Ton Roosendaal 558d7499a6 Patch #17666 by Vladimi<C2>r Marek
Fixes for solaris compiling
2008-09-22 15:59:04 +00:00

1013 lines
32 KiB

* El'Beem - the visual lattice boltzmann freesurface simulator
* All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
* GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* Combined 2D/3D Lattice Boltzmann standard solver classes
#include "utilities.h"
#include "solver_interface.h"
#include "ntl_ray.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#endif // PARALLEL=1
#ifndef PARALLEL
#define PARALLEL 0
#endif // PARALLEL
// general solver setting defines
//! debug coordinate accesses and the like? (much slower)
// might be enabled by compilation
//! debug coordinate accesses and the like? (much slower)
//! OPT3D quick LES on/off, only debug/benchmarking
#define USE_LES 1
//! order of interpolation (0=always current/1=interpolate/2=always other)
//#define TIMEINTORDER 0
// TODO remove interpol t param, also interTime
// use optimized 3D code?
#if LBMDIM==2
#define OPT3D 0
// determine with debugging...
# define OPT3D 0
# else // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
// usually switch optimizations for 3d on, when not debugging
# define OPT3D 1
//# define OPT3D 0
# endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
//! invalid mass value for unused mass data
#define MASS_INVALID -1000.0
// empty/fill cells without fluid/empty NB's by inserting them into the full/empty lists?
#define FSGR_MAGICNR 0.025
//! maxmimum no. of grid levels
// enable/disable fine grid compression for finest level
// make sure this is same as useGridComp in calculateMemreqEstimate
#if LBMDIM==3
// helper for comparing floats with epsilon
#define GFX_FLOATNEQ(x,y) ( ABS((x)-(y)) > (VECTOR_EPSILON) )
#define LBM_FLOATNEQ(x,y) ( ABS((x)-(y)) > (10.0*LBM_EPSILON) )
// macros for loops over all DFs
#define FORDF0 for(int l= 0; l< LBM_DFNUM; ++l)
#define FORDF1 for(int l= 1; l< LBM_DFNUM; ++l)
// and with different loop var to prevent shadowing
#define FORDF0M for(int m= 0; m< LBM_DFNUM; ++m)
#define FORDF1M for(int m= 1; m< LBM_DFNUM; ++m)
// iso value defines
// border for marching cubes
#define ISOCORR 3
#define LBM_INLINED inline
// sirdude fix for solaris
#if !defined(linux) && defined(sun)
#include "ieeefp.h"
#ifndef expf
#define expf(x) exp((double)(x))
#include "solver_control.h"
#include "solver_test.h"
/*! cell access classes */
class UniformFsgrCellIdentifier :
public CellIdentifierInterface , public LbmCellContents
//! which grid level?
int level;
//! location in grid
int x,y,z;
//! reset constructor
UniformFsgrCellIdentifier() :
x(0), y(0), z(0) { };
// implement CellIdentifierInterface
virtual string getAsString() {
std::ostringstream ret;
ret <<"{ i"<<x<<",j"<<y;
if(LBMDIM>2) ret<<",k"<<z;
ret <<" }";
return ret.str();
virtual bool equal(CellIdentifierInterface* other) {
UniformFsgrCellIdentifier *cid = (UniformFsgrCellIdentifier *)( other );
if(!cid) return false;
if( x==cid->x && y==cid->y && z==cid->z && level==cid->level ) return true;
return false;
//! information needed for each level in the simulation
class FsgrLevelData {
int id; // level number
//! node size on this level (geometric, in world coordinates, not simulation units!)
