Sergey Sharybin 7b31c3c198 Fix cosmetic typos
Patch provided by Matteo F. Vescovi, thanks!
2012-05-15 16:11:04 +00:00

810 lines
30 KiB

/** \file elbeem/intern/ntl_geometryobject.cpp
* \ingroup elbeem
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* a geometry object
* all other geometry objects are derived from this one
#include "ntl_geometryobject.h"
#include "ntl_world.h"
#include "ntl_matrices.h"
// for FGI
#include "elbeem.h"
#define TRI_UVOFFSET (1./4.)
//#define TRI_UVOFFSET (1./3.)
/* Default constructor */
ntlGeometryObject::ntlGeometryObject() :
mIsInitialized(false), mpMaterial( NULL ),
mMaterialName( "default" ),
mCastShadows( 1 ), mReceiveShadows( 1 ),
mGeoInitType( 0 ),
mInitialVelocity(0.0), mcInitialVelocity(0.0), mLocalCoordInivel(false),
mcTrans(0.), mcRot(0.), mcScale(1.),
mMovPoints(), mMovNormals(),
mCachedMovPoints(), mCachedMovNormals(),
mTriangleDivs1(), mTriangleDivs2(), mTriangleDivs3(),
mMovPntsInited(-100.0), mMaxMovPnt(-1),
mCpsTimeStart(0.), mCpsTimeEnd(1.0), mCpsQuality(10.),
mcAttrFStr(0.),mcAttrFRad(0.), mcVelFStr(0.), mcVelFRad(0.)
/* Default destructor */
/*! is the mesh animated? */
bool ntlGeometryObject::getMeshAnimated() {
// off by default, on for e.g. ntlGeometryObjModel
return false;
/*! init object anim flag */
bool ntlGeometryObject::checkIsAnimated() {
if( (mcTrans.accessValues().size()>1) // VALIDATE
|| (mcRot.accessValues().size()>1)
|| (mcScale.accessValues().size()>1)
|| (mcGeoActive.accessValues().size()>1)
// mcGeoImpactFactor only needed when moving
|| (mcInitialVelocity.accessValues().size()>1)
) {
mIsAnimated = true;
// fluid objects always have static init!
if(mGeoInitType==FGI_FLUID) {
//errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::checkIsAnimated","obj="<<getName()<<" debug: trans:"<<mcTrans.accessValues().size()<<" rot:"<<mcRot.accessValues().size()<<" scale:"<<mcScale.accessValues().size()<<" active:"<<mcGeoActive.accessValues().size()<<" inivel:"<<mcInitialVelocity.accessValues().size()<<". isani?"<<mIsAnimated ); // DEBUG
return mIsAnimated;
/* Init attributes etc. of this object */
static const char *initStringStrs[GEOINIT_STRINGS] = {
"inflow", "outflow", "control",
static int initStringTypes[GEOINIT_STRINGS] = {
void ntlGeometryObject::initialize(ntlRenderGlobals *glob)
//debugOut("ntlGeometryObject::initialize: '"<<getName()<<"' ", 10);
// initialize only once...
if(mIsInitialized) return;
// init material, always necessary
searchMaterial( glob->getMaterials() );
this->mGeoInitId = mpAttrs->readInt("geoinitid", this->mGeoInitId,"ntlGeometryObject", "mGeoInitId", false);
mGeoInitIntersect = mpAttrs->readInt("geoinit_intersect", mGeoInitIntersect,"ntlGeometryObject", "mGeoInitIntersect", false);
string ginitStr = mpAttrs->readString("geoinittype", "", "ntlGeometryObject", "mGeoInitType", false);
if(this->mGeoInitId>=0) {
bool gotit = false;
for(int i=0; i<GEOINIT_STRINGS; i++) {
if(ginitStr== initStringStrs[i]) {
gotit = true;
mGeoInitType = initStringTypes[i];
if(!gotit) {
errFatal("ntlGeometryObject::initialize","Obj '"<<mName<<"', Unknown 'geoinittype' value: '"<< ginitStr <<"' ", SIMWORLD_INITERROR);
int geoActive = mpAttrs->readInt("geoinitactive", 1,"ntlGeometryObject", "geoActive", false);
if(!geoActive) {
// disable geo init again...
