Daniel Genrich e089c5a976 Bugfix [#33467] Fluid Simulations Speed factor animated wrong result
Thanks to Brecht for providing a patch and example blend.
I changed and extended it a bit since there was another bug in that loop.
2012-12-11 13:02:42 +00:00

397 lines
14 KiB

/** \file elbeem/intern/ntl_world.h
* \ingroup elbeem
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* Main renderer class
#include "ntl_vector3dim.h"
#include "ntl_ray.h"
#include "ntl_lighting.h"
#include "ntl_geometryobject.h"
#include "simulation_object.h"
#include "elbeem.h"
class ntlOpenGLRenderer;
class ntlScene;
class SimulationObject;
class ntlRandomStream;
class ntlWorld
/*! Constructor for API init */
/*! Constructor */
ntlWorld(string filename, bool commandlineMode);
/*! Destructor */
virtual ~ntlWorld( void );
/*! default init for all contructors */
void initDefaults();
/*! common world contruction stuff once the scene is set up */
void finishWorldInit();
/*! add domain for API init */
int addDomain(elbeemSimulationSettings *simSettings);
/*! render a whole animation (command line mode) */
int renderAnimation( void );
/*! render a whole animation (visualization mode) */
int renderVisualization( bool );
/*! render a single step for viz mode */
int singleStepVisualization( void );
/*! advance simulations by time frame time */
int advanceSims(int framenum);
/*! advance simulations by a single step */
void singleStepSims(double targetTime);
/*! set stop rend viz flag */
void setStopRenderVisualization(bool set) { mStopRenderVisualization = set; }
/*! should the rendering viz thread be stopped? */
bool getStopRenderVisualization() { return mStopRenderVisualization; }
/*! render scene (a single pictures) */
virtual int renderScene( void );
/*! set single frame rendering to filename */
void setSingleFrameOut( string singleframeFilename );
/* access functions */
/*! set&get render globals */
inline void setRenderGlobals( ntlRenderGlobals *set) { mpGlob = set; }
inline ntlRenderGlobals *getRenderGlobals( void ) { return mpGlob; }
/*! set&get render globals */
inline void setSimulationTime( double set) { mSimulationTime = set; }
inline double getSimulationTime( void ) { return mSimulationTime; }
/*! set&get single step debug mode */
inline void setSingleStepDebug( bool set) { mSingleStepDebug = set; }
inline bool getSingleStepDebug( void ) { return mSingleStepDebug; }
/*! &get simulation object vector (debugging) */
inline vector<SimulationObject*> *getSimulations( void ) { return mpSims; }
/*! get opengl renderer */
inline ntlOpenGLRenderer *getOpenGLRenderer() { return mpOpenGLRenderer; }
/*! global render settings needed almost everywhere */
ntlRenderGlobals *mpGlob;
/*! a list of lights in the scene (geometry is store in ntl_scene) */
vector<ntlLightObject*> *mpLightList;
/*! surface materials */
vector<ntlMaterial*> *mpPropList;
/*! sims list */
vector<SimulationObject*> *mpSims;
/*! opengl display */
ntlOpenGLRenderer *mpOpenGLRenderer;
/*! stop rend viz? */
bool mStopRenderVisualization;
/*! rend viz thread currently running? */
bool mThreadRunning;
/*! remember the current simulation time */
double mSimulationTime;
/*! first simulation that is valid */
int mFirstSim;
/*! single step mode for debugging */
bool mSingleStepDebug;
/*! count no. of frame for viz render */
int mFrameCnt;
/*! count no. of frame for correct sim time */
int mSimFrameCnt;
vector<int> mSimFrameValue;
//! Class that handles global rendering parameters
class ntlRenderGlobals
//! Standard constructor
//! Destructor
//! Returns the renderscene manager (scene changes for each frame)
inline ntlScene *getRenderScene(void) { return mpRenderScene; }
//! Set the renderscene manager
inline void setRenderScene(ntlScene *set) { mpRenderScene = set;}
//! Returns the simulation scene manager (static scene with sim objects)
inline ntlScene *getSimScene(void) { return mpSimScene; }
//! Set the simulation scene manager
inline void setSimScene(ntlScene *set) { mpSimScene = set;}
//! Returns the light object list
inline vector<ntlLightObject*> *getLightList(void) { return mpLightList; }
//! Set the light list
inline void setLightList(vector<ntlLightObject*> *set) { mpLightList = set;}
//! Returns the property object list
inline vector<ntlMaterial*> *getMaterials(void) { return mpMaterials; }
//! Set the property list
inline void setMaterials(vector<ntlMaterial*> *set) { mpMaterials = set;}
//! Returns the list of simulations
inline vector<SimulationObject*> *getSims(void) { return mpSims; }
//! Set the pointer to the list of simulations
inline void setSims(vector<SimulationObject*> *set) { mpSims = set;}
//! Set the x resolution
inline void setResX(unsigned int set) { mResX = set; }
//! Set the y resolution
inline void setResY(unsigned int set) { mResY = set; }
//! Set the anti-aliasing depth
inline void setAADepth(int set) { mAADepth = set; }
//! Set the max color value
inline void setMaxColVal(unsigned int set) { mMaxColVal = set; }
