
523 lines
14 KiB

* Simulation for obstacle avoidance behavior
* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender
* Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under
* the Blender License. See for information
* about this.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
#include "KX_ObstacleSimulation.h"
#include "KX_NavMeshObject.h"
#include "KX_PythonInit.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
inline float perp(const MT_Vector2& a, const MT_Vector2& b) { return a.x()*b.y() - a.y()*b.x(); }
inline float lerp(float a, float b, float t) { return a + (b-a)*t; }
static int sweepCircleCircle(const MT_Vector3& pos0, const MT_Scalar r0, const MT_Vector2& v,
const MT_Vector3& pos1, const MT_Scalar r1,
float& tmin, float& tmax)
static const float EPS = 0.0001f;
MT_Vector2 c0(pos0.x(), pos0.y());
MT_Vector2 c1(pos1.x(), pos1.y());
MT_Vector2 s = c1 - c0;
MT_Scalar r = r0+r1;
float c = s.length2() - r*r;
float a = v.length2();
if (a < EPS) return 0; // not moving
// Overlap, calc time to exit.
float b = MT_dot(v,s);
float d = b*b - a*c;
if (d < 0.0f) return 0; // no intersection.
tmin = (b - sqrtf(d)) / a;
tmax = (b + sqrtf(d)) / a;
return 1;
static int sweepCircleSegment(const MT_Vector3& pos0, const MT_Scalar r0, const MT_Vector2& v,
const MT_Vector3& pa, const MT_Vector3& pb, const MT_Scalar sr,
float& tmin, float &tmax)
// equation parameters
MT_Vector2 c0(pos0.x(), pos0.y());
MT_Vector2 sa(pa.x(), pa.y());
MT_Vector2 sb(pb.x(), pb.y());
MT_Vector2 L = sb-sa;
MT_Vector2 H = c0-sa;
MT_Scalar radius = r0+sr;
float l2 = L.length2();
float r2 = radius * radius;
float dl = perp(v, L);
float hl = perp(H, L);
float a = dl * dl;
float b = 2.0f * hl * dl;
float c = hl * hl - (r2 * l2);
float d = (b*b) - (4.0f * a * c);
// infinite line missed by infinite ray.
if (d < 0.0f)
return 0;
d = sqrtf(d);
tmin = (-b - d) / (2.0f * a);
tmax = (-b + d) / (2.0f * a);
// line missed by ray range.
/* if (tmax < 0.0f || tmin > 1.0f)
return 0;*/
// find what part of the ray was collided.
MT_Vector2 Pedge;
Pedge = c0+v*tmin;
H = Pedge - sa;
float e0 = MT_dot(H, L) / l2;
Pedge = c0 + v*tmax;
H = Pedge - sa;
float e1 = MT_dot(H, L) / l2;
if (e0 < 0.0f || e1 < 0.0f)
float ctmin, ctmax;
if (sweepCircleCircle(pos0, r0, v, pa, sr, ctmin, ctmax))
if (e0 < 0.0f && ctmin > tmin)
tmin = ctmin;
if (e1 < 0.0f && ctmax < tmax)
tmax = ctmax;
return 0;
if (e0 > 1.0f || e1 > 1.0f)
float ctmin, ctmax;
if (sweepCircleCircle(pos0, r0, v, pb, sr, ctmin, ctmax))
if (e0 > 1.0f && ctmin > tmin)
tmin = ctmin;
if (e1 > 1.0f && ctmax < tmax)
tmax = ctmax;
return 0;
return 1;
static bool inBetweenAngle(float a, float amin, float amax, float& t)
if (amax < amin) amax += (float)M_PI*2;
if (a < amin-(float)M_PI) a += (float)M_PI*2;
if (a > amin+(float)M_PI) a -= (float)M_PI*2;
if (a >= amin && a < amax)
t = (a-amin) / (amax-amin);
return true;
return false;