LbmFloat nodeSize;
//! node size on this level in simulation units
LbmFloat simCellSize;
//! quadtree node relaxation parameter
LbmFloat omega;
//! size this level was advanced to
LbmFloat time;
//! size of a single lbm step in time units on this level
LbmFloat timestep;
//! step count
int lsteps;
//! gravity force for this level
LbmVec gravity;
//! level array
LbmFloat *mprsCells[2];
CellFlagType *mprsFlags[2];
//! smago params and precalculated values
LbmFloat lcsmago;
LbmFloat lcsmago_sqr;
LbmFloat lcnu;
// LES statistics per level
double avgOmega;
double avgOmegaCnt;
//! current set of dist funcs
int setCurr;
//! target/other set of dist funcs
int setOther;
//! mass&volume for this level
LbmFloat lmass;
LbmFloat lvolume;
LbmFloat lcellfactor;
//! local storage of mSizes
int lSizex, lSizey, lSizez;
int lOffsx, lOffsy, lOffsz;
/*! class for solving a LBM problem */
class LbmFsgrSolver :
public LbmSolverInterface // this means, the solver is a lbmData object and implements the lbmInterface
//! Constructor
//! Destructor
virtual ~LbmFsgrSolver();
//! initilize variables fom attribute list
virtual void parseAttrList();
//! Initialize omegas and forces on all levels (for init/timestep change)
void initLevelOmegas();
// multi step solver init
/*! finish the init with config file values (allocate arrays...) */
virtual bool initializeSolverMemory();
/*! init solver arrays */
virtual bool initializeSolverGrids();
/*! prepare actual simulation start, setup viz etc */
virtual bool initializeSolverPostinit();
//! notify object that dump is in progress (e.g. for field dump)
virtual void notifySolverOfDump(int dumptype, int frameNr,char *frameNrStr,string outfilename);
# if LBM_USE_GUI==1
//! show simulation info (implement LbmSolverInterface pure virtual func)
virtual void debugDisplay(int set);
# endif
// implement CellIterator<UniformFsgrCellIdentifier> interface
typedef UniformFsgrCellIdentifier stdCellId;
virtual CellIdentifierInterface* getFirstCell( );
virtual void advanceCell( CellIdentifierInterface* );
virtual bool noEndCell( CellIdentifierInterface* );
virtual void deleteCellIterator( CellIdentifierInterface** );
virtual CellIdentifierInterface* getCellAt( ntlVec3Gfx pos );
virtual int getCellSet ( CellIdentifierInterface* );
virtual ntlVec3Gfx getCellOrigin ( CellIdentifierInterface* );
virtual ntlVec3Gfx getCellSize ( CellIdentifierInterface* );
virtual int getCellLevel ( CellIdentifierInterface* );
virtual LbmFloat getCellDensity ( CellIdentifierInterface* ,int set);
virtual LbmVec getCellVelocity ( CellIdentifierInterface* ,int set);
virtual LbmFloat getCellDf ( CellIdentifierInterface* ,int set, int dir);
virtual LbmFloat getCellMass ( CellIdentifierInterface* ,int set);
virtual LbmFloat getCellFill ( CellIdentifierInterface* ,int set);
virtual CellFlagType getCellFlag ( CellIdentifierInterface* ,int set);
virtual LbmFloat getEquilDf ( int );
virtual ntlVec3Gfx getVelocityAt (float x, float y, float z);
// convert pointers
stdCellId* convertBaseCidToStdCid( CellIdentifierInterface* basecid);
//! perform geometry init (if switched on)
bool initGeometryFlags();
//! init part for all freesurface testcases
void initFreeSurfaces();
//! init density gradient if enabled
void initStandingFluidGradient();
/*! init a given cell with flag, density, mass and equilibrium dist. funcs */
LBM_INLINED void initEmptyCell(int level, int i,int j,int k, CellFlagType flag, LbmFloat rho, LbmFloat mass);
LBM_INLINED void initVelocityCell(int level, int i,int j,int k, CellFlagType flag, LbmFloat rho, LbmFloat mass, LbmVec vel);
LBM_INLINED void changeFlag(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set,CellFlagType newflag);
LBM_INLINED void forceChangeFlag(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set,CellFlagType newflag);
LBM_INLINED void initInterfaceVars(int level, int i,int j,int k,int workSet, bool initMass);
//! interpolate velocity and density at a given position
void interpolateCellValues(int level,int ei,int ej,int ek,int workSet, LbmFloat &retrho, LbmFloat &retux, LbmFloat &retuy, LbmFloat &retuz);
/*! perform a single LBM step */
void stepMain();
//! advance fine grid
void fineAdvance();
//! advance coarse grid
void coarseAdvance(int lev);
//! update flux area values on coarse grids
void coarseCalculateFluxareas(int lev);
// adaptively coarsen grid
bool adaptGrid(int lev);
// restrict fine grid DFs to coarse grid
void coarseRestrictFromFine(int lev);
/* simulation object interface, just calls stepMain */
virtual void step();
/*! init particle positions */
virtual int initParticles();
/*! move all particles */
virtual void advanceParticles();
/*! move a particle at a boundary */
void handleObstacleParticle(ParticleObject *p);
/*! check whether to add particle
bool checkAddParticle();
void performAddParticle();*/
/*! debug object display (used e.g. for preview surface) */
virtual vector<ntlGeometryObject*> getDebugObjects();
// gui/output debugging functions
# if LBM_USE_GUI==1
virtual void debugDisplayNode(int dispset, CellIdentifierInterface* cell );
virtual void lbmDebugDisplay(int dispset);
virtual void lbmMarkedCellDisplay();
# endif // LBM_USE_GUI==1
virtual void debugPrintNodeInfo(CellIdentifierInterface* cell, int forceSet=-1);
//! for raytracing, preprocess
void prepareVisualization( void );
//! internal quick print function (for debugging)
void printLbmCell(int level, int i, int j, int k,int set);
// debugging use CellIterator interface to mark cell
void debugMarkCellCall(int level, int vi,int vj,int vk);
// loop over grid, stream&collide update
void mainLoop(int lev);
// change time step size
void adaptTimestep();
//! init mObjectSpeeds for current parametrization
void recalculateObjectSpeeds();
//! init moving obstacles for next sim step sim
void initMovingObstacles(bool staticInit);
//! flag reinit step - always works on finest grid!
