forked from bartvdbraak/blender
You can find the update v1.0.11 on changelog: c4 added "analyse DXF-file" UI-option: print LAYER/BLOCK-dependences into a textfile c3 human-formating of data in INI-Files c2 added "caps" for closed Bezier-curves c2 added "set elevation" UI-option c1 rewrite POLYLINE2d-arc-segments Bezier-interpreter b9 many bugs fixed b9 rewrite POLYLINE2d-arc-segments trimming (clean-trim) b8 added "import from frozen layers" UI-option b8 added "import from paper space" UI-option b8 support Bezier curves for LINEs incl.thickness(0.0-10.0) b8 added meshSmooth_on for circle/arc/polyline b8 added vertexGroups for circle/arc b7 added width_force for ARCs/CIRCLEs = "thin_box" option b3 cleanup code, rename f_drawArc/Bulg->f_calcArc/Bulg b2 fixing material assignment by LAYER+COLOR b1 fixing Bezier curves representation of POLYLINEs-arc-segments b0 added global_scale_presets: "yard/feet/inch to meter"
4896 lines
173 KiB
4896 lines
173 KiB
Name: 'Autodesk DXF (.dxf)'
Blender: 244
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Import for DXF geometry data (Drawing eXchange Format).'
__author__ = 'Kitsu(Ed Blake) & migius(Remigiusz Fiedler)'
__version__ = '1.0.11 - 2007.11.17 by migius'
__url__ = ["",
__email__ = ["Kitsune_e(at)", "migius(at)"]
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script imports DXF objects (2d/3d) into Blender.
This script imports 2d and 3d Geometery from DXFr12 format files.
This version is focused on import of 3d-objects.
Supported DXF Objects:
INSERT (=block),
MINSERT (=arrays of blocks),
2d-POLYLINE (=plane, incl. arc, variable-width, curve, spline),
3d-POLYLINE (=non-plane polylines),
under construction, partly supported DXF>r12 Objects:
Unsupported DXF Objects:
DXF r12: DIMENSION, XREF (External Reference),
Supported Properties:
Hierarchy: Entire DXF BLOCKs hierarchy is preserved after import into Blender
visibility, frozen,
thickness, width,
(todo: grouped, XDATA)
It is recommended to use DXF-object properties for coding Blender materials.
- Recommend that you run 'RemoveDoubles' on each imported mesh after using this script
- Blocks are created on layer 19 then referenced at each insert point.
- Big DXF-files (over 1500 objects) decrease import performance. The problem is not the inefficiency of python-scripting but Blenders performance in creating new objects in his database - probably a database management problem.
- the new style object visibility
- support for real 3d-solids (ACIS)
- (to see more, search for "-todo-" in script)
v1.0 - 2007.11. by migius: "full 3d"-release
planned tasks:
-- command-line-mode/batch-mode
-- in-place-editing for dupliGroups
-- filtering of unused/not-inserted BLOCKs
-- support for MLine
-- support for Ellipse
-- support for Mtext
-- better support for long dxf-layer-names
-- Configuration files(.ini) should/can handle various material setups
-- added f_layerFilter
-- to-check: obj/mat/group/_mapping-idea from ideasman42:
-- curves: added "fill/non-fill" option for closed curves: CIRCLEs,ELLIPSEs,POLYLINEs
-- bug:? object = Object.Get(obname) -> = SCENE.getChildren(obname)
-- "normalize Z" option to correct non-planar figures
-- LINEs need "width" in 3d-space incl vGroups
-- support width_force for LINEs/ELLIPSEs = "solidify"
-- bug: dxf-files without layer-section missing layersmap{}
-- color BYLAYER=256,BYBLOCK=0
-- blocknames conventions length
v1.0.11: 2007.11.17 by migius
c4 added "analyze DXF-file" UI-option: print LAYER/BLOCK-dependences into a textfile
c3 human-formating of data in INI-Files
c2 added "caps" for closed Bezier-curves
c2 added "set elevation" UI-option
c1 rewrite POLYLINE2d-arc-segments Bezier-interpreter
b9 many bugs fixed
b9 rewrite POLYLINE2d-arc-segments trimming (clean-trim)
b8 added "import from frozen layers" UI-option
b8 added "import from paper space" UI-option
b8 support Bezier curves for LINEs incl.thickness(0.0-10.0)
b8 added meshSmooth_on for circle/arc/polyline
b8 added vertexGroups for circle/arc
b7 added width_force for ARCs/CIRCLEs = "thin_box" option
b3 cleanup code, rename f_drawArc/Bulg->f_calcArc/Bulg
b2 fixing material assignment by LAYER+COLOR
b1 fixing Bezier curves representation of POLYLINEs-arc-segments
b0 added global_scale_presets: "yard/feet/inch to meter"
v1.0.10: 2007.10.18 by migius
a6 bugfix CircleDrawCaps for OSX
a5 added two "curve_res" UI-buttons for Bezier curves representation
a5 improved Bezier curves representation of circles/arcs: correct handlers
a4 first try to fix malformed endpoints of Blender curves of imported ARCs and POLYLINE-arc segments.
a3 bugfix: open POLYLINEs with end_point.loc==start_point.loc
a2 bugfix: f_transform for OCS=(0,0,-1) oriented objects
a1 added "fill_on" option to draw top and bottom sides of CIRCLEs and ELLIPSEs
a1 rewrite f_CIRCLE.Draw: from Mesh.Primitive to Mesh
a1 bugfix "newScene"-mode: Cylinders/Arcs were drawn at <0,0,0>location
beta09: 2007.09.02 by migius
g5 redesign UI: grouping of buttons
g3 update multi-import-mode: <*.*> button
g- added multi-import-mode: (path/*) for importing many dxf-files at once
g- added import into newScene
g- redesign UI: user presets, into newScene-import
f- cleanup code
f- bugfix: thickness for Bezier/Bsplines into Blender-curves
f- BlenderWiki documentation, on-line Manual
f- added import POLYLINE-Bsplines into Blender-NURBSCurves
f- added import POLYLINE-arc-segments into Blender-BezierCurves
f- added import POLYLINE-Bezier-curves into Blender-Curves
d5 rewrite: Optimization Levels, added 'directDrawing'
d4 added: f_set_thick(cntrolled by ini-parameters)
d4 bugfix: face-normals in objects with minus thickness
d4 added: placeholder'Empty'-size in f_Insert.draw
d3 rewrite f_Text.Draw: added support for all Text's parameters
d2 redesign: progressbar
e- tuning by ideasman42: better use of the Py API.