this->mGeoInitId = -1;
mInitialVelocity = vec2G( mpAttrs->readVec3d("initial_velocity", vec2D(mInitialVelocity),"ntlGeometryObject", "mInitialVelocity", false));
if(getAttributeList()->exists("initial_velocity") || (!mcInitialVelocity.isInited()) ) {
mcInitialVelocity = mpAttrs->readChannelVec3f("initial_velocity");
// always use channel
if(!mcInitialVelocity.isInited()) { mcInitialVelocity = AnimChannel<ntlVec3Gfx>(mInitialVelocity); }
mLocalCoordInivel = mpAttrs->readBool("geoinit_localinivel", mLocalCoordInivel,"ntlGeometryObject", "mLocalCoordInivel", false);
mGeoPartSlipValue = mpAttrs->readFloat("geoinit_partslip", mGeoPartSlipValue,"ntlGeometryObject", "mGeoPartSlipValue", false);
bool mOnlyThinInit = false; // deprecated!
mOnlyThinInit = mpAttrs->readBool("geoinit_onlythin", mOnlyThinInit,"ntlGeometryObject", "mOnlyThinInit", false);
if(mOnlyThinInit) mVolumeInit = VOLUMEINIT_SHELL;
mVolumeInit = mpAttrs->readInt("geoinit_volumeinit", mVolumeInit,"ntlGeometryObject", "mVolumeInit", false);
// moving obs correction factor
float impactfactor=1.;
impactfactor = (float)mpAttrs->readFloat("impactfactor", impactfactor,"ntlGeometryObject", "impactfactor", false);
if(getAttributeList()->exists("impactfactor") || (!mcGeoImpactFactor.isInited()) ) {
mcGeoImpactFactor = mpAttrs->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("impactfactor");
// override cfg types
mVisible = mpAttrs->readBool("visible", mVisible,"ntlGeometryObject", "mVisible", false);
mReceiveShadows = mpAttrs->readBool("recv_shad", mReceiveShadows,"ntlGeometryObject", "mReceiveShadows", false);
mCastShadows = mpAttrs->readBool("cast_shad", mCastShadows,"ntlGeometryObject", "mCastShadows", false);
// read mesh animation channels
ntlVec3d translation(0.0);
translation = mpAttrs->readVec3d("translation", translation,"ntlGeometryObject", "translation", false);
if(getAttributeList()->exists("translation") || (!mcTrans.isInited()) ) {
mcTrans = mpAttrs->readChannelVec3f("translation");
ntlVec3d rotation(0.0);
rotation = mpAttrs->readVec3d("rotation", rotation,"ntlGeometryObject", "rotation", false);
if(getAttributeList()->exists("rotation") || (!mcRot.isInited()) ) {
mcRot = mpAttrs->readChannelVec3f("rotation");
ntlVec3d scale(1.0);
scale = mpAttrs->readVec3d("scale", scale,"ntlGeometryObject", "scale", false);
if(getAttributeList()->exists("scale") || (!mcScale.isInited()) ) {
mcScale = mpAttrs->readChannelVec3f("scale");
float geoactive=1.;
geoactive = (float)mpAttrs->readFloat("geoactive", geoactive,"ntlGeometryObject", "geoactive", false);
if(getAttributeList()->exists("geoactive") || (!mcGeoActive.isInited()) ) {
mcGeoActive = mpAttrs->readChannelSinglePrecFloat("geoactive");
// always use channel
if(!mcGeoActive.isInited()) { mcGeoActive = AnimChannel<float>(geoactive); }
mIsInitialized = true;
debMsgStd("ntlGeometryObject::initialize",DM_MSG,"GeoObj '"<<this->getName()<<"': visible="<<this->mVisible<<" gid="<<this->mGeoInitId<<" gtype="<<mGeoInitType<<","<<ginitStr<<
" gvel="<<mInitialVelocity<<" gisect="<<mGeoInitIntersect, 10); // debug
/*! notify object that dump is in progress (e.g. for particles) */
// default action - do nothing...