void reinitFlags( int workSet );
//! mass dist weights
LbmFloat getMassdWeight(bool dirForw, int i,int j,int k,int workSet, int l);
//! compute surface normals: fluid, fluid more accurate, and for obstacles
void computeFluidSurfaceNormal(LbmFloat *cell, CellFlagType *cellflag, LbmFloat *snret);
void computeFluidSurfaceNormalAcc(LbmFloat *cell, CellFlagType *cellflag, LbmFloat *snret);
void computeObstacleSurfaceNormal(LbmFloat *cell, CellFlagType *cellflag, LbmFloat *snret);
void computeObstacleSurfaceNormalAcc(int i,int j,int k, LbmFloat *snret);
//! add point to mListNewInter list
LBM_INLINED void addToNewInterList( int ni, int nj, int nk );
//! cell is interpolated from coarse level (inited into set, source sets are determined by t)
void interpolateCellFromCoarse(int lev, int i, int j,int k, int dstSet, LbmFloat t, CellFlagType flagSet,bool markNbs);
void coarseRestrictCell(int lev, int i,int j,int k, int srcSet, int dstSet);
//! minimal and maximal z-coords (for 2D/3D loops)
LBM_INLINED int getForZMinBnd();
LBM_INLINED int getForZMin1();
LBM_INLINED int getForZMaxBnd(int lev);
LBM_INLINED int getForZMax1(int lev);
LBM_INLINED bool checkDomainBounds(int lev,int i,int j,int k);
LBM_INLINED bool checkDomainBoundsPos(int lev,LbmVec pos);
// touch grid and flags once
void preinitGrids();
// one relaxation step for standing fluid
void standingFluidPreinit();
// member vars
//! mass calculated during streaming step
LbmFloat mCurrentMass;
LbmFloat mCurrentVolume;
LbmFloat mInitialMass;
//! count problematic cases, that occured so far...
int mNumProblems;
// average mlsups, count how many so far...
double mAvgMLSUPS;
double mAvgMLSUPSCnt;
//! Mcubes object for surface reconstruction
IsoSurface *mpPreviewSurface;
//! use time adaptivity?
bool mTimeAdap;
//! force smaller timestep for next LBM step? (eg for mov obj)
bool mForceTimeStepReduce;
//! fluid vol height
LbmFloat mFVHeight;
LbmFloat mFVArea;
bool mUpdateFVHeight;
//! force quit for gfx
LbmFloat mGfxEndTime;
//! smoother surface initialization?
int mInitSurfaceSmoothing;
//! surface generation settings, default is all off (=0)
// each flag switches side on off, fssgNoObs is for obstacle sides
// -1 equals all on
typedef enum {
fssgNormal = 0,
fssgNoNorth = 1,
fssgNoSouth = 2,
fssgNoEast = 4,
fssgNoWest = 8,
fssgNoTop = 16,
fssgNoBottom = 32,
fssgNoObs = 64
} fsSurfaceGen;
int mFsSurfGenSetting;
//! lock time step down switching
int mTimestepReduceLock;
//! count no. of switches
int mTimeSwitchCounts;
// only switch of maxvel is higher for several steps...