//! Set the maximum ray recursion
inline void setRayMaxDepth(unsigned int set) { mRayMaxDepth = set; }
//! Set the eye point
inline void setEye(ntlVec3Gfx set) { mvEye = set; }
//! Set the look at vector
inline void setLookat(ntlVec3Gfx set) { mvLookat = set; }
//! Set the up vector
inline void setUpVec(ntlVec3Gfx set) { mvUpvec = set; }
//! Set the image aspect
inline void setAspect(float set) { mAspect = set; }
//! Set the field of view
inline void setFovy(float set) { mFovy = set; }
//! Set the background color
inline void setBackgroundCol(ntlColor set) { mcBackgr = set; }
//! Set the ambient lighting color
inline void setAmbientLight(ntlColor set) { mcAmbientLight = set; }
//! Set the debug output var
inline void setDebugOut(int set) { mDebugOut = set; }
//! Set the animation start time
inline void setAniStart(int set) { mAniStart = set; }
//! Set the animation number of frames
inline void setAniFrames(int set) { mAniFrames = set; }
//! Set the animation
inline void setAniCount(int set) { mAniCount = set; }
//! Set the ray counter
inline void setCounterRays(int set) { mCounterRays = set; }
//! Set the ray shades counter
inline void setCounterShades(int set) { mCounterShades = set; }
//! Set the scenen intersection counter
inline void setCounterSceneInter(int set) { mCounterSceneInter = set; }
//! Set if existing frames should be skipped
inline void setFrameSkip(int set) { mFrameSkip = set; }
//! Set the outfilename
inline void setOutFilename(string set) { mOutFilename = set; }
//! get Maximum depth for BSP tree
inline void setTreeMaxDepth( int set ) { mTreeMaxDepth = set; }
//! get Maxmimum nr of triangles per BSP tree node
inline void setTreeMaxTriangles( int set ) { mTreeMaxTriangles = set; }
//! set the enable flag of the test sphere
inline void setTestSphereEnabled( bool set ) { mTestSphereEnabled = set; }
//! set the center of the test sphere
inline void setTestSphereCenter( ntlVec3Gfx set ) { mTestSphereCenter = set; }
//! set the radius of the test sphere
inline void setTestSphereRadius( gfxReal set ) { mTestSphereRadius = set; }
//! set the material name of the test sphere
inline void setTestSphereMaterialName( char* set ) { mTestSphereMaterialName = set; }
//! set debugging pixel coordinates
inline void setDebugPixel( int setx, int sety ) { mDebugPixelX = setx; mDebugPixelY = sety; }
//! set test mode flag
inline void setTestMode( bool set ) { mTestMode = set; }
//! set single frame mode flag
inline void setSingleFrameMode(bool set) {mSingleFrameMode = set; };
//! set single frame mode filename
inline void setSingleFrameFilename(string set) {mSingleFrameFilename = set; };
//! Return the x resolution
inline unsigned int getResX(void) { return mResX; }
//! Return the y resolution
inline unsigned int getResY(void) { return mResY; }
//! Return the anti-aliasing depth
inline int getAADepth(void) { return mAADepth; }
//! Return the max color value for ppm
inline unsigned int getMaxColVal(void) { return mMaxColVal; }
//! Return the maximum ray recursion
inline unsigned int getRayMaxDepth(void) { return mRayMaxDepth; }
//! Return the eye point
inline ntlVec3Gfx getEye(void) { return mvEye; }
//! Return the look at vector
inline ntlVec3Gfx getLookat(void) { return mvLookat; }
//! Return the up vector
inline ntlVec3Gfx getUpVec(void) { return mvUpvec; }
//! Return the image aspect
inline float getAspect(void) { return mAspect; }
//! Return the field of view
inline float getFovy(void) { return mFovy; }
//! Return the background color
inline ntlColor getBackgroundCol(void) { return mcBackgr; }
//! Return the ambient color
inline ntlColor getAmbientLight(void) { return mcAmbientLight; }
//! Return the debug mode setting
inline int getDebugOut(void) { return mDebugOut; }
//! Return the animation start time
inline int getAniStart(void) { return mAniStart; }
//! Return the animation frame number
inline int getAniFrames(void) { return mAniFrames; }
//! Return the animation counter
inline int getAniCount(void) { return mAniCount; }
//! Return the ray counter
inline int getCounterRays(void) { return mCounterRays; }
//! Return the ray shades counter
inline int getCounterShades(void) { return mCounterShades; }
//! Return the scene intersection counter
inline int getCounterSceneInter(void) { return mCounterSceneInter; }
//! Check if existing frames should be skipped
inline int getFrameSkip( void ) { return mFrameSkip; }
//! Return the outfilename
inline string getOutFilename(void) { return mOutFilename; }
//! get Maximum depth for BSP tree
inline int getTreeMaxDepth( void ) { return mTreeMaxDepth; }
//! get Maxmimum nr of triangles per BSP tree node
inline int getTreeMaxTriangles( void ) { return mTreeMaxTriangles; }
//! get open gl attribute list
inline AttributeList* getOpenGlAttributes( void ) { return mpOpenGlAttr; }
//! get blender output attribute list
inline AttributeList* getBlenderAttributes( void ) { return mpBlenderAttr; }
//! is the test sphere enabled?