static float interpolateToi(float a, const float* dir, const float* toi, const int ntoi)
for (int i = 0; i < ntoi; ++i)
int next = (i+1) % ntoi;
float t;
if (inBetweenAngle(a, dir[i], dir[next], t))
return lerp(toi[i], toi[next], t);
return 0;
KX_ObstacleSimulation::KX_ObstacleSimulation(MT_Scalar levelHeight)
: m_levelHeight(levelHeight)
for (size_t i=0; i<m_obstacles.size(); i++)
KX_Obstacle* obs = m_obstacles[i];
delete obs;
KX_Obstacle* KX_ObstacleSimulation::CreateObstacle(KX_GameObject* gameobj)
KX_Obstacle* obstacle = new KX_Obstacle();
obstacle->m_gameObj = gameobj;
return obstacle;
void KX_ObstacleSimulation::AddObstacleForObj(KX_GameObject* gameobj)
KX_Obstacle* obstacle = CreateObstacle(gameobj);
struct Object* blenderobject = gameobj->GetBlenderObject();
obstacle->m_type = KX_OBSTACLE_OBJ;
obstacle->m_shape = KX_OBSTACLE_CIRCLE;
obstacle->m_rad = blenderobject->obstacleRad;
void KX_ObstacleSimulation::AddObstaclesForNavMesh(KX_NavMeshObject* navmeshobj)
dtStatNavMesh* navmesh = navmeshobj->GetNavMesh();
if (navmesh)
int npoly = navmesh->getPolyCount();
for (int pi=0; pi<npoly; pi++)
const dtStatPoly* poly = navmesh->getPoly(pi);
for (int i = 0, j = (int)poly->nv-1; i < (int)poly->nv; j = i++)
if (poly->n[j]) continue;
const float* vj = navmesh->getVertex(poly->v[j]);
const float* vi = navmesh->getVertex(poly->v[i]);
KX_Obstacle* obstacle = CreateObstacle(navmeshobj);
obstacle->m_type = KX_OBSTACLE_NAV_MESH;
obstacle->m_shape = KX_OBSTACLE_SEGMENT;
obstacle->m_pos = MT_Point3(vj[0], vj[2], vj[1]);
obstacle->m_pos2 = MT_Point3(vi[0], vi[2], vi[1]);
obstacle->m_rad = 0;
obstacle->m_vel = MT_Vector2(0,0);
void KX_ObstacleSimulation::DestroyObstacleForObj(KX_GameObject* gameobj)
for (size_t i=0; i<m_obstacles.size(); )
if (m_obstacles[i]->m_gameObj == gameobj)
KX_Obstacle* obstacle = m_obstacles[i];
m_obstacles[i] = m_obstacles.back();
delete obstacle;
void KX_ObstacleSimulation::UpdateObstacles()
for (size_t i=0; i<m_obstacles.size(); i++)
if (m_obstacles[i]->m_type==KX_OBSTACLE_NAV_MESH || m_obstacles[i]->m_shape==KX_OBSTACLE_SEGMENT)
KX_Obstacle* obs = m_obstacles[i];
obs->m_pos = obs->m_gameObj->NodeGetWorldPosition();
obs->m_vel.x() = obs->m_gameObj->GetLinearVelocity().x();
obs->m_vel.y() = obs->m_gameObj->GetLinearVelocity().y();
KX_Obstacle* KX_ObstacleSimulation::GetObstacle(KX_GameObject* gameobj)
for (size_t i=0; i<m_obstacles.size(); i++)
if (m_obstacles[i]->m_gameObj == gameobj)
return m_obstacles[i];
return NULL;
void KX_ObstacleSimulation::AdjustObstacleVelocity(KX_Obstacle* activeObst, KX_NavMeshObject* activeNavMeshObj,
MT_Vector3& velocity, MT_Scalar maxDeltaSpeed,MT_Scalar maxDeltaAngle)
void KX_ObstacleSimulation::DrawObstacles()
static const MT_Vector3 bluecolor(0,0,1);
static const MT_Vector3 normal(0.,0.,1.);
static const int SECTORS_NUM = 32;
for (size_t i=0; i<m_obstacles.size(); i++)