int mTimeMaxvelStepCnt;
//! total simulation time so far
LbmFloat mSimulationTime, mLastSimTime;
//! smallest and largest step size so far
LbmFloat mMinTimestep, mMaxTimestep;
//! track max. velocity
LbmFloat mMxvx, mMxvy, mMxvz, mMaxVlen;
//! list of the cells to empty at the end of the step
vector<LbmPoint> mListEmpty;
//! list of the cells to make fluid at the end of the step
vector<LbmPoint> mListFull;
//! list of new interface cells to init
vector<LbmPoint> mListNewInter;
//! class for handling redist weights in reinit flag function
class lbmFloatSet {
LbmFloat val[dTotalNum];
LbmFloat numNbs;
//! normalized vectors for all neighboring cell directions (for e.g. massdweight calc)
LbmVec mDvecNrm[27];
//! debugging
bool checkSymmetry(string idstring);
//! kepp track of max/min no. of filled cells
int mMaxNoCells, mMinNoCells;
LONGINT mAvgNumUsedCells;
//! precalculated objects speeds for current parametrization
vector<LbmVec> mObjectSpeeds;
//! partslip bc. values for obstacle boundary conditions
vector<LbmFloat> mObjectPartslips;
//! moving object mass boundary condition values
vector<LbmFloat> mObjectMassMovnd;
//! permanent movobj vert storage
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> mMOIVertices;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> mMOIVerticesOld;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> mMOINormals;
//! get isofield weights
int mIsoWeightMethod;
float mIsoWeight[27];
// grid coarsening vars
/*! vector for the data for each level */
/*! minimal and maximal refinement levels */
int mMaxRefine;
/*! df scale factors for level up/down */
LbmFloat mDfScaleUp, mDfScaleDown;
/*! precomputed cell area values */
LbmFloat mFsgrCellArea[27];
/*! restriction interpolation weights */
LbmFloat mGaussw[27];
/*! LES C_smago paramter for finest grid */
float mInitialCsmago;
/*! LES stats for non OPT3D */
LbmFloat mDebugOmegaRet;
/*! remember last init for animated params */
LbmFloat mLastOmega;
LbmVec mLastGravity;
//! fluid stats
int mNumInterdCells;
int mNumInvIfCells;
int mNumInvIfTotal;
int mNumFsgrChanges;
//! debug function to disable standing f init
int mDisableStandingFluidInit;
//! init 2d with skipped Y/Z coords
bool mInit2dYZ;
//! debug function to force tadap syncing
int mForceTadapRefine;
//! border cutoff value
int mCutoff;
// strict debug interface
int debLBMGI(int level, int ii,int ij,int ik, int is);
CellFlagType& debRFLAG(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set);
CellFlagType& debRFLAG_NB(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set, int dir);
CellFlagType& debRFLAG_NBINV(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set, int dir);
int debLBMQI(int level, int ii,int ij,int ik, int is, int l);
LbmFloat& debQCELL(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set,int l);
LbmFloat& debQCELL_NB(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set, int dir,int l);
LbmFloat& debQCELL_NBINV(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set, int dir,int l);
LbmFloat* debRACPNT(int level, int ii,int ij,int ik, int is );
LbmFloat& debRAC(LbmFloat* s,int l);
# endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
LbmControlData *mpControl;
void initCpdata();
void handleCpdata();
void cpDebugDisplay(int dispset);
bool mUseTestdata;
// test functions
LbmTestdata *mpTest;
void initTestdata();
void destroyTestdata();
void handleTestdata();
void set3dHeight(int ,int );
int mMpNum,mMpIndex;
int mOrgSizeX;
LbmFloat mOrgStartX;
LbmFloat mOrgEndX;
void mrSetup();
void mrExchange();
void mrIsoExchange();
LbmFloat mrInitTadap(LbmFloat max);
void gcFillBuffer( LbmGridConnector *gc, int *retSizeCnt, const int *bdfs);
void gcUnpackBuffer(LbmGridConnector *gc, int *retSizeCnt, const int *bdfs);
// needed for testdata
void find3dHeight(int i,int j, LbmFloat prev, LbmFloat &ret, LbmFloat *retux, LbmFloat *retuy, LbmFloat *retuz);
// mptest
int getMpIndex() { return mMpIndex; };
// former LbmModelLBGK functions
// relaxation funtions - implemented together with relax macros
static inline LbmFloat getVelVecLen(int l, LbmFloat ux,LbmFloat uy,LbmFloat uz);
static inline LbmFloat getCollideEq(int l, LbmFloat rho, LbmFloat ux, LbmFloat uy, LbmFloat uz);
inline LbmFloat getLesNoneqTensorCoeff( LbmFloat df[], LbmFloat feq[] );
inline LbmFloat getLesOmega(LbmFloat omega, LbmFloat csmago, LbmFloat Qo);
inline void collideArrays( int lev, int i, int j, int k, // position - more for debugging
LbmFloat df[], LbmFloat &outrho, // out only!