c- tuning by ideasman42
b- rewrite f_Text.Draw rotation/transform
b- bugfix: POLYLINE-segment-intersection more reliable now
b- bugfix: circle:_thic, 'Empties':no material_assignment
b- added material assignment (from layer and/or color)
a- added empty, cylinder and UVsphere for POINTs
a- added support for 2d-POLYLINE: splines, fitted curves, fitted surfaces
a- redesign f_Drawer for block_definitions
a- rewrite import into Blender-Curve-Object
beta08: 2007.07.27 by migius
l- bugfix: solid_vgroups,
l- redesign UI to standard Draw.Register+FileSelector, advanced_config_option
k- bugfix UI:fileSelect() for MacOSX os.listdir()
k- added reset/save/load for config-data
k- redesign keywords/drawTypes/Draw.Create_Buttons
j- new interface using UIBlock() with own FileSelector, cause Window.FileSelector() too buggy
i- rewritten Class:Settings for better config-parameter management
h- bugfix: face-normals in objects with minus thickness
h- added Vertex-Groups in polylines and solids generated Meshes, for easier material assignment
h- beautify code, whitespace->tabs
h- added settings.thic_force switch for forcing thickness
h- added one Object/Mesh for all simple-entities from the same Layer,
sorted in Vertex-Groups(color_name) (fewer objects = better import performance)
g- rewrote: insert-point-handle-object is a small tetrahedron
e- bugfix: closed-polymesh3d
- rewrote: startUI, type_map.keys, f_drawer, for all class_f_draw(added "settings" as attribut)
- added 2d/3d-support for Polyline_Width incl. angle intersection
beta07: 2007.06.19 by migius
- added 3d-support for LWPolylines
- added 2d/3d-support for Points
beta06: 2007.06.15 by migius
- cleanup code
- added 2d/3d-support for MINSERT=BlockArray in f_drawer, added f_rotXY_Vec
beta05: 2007.06.14 by migius
- added 2d/3d-support for 3d-PolyLine, PolyMesh and PolyFace
- added Global-Scale for size control of imported scenes
beta04: 2007.06.12 by migius
- rewrote the f_calcBulge for correct import the arc-segments of Polylines
beta03: 2007.06.10 by migius
- rewrote interface
beta02: 2007.06.09 by migius
- added 3d-support for Arcs and Circles
- added support for Object_Thickness(=height)
beta01: 2007.06.08 by migius
- added 3d-support for Blocks/Inserts within nested-structures
- rewrote f_transform for correct 3d-location/3d-rotation
- added 3d-support Lines, 3dFaces
- added 2d+3d-support for Solids and Traces
v0.9 - 2007.01 by kitsu: (for 2.43)
v0.8 - 2006.12 by kitsu:
v0.5b - 2006.10 by kitsu: (for 2.42a)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DXF Import v1.0 by Ed Blake (AKA kitsu) and Remigiusz Fiedler (AKA migius)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import Blender
#import bpy
from Blender import *
#from Blender.Mathutils import Vector, Matrix
#import BPyMessages
from dxfReader import readDXF
#from dxfReader import get_name, get_layer
from dxfReader import Object as dxfObject
from dxfColorMap import color_map
from math import *
import os
if != 'mac':
import psyco
psyco.profile(0.05, memory=100)
#print 'psyco imported'
except ImportError:
#print 'psyco not imported'
print '\n\n\n\n'
print 'Import DXF to Blender *** start ***' #---------------------
SCENE = None
WORLDX = Mathutils.Vector((1,0,0))
WORLDY = Mathutils.Vector((1,1,0))
WORLDZ = Mathutils.Vector((0,0,1))
G_SCALE = 1.0 #(0.0001-1000) global scaling factor for all dxf data
MIN_DIST = 0.001 #cut-off value for sort out short-distance polyline-"duoble_vertex"
ARC_RESOLUTION = 64 #(4-500) arc/circle resolution - number of segments
ARC_RADIUS = 1.0 #(0.01-100) arc/circle radius for number of segments algorithm
CURV_RESOLUTION = 12 #(3-50) Bezier curves resolution
CURVARC_RESOLUTION = 4 #(3-32) resolution of circle represented as Bezier curve
THIN_RESOLUTION = 8 #(4-64) thin_cylinder arc_resolution - number of segments
MIN_THICK = MIN_DIST * 10.0 #minimal thickness by forced thickness
MIN_WIDTH = MIN_DIST * 10.0 #minimal width by forced width
TRIM_LIMIT = 3.0 #limit for triming of polylines-wide-segments (values:0.0 - 5.0)
ELEVATION = 0.0 #standard elevation = coordinate Z
TARGET_LAYER = 3 #target blender_layer
GROUP_BYLAYER = 0 #(0/1) all entities from same layer import into one blender-group
FILENAME_MAX = 180 #max length of path+file_name string (FILE_MAXDIR + FILE_MAXFILE)
MAX_NAMELENGTH = 17 #max_effective_obnamelength in blender =21=17+(.001)
INIFILE_HEADER = ' ver.1.0 config data'
INFFILE_HEADER = ' ver.1.0 analyze of DXF-data'
AUTO = BezTriple.HandleTypes.AUTO
FREE = BezTriple.HandleTypes.FREE
VECT = BezTriple.HandleTypes.VECT
ALIGN = BezTriple.HandleTypes.ALIGN
cur_COUNTER = 0 #counter for progress_bar
"""This module provides wrapper objects for dxf entities.