void ntlGeometryObject::notifyOfDump(int dumtp, int frameNr,char *frameNrStr,string outfilename, double simtime) {
bool debugOut=false;
if(debugOut) debMsgStd("ntlGeometryObject::notifyOfDump",DM_MSG," dt:"<<dumtp<<" obj:"<<this->getName()<<" frame:"<<frameNrStr<<","<<frameNr<<",t"<<simtime<<" to "<<outfilename, 10); // DEBUG
/* Search the material for this object from the material list */
void ntlGeometryObject::searchMaterial(vector<ntlMaterial *> *mat)
/* search the list... */
int i=0;
for (vector<ntlMaterial*>::iterator iter = mat->begin();
iter != mat->end(); iter++) {
if( mMaterialName == (*iter)->getName() ) {
//warnMsg("ntlGeometryObject::searchMaterial","for obj '"<<getName()<<"' found - '"<<(*iter)->getName()<<"' "<<i); // DEBUG
mpMaterial = (*iter);
errFatal("ntlGeometryObject::searchMaterial","Unknown material '"<<mMaterialName<<"' ! ", SIMWORLD_INITERROR);
mpMaterial = new ntlMaterial();
* static add triangle function
void ntlGeometryObject::sceneAddTriangle(
ntlVec3Gfx p1,ntlVec3Gfx p2,ntlVec3Gfx p3,
ntlVec3Gfx pn1,ntlVec3Gfx pn2,ntlVec3Gfx pn3,
ntlVec3Gfx trin, bool smooth,
vector<ntlTriangle> *triangles,
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *vertices,
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *normals) {
ntlTriangle tri;
int tempVert;
if(normals->size() != vertices->size()) {
errFatal("ntlGeometryObject::sceneAddTriangle","For '"<<this->mName<<"': Vertices and normals sizes to not match!!!",SIMWORLD_GENERICERROR);
} else {
vertices->push_back( p1 );
normals->push_back( pn1 );
tempVert = normals->size()-1;
tri.getPoints()[0] = tempVert;
vertices->push_back( p2 );
normals->push_back( pn2 );
tempVert = normals->size()-1;
tri.getPoints()[1] = tempVert;
vertices->push_back( p3 );
normals->push_back( pn3 );
tempVert = normals->size()-1;
tri.getPoints()[2] = tempVert;
/* init flags from ntl_ray.h */
int flag = 0;
if(getVisible()){ flag |= TRI_GEOMETRY; }
if(getCastShadows() ) {
/* init geo init id */
int geoiId = getGeoInitId();
//if((geoiId > 0) && (mVolumeInit&VOLUMEINIT_VOLUME) && (!mIsAnimated)) {
if((geoiId > 0) && (mVolumeInit&VOLUMEINIT_VOLUME)) {
flag |= (1<< (geoiId+4));
flag |= mGeoInitType;
/*errMsg("ntlScene::addTriangle","DEBUG flag="<<convertFlags2String(flag) ); */
tri.setFlags( flag );
/* triangle normal missing */
tri.setNormal( trin );
tri.setSmoothNormals( smooth );
tri.setObjectId( this->mObjectId );
triangles->push_back( tri );
} /* normals check*/
void ntlGeometryObject::sceneAddTriangleNoVert(int *trips,
ntlVec3Gfx trin, bool smooth,
vector<ntlTriangle> *triangles) {
ntlTriangle tri;
tri.getPoints()[0] = trips[0];
tri.getPoints()[1] = trips[1];
tri.getPoints()[2] = trips[2];
// same as normal sceneAddTriangle
/* init flags from ntl_ray.h */
int flag = 0;
if(getVisible()){ flag |= TRI_GEOMETRY; }
if(getCastShadows() ) {
/* init geo init id */
int geoiId = getGeoInitId();
if((geoiId > 0) && (mVolumeInit&VOLUMEINIT_VOLUME)) {
flag |= (1<< (geoiId+4));
flag |= mGeoInitType;
/*errMsg("ntlScene::addTriangle","DEBUG flag="<<convertFlags2String(flag) ); */
tri.setFlags( flag );
/* triangle normal missing */
tri.setNormal( trin );
tri.setSmoothNormals( smooth );
tri.setObjectId( this->mObjectId );
triangles->push_back( tri );
/* Init channels from float arrays (for elbeem API) */
#define ADD_CHANNEL_VEC(dst,nvals,val) \
vals.clear(); time.clear(); elbeemSimplifyChannelVec3(val,&nvals); \
for(int i=0; i<(nvals); i++) { \
vals.push_back(ntlVec3Gfx((val)[i*4+0], (val)[i*4+1],(val)[i*4+2] )); \
time.push_back( (val)[i*4+3] ); \
} \
(dst) = AnimChannel< ntlVec3Gfx >(vals,time);
#define ADD_CHANNEL_FLOAT(dst,nvals,val) \
valsfloat.clear(); time.clear(); elbeemSimplifyChannelFloat(val,&nvals); \
for(int i=0; i<(nvals); i++) { \
valsfloat.push_back( (val)[i*2+0] ); \
time.push_back( (val)[i*2+1] ); \
} \
(dst) = AnimChannel< float >(valsfloat,time);
void ntlGeometryObject::initChannels(
int nTrans, float *trans, int nRot, float *rot, int nScale, float *scale,
int nAct, float *act, int nIvel, float *ivel,
int nAttrFStr, float *attrFStr,
int nAttrFRad, float *attrFRad,