// velocity modifiers (returns actual velocity!)
LbmFloat &mux, LbmFloat &muy, LbmFloat &muz,
LbmFloat omega, LbmVec gravity, LbmFloat csmago,
LbmFloat *newOmegaRet, LbmFloat *newQoRet);
// former LBM models
//! shorten static const definitions
# define STCON static const
# if LBMDIM==3
//! id string of solver
virtual string getIdString() { return string("FreeSurfaceFsgrSolver[BGK_D3Q19]"); }
//! how many dimensions? UNUSED? replace by LBMDIM?
STCON int cDimension;
// Wi factors for collide step
STCON LbmFloat cCollenZero;
STCON LbmFloat cCollenOne;
STCON LbmFloat cCollenSqrtTwo;
//! threshold value for filled/emptied cells
STCON LbmFloat cMagicNr2;
STCON LbmFloat cMagicNr2Neg;
STCON LbmFloat cMagicNr;
STCON LbmFloat cMagicNrNeg;
//! size of a single set of distribution functions
STCON int cDfNum;
//! direction vector contain vecs for all spatial dirs, even if not used for LBM model
STCON int cDirNum;
//! distribution functions directions
typedef enum {
cDirInv= -1,
cDirC = 0,
cDirN = 1,
cDirS = 2,
cDirE = 3,
cDirW = 4,
cDirT = 5,
cDirB = 6,
cDirNE = 7,
cDirNW = 8,
cDirSE = 9,
cDirSW = 10,
cDirNT = 11,
cDirNB = 12,
cDirST = 13,
cDirSB = 14,
cDirET = 15,
cDirEB = 16,
cDirWT = 17,
cDirWB = 18
} dfDir;
/* Vector Order 3D:
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
* 0, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 1,-1, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,-1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1
* 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,-1,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,-1,-1, 1, 1,-1,-1
* 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1,-1,-1,-1
/*! name of the dist. function
only for nicer output */
STCON char* dfString[ 19 ];
/*! index of normal dist func, not used so far?... */
STCON int dfNorm[ 19 ];
/*! index of inverse dist func, not fast, but useful... */
STCON int dfInv[ 19 ];
/*! index of x reflected dist func for free slip, not valid for all DFs... */
STCON int dfRefX[ 19 ];
/*! index of x reflected dist func for free slip, not valid for all DFs... */
STCON int dfRefY[ 19 ];
/*! index of x reflected dist func for free slip, not valid for all DFs... */
STCON int dfRefZ[ 19 ];
/*! dist func vectors */
STCON int dfVecX[ 27 ];
STCON int dfVecY[ 27 ];
STCON int dfVecZ[ 27 ];
/*! arrays as before with doubles */
STCON LbmFloat dfDvecX[ 27 ];
STCON LbmFloat dfDvecY[ 27 ];
STCON LbmFloat dfDvecZ[ 27 ];
/*! principal directions */
STCON int princDirX[ 2*3 ];
STCON int princDirY[ 2*3 ];
STCON int princDirZ[ 2*3 ];
/*! vector lengths */
STCON LbmFloat dfLength[ 19 ];
/*! equilibrium distribution functions, precalculated = getCollideEq(i, 0,0,0,0) */
static LbmFloat dfEquil[ dTotalNum ];
/*! arrays for les model coefficients */
static LbmFloat lesCoeffDiag[ (3-1)*(3-1) ][ 27 ];
static LbmFloat lesCoeffOffdiag[ 3 ][ 27 ];
# else // end LBMDIM==3 , LBMDIM==2
//! id string of solver
virtual string getIdString() { return string("FreeSurfaceFsgrSolver[BGK_D2Q9]"); }
//! how many dimensions?
