT_context_arm"
__no_header__ = True
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
ob = context.object
arm = context.armature
space = context.space_data
split = layout.split(percentage=0.65)
if ob:
split.template_ID(ob, "data")
elif arm:
split.template_ID(space, "pin_id")
class DATA_PT_skeleton(DataButtonsPanel):
__idname__ = "DATA_PT_skeleton"
__label__ = "Skeleton"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
ob = context.object
arm = context.armature
space = context.space_data
if arm:
split = layout.split()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(arm, "rest_position")
sub = col.column()
sub.itemR(arm, "deform_vertexgroups", text="Vertes Groups")
sub.itemR(arm, "deform_envelope", text="Envelopes")
sub.itemR(arm, "deform_quaternion", text="Quaternion")
sub.itemR(arm, "deform_bbone_rest", text="B-Bones Rest")
#sub.itemR(arm, "x_axis_mirror")
#sub.itemR(arm, "auto_ik")
sub = split.column()
sub.template_layers(arm, "layer")
sub.itemL(text="Protected Layers:")
sub.template_layers(arm, "layer_protection")
class DATA_PT_display(DataButtonsPanel):
__idname__ = "DATA_PT_display"
__label__ = "Display"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
arm = context.armature
layout.row().itemR(arm, "drawtype", expand=True)
sub = layout.column_flow()
sub.itemR(arm, "draw_names", text="Names")
sub.itemR(arm, "draw_axes", text="Axes")
sub.itemR(arm, "draw_custom_bone_shapes", text="Shapes")
sub.itemR(arm, "draw_group_colors", text="Colors")
sub.itemR(arm, "delay_deform", text="Delay Refresh")
class DATA_PT_bone_groups(DataButtonsPanel):
__idname__ = "DATA_PT_bone_groups"
__label__ = "Bone Groups"
def poll(self, context):
return (context.object and context.object.type=='ARMATURE' and context.object.pose)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
ob = context.object
pose= ob.pose
row = layout.row()
row.template_list(pose, "bone_groups", pose, "active_bone_group_index")
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemO("pose.group_add", icon="ICON_ZOOMIN", text="")
col.itemO("pose.group_remove", icon="ICON_ZOOMOUT", text="")
group = pose.active_bone_group
if group:
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(group, "name")
row = layout.row(align=True)
row.itemO("pose.group_assign", text="Assign")
row.itemO("pose.group_remove", text="Remove") #row.itemO("pose.bone_group_remove_from", text="Remove")
#row.itemO("object.bone_group_select", text="Select")
#row.itemO("object.bone_group_deselect", text="Deselect")
class DATA_PT_paths(DataButtonsPanel):
__idname__ = "DATA_PT_paths"
__label__ = "Paths"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
arm = context.armature
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(arm, "paths_show_around_current_frame", text="Around Frame")
col = sub.column(align=True)
if (arm.paths_show_around_current_frame):
col.itemR(arm, "path_before_current", text="Before")
col.itemR(arm, "path_after_current", text="After")
col.itemR(arm, "path_start_frame", text="Start")
col.itemR(arm, "path_end_frame", text="End")
col.itemR(arm, "path_size", text="Step")
sub.itemR(arm, "paths_calculate_head_positions", text="Head")
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(arm, "paths_show_frame_numbers", text="Frame Numbers")
sub.itemR(arm, "paths_highlight_keyframes", text="Keyframes")
sub.itemR(arm, "paths_show_keyframe_numbers", text="Keyframe Numbers")
class DATA_PT_ghost(DataButtonsPanel):
__idname__ = "DATA_PT_ghost"
__label__ = "Ghost"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
arm = context.armature
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(arm, "ghost_type", text="Scope")
col = sub.column(align=True)
if arm.ghost_type == 'RANGE':
col.itemR(arm, "ghost_start_frame", text="Start")
col.itemR(arm, "ghost_end_frame", text="End")
col.itemR(arm, "ghost_size", text="Step")
elif arm.ghost_type == 'CURRENT_FRAME':
col.itemR(arm, "ghost_step", text="Range")
col.itemR(arm, "ghost_size", text="Step")
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(arm, "ghost_only_selected", text="Selected Only")