The wrappers expect a "dxf object" as input. The dxf object is
an object with a type and a data attribute. Type is a lowercase
string matching the 0 code of a dxf entity. Data is a list containing
dxf objects or lists of [code, data] pairs.
This module is not general, and is only for dxf import.
# from Stani's dxf writer v1.1 (c) (GPL)
#---color values
#---block-type flags (bit coded values, may be combined):
ANONYMOUS =1 # This is an anonymous block generated by hatching, associative dimensioning, other internal operations, or an application
NON_CONSTANT_ATTRIBUTES =2 # This block has non-constant attribute definitions (this bit is not set if the block has any attribute definitions that are constant, or has no attribute definitions at all)
XREF =4 # This block is an external reference (xref)
XREF_OVERLAY =8 # This block is an xref overlay
EXTERNAL =16 # This block is externally dependent
RESOLVED =32 # This is a resolved external reference, or dependent of an external reference (ignored on input)
REFERENCED =64 # This definition is a referenced external reference (ignored on input)
#---polyline flags
CLOSED =1 # This is a closed polyline (or a polygon mesh closed in the M direction)
CURVE_FIT =2 # Curve-fit vertices have been added
SPLINE_FIT =4 # Spline-fit vertices have been added
POLYLINE_3D =8 # This is a 3D polyline
POLYGON_MESH =16 # This is a 3D polygon mesh
CLOSED_N =32 # The polygon mesh is closed in the N direction
POLYFACE_MESH =64 # The polyline is a polyface mesh
CONTINOUS_LINETYPE_PATTERN =128 # The linetype pattern is generated continuously around the vertices of this polyline
#---text flags
LEFT = 0
ALIGNED = 3 #if vertical alignment = 0
MIDDLE = 4 #if vertical alignment = 0
FIT = 5 #if vertical alignment = 0
TOP = 3
#---mtext flags
#attachment point
#drawing direction
BY_STYLE = 5 #the flow direction is inherited from the associated text style
#line spacing style (optional):
AT_LEAST = 1 #taller characters will override
EXACT = 2 #taller characters will not override
class Layer: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf LAYERs.
def __init__(self, obj, name=None, color=None, frozen=None):
"""Expects an object of type layer as input.
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
if name:
|| = name
#self.bfname = name #--todo---see layernamesmap in f_getLayersmap ---
|| = obj.get_type(2)[0] #layer name of object
if color:
self.color = color
self.color = obj.get_type(62)[0] #color of object
if frozen:
self.frozen = frozen
self.flags = obj.get_type(70)[0]
self.frozen = self.flags & 1
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: name - %s, color - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__,, self.color)
def getit(obj, typ, default=None): #------------------------------------------
"""Universal procedure for geting data from list/objects.
it = default
if type(obj) == list: #if obj is a list, then searching in a list
for item in obj:
#print 'deb:getit item, type(item)', item, type(item)
if item[0] == typ:
it = item[1]
break #as soon as the first found
# --todo-- I found one case where item was a text instance
# that failed with no __getitem__
else: #else searching in Object with get_type-Methode
item = obj.get_type(typ)
if item:
it = item[0]
#print 'deb:getit:typ, it', typ, it #----------
return it
def get_extrusion(data): #-------------------------------------------------
"""Find the axis of extrusion.
Used to get from object_data the objects Object_Coordinate_System (ocs).
#print 'deb:get_extrusion: data: \n', data #---------------
vec = [0,0,1]
vec[0] = getit(data, 210, 0) # 210 = x
vec[1] = getit(data, 220, 0) # 220 = y
vec[2] = getit(data, 230, 1) # 230 = z
#print 'deb:get_extrusion: vec: ', vec #---------------
return vec
class Solid: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf SOLID or TRACE.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type solid or trace as input.
if obj.type == 'trace':
obj.type = 'solid'
if not obj.type == 'solid':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type \'%s\' for solid/trace object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
self.points = self.get_points(
def get_points(self, data):
"""Gets start and end points for a solid type object.
Solids have 3 or 4 points and fixed codes for each value.
# start x, y, z and end x, y, z = 0
a = [0, 0, 0]
b = [0, 0, 0]
c = [0, 0, 0]
d = [0, 0, 0]
a[0] = getit(data, 10, None) # 10 = x
a[1] = getit(data, 20, None) # 20 = y
a[2] = getit(data, 30, 0) # 30 = z
b[0] = getit(data, 11, None)
b[1] = getit(data, 21, None)
b[2] = getit(data, 31, 0)
c[0] = getit(data, 12, None)
c[1] = getit(data, 22, None)
c[2] = getit(data, 32, 0)
out = [a,b,c]
d[0] = getit(data, 13, None)
if d[0] != None:
d[1] = getit(data, 23, None)
d[2] = getit(data, 33, 0)
#print 'deb:solid.vertices:---------\n', out #-----------------------
return out
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for SOLID: generate Blender_geometry.