STCON int cDimension;
//! Wi factors for collide step
STCON LbmFloat cCollenZero;
STCON LbmFloat cCollenOne;
STCON LbmFloat cCollenSqrtTwo;
//! threshold value for filled/emptied cells
STCON LbmFloat cMagicNr2;
STCON LbmFloat cMagicNr2Neg;
STCON LbmFloat cMagicNr;
STCON LbmFloat cMagicNrNeg;
//! size of a single set of distribution functions
STCON int cDfNum;
STCON int cDirNum;
//! distribution functions directions
typedef enum {
cDirInv= -1,
cDirC = 0,
cDirN = 1,
cDirS = 2,
cDirE = 3,
cDirW = 4,
cDirNE = 5,
cDirNW = 6,
cDirSE = 7,
cDirSW = 8
} dfDir;
/* Vector Order 2D:
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
* 0, 0,0, 1,-1, 1,-1,1,-1
* 0, 1,-1, 0,0, 1,1,-1,-1 */
/* name of the dist. function
only for nicer output */
STCON char* dfString[ 9 ];
/* index of normal dist func, not used so far?... */
STCON int dfNorm[ 9 ];
/* index of inverse dist func, not fast, but useful... */
STCON int dfInv[ 9 ];
/* index of x reflected dist func for free slip, not valid for all DFs... */
STCON int dfRefX[ 9 ];
/* index of x reflected dist func for free slip, not valid for all DFs... */
STCON int dfRefY[ 9 ];
/* index of x reflected dist func for free slip, not valid for all DFs... */
STCON int dfRefZ[ 9 ];
/* dist func vectors */
STCON int dfVecX[ 9 ];
STCON int dfVecY[ 9 ];
/* Z, 2D values are all 0! */
STCON int dfVecZ[ 9 ];
/* arrays as before with doubles */
STCON LbmFloat dfDvecX[ 9 ];
STCON LbmFloat dfDvecY[ 9 ];
/* Z, 2D values are all 0! */
STCON LbmFloat dfDvecZ[ 9 ];
/*! principal directions */
STCON int princDirX[ 2*2 ];
STCON int princDirY[ 2*2 ];
STCON int princDirZ[ 2*2 ];
/* vector lengths */
STCON LbmFloat dfLength[ 9 ];
/* equilibrium distribution functions, precalculated = getCollideEq(i, 0,0,0,0) */
static LbmFloat dfEquil[ dTotalNum ];
/*! arrays for les model coefficients */
static LbmFloat lesCoeffDiag[ (2-1)*(2-1) ][ 9 ];
static LbmFloat lesCoeffOffdiag[ 2 ][ 9 ];
# endif // LBMDIM==2
#undef STCON
// relaxation_macros
// cell mark debugging
#define debugMarkCell(lev,x,y,z) \
errMsg("debugMarkCell",this->mName<<" step: "<<this->mStepCnt<<" lev:"<<(lev)<<" marking "<<PRINT_VEC((x),(y),(z))<<" line "<< __LINE__ ); \
#define debugMarkCell(lev,x,y,z) \
#endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
// flag array defines -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// lbm testsolver get index define, note - ignores is (set) as flag
// array is only a single entry
#define _LBMGI(level, ii,ij,ik, is) ( (mLevel[level].lOffsy*(ik)) + (mLevel[level].lOffsx*(ij)) + (ii) )
//! flag array acces macro
#define _RFLAG(level,xx,yy,zz,set) mLevel[level].mprsFlags[set][ LBMGI((level),(xx),(yy),(zz),(set)) ]
#define _RFLAG_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir) mLevel[level].mprsFlags[set][ LBMGI((level),(xx)+this->dfVecX[dir],(yy)+this->dfVecY[dir],(zz)+this->dfVecZ[dir],set) ]
#define _RFLAG_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir) mLevel[level].mprsFlags[set][ LBMGI((level),(xx)+this->dfVecX[this->dfInv[dir]],(yy)+this->dfVecY[this->dfInv[dir]],(zz)+this->dfVecZ[this->dfInv[dir]],set) ]
// array handling -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define _LBMQI(level, ii,ij,ik, is, lunused) ( (mLevel[level].lOffsy*(ik)) + (mLevel[level].lOffsx*(ij)) + (ii) )
#define _QCELL(level,xx,yy,zz,set,l) (mLevel[level].mprsCells[(set)][ LBMQI((level),(xx),(yy),(zz),(set), l)*dTotalNum +(l)])
#define _QCELL_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l) (mLevel[level].mprsCells[(set)][ LBMQI((level),(xx)+this->dfVecX[dir],(yy)+this->dfVecY[dir],(zz)+this->dfVecZ[dir],set, l)*dTotalNum +(l)])
#define _QCELL_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l) (mLevel[level].mprsCells[(set)][ LBMQI((level),(xx)+this->dfVecX[this->dfInv[dir]],(yy)+this->dfVecY[this->dfInv[dir]],(zz)+this->dfVecZ[this->dfInv[dir]],set, l)*dTotalNum +(l)])
#define QCELLSTEP dTotalNum
#define _RACPNT(level, ii,ij,ik, is ) &QCELL(level,ii,ij,ik,is,0)
#define _RAC(s,l) (s)[(l)]
#define LBMGI(level,ii,ij,ik, is) debLBMGI(level,ii,ij,ik, is)
#define RFLAG(level,xx,yy,zz,set) debRFLAG(level,xx,yy,zz,set)
