
54 lines
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import bpy
def write_some_data(context, filepath, use_some_setting):
print("running write_some_data...")
f = open(filepath, 'w')
f.write("Hello World %s" % use_some_setting)
return {'FINISHED'}
# ExportHelper is a helper class, defines filename and
# invoke() function which calls the file selector.
from io_utils import ExportHelper
from bpy.props import *
class ExportSomeData(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
'''This appiers in the tooltip of the operator and in the generated docs.'''
bl_idname = "export.some_data" # this is important since its how bpy.ops.export.some_data is constructed
bl_label = "Export Some Data"
# ExportHelper mixin class uses this
filename_ext = ".txt"
filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.txt", options={'HIDDEN'})
# List of operator properties, the attributes will be assigned
# to the class instance from the operator settings before calling.
use_setting = BoolProperty(name="Example Boolean", description="Example Tooltip", default= True)
type = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=(('OPT_A', "First Option", "Description one"), ('OPT_B', "Second Option", "Description two.")),
name="Example Enum",
description="Choose between two items",
def poll(cls, context):
return context.active_object != None
def execute(self, context):
return write_some_data(context, self.filepath, self.use_setting)
# Only needed if you want to add into a dynamic menu
def menu_func_export(self, context):
self.layout.operator(ExportSomeData.bl_idname, text="Text Export Operator")
if __name__ == "__main__":