2011-02-25 10:51:01 +00:00

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/** \file elbeem/intern/attributes.h
* \ingroup elbeem
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* DEPRECATED - replaced by elbeem API, only channels are still used
#include "utilities.h"
template<class T> class ntlMatrix4x4;
class ntlSetVec3f;
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const ntlSetVec3f& i );
//! An animated attribute channel
template<class Scalar>
class AnimChannel
// default constructor
AnimChannel() :
mValue(), mTimes() { mInited = false; debugPrintChannel(); }
// null init constructor
AnimChannel(Scalar null) :
mValue(1), mTimes(1) { mValue[0]=null; mTimes[0]=0.0; mInited = true; debugPrintChannel(); }
// proper init
AnimChannel(vector<Scalar> &v, vector<double> &t) :
mValue(v), mTimes(t) { mInited = true; debugPrintChannel(); }
// desctructor, nothing to do
~AnimChannel() { };
// get interpolated value at time t
Scalar get(double t) const {
if(!mInited) { Scalar null; null=(Scalar)(0.0); return null; }
if(t<=mTimes[0]) { return mValue[0]; }
if(t>=mTimes[mTimes.size()-1]) { return mValue[mTimes.size()-1]; }
for(size_t i=0; i<mTimes.size()-1; i++) {
// find first time thats in between
if((mTimes[i]<=t)&&(mTimes[i+1]>t)) {
// interpolate
double d = mTimes[i+1]-mTimes[i];
double f = (t-mTimes[i])/d;
//return (Scalar)(mValue[i] * (1.0-f) + mValue[i+1] * f);
Scalar ret,tmp;
ret = mValue[i];
ret *= 1.-f;
tmp = mValue[i+1];
tmp *= f;
ret += tmp;
return ret;
// whats this...?
return mValue[0];
// get uninterpolated value at time t
Scalar getConstant(double t) const {
//errMsg("DEBB","getc"<<t<<" ");
if(!mInited) { Scalar null; null=(Scalar)0.0; return null; }
if(t<=mTimes[0]) { return mValue[0]; }
if(t>=mTimes[mTimes.size()-1]) { return mValue[mTimes.size()-1]; }
for(size_t i=0; i<mTimes.size()-1; i++) {
//errMsg("DEBB","getc i"<<i<<" "<<mTimes[i]);
// find first time thats in between
if((mTimes[i]<=t)&&(mTimes[i+1]>t)) { return mValue[i]; }
// whats this...?
return mValue[0];
// reset to null value
void reset(Scalar null) {
//! debug function, prints channel as string
string printChannel();
//! debug function, prints to stdout if DEBUG_CHANNELS flag is enabled, used in constructors
void debugPrintChannel();
//! valid init?
bool isInited() const { return mInited; }
//! get number of entries (value and time sizes have to be equal)
int getSize() const { return mValue.size(); };
//! raw access of value vector
vector<Scalar> &accessValues() { return mValue; }
//! raw access of time vector
vector<double> &accessTimes() { return mTimes; }
/*! inited at least once? */
bool mInited;
/*! anim channel attribute values */
vector<Scalar> mValue;
/*! anim channel attr times */
vector<double> mTimes;
// helper class (not templated) for animated meshes
class ntlSetVec3f {
ntlSetVec3f(): mVerts() {};
ntlSetVec3f(double v);
ntlSetVec3f(vector<ntlVec3f> &v) { mVerts = v; };
const ntlSetVec3f& operator=(double v );
ntlSetVec3f& operator+=( double v );
ntlSetVec3f& operator+=( const ntlSetVec3f &v );
ntlSetVec3f& operator*=( double v );
ntlSetVec3f& operator*=( const ntlSetVec3f &v );
vector<ntlVec3f> mVerts;
// warning: DEPRECATED - replaced by elbeem API
class Attribute
Attribute(string mn, vector<string> &value, int setline,bool channel) {
mn = string(""); setline=0; channel=false; value.clear(); // remove warnings
Attribute(Attribute &a) { a.getCompleteString(); };
~Attribute() { };