points = self.points
if not points: return
edges, faces = [], []
l = len(self.points)
obname = 'so_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
vg_left, vg_right, vg_top, vg_bottom, vg_start, vg_end = [], [], [], [], [], []
thic = set_thick(self.thic, settings)
if thic != 0:
thic_points = [[v[0], v[1], v[2] + thic] for v in points[:]]
if thic < 0.0:
points = thic_points
if l == 4:
faces = [[0,1,3,2], [4,6,7,5], [0,4,5,1],
[1,5,7,3], [3,7,6,2], [2,6,4,0]]
vg_left = [2,6,4,0]
vg_right = [1,5,7,3]
vg_top = [4,6,7,5]
vg_bottom = [0,1,3,2]
vg_start = [0,4,5,1]
vg_end = [3,7,6,2]
elif l == 3:
faces = [[0,1,2], [3,5,4], [0,3,4,1], [1,4,5,2], [2,5,3,0]]
vg_top = [3,4,5]
vg_bottom = [0,1,2]
vg_left = [2,5,3,0]
vg_right = [1,4,5,2]
vg_start = [0,3,4,1]
elif l == 2: faces = [[0,1,3,2]]
if l == 4: faces = [[0,1,3,2]]
elif l == 3: faces = [[0,1,2]]
elif l == 2: edges = [[0,1]]
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh
if faces: me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if edges: me.edges.extend(edges) # add faces to the mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
if settings.var['vGroup_on']:
# each MeshSide becomes vertexGroup for easier material assignment ---------------------
replace = Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.ADD #or .AssignModes.ADD/REPLACE
if vg_left: me.addVertGroup('side.left') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('side.left', vg_left, 1.0, replace)
if vg_right:me.addVertGroup('side.right') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('side.right', vg_right, 1.0, replace)
if vg_top: me.addVertGroup('') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('', vg_top, 1.0, replace)
if vg_bottom:me.addVertGroup('side.bottom'); me.assignVertsToGroup('side.bottom',vg_bottom, 1.0, replace)
if vg_start:me.addVertGroup('side.start') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('side.start', vg_start, 1.0, replace)
if vg_end: me.addVertGroup('side.end') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('side.end', vg_end, 1.0, replace)
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
return ob
class Line: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf LINEs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type line as input.
if not obj.type == 'line':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type \'%s\' for line object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0)
#print 'deb:self.thic: ', self.thic #---------------------
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
self.points = self.get_points(
def get_points(self, data):
"""Gets start and end points for a line type object.
Lines have a fixed number of points (two) and fixed codes for each value.
# start x,y,z and end x,y,z = 0
a = [0, 0, 0]
b = [0, 0, 0]
a[0] = getit(data, 10, None) # 10 = x
a[1] = getit(data, 20, None) # 20 = y
a[2] = getit(data, 30, 0) # 30 = z
b[0] = getit(data, 11, None)
b[1] = getit(data, 21, None)
b[2] = getit(data, 31, 0)
out = [a,b]
return out
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for LINE: generate Blender_geometry.
# Generate the geometery
points = self.points
thic = set_thick(self.thic, settings)
width = 0.0
if settings.var['lines_as'] == 4: # as thin_box
thic = settings.var['thick_min']
width = settings.var['width_min']
if settings.var['lines_as'] == 3: # as thin cylinder
cyl_rad = 0.5 * settings.var['width_min']
if settings.var['curves_on']: # LINE curve representation-------------------------
obname = 'li_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
c = Curve.New(obname) # create new curve data
curve = c.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(points[0]))
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [VECT, VECT]
curve.flagU = 0 # 0 sets the curve not cyclic=open
c.update() #important for handles calculation
ob = # create a new curve_object
#if False: # --todo-- better support for 210-group
if thic != 0.0: #hack: Blender2.45 curve-extrusion
t = thic * 0.5
if abs(t) > 5.0: t = 5.0 * cmp(t,0) # Blender2.45 accepts only (0.0 - 5.0)
e = self.extrusion
c.setExt1(abs(t)) # curve-extrusion
ob.LocX += t * e[0]
ob.LocY += t * e[1]
ob.LocZ += t * e[2]
#c.setExt1(1.0) # curve-extrusion: Blender2.45 accepts only (0.0 - 5.0)
#ob.LocZ = t + self.loc[2]
#ob.SizeZ *= abs(t)
return ob
else: # LINE mesh representation ------------------------------
global activObjectLayer
global activObjectName
#print 'deb:draw:line.ob IN activObjectName: ', activObjectName #---------------------
if activObjectLayer == self.layer and settings.var['one_mesh_on']:
obname = activObjectName
#print 'deb:line.draw obname from activObjectName: ', obname #---------------------
ob = Object.Get(obname) # open an existing mesh_object
#ob = SCENE.getChildren(obname) # open an existing mesh_object
me = Mesh.Get( # open objects mesh data
obname = 'li_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
activObjectName =
activObjectLayer = self.layer
#print ('deb:line.draw new line.ob+mesh:"%s" created!' #---------------------
faces, edges = [], []
n = len(me.verts)
#if settings.var['width_force']: #--todo-----------
if thic != 0:
t, e = thic, self.extrusion
#print 'deb:thic, extr: ', t, e #---------------------
points.extend([[v[0]+t*e[0], v[1]+t*e[1], v[2]+t*e[2]] for v in points[:]])
faces = [[0+n, 1+n, 3+n, 2+n]]
edges = [[0+n, 1+n]]
me.verts.extend(points) # adds vertices to global mesh
if faces: me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if edges: me.edges.extend(edges) # add faces to the mesh
if settings.var['vGroup_on']:
# entities with the same color build one vertexGroup for easier material assignment ----
|| # link mesh to that object
vG_name = 'color_%s' %self.color_index
if edges: faces = edges
replace = Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.ADD #or .AssignModes.REPLACE or ADD
me.assignVertsToGroup(vG_name, faces[0], 1.0, replace)
#print 'deb: existed vGroup:', vG_name #---------------------
me.assignVertsToGroup(vG_name, faces[0], 1.0, replace)
#print 'deb: create new vGroup:', vG_name #---------------------
#print 'deb:draw:line.ob OUT activObjectName: ', activObjectName #---------------------
return ob
class Point: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf POINTs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type point as input.
if not obj.type == 'point':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for point object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0)
#print 'deb:self.thic: ', self.thic #---------------------
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
self.points = self.get_points(
def get_points(self, data):
"""Gets coordinates for a point type object.