if (m_obstacles[i]->m_shape==KX_OBSTACLE_SEGMENT)
MT_Point3 p1 = m_obstacles[i]->m_pos;
MT_Point3 p2 = m_obstacles[i]->m_pos2;
//apply world transform
if (m_obstacles[i]->m_type == KX_OBSTACLE_NAV_MESH)
KX_NavMeshObject* navmeshobj = static_cast<KX_NavMeshObject*>(m_obstacles[i]->m_gameObj);
p1 = navmeshobj->TransformToWorldCoords(p1);
p2 = navmeshobj->TransformToWorldCoords(p2);
KX_RasterizerDrawDebugLine(p1, p2, bluecolor);
else if (m_obstacles[i]->m_shape==KX_OBSTACLE_CIRCLE)
KX_RasterizerDrawDebugCircle(m_obstacles[i]->m_pos, m_obstacles[i]->m_rad, bluecolor,
normal, SECTORS_NUM);
static MT_Point3 nearestPointToObstacle(MT_Point3& pos ,KX_Obstacle* obstacle)
switch (obstacle->m_shape)
MT_Vector3 ab = obstacle->m_pos2 - obstacle->m_pos;
if (!ab.fuzzyZero())
MT_Vector3 abdir = ab.normalized();
MT_Vector3 v = pos - obstacle->m_pos;
MT_Scalar proj =;
CLAMP(proj, 0, ab.length());
MT_Point3 res = obstacle->m_pos + abdir*proj;
return res;
return obstacle->m_pos;
bool KX_ObstacleSimulation::FilterObstacle(KX_Obstacle* activeObst, KX_NavMeshObject* activeNavMeshObj, KX_Obstacle* otherObst)
//filter obstacles by type
if ( (otherObst == activeObst) ||
(otherObst->m_type==KX_OBSTACLE_NAV_MESH && otherObst->m_gameObj!=activeNavMeshObj) )
return false;
//filter obstacles by position
MT_Point3 p = nearestPointToObstacle(activeObst->m_pos, otherObst);
if ( fabs(activeObst->m_pos.z() - p.z()) > m_levelHeight)
return false;
return true;
KX_ObstacleSimulationTOI::KX_ObstacleSimulationTOI(MT_Scalar levelHeight):
for (size_t i=0; i<m_toiCircles.size(); i++)
TOICircle* toi = m_toiCircles[i];
delete toi;
KX_Obstacle* KX_ObstacleSimulationTOI::CreateObstacle(KX_GameObject* gameobj)
KX_Obstacle* obstacle = KX_ObstacleSimulation::CreateObstacle(gameobj);
m_toiCircles.push_back(new TOICircle());
return obstacle;
void KX_ObstacleSimulationTOI::AdjustObstacleVelocity(KX_Obstacle* activeObst, KX_NavMeshObject* activeNavMeshObj,
MT_Vector3& velocity, MT_Scalar maxDeltaSpeed, MT_Scalar maxDeltaAngle)
int nobs = m_obstacles.size();
int obstidx = std::find(m_obstacles.begin(), m_obstacles.end(), activeObst) - m_obstacles.begin();
if (obstidx == nobs)
TOICircle* tc = m_toiCircles[obstidx];
MT_Vector2 vel(velocity.x(), velocity.y());
float vmax = (float) velocity.length();
float odir = (float) atan2(velocity.y(), velocity.x());
MT_Vector2 ddir = vel;
float bestScore = FLT_MAX;
float bestDir = odir;
float bestToi = 0;
tc->n = m_avoidSteps;
tc->minToi = m_minToi;
tc->maxToi = m_maxToi;
const int iforw = m_avoidSteps/2;
const float aoff = (float)iforw / (float)m_avoidSteps;
for (int iter = 0; iter < m_avoidSteps; ++iter)
// Calculate sample velocity
const float ndir = ((float)iter/(float)m_avoidSteps) - aoff;
const float dir = odir+ndir*M_PI*2;
MT_Vector2 svel;
svel.x() = cosf(dir) * vmax;
svel.y() = sinf(dir) * vmax;
// Find min time of impact and exit amongst all obstacles.