int nVelFStr, float *velFStr,
int nVelFRad, float *velFRad
) {
const bool debugInitc=true;
if(debugInitc) { debMsgStd("ntlGeometryObject::initChannels",DM_MSG,"nt:"<<nTrans<<" nr:"<<nRot<<" ns:"<<nScale, 10);
debMsgStd("ntlGeometryObject::initChannels",DM_MSG,"na:"<<nAct<<" niv:"<<nIvel<<" ", 10); }
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> vals;
vector<float> valsfloat;
vector<double> time;
if((trans)&&(nTrans>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_VEC(mcTrans, nTrans, trans); }
if((rot)&&(nRot>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_VEC(mcRot, nRot, rot); }
if((scale)&&(nScale>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_VEC(mcScale, nScale, scale); }
if((act)&&(nAct>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_FLOAT(mcGeoActive, nAct, act); }
if((ivel)&&(nIvel>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_VEC(mcInitialVelocity, nIvel, ivel); }
/* fluid control channels */
if((attrFStr)&&(nAttrFStr>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_FLOAT(mcAttrFStr, nAttrFStr, attrFStr); }
if((attrFRad)&&(nAttrFRad>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_FLOAT(mcAttrFRad, nAttrFRad, attrFRad); }
if((velFStr)&&(nVelFStr>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_FLOAT(mcVelFStr, nAct, velFStr); }
if((velFRad)&&(nVelFRad>0)) { ADD_CHANNEL_FLOAT(mcVelFRad, nVelFRad, velFRad); }
if(debugInitc) {
" nt:"<<mcTrans.accessValues().size()<<" nr:"<<mcRot.accessValues().size()<<
" ns:"<<mcScale.accessValues().size()<<" isAnim:"<<mIsAnimated, 10); }
if(debugInitc) {
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << "trans: ";
for(size_t i=0; i<mcTrans.accessValues().size(); i++) {
ostr<<" "<<mcTrans.accessValues()[i]<<"@"<<mcTrans.accessTimes()[i]<<" ";
} ostr<<"; ";
ostr<<"rot: ";
for(size_t i=0; i<mcRot.accessValues().size(); i++) {
ostr<<" "<<mcRot.accessValues()[i]<<"@"<<mcRot.accessTimes()[i]<<" ";
} ostr<<"; ";
ostr<<"scale: ";
for(size_t i=0; i<mcScale.accessValues().size(); i++) {
ostr<<" "<<mcScale.accessValues()[i]<<"@"<<mcScale.accessTimes()[i]<<" ";
} ostr<<"; ";
ostr<<"act: ";
for(size_t i=0; i<mcGeoActive.accessValues().size(); i++) {
ostr<<" "<<mcGeoActive.accessValues()[i]<<"@"<<mcGeoActive.accessTimes()[i]<<" ";
} ostr<<"; ";
ostr<<"ivel: ";
for(size_t i=0; i<mcInitialVelocity.accessValues().size(); i++) {
ostr<<" "<<mcInitialVelocity.accessValues()[i]<<"@"<<mcInitialVelocity.accessTimes()[i]<<" ";
} ostr<<"; ";
debMsgStd("ntlGeometryObject::initChannels",DM_MSG,"Inited "<<ostr.str(),10);
/* apply object translation at time t*/
void ntlGeometryObject::applyTransformation(double t, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *verts, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *norms, int vstart, int vend, int forceTrafo) {
if( (mcTrans.accessValues().size()>1) // VALIDATE
|| (mcRot.accessValues().size()>1)
|| (mcScale.accessValues().size()>1)
|| (forceTrafo)
|| (!mHaveCachedMov)
) {
// transformation is animated, continue
ntlVec3Gfx pos = getTranslation(t);
ntlVec3Gfx scale = mcScale.get(t);
ntlVec3Gfx rot = mcRot.get(t);
ntlMat4Gfx rotMat;
pos += mInitialPos;
errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::applyTransformation","obj="<<getName()<<" t"<<pos<<" r"<<rot<<" s"<<scale);
for(int i=vstart; i<vend; i++) {
(*verts)[i] *= scale;
(*verts)[i] = rotMat * (*verts)[i];
(*verts)[i] += pos;
//if(i<10) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::applyTransformation"," v"<<i<<"/"<<vend<<"="<<(*verts)[i]);
if(norms) {
for(int i=vstart; i<vend; i++) {
(*norms)[i] = rotMat * (*norms)[i];
} else {
// not animated, cached points were already returned
errMsg ("ntlGeometryObject::applyTransformation","Object "<<getName()<<" used cached points ");
/*! init triangle divisions */
void ntlGeometryObject::calcTriangleDivs(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &verts, vector<ntlTriangle> &tris, gfxReal fsTri) {
mTriangleDivs1.resize( tris.size() );
mTriangleDivs2.resize( tris.size() );
mTriangleDivs3.resize( tris.size() );
//fsTri *= 2.; // DEBUG! , wrong init!