#define RFLAG_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir) debRFLAG_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir)
#define RFLAG_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir) debRFLAG_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir)
#define LBMQI(level,ii,ij,ik, is, l) debLBMQI(level,ii,ij,ik, is, l)
#define QCELL(level,xx,yy,zz,set,l) debQCELL(level,xx,yy,zz,set,l)
#define QCELL_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l) debQCELL_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l)
#define QCELL_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l) debQCELL_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l)
#define RACPNT(level, ii,ij,ik, is ) debRACPNT(level, ii,ij,ik, is )
#define RAC(s,l) debRAC(s,l)
#define LBMGI(level,ii,ij,ik, is) _LBMGI(level,ii,ij,ik, is)
#define RFLAG(level,xx,yy,zz,set) _RFLAG(level,xx,yy,zz,set)
#define RFLAG_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir) _RFLAG_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir)
#define RFLAG_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir) _RFLAG_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir)
#define LBMQI(level,ii,ij,ik, is, l) _LBMQI(level,ii,ij,ik, is, l)
#define QCELL(level,xx,yy,zz,set,l) _QCELL(level,xx,yy,zz,set,l)
#define QCELL_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l) _QCELL_NB(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir, l)
#define QCELL_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l) _QCELL_NBINV(level,xx,yy,zz,set, dir,l)
#define RACPNT(level, ii,ij,ik, is ) _RACPNT(level, ii,ij,ik, is )
#define RAC(s,l) _RAC(s,l)
#endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
// general defines -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// replace TESTFLAG
#define FLAGISEXACT(flag, compflag) ((flag & compflag)==compflag)
#if LBMDIM==2
#define dC 0
#define dN 1
#define dS 2
#define dE 3
#define dW 4
#define dNE 5
#define dNW 6
#define dSE 7
#define dSW 8
// direction indices
#define dC 0
#define dN 1
#define dS 2
#define dE 3
#define dW 4
#define dT 5
#define dB 6
#define dNE 7
#define dNW 8
#define dSE 9
#define dSW 10
#define dNT 11
#define dNB 12
#define dST 13
#define dSB 14
#define dET 15
#define dEB 16
#define dWT 17
#define dWB 18
//? #define dWB 18
// default init for dFlux values
#define FLUX_INIT 0.5f * (float)(this->cDfNum)
// only for non DF dir handling!
#define dNET 19
#define dNWT 20
#define dSET 21
#define dSWT 22
#define dNEB 23
#define dNWB 24
#define dSEB 25
#define dSWB 26
//! fill value for boundary cells
#define BND_FILL 0.0
#define DFL1 (1.0/ 3.0)
#define DFL2 (1.0/18.0)
#define DFL3 (1.0/36.0)
// loops over _all_ cells (including boundary layer)
#define FSGR_FORIJK_BOUNDS(leveli) \
for(int k= getForZMinBnd(); k< getForZMaxBnd(leveli); ++k) \
for(int j=0;j<mLevel[leveli].lSizey-0;++j) \
for(int i=0;i<mLevel[leveli].lSizex-0;++i) \
// loops over _only inner_ cells
#define FSGR_FORIJK1(leveli) \
for(int k= getForZMin1(); k< getForZMax1(leveli); ++k) \
for(int j=1;j<mLevel[leveli].lSizey-1;++j) \
for(int i=1;i<mLevel[leveli].lSizex-1;++i) \
// relaxation_macros end
/*! equilibrium functions */
/*! calculate length of velocity vector */
inline LbmFloat LbmFsgrSolver::getVelVecLen(int l, LbmFloat ux,LbmFloat uy,LbmFloat uz) {
return ((ux)*dfDvecX[l]+(uy)*dfDvecY[l]+(uz)*dfDvecZ[l]);
/*! calculate equilibrium DF for given values */
inline LbmFloat LbmFsgrSolver::getCollideEq(int l, LbmFloat rho, LbmFloat ux, LbmFloat uy, LbmFloat uz) {
if((l<0)||(l>LBM_DFNUM)) { errFatal("LbmFsgrSolver::getCollideEq","Invalid DFEQ call "<<l, SIMWORLD_PANIC ); /* no access to mPanic here */ }
#endif // FSGR_STRICT_DEBUG==1
LbmFloat tmp = getVelVecLen(l,ux,uy,uz);
return( dfLength[l] *(
+ rho - (3.0/2.0*(ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz))
+ 3.0 *tmp
+ 9.0/2.0 *(tmp*tmp) )
); // */
/* init a given cell with flag, density, mass and equilibrium dist. funcs */
void LbmFsgrSolver::forceChangeFlag(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set,CellFlagType newflag) {
// also overwrite persisting flags
// function is useful for tracking accesses...