float tmin = m_maxToi;
float tmine = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nobs; ++i)
KX_Obstacle* ob = m_obstacles[i];
bool res = FilterObstacle(activeObst, activeNavMeshObj, ob);
if (!res)
float htmin,htmax;
if (ob->m_shape == KX_OBSTACLE_CIRCLE)
MT_Vector2 vab;
if (ob->m_vel.length2() < 0.01f*0.01f)
// Stationary, use VO
vab = svel;
// Moving, use RVO
vab = 2*svel - vel - ob->m_vel;
if (!sweepCircleCircle(activeObst->m_pos, activeObst->m_rad,
vab, ob->m_pos, ob->m_rad, htmin, htmax))
else if (ob->m_shape == KX_OBSTACLE_SEGMENT)
MT_Point3 p1 = ob->m_pos;
MT_Point3 p2 = ob->m_pos2;
//apply world transform
if (ob->m_type == KX_OBSTACLE_NAV_MESH)
KX_NavMeshObject* navmeshobj = static_cast<KX_NavMeshObject*>(ob->m_gameObj);
p1 = navmeshobj->TransformToWorldCoords(p1);
p2 = navmeshobj->TransformToWorldCoords(p2);
if (!sweepCircleSegment(activeObst->m_pos, activeObst->m_rad, svel,
p1, p2, ob->m_rad, htmin, htmax))
if (htmin > 0.0f)
// The closest obstacle is somewhere ahead of us, keep track of nearest obstacle.
if (htmin < tmin)
tmin = htmin;
else if (htmax > 0.0f)
// The agent overlaps the obstacle, keep track of first safe exit.
if (htmax > tmine)
tmine = htmax;
// Calculate sample penalties and final score.
const float apen = m_angleWeight * fabsf(ndir);
const float tpen = m_toiWeight * (1.0f/(0.0001f+tmin/m_maxToi));
const float cpen = m_collisionWeight * (tmine/m_minToi)*(tmine/m_minToi);
const float score = apen + tpen + cpen;
// Update best score.
if (score < bestScore)
bestDir = dir;
bestToi = tmin;
bestScore = score;
tc->dir[iter] = dir;
tc->toi[iter] = tmin;
tc->toie[iter] = tmine;
if (activeObst->m_vel.length() > 0.1)
// Constrain max turn rate.
float cura = atan2(activeObst->m_vel.y(),activeObst->m_vel.x());
float da = bestDir - cura;
if (da < -M_PI) da += (float)M_PI*2;
if (da > M_PI) da -= (float)M_PI*2;
if (da < -maxDeltaAngle)
bestDir = cura - maxDeltaAngle;
bestToi = min(bestToi, interpolateToi(bestDir, tc->dir, tc->toi, tc->n));
else if (da > maxDeltaAngle)
bestDir = cura + maxDeltaAngle;
bestToi = min(bestToi, interpolateToi(bestDir, tc->dir, tc->toi, tc->n));
// Adjust speed when time of impact is less than min TOI.
if (bestToi < m_minToi)
vmax *= bestToi/m_minToi;
// Constrain velocity change.
const float curSpeed = (float) activeObst->m_vel.length();
float deltaSpeed = vmax - curSpeed;
CLAMP(deltaSpeed, -maxDeltaSpeed, maxDeltaSpeed);
vmax = curSpeed + deltaSpeed;
// New steering velocity.
vel.x() = cosf(bestDir) * vmax;
vel.y() = sinf(bestDir) * vmax;
velocity.x() = vel.x();
velocity.y() = vel.y();