Brecht Van Lommel 1b9d661eca Mesh Deform Modifier

The MeshDeform modifier can deform a mesh with another 'cage' mesh.
It is similar to a lattice modifier, but instead of being restricted
to the regular grid layout of a lattice, the cage mesh can be modeled
to fit the mesh better.

Implementation Notes:
- OpenNL has been refactored a bit to allow least squares matrices to
  be built without passing the matrix row by row, but instead with
  random access. MDef doesn't need this actually, but it's using this
  version of OpenNL so I'm just committing it now.
- Mean value weights for polygons have been added to arithb.c, a type
  of barycentric coordinates for polygons with >= 3 vertices. This
  might be useful for other parts of blender too.
2007-11-04 22:00:24 +00:00

148 lines
3.8 KiB

* $Id$
* OpenNL: Numerical Library
* Copyright (C) 2004 Bruno Levy
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
* name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
* and the reason for such modification.
* Contact: Bruno Levy
* ISA Project
* LORIA, INRIA Lorraine,
* Campus Scientifique, BP 239
* Note that the GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating
* the Software into proprietary programs.
#define NL_DEBUG
#ifndef nlOPENNL_H
#define nlOPENNL_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define NL_VERSION_0_0 1
/* Datatypes */
typedef unsigned int NLenum;
typedef unsigned char NLboolean;
typedef unsigned int NLbitfield;
typedef void NLvoid;
typedef signed char NLbyte; /* 1-byte signed */
typedef short NLshort; /* 2-byte signed */
typedef int NLint; /* 4-byte signed */
typedef unsigned char NLubyte; /* 1-byte unsigned */
typedef unsigned short NLushort; /* 2-byte unsigned */
typedef unsigned int NLuint; /* 4-byte unsigned */
typedef int NLsizei; /* 4-byte signed */
typedef float NLfloat; /* single precision float */
typedef double NLdouble; /* double precision float */
typedef void* NLContext;
/* Constants */
#define NL_FALSE 0x0
#define NL_TRUE 0x1
/* Primitives */
#define NL_SYSTEM 0x0
#define NL_MATRIX 0x1
/* Solver Parameters */
#define NL_SOLVER 0x100
#define NL_NB_VARIABLES 0x101
#define NL_LEAST_SQUARES 0x102
#define NL_SYMMETRIC 0x106
#define NL_ERROR 0x108
#define NL_NB_ROWS 0x110
#define NL_NB_RIGHT_HAND_SIDES 0x112 /* 4 max */
/* Contexts */
NLContext nlNewContext(void);
void nlDeleteContext(NLContext context);
void nlMakeCurrent(NLContext context);
NLContext nlGetCurrent(void);
/* State get/set */
void nlSolverParameterf(NLenum pname, NLfloat param);
void nlSolverParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint param);
void nlGetBooleanv(NLenum pname, NLboolean* params);
void nlGetFloatv(NLenum pname, NLfloat* params);
void nlGetIntergerv(NLenum pname, NLint* params);
void nlEnable(NLenum pname);
void nlDisable(NLenum pname);
NLboolean nlIsEnabled(NLenum pname);
/* Variables */
void nlSetVariable(NLuint rhsindex, NLuint index, NLfloat value);
NLfloat nlGetVariable(NLuint rhsindex, NLuint index);
void nlLockVariable(NLuint index);
void nlUnlockVariable(NLuint index);
NLboolean nlVariableIsLocked(NLuint index);
/* Begin/End */
void nlBegin(NLenum primitive);
void nlEnd(NLenum primitive);
/* Setting elements in matrix/vector */
void nlMatrixAdd(NLuint row, NLuint col, NLfloat value);
void nlRightHandSideAdd(NLuint rhsindex, NLuint index, NLfloat value);
void nlRightHandSideSet(NLuint rhsindex, NLuint index, NLfloat value);
/* Multiply */
void nlMatrixMultiply(NLfloat *x, NLfloat *y);
/* Solve */
void nlPrintMatrix(void);
NLboolean nlSolve();
NLboolean nlSolveAdvanced(NLint *permutation, NLboolean solveAgain);
#ifdef __cplusplus