Points have fixed codes for each value.
a = [0, 0, 0]
a[0] = getit(data, 10, None) # 10 = x
a[1] = getit(data, 20, None) # 20 = y
a[2] = getit(data, 30, 0) # 30 = z
out = [a]
return out
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for POINT: generate Blender_geometry.
points = self.points
obname = 'po_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
points_as = settings.var['points_as']
thic = settings.var['thick_min']
if thic < settings.var['dist_min']: thic = settings.var['dist_min']
if points_as in [1,3,4]:
if points_as == 1: # as 'empty'
c = 'Empty'
if points_as == 3: # as 'thin sphere'
res = settings.var['thin_res']
c = Mesh.Primitives.UVsphere(res,res,thic)
if points_as == 4: # as 'thin box'
c = Mesh.Primitives.Cube(thic)
ob =, obname) # create a new object
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
ob.loc = tuple(points[0])
elif points_as == 2: # as 'vertex'
global activObjectLayer
global activObjectName
#print 'deb:draw:point.ob IN activObjectName: ', activObjectName #---------------------
if activObjectLayer == self.layer and settings.var['one_mesh_on']:
obname = activObjectName
#print 'deb:draw:point.ob obname from activObjectName: ', obname #---------------------
ob = Object.Get(obname) # open an existing mesh_object
#ob = SCENE.getChildren(obname) # open an existing mesh_object
me = Mesh.Get( # open objects mesh data
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
activObjectName =
activObjectLayer = self.layer
#print ('deb:draw:point new point.ob+mesh:"%s" created!' #---------------------
me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh
return ob
class LWpolyline: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf LWPOLYLINEs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type lwpolyline as input.
#print 'deb:LWpolyline.START:----------------' #------------------------
if not obj.type == 'lwpolyline':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for polyline object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# required data
self.num_points = obj.get_type(90)[0]
# optional data (with defaults)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.elevation = getit(obj, 30, 0)
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0)
self.flags = getit(obj, 70, 0)
self.closed = self.flags&1 # byte coded, 1 = closed, 128 = plinegen
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.points = self.get_points(
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
#print '\n', #------------------------
#print 'deb:LWpolyline.ENDinit:----------------' #------------------------
def get_points(self, data):
"""Gets points for a polyline type object.
LW-Polylines have no fixed number of verts, and
each vert can have a number of properties.
Verts should be coded as
40:startwidth or 0
41:endwidth or 0
42:bulge or 0
for each vert
num = self.num_points
point = None
points = []
for item in data:
if item[0] == 10: # 10 = x
if point:
point = Vertex()
point.x = item[1]
elif item[0] == 20: # 20 = y
point.y = item[1]
elif item[0] == 40: # 40 = start width
point.swidth = item[1]
elif item[0] == 41: # 41 = end width
point.ewidth = item[1]
elif item[0] == 42: # 42 = bulge
point.bulge = item[1]
return points
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for LWPOLYLINE: generate Blender_geometry.
#print 'deb:LWpolyline.draw.START:----------------' #------------------------
points = []
obname = 'lw_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
#settings.var['curves_on'] == True
#print 'deb:index_len: ', len(self.points) #------------------
for i, point in enumerate(self.points):
#print 'deb:index: ', i #------------------
if not point.bulge:
elif point.bulge and not self.closed and i == len(self.points)-1:
elif point.bulge: #
if i == len(self.points)-1:
point2 = self.points[0]
point2 = self.points[i+1]
arc_res = settings.var['arc_res']/sqrt(settings.var['arc_rad'])
verts, center = calcBulge(point, point2, arc_res)
# if i == len(self.points)-1:
# if self.closed:
# verts.pop() #remove last(=first) vertex
# else:
# verts.pop() #remove last vertex, because this point will be writen as the next vertex
thic = self.thic
if settings.var['thick_force'] and thic == 0: thic = settings.var['thick_min']
if settings.var['thick_on'] and thic != 0:
len1 = len(points)
points.extend([[point[0], point[1], point[2]+thic] for point in points])
faces = []
#print 'deb:len1:', len1 #-----------------------
faces = [[num, num+1, num+len1+1, num+len1] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
if self.closed:
faces.append([len1-1, 0, len1, 2*len1-1])
#print 'deb:faces_list:\n', faces #-----------------------
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh
me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
edges = [[num, num+1] for num in xrange(len(points)-1)]
if self.closed:
edges.append([len(points)-1, 0])
#print 'deb:edges_list:\n', edges #-----------------------
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh
me.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh
ob.LocZ = self.elevation
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
#print 'deb:LWpolyline.draw.END:----------------' #------------------------
return ob
class Polyline: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf POLYLINEs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type polyline as input.
#print 'deb:polyline.init.START:----------------' #------------------------
if not obj.type == 'polyline':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for polyline object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
#print '[:]:\n',[:] #------------------------
self.points = []
# optional data (with defaults)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.elevation = getit(obj, 30, 0)
#print 'deb:elevation: ', self.elevation #---------------
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.flags = getit(obj, 70, 0)
self.closed = self.flags & 1 # closed in the M direction
self.curved = self.flags & 2 # Bezier-curve-fit vertices have been added
self.spline = self.flags & 4 # Bspline-fit vertices have been added
self.poly3d = self.flags & 8 # 3D-polyline
self.plmesh = self.flags & 16 # 3D-polygon mesh
self.closeN = self.flags & 32 # closed in the N direction
self.plface = self.flags & 64 # 3D-polyface mesh
self.contin = self.flags & 128 # the linetype pattern is generated continuously
if self.poly3d or self.plface or self.plmesh:
self.poly2d = False # its not a 2D-polyline
self.poly2d = True # it is a 2D-polyline
self.swidth = getit(obj, 40, 0) # default start width
self.ewidth = getit(obj, 41, 0) # default end width
#self.bulge = getit(obj, 42, None) # bulge of the segment
self.vectorsM = getit(obj, 71, None) # PolyMesh: expansion in M-direction / PolyFace: number of the vertices
self.vectorsN = getit(obj, 72, None) # PolyMesh: expansion in M-direction / PolyFace: number of faces
#self.resolM = getit(obj, 73, None) # resolution of surface in M direction
#self.resolN = getit(obj, 74, None) # resolution of surface in N direction
self.curvetyp = getit(obj, 75, 0) # type of curve/surface: 0=None/5=Quadric/6=Cubic/8=Bezier
self.curvNormal = False
self.curvQBspline = False
self.curvCBspline = False
self.curvBezier = False
if self.curvetyp == 0: self.curvNormal = True
elif self.curvetyp == 5: self.curvQBspline = True
elif self.curvetyp == 6: self.curvCBspline = True
elif self.curvetyp == 8: self.curvBezier = True
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
self.points = [] #list with vertices coordinats
self.faces = [] #list with vertices assigment to faces
#print 'deb:polyline.init.ENDinit:----------------' #------------
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points)
def draw(self, settings): #-------------%%%% DRAW POLYLINE %%%---------------
"""for POLYLINE: generate Blender_geometry.