for(size_t i=0; i<tris.size(); i++) {
const ntlVec3Gfx p0 = verts[ tris[i].getPoints()[0] ];
const ntlVec3Gfx p1 = verts[ tris[i].getPoints()[1] ];
const ntlVec3Gfx p2 = verts[ tris[i].getPoints()[2] ];
const ntlVec3Gfx side1 = p1 - p0;
const ntlVec3Gfx side2 = p2 - p0;
const ntlVec3Gfx side3 = p1 - p2;
int divs1=0, divs2=0, divs3=0;
if(normNoSqrt(side1) > fsTri*fsTri) { divs1 = (int)(norm(side1)/fsTri); }
if(normNoSqrt(side2) > fsTri*fsTri) { divs2 = (int)(norm(side2)/fsTri); }
mTriangleDivs1[i] = divs1;
mTriangleDivs2[i] = divs2;
mTriangleDivs3[i] = divs3;
/*! Prepare points for moving objects */
void ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints(double time, gfxReal featureSize) {
if((mMovPntsInited==featureSize)&&(!getMeshAnimated())) return;
const bool debugMoinit=false;
vector<ntlTriangle> triangles;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> vertices;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> vnormals;
int objectId = 1;
this->getTriangles(time, &triangles,&vertices,&vnormals,objectId);
if(debugMoinit) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints","Object "<<getName()<<" has v:"<<vertices.size()<<" t:"<<triangles.size() );
// no points?
if(vertices.size()<1) {
ntlVec3f maxscale = channelFindMaxVf(mcScale);
float maxpart = ABS(maxscale[0]);
if(ABS(maxscale[1])>maxpart) maxpart = ABS(maxscale[1]);
if(ABS(maxscale[2])>maxpart) maxpart = ABS(maxscale[2]);
float scaleFac = 1.0/(maxpart);
// TODO - better reinit from time to time?
const gfxReal fsTri = featureSize*0.5 *scaleFac;
if(debugMoinit) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints","maxscale:"<<maxpart<<" featureSize:"<<featureSize<<" fsTri:"<<fsTri );
if(mTriangleDivs1.size()!=triangles.size()) {
// debug: count points to init
/*if(debugMoinit) {
errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints","Object "<<getName()<<" estimating...");
int countp=vertices.size()*2;
for(size_t i=0; i<triangles.size(); i++) {
ntlVec3Gfx p0 = vertices[ triangles[i].getPoints()[0] ];
ntlVec3Gfx side1 = vertices[ triangles[i].getPoints()[1] ] - p0;
ntlVec3Gfx side2 = vertices[ triangles[i].getPoints()[2] ] - p0;
int divs1=0, divs2=0;
if(normNoSqrt(side1) > fsTri*fsTri) { divs1 = (int)(norm(side1)/fsTri); }
if(normNoSqrt(side2) > fsTri*fsTri) { divs2 = (int)(norm(side2)/fsTri); }
errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints","tri:"<<i<<" p:"<<p0<<" s1:"<<side1<<" s2:"<<side2<<" -> "<<divs1<<","<<divs2 );
if(divs1+divs2 > 0) {
for(int u=0; u<=divs1; u++) {
for(int v=0; v<=divs2; v++) {
const gfxReal uf = (gfxReal)(u+TRI_UVOFFSET) / (gfxReal)(divs1+0.0);
const gfxReal vf = (gfxReal)(v+TRI_UVOFFSET) / (gfxReal)(divs2+0.0);
if(uf+vf>1.0) continue;
errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints","Object "<<getName()<<" requires:"<<countp*2);
} // */
bool discardInflowBack = false;
if( (mGeoInitType==FGI_MBNDINFLOW) && (mcInitialVelocity.accessValues().size()<1) ) discardInflowBack = true;
discardInflowBack = false; // DEBUG disable for now
// init std points
for(size_t i=0; i<vertices.size(); i++) {
ntlVec3Gfx p = vertices[ i ];
ntlVec3Gfx n = vnormals[ i ];
// discard inflow backsides
//if( (mGeoInitType==FGI_MBNDINFLOW) && (!mIsAnimated)) {
if(discardInflowBack) { //if( (mGeoInitType==FGI_MBNDINFLOW) && (!mIsAnimated)) {
if(dot(mInitialVelocity,n)<0.0) continue;
if(debugMoinit) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints","std"<<i<<" p"<<p<<" n"<<n<<" ");
// init points & refine...