inline bool getTestSphereEnabled( void ) { return mTestSphereEnabled; }
//! get the center of the test sphere
inline ntlVec3Gfx getTestSphereCenter( void ) { return mTestSphereCenter; }
//! get the radius of the test sphere
inline gfxReal getTestSphereRadius( void) { return mTestSphereRadius; }
//! get the materialname of the test sphere
inline char *getTestSphereMaterialName( void) { return mTestSphereMaterialName; }
//! get the debug pixel coordinate
inline int getDebugPixelX( void ) { return mDebugPixelX; }
//! get the debug pixel coordinate
inline int getDebugPixelY( void ) { return mDebugPixelY; }
//! get test mode flag
inline bool getTestMode( void ) { return mTestMode; }
//! set single frame mode flag
inline bool getSingleFrameMode() { return mSingleFrameMode; };
//! set single frame mode filename
inline string getSingleFrameFilename() { return mSingleFrameFilename; };
/*! Scene storage (dynamic rendering scene) */
ntlScene *mpRenderScene;
/*! Scene storage (static sim scene, inited only once) */
ntlScene *mpSimScene;
//! List of light objects
vector<ntlLightObject*> *mpLightList;
//! List of surface properties
vector<ntlMaterial*> *mpMaterials;
/*! storage for simulations */
vector<SimulationObject*> *mpSims;
//! resolution of the picture
unsigned int mResX, mResY;
//! Anti-Aliasing depth
int mAADepth;
//! max color value for ppm
unsigned int mMaxColVal;
/* Maximal ray recursion depth */
int mRayMaxDepth;
//! The eye point
ntlVec3Gfx mvEye;
//! The look at point
ntlVec3Gfx mvLookat;
//! The up vector
ntlVec3Gfx mvUpvec;
//! The image aspect = Xres/Yres
float mAspect;
//! The horizontal field of view
float mFovy;
//! The background color
ntlColor mcBackgr;
//! The ambient color
ntlColor mcAmbientLight;
//! how much debug output is needed? off by default
char mDebugOut;
//! animation properties, start time
int mAniStart;
//! animation properties, number of frames to render
int mAniFrames;
//! animation status, current frame number
int mAniCount;
/*! Should existing picture frames be skipped? */
int mFrameSkip;
//! count the total number of rays created (also used for ray ID's)
int mCounterRays;
//! count the total number of rays shaded
int mCounterShades;
//! count the total number of scene intersections
int mCounterSceneInter;
/*! filename of output pictures (without suffix or numbers) */
string mOutFilename;
//! get Maximum depth for BSP tree
int mTreeMaxDepth;
//! get Maxmimum nr of triangles per BSP tree node
int mTreeMaxTriangles;
//! attribute list for opengl renderer
AttributeList *mpOpenGlAttr;
//! attribute list for blender output
AttributeList *mpBlenderAttr;
//! Enable test sphere?
bool mTestSphereEnabled;
//! Center of the test sphere
ntlVec3Gfx mTestSphereCenter;
//! Radius of the test sphere
gfxReal mTestSphereRadius;
//! Materialname of the test sphere
char *mTestSphereMaterialName;
//! coordinates of the debugging pixel
int mDebugPixelX, mDebugPixelY;
//! test mode for quick rendering activated?, inited in ntl_scene::buildScene
bool mTestMode;
//! single frame flag
bool mSingleFrameMode;
//! filename for single frame mode
string mSingleFrameFilename;