ob = []
if self.plface: #---- 3dPolyFace - mesh with free topology
ob = self.drawPlFace(settings)
elif self.plmesh: #---- 3dPolyMesh - mesh with ortogonal topology
ob = self.drawPlMesh(settings)
#---- 2dPolyline - plane polyline with arc/wide/thic segments
#---- 3dPolyline - non-plane polyline (thin segments = without arc/wide/thic)
elif self.poly2d or self.poly3d:
if settings.var['curves_on']: # and self.spline:
ob = self.drawPolyCurve(settings)
ob = self.drawPoly2d(settings)
return ob
def drawPlFace(self, settings): #---- 3dPolyFace - mesh with free topology
"""Generate the geometery of polyface.
#print 'deb:polyface.draw.START:----------------' #------------------------
points = []
faces = []
#print 'deb:len of pointsList ====== ', len(self.points) #------------------------
for point in self.points:
if point.face:
#print 'deb:len of points_list:\n', len(points) #-----------------------
#print 'deb:points_list:\n', points #-----------------------
#print 'deb:faces_list:\n', faces #-----------------------
obname = 'pf_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh
me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if settings.var['meshSmooth_on']: # ----------------------
for i in xrange(len(faces)):
me.faces[i].smooth = True
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
#print 'deb:polyface.draw.END:----------------' #------------------------
return ob
def drawPlMesh(self, settings): #---- 3dPolyMesh - mesh with orthogonal topology
"""Generate the geometery of polymesh.
#print 'deb:polymesh.draw.START:----------------' #------------------------
#points = []
#print 'deb:len of pointsList ====== ', len(self.points) #------------------------
faces = []
m = self.vectorsM
n = self.vectorsN
for j in xrange(m - 1):
for i in xrange(n - 1):
nn = j * n
faces.append([nn+i, nn+i+1, nn+n+i+1, nn+n+i])
if self.closed: #mesh closed in N-direction
nn = (m-1)*n
for i in xrange(n - 1):
faces.append([nn+i, nn+i+1, i+1, i])
if self.closeN: #mesh closed in M-direction
for j in xrange(m-1):
nn = j * n
faces.append([nn+n-1, nn, nn+n, nn+n-1+n])
if self.closed and self.closeN: #mesh closed in M/N-direction
faces.append([ (n*m)-1, (m-1)*n, 0, n-1])
#print 'deb:len of points_list:\n', len(points) #-----------------------
#print 'deb:faces_list:\n', faces #-----------------------
obname = 'pm_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
me.verts.extend([point.loc for point in self.points]) # add vertices to mesh
me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if settings.var['meshSmooth_on']: # ----------------------
for i in xrange(len(faces)):
me.faces[i].smooth = True
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
#print 'deb:polymesh.draw.END:----------------' #------------------------
return ob
def drawPolyCurve(self, settings): #---- Polyline - draw as Blender-curve
"""Generate the geometery of polyline as Blender-curve.
#print 'deb:polyline2dCurve.draw.START:----------------' #---
if len(self.points) < 2:
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d exit, cause POLYLINE has less than 2 vertices' #---------
if self.spline: pline_typ = 'ps' # Polyline-nurbSpline
elif self.curved: pline_typ = 'pc' # Polyline-bezierCurve
else: pline_typ = 'pl' # Polyline
obname = '%s_%s' %(pline_typ, self.layer) # create object_name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
d_points = []
if settings.var['Z_force_on']:
self.elevation = settings.var['Z_elev']
for point in self.points:
point.loc[2] = self.elevation
else: #for DXFr10-format: update all points[].loc[2] == None -> 0.0
for point in self.points:
if point.loc[2] == None:
point.loc[2] = self.elevation
thic = set_thick(self.thic, settings)
if thic != 0.0: #hack: Blender<2.45 curve-extrusion
LocZ = d_points[0].loc[2]
temp_points = []
for point in d_points:
point.loc[2] = 0.0
d_points = temp_points
#print 'deb:polyline2dCurve.draw d_points=', d_points #---------------
pline = Curve.New(obname) # create new curve data
#pline.setResolu(24) #--todo-----
if False: #self.spline: # NURBSplines-----FAKE(with Bezier)-----
#print 'deb:polyline2dCurve.draw self.spline!' #---------------
curve = pline.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(d_points[0]))
for p in d_points[1:]:
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO]
if self.closed:
curve.flagU = 1 # Set curve cyclic=close
curve.flagU = 0 # Set curve not cyclic=open
curve[0].handleTypes = [FREE, ALIGN] #remi--todo-----
curve[-1].handleTypes = [ALIGN, FREE] #remi--todo-----
elif self.spline: # NURBSplines-----OK-----
#print 'deb:polyline2dCurve.draw self.spline!' #---------------
weight1 = 0.5
weight2 = 1.0
# generate middlepoints except start/end-segments ---
if self.curvQBspline:
temp_points = []
point = d_points[0].loc
for i in xrange(1,len(d_points)-2):
point1 = d_points[i].loc
point2 = d_points[i+1].loc
mpoint = list((Mathutils.Vector(point1) + Mathutils.Vector(point2)) * 0.5)
point = d_points[-1].loc
d_points = temp_points
temp_points = []
for d in d_points:
d = d.loc
d_points = temp_points
if not self.closed:
# generate extended startpoint and endpoint------
point1 = Mathutils.Vector(d_points[0][:3])
point2 = Mathutils.Vector(d_points[1][:3])
startpoint = list(point1 - point2 + point1)