void setUsed(bool set){ set=false; }
bool getUsed() { return true; }
void setIsChannel(bool set){ set=false; }
bool getIsChannel() { return false; }
string getAsString(bool debug=false);
int getAsInt();
bool getAsBool();
double getAsFloat();
ntlVec3d getAsVec3d();
void getAsMat4Gfx(ntlMatrix4x4<gfxReal> *mat);
AnimChannel<int> getChannelInt();
AnimChannel<double> getChannelFloat();
AnimChannel<ntlVec3d> getChannelVec3d();
AnimChannel<ntlSetVec3f> getChannelSetVec3f();
string getCompleteString();
void print();
bool initChannel(int elemSize);
// warning: DEPRECATED - replaced by elbeem API
//! The list of configuration attributes
class AttributeList
AttributeList(string name) { name=string(""); };
void addAttr(string name, vector<string> &value, int line, bool isChannel) {
name=string(""); value.clear(); line=0; isChannel=false; // remove warnings
bool exists(string name) { name=string(""); return false; }
void setAllUsed();
bool checkUnusedParams();
void import(AttributeList *oal);
int readInt(string name, int defaultValue, string source,string target, bool needed);
bool readBool(string name, bool defaultValue, string source,string target, bool needed);
double readFloat(string name, double defaultValue, string source,string target, bool needed);
string readString(string name, string defaultValue, string source,string target, bool needed);
ntlVec3d readVec3d(string name, ntlVec3d defaultValue, string source,string target, bool needed);
void readMat4Gfx(string name, ntlMatrix4x4<gfxReal> defaultValue, string source,string target, bool needed, ntlMatrix4x4<gfxReal> *mat);
AnimChannel<int> readChannelInt( string name, int defaultValue=0, string source=string("src"), string target=string("dst"), bool needed=false );
AnimChannel<double> readChannelFloat( string name, double defaultValue=0, string source=string("src"), string target=string("dst"), bool needed=false );
AnimChannel<ntlVec3d> readChannelVec3d( string name, ntlVec3d defaultValue=ntlVec3d(0.), string source=string("src"), string target=string("dst"), bool needed=false );
AnimChannel<ntlSetVec3f> readChannelSetVec3f(string name, ntlSetVec3f defaultValue=ntlSetVec3f(0.), string source=string("src"), string target=string("dst"), bool needed=false );
AnimChannel<ntlVec3f> readChannelVec3f( string name, ntlVec3f defaultValue=ntlVec3f(0.), string source=string("src"), string target=string("dst"), bool needed=false );
AnimChannel<float> readChannelSinglePrecFloat( string name, float defaultValue=0., string source=string("src"), string target=string("dst"), bool needed=false );
bool ignoreParameter(string name, string source);
void print();
ntlVec3f channelFindMaxVf (AnimChannel<ntlVec3f> channel);
ntlVec3d channelFindMaxVd (AnimChannel<ntlVec3d> channel);
int channelFindMaxi (AnimChannel<int > channel);
float channelFindMaxf (AnimChannel<float > channel);
double channelFindMaxd (AnimChannel<double > channel);
// unoptimized channel simplification functions, use elbeem.cpp functions
bool channelSimplifyVf (AnimChannel<ntlVec3f> &channel);
bool channelSimplifyVd (AnimChannel<ntlVec3d> &channel);
bool channelSimplifyi (AnimChannel<int > &channel);
bool channelSimplifyf (AnimChannel<float > &channel);
bool channelSimplifyd (AnimChannel<double > &channel);
//! output channel values? on=1/off=0
//! debug function, prints to stdout if DEBUG_PCHANNELS flag is enabled, used in constructors
template<class Scalar>
void AnimChannel<Scalar>::debugPrintChannel() { }