for(size_t i=0; i<triangles.size(); i++) {
int *trips = triangles[i].getPoints();
const ntlVec3Gfx p0 = vertices[ trips[0] ];
const ntlVec3Gfx side1 = vertices[ trips[1] ] - p0;
const ntlVec3Gfx side2 = vertices[ trips[2] ] - p0;
int divs1=mTriangleDivs1[i], divs2=mTriangleDivs2[i];
const ntlVec3Gfx trinormOrg = getNormalized(cross(side1,side2));
const ntlVec3Gfx trinorm = trinormOrg*0.25*featureSize;
if(discardInflowBack) {
if(dot(mInitialVelocity,trinorm)<0.0) continue;
if(debugMoinit) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints","Tri1 "<<vertices[trips[0]]<<","<<vertices[trips[1]]<<","<<vertices[trips[2]]<<" "<<divs1<<","<<divs2 );
if(divs1+divs2 > 0) {
for(int u=0; u<=divs1; u++) {
for(int v=0; v<=divs2; v++) {
const gfxReal uf = (gfxReal)(u+TRI_UVOFFSET) / (gfxReal)(divs1+0.0);
const gfxReal vf = (gfxReal)(v+TRI_UVOFFSET) / (gfxReal)(divs2+0.0);
if(uf+vf>1.0) continue;
ntlVec3Gfx p =
vertices[ trips[0] ] * (1.0-uf-vf)+
vertices[ trips[1] ] * uf +
vertices[ trips[2] ] * vf;
//ntlVec3Gfx n = vnormals[
//trips[0] ] * (1.0-uf-vf)+
//vnormals[ trips[1] ]*uf +
//vnormals[ trips[2] ]*vf;
// discard inflow backsides
mMovPoints.push_back(p + trinorm); // NEW!?
mMovPoints.push_back(p - trinorm);
//errMsg("TRINORM","p"<<p<<" n"<<n<<" trin"<<trinorm);
// find max point
mMaxMovPnt = 0;
gfxReal dist = normNoSqrt(mMovPoints[0]);
for(size_t i=0; i<mMovPoints.size(); i++) {
if(normNoSqrt(mMovPoints[i])>dist) {
mMaxMovPnt = i;
dist = normNoSqrt(mMovPoints[0]);
if( (this->getMeshAnimated())
|| (mcTrans.accessValues().size()>1) // VALIDATE
|| (mcRot.accessValues().size()>1)
|| (mcScale.accessValues().size()>1)
) {
// also do trafo...
} else {
mCachedMovPoints = mMovPoints;
mCachedMovNormals = mMovNormals;
//applyTransformation(time, &mCachedMovPoints, &mCachedMovNormals, 0, mCachedMovPoints.size(), true);
applyTransformation(time, &mCachedMovPoints, NULL, 0, mCachedMovPoints.size(), true);
mHaveCachedMov = true;
debMsgStd("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints",DM_MSG,"Object "<<getName()<<" cached points ", 7);
mMovPntsInited = featureSize;
debMsgStd("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPoints",DM_MSG,"Object "<<getName()<<" inited v:"<<vertices.size()<<"->"<<mMovPoints.size() , 5);
/*! Prepare points for animated objects,
* init both sets, never used cached points
* discardInflowBack ignore */
void ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPointsAnim(
double srctime, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &srcmovPoints,
double dsttime, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &dstmovPoints,
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *dstmovNormals,
gfxReal featureSize,
ntlVec3Gfx geostart, ntlVec3Gfx geoend
) {
const bool debugMoinit=false;
vector<ntlTriangle> srctriangles;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> srcvertices;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> unused_normals;
vector<ntlTriangle> dsttriangles;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> dstvertices;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> dstnormals;
int objectId = 1;
// TODO optimize? , get rid of normals?