point1 = Mathutils.Vector(d_points[-1][:3])
point2 = Mathutils.Vector(d_points[-2][:3])
endpoint = list(point1 - point2 + point1)
temp_points = []
d_points = temp_points
point = d_points[0]
curve = pline.appendNurb(point)
curve.setType(4) #NURBS curve
for point in d_points[1:]:
if self.closed:
curve.flagU = 1 # Set curve cyclic=close
curve.flagU = 0 # Set curve not cyclic=open
elif self.curved: #--Bezier-curves---OK-------
#print 'deb:polyline2dCurve.draw self.curved!' #---------------
curve = pline.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(d_points[0]))
for p in d_points[1:]:
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO]
if self.closed:
curve.flagU = 1 # Set curve cyclic=close
curve.flagU = 0 # Set curve not cyclic=open
curve[0].handleTypes = [FREE, ALIGN] #remi--todo-----
curve[-1].handleTypes = [ALIGN, FREE] #remi--todo-----
else: #--straight line- and arc-segments----OK------
#print 'deb:polyline2dCurve.draw curve:', curve #-----
points = []
arc_res = settings.var['curve_arc']
prevHandleType = VECT
#d_points.append(d_points[0]) #------ first vertex added at the end of list --------
#curve.setType(0) #polygon_type of Blender_curve
for i in xrange(len(d_points)):
point1 = d_points[i]
#point2 = d_points[i+1]
if False: #-----outdated!- standard calculation ----------------------------------
if point1.bulge and (i < len(d_points)-2 or self.closed):
verts, center = calcBulge(point1, point2, arc_res, triples=False)
if i == 0: curve = pline.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(verts[0]))
else: curve.append(BezTriple.New(verts[0]))
curve[-1].handleTypes = [VECT, VECT] #--todo--calculation of bezier-tangents
for p in verts[1:]:
curve[-1].handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO]
if i == 0: curve = pline.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(point1.loc))
else: curve.append(BezTriple.New(point1.loc))
curve[-1].handleTypes = [VECT, VECT] #--todo--calculation of bezier-tangents
elif True: #----- optimised Bezier-Handles calculation --------------------------------
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve: i:', i #---------
if point1.bulge and not (i == len(d_points)-1 and point1.bulge and not self.closed):
if i == len(d_points)-1: point2 = d_points[0]
else: point2 = d_points[i+1]
# calculate additional points for bulge
VectorTriples = calcBulge(point1, point2, arc_res, triples=True)
if prevHandleType == FREE:
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve: VectorTriples[0]:', VectorTriples[0] #---------
VectorTriples[0][:3] = prevHandleVect
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve: VectorTriples[0]:', VectorTriples[0] #---------
if i == 0: curve = pline.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(VectorTriples[0]))
else: curve.append(BezTriple.New(VectorTriples[0]))
curve[-1].handleTypes = [prevHandleType, FREE]
for p in VectorTriples[1:-1]:
curve[-1].handleTypes = [FREE, FREE]
prevHandleVect = VectorTriples[-1][:3]
prevHandleType = FREE
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve: prevHandleVect:', prevHandleVect #---------
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve: else' #----------
if prevHandleType == FREE:
VectorTriples = prevHandleVect + list(point1) + list(point1)
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve: VectorTriples:', VectorTriples #---------
curve[-1].handleTypes = [FREE, VECT]
prevHandleType = VECT
if i == 0: curve = pline.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(point1.loc))
else: curve.append(BezTriple.New(point1.loc))
curve[-1].handleTypes = [VECT, VECT]
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve: curve[-1].vec[0]', curve[-1].vec[0] #----------
if self.closed:
curve.flagU = 1 # Set curve cyclic=close
if prevHandleType == FREE:
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve:closed curve[0].vec:', curve[0].vec #----------
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve:closed curve[0].handleTypes:', curve[0].handleTypes #----------
prevHandleType2 = curve[0].handleTypes[1]
p0h1,p0,p0h2 = curve[0].vec
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve:closed p0h1:', p0h1 #----------
p0h1 = prevHandleVect
#p0h1 = [0,0,0]
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve:closed p0h1:', p0h1 #----------
#curve[0].vec = [p0h1,p0,p0h2]
curve[0].handleTypes = [FREE,prevHandleType2]
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve:closed curve[0].vec:', curve[0].vec #----------
#print 'deb:drawPlineCurve:closed curve[0].handleTypes:', curve[0].handleTypes #----------
curve[0].handleTypes[0] = VECT
curve.flagU = 0 # Set curve not cyclic=open
if settings.var['fill_on']:
pline.setFlag(6) # 2+4 set top and button caps
pline.setFlag(pline.getFlag() & ~6) # dont set top and button caps
ob = # create a new curve_object
if thic != 0.0: #hack: Blender<2.45 curve-extrusion
thic = thic * 0.5
pline.setExt1(1.0) # curve-extrusion accepts only (0.0 - 2.0)
ob.LocZ = thic + LocZ
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
if thic != 0.0:
ob.SizeZ *= abs(thic)
#print 'deb:polyline2dCurve.draw.END:----------------' #-----
return ob
def drawPoly2d(self, settings): #---- 2dPolyline - plane lines/arcs with wide/thic
"""Generate the geometery of regular polyline.