RFLAG(level,xx,yy,zz,set) = newflag;
void LbmFsgrSolver::changeFlag(int level, int xx,int yy,int zz,int set,CellFlagType newflag) {
CellFlagType pers = RFLAG(level,xx,yy,zz,set) & CFPersistMask;
RFLAG(level,xx,yy,zz,set) = newflag | pers;
LbmFsgrSolver::initEmptyCell(int level, int i,int j,int k, CellFlagType flag, LbmFloat rho, LbmFloat mass) {
/* init eq. dist funcs */
LbmFloat *ecel;
int workSet = mLevel[level].setCurr;
ecel = RACPNT(level, i,j,k, workSet);
FORDF0 { RAC(ecel, l) = this->dfEquil[l] * rho; }
RAC(ecel, dMass) = mass;
RAC(ecel, dFfrac) = mass/rho;
RAC(ecel, dFlux) = FLUX_INIT;
changeFlag(level, i,j,k, workSet, flag);
workSet ^= 1;
changeFlag(level, i,j,k, workSet, flag);
LbmFsgrSolver::initVelocityCell(int level, int i,int j,int k, CellFlagType flag, LbmFloat rho, LbmFloat mass, LbmVec vel) {
LbmFloat *ecel;
int workSet = mLevel[level].setCurr;
ecel = RACPNT(level, i,j,k, workSet);
FORDF0 { RAC(ecel, l) = getCollideEq(l, rho,vel[0],vel[1],vel[2]); }
RAC(ecel, dMass) = mass;
RAC(ecel, dFfrac) = mass/rho;
RAC(ecel, dFlux) = FLUX_INIT;
changeFlag(level, i,j,k, workSet, flag);
workSet ^= 1;
changeFlag(level, i,j,k, workSet, flag);
int LbmFsgrSolver::getForZMinBnd() {
return 0;
int LbmFsgrSolver::getForZMin1() {
if(LBMDIM==2) return 0;
return 1;
int LbmFsgrSolver::getForZMaxBnd(int lev) {
if(LBMDIM==2) return 1;
return mLevel[lev].lSizez -0;
int LbmFsgrSolver::getForZMax1(int lev) {
if(LBMDIM==2) return 1;
return mLevel[lev].lSizez -1;
bool LbmFsgrSolver::checkDomainBounds(int lev,int i,int j,int k) {
if(i<0) return false;
if(j<0) return false;
if(k<0) return false;
if(i>mLevel[lev].lSizex-1) return false;
if(j>mLevel[lev].lSizey-1) return false;
if(k>mLevel[lev].lSizez-1) return false;
return true;
bool LbmFsgrSolver::checkDomainBoundsPos(int lev,LbmVec pos) {
const int i= (int)pos[0];
if(i<0) return false;
if(i>mLevel[lev].lSizex-1) return false;
const int j= (int)pos[1];
if(j<0) return false;
if(j>mLevel[lev].lSizey-1) return false;
const int k= (int)pos[2];
if(k<0) return false;
if(k>mLevel[lev].lSizez-1) return false;
return true;
void LbmFsgrSolver::initInterfaceVars(int level, int i,int j,int k,int workSet, bool initMass) {
LbmFloat *ccel = &QCELL(level ,i,j,k, workSet,0);
LbmFloat nrho = 0.0;
FORDF0 { nrho += RAC(ccel,l); }
if(initMass) {
RAC(ccel,dMass) = nrho;
RAC(ccel, dFfrac) = 1.;
} else {
// preinited, e.g. from reinitFlags
RAC(ccel, dFfrac) = RAC(ccel, dMass)/nrho;
RAC(ccel, dFlux) = FLUX_INIT;