this->getTriangles(srctime, &srctriangles,&srcvertices,&unused_normals,objectId);
this->getTriangles(dsttime, &dsttriangles,&dstvertices,&dstnormals,objectId);
if(debugMoinit) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPointsAnim","Object "<<getName()<<" has srcv:"<<srcvertices.size()<<" srct:"<<srctriangles.size() );
if(debugMoinit) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPointsAnim","Object "<<getName()<<" has dstv:"<<dstvertices.size()<<" dstt:"<<dsttriangles.size() );
// no points?
if(srcvertices.size()<1) {
if((srctriangles.size() != dsttriangles.size()) ||
(srcvertices.size() != dstvertices.size()) ) {
errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPointsAnim","Invalid triangle numbers! Aborting...");
ntlVec3f maxscale = channelFindMaxVf(mcScale);
float maxpart = ABS(maxscale[0]);
if(ABS(maxscale[1])>maxpart) maxpart = ABS(maxscale[1]);
if(ABS(maxscale[2])>maxpart) maxpart = ABS(maxscale[2]);
float scaleFac = 1.0/(maxpart);
// TODO - better reinit from time to time?
const gfxReal fsTri = featureSize*0.5 *scaleFac;
if(debugMoinit) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPointsAnim","maxscale:"<<maxpart<<" featureSize:"<<featureSize<<" fsTri:"<<fsTri );
if(mTriangleDivs1.size()!=srctriangles.size()) {
// init std points
for(size_t i=0; i<srcvertices.size(); i++) {
for(size_t i=0; i<dstvertices.size(); i++) {
if(dstmovNormals) (*dstmovNormals).push_back(dstnormals[i]);
if(debugMoinit) errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPointsAnim","stats src:"<<srcmovPoints.size()<<" dst:"<<dstmovPoints.size()<<" " );
// init points & refine...
for(size_t i=0; i<srctriangles.size(); i++) {
const int divs1=mTriangleDivs1[i];
const int divs2=mTriangleDivs2[i];
if(divs1+divs2 > 0) {
int *srctrips = srctriangles[i].getPoints();
int *dsttrips = dsttriangles[i].getPoints();
const ntlVec3Gfx srcp0 = srcvertices[ srctrips[0] ];
const ntlVec3Gfx srcside1 = srcvertices[ srctrips[1] ] - srcp0;
const ntlVec3Gfx srcside2 = srcvertices[ srctrips[2] ] - srcp0;
const ntlVec3Gfx dstp0 = dstvertices[ dsttrips[0] ];
const ntlVec3Gfx dstside1 = dstvertices[ dsttrips[1] ] - dstp0;
const ntlVec3Gfx dstside2 = dstvertices[ dsttrips[2] ] - dstp0;
const ntlVec3Gfx src_trinorm = getNormalized(cross(srcside1,srcside2))*0.25*featureSize;
const ntlVec3Gfx dst_trinormOrg = getNormalized(cross(dstside1,dstside2));
const ntlVec3Gfx dst_trinorm = dst_trinormOrg *0.25*featureSize;
//errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPointsAnim","Tri1 "<<srcvertices[srctrips[0]]<<","<<srcvertices[srctrips[1]]<<","<<srcvertices[srctrips[2]]<<" "<<divs1<<","<<divs2 );
for(int u=0; u<=divs1; u++) {
for(int v=0; v<=divs2; v++) {
const gfxReal uf = (gfxReal)(u+TRI_UVOFFSET) / (gfxReal)(divs1+0.0);
const gfxReal vf = (gfxReal)(v+TRI_UVOFFSET) / (gfxReal)(divs2+0.0);
if(uf+vf>1.0) continue;
ntlVec3Gfx srcp =
srcvertices[ srctrips[0] ] * (1.0-uf-vf)+
srcvertices[ srctrips[1] ] * uf +
srcvertices[ srctrips[2] ] * vf;
ntlVec3Gfx dstp =
dstvertices[ dsttrips[0] ] * (1.0-uf-vf)+
dstvertices[ dsttrips[1] ] * uf +
dstvertices[ dsttrips[2] ] * vf;
// cutoffDomain
if((srcp[0]<geostart[0]) && (dstp[0]<geostart[0])) continue;
if((srcp[1]<geostart[1]) && (dstp[1]<geostart[1])) continue;
if((srcp[2]<geostart[2]) && (dstp[2]<geostart[2])) continue;
if((srcp[0]>geoend[0] ) && (dstp[0]>geoend[0] )) continue;
if((srcp[1]>geoend[1] ) && (dstp[1]>geoend[1] )) continue;
if((srcp[2]>geoend[2] ) && (dstp[2]>geoend[2] )) continue;
srcmovPoints.push_back(srcp+src_trinorm); // SURFENHTEST
dstmovPoints.push_back(dstp+dst_trinorm); // SURFENHTEST
if(dstmovNormals) {
(*dstmovNormals).push_back(dst_trinormOrg); }
// find max point not necessary
debMsgStd("ntlGeometryObject::initMovingPointsAnim",DM_MSG,"Object "<<getName()<<" inited v:"<<srcvertices.size()<<"->"<<srcmovPoints.size()<<","<<dstmovPoints.size() , 5);
/*! Prepare points for moving objects */
void ntlGeometryObject::getMovingPoints(vector<ntlVec3Gfx> &ret, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *norms) {
if(mHaveCachedMov) {
ret = mCachedMovPoints;
if(norms) {
*norms = mCachedMovNormals;
//errMsg("ntlGeometryObject","getMovingPoints - Normals currently unused!");
//errMsg ("ntlGeometryObject::getMovingPoints","Object "<<getName()<<" used cached points "); // DEBUG
ret = mMovPoints;
if(norms) {
//errMsg("ntlGeometryObject","getMovingPoints - Normals currently unused!");
*norms = mMovNormals;
/*! Calculate max. velocity on object from t1 to t2 */
ntlVec3Gfx ntlGeometryObject::calculateMaxVel(double t1, double t2) {
ntlVec3Gfx vel(0.);
if(mMaxMovPnt<0) return vel;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> verts1,verts2;
verts2 = verts1;
applyTransformation(t1,&verts1,NULL, 0,verts1.size(), true);
applyTransformation(t2,&verts2,NULL, 0,verts2.size(), true);
vel = (verts2[0]-verts1[0]); // /(t2-t1);
//errMsg("ntlGeometryObject::calculateMaxVel","t1="<<t1<<" t2="<<t2<<" p1="<<verts1[0]<<" p2="<<verts2[0]<<" v="<<vel);
return vel;
/*! get translation at time t*/
ntlVec3Gfx ntlGeometryObject::getTranslation(double t) {
ntlVec3Gfx pos = mcTrans.get(t);
("0__ts1"))==0) ||
("1__ts1"))==0) ||
("2__ts1"))==0) ||
("3__ts1"))==0) ||
("4__ts1"))==0) ||
("5__ts1"))==0) ||
("6__ts1"))==0) ||
("7__ts1"))==0) ||
("8__ts1"))==0) ||
) { int j=mName[0]-'0';
ntlVec3Gfx ppos(0.); { // DEBUG
const float tscale=10.;
const float tprevo = 0.33;
const ntlVec3Gfx toff(50,50,0);
const ntlVec3Gfx oscale(30,30,0);
ppos[0] = cos(tscale* t - tprevo*(float)j + M_PI -0.1) * oscale[0] + toff[0];
ppos[1] = -sin(tscale* t - tprevo*(float)j + M_PI -0.1) * oscale[1] + toff[1];
ppos[2] = toff[2]; } // DEBUG
pos = ppos;
pos[2] = 0.15;
return pos;
/*! get active flag time t*/
float ntlGeometryObject::getGeoActive(double t) {
float act = mcGeoActive.get(t); // if <= 0.0 -> off
return act;
void ntlGeometryObject::setInitialVelocity(ntlVec3Gfx set) {
mcInitialVelocity = AnimChannel<ntlVec3Gfx>(set);
ntlVec3Gfx ntlGeometryObject::getInitialVelocity(double t) {
ntlVec3Gfx v = mcInitialVelocity.get(t); //return mInitialVelocity;
if(!mLocalCoordInivel) return v;
ntlVec3Gfx rot = mcRot.get(t);
ntlMat4Gfx rotMat;
v = rotMat * v;
return v;