#print 'deb:polyline2d.draw.START:----------------' #------------------------
points = []
d_points = []
swidths = []
ewidths = []
swidth_default = self.swidth #default start width of POLYLINEs segments
ewidth_default = self.ewidth #default end width of POLYLINEs segments
thic = set_thick(self.thic, settings)
if self.spline: pline_typ = 'ps'
elif self.curved: pline_typ = 'pc'
else: pline_typ = 'pl'
obname = '%s_%s' %(pline_typ, self.layer) # create object_name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
if len(self.points) < 2:
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d exit, cause POLYLINE has less than 2 vertices' #---------
if settings.var['Z_force_on']:
self.elevation = settings.var['Z_elev']
for point in self.points:
point.loc[2] = self.elevation
else: #for DXFr10-format: update all non-existing LocZ points[].loc[2] == None -> 0.0 elevation
for point in self.points:
if point.loc[2] == None:
point.loc[2] = self.elevation
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d len of d_pointsList ====== ', len(d_points) #------------------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d d_pointsList ======:\n ', d_points #------------------------
#if closed polyline, add duplic of the first vertex at the end of pointslist
if self.closed: #new_b8
if d_points[-1].loc != d_points[0].loc: # if not equal, then set the first at the end of pointslist
if d_points[-1].loc == d_points[0].loc: # if equal, then set to closed, and modify the last point
d_points[-1] = d_points[0]
self.closed = True
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d len of d_pointsList ====== ', len(d_points) #------------------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d d_pointsList ======:\n ', d_points #------------------------
# routine to sort out of "double.vertices" ------------------------------------
minimal_dist = settings.var['dist_min'] * 0.1
temp_points = []
for i in xrange(len(d_points)-1):
point = d_points[i]
point2 = d_points[i+1]
#print 'deb:double.vertex p1,p2', point, point2 #------------------------
delta = Mathutils.Vector(point2.loc) - Mathutils.Vector(point.loc)
if delta.length > minimal_dist:
#else: print 'deb:drawPoly2d double.vertex sort out!' #------------------------
temp_points.append(d_points[-1]) #------ incl. last vertex -------------
#if self.closed: temp_points.append(d_points[1]) #------ loop start vertex -------------
d_points = temp_points #-----vertex.list without "double.vertices"
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d d_pointsList =after DV-outsorting=====:\n ', d_points #------------------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d len of d_pointsList ====== ', len(d_points) #------------------------
if len(d_points) < 2: #if too few vertex, then return
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d corrupted Vertices' #---------
# analyze of straight- and bulge-segments
# generation of additional points for bulge segments
arc_res = settings.var['arc_res']/sqrt(settings.var['arc_rad'])
wide_segment_exist = False
bulg_points = [] # for each point set None (or center for arc-subPoints)
for i in xrange(len(d_points)-1):
point1 = d_points[i]
point2 = d_points[i+1]
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d_bulg tocalc.point1:', point1 #------------------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d_bulg tocalc.point2:', point2 #------------------------
swidth = point1.swidth
ewidth = point1.ewidth
if swidth == None: swidth = swidth_default
if ewidth == None: ewidth = ewidth_default
if swidth != 0.0 or ewidth != 0.0: wide_segment_exist = True
if settings.var['width_force']: # force minimal width for thin segments
width_min = settings.var['width_min']
if swidth < width_min: swidth = width_min
if ewidth < width_min: ewidth = width_min
if not settings.var['width_on']: # then force minimal width for all segments
swidth = width_min
ewidth = width_min
#if point1.bulge and (i < (len(d_points)-1) or self.closed):
if point1.bulge and i < (len(d_points)-1): #10_b8
verts, center = calcBulge(point1, point2, arc_res) #calculate additional points for bulge
delta_width = (ewidth - swidth) / len(verts)
width_list = [swidth + (delta_width * ii) for ii in xrange(len(verts)+1)]
bulg_list = [center for ii in xrange(len(verts))]
#the last point in bulge has index False for better indexing of bulg_end!
bulg_list[-1] = None
#--calculate width_vectors: left-side- and right-side-points ----------------
# 1.level:IF width ---------------------------------------
if (settings.var['width_on'] and wide_segment_exist) or settings.var['width_force']:
#new_b8 points.append(d_points[0].loc) #temporarly add first vertex at the end (for better loop)
dist_min05 = 0.5 * settings.var['dist_min'] #minimal width for zero_witdh
pointsLs = [] # list of left-start-points
pointsLe = [] # list of left-end-points
pointsRs = [] # list of right-start-points
pointsRe = [] # list of right-end-points
pointsW = [] # list of all border-points
#rotMatr90 = Mathutils.Matrix(rotate 90 degree around Z-axis) = normalvectorXY
rotMatr90 = Mathutils.Matrix([0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
bulg_in = False
last_bulg_point = False
for i in xrange(len(points)-1):
point1 = points[i]
point2 = points[i+1]
point1vec = Mathutils.Vector(point1)
point2vec = Mathutils.Vector(point2)
swidth05 = swidths[i] * 0.5
ewidth05 = ewidths[i] * 0.5
if swidth05 == 0: swidth05 = dist_min05
if ewidth05 == 0: ewidth05 = dist_min05
normal_vector = rotMatr90 * (point2vec-point1vec).normalize()
if last_bulg_point:
last_bulg_point = False
bulg_in = True
elif bulg_points[i] != None:
centerVec = Mathutils.Vector(bulg_points[i])
if bulg_points[i+1] == None: last_bulg_point = True
bulg_in = True
else: bulg_in = False
if bulg_in:
#makes clean intersections for arc-segments
radius1vec = point1vec - centerVec
radius2vec = point2vec - centerVec
angle = Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(normal_vector, radius1vec)
if angle < 90.0:
normal_vector1 = radius1vec.normalize()
normal_vector2 = radius2vec.normalize()
normal_vector1 = - radius1vec.normalize()
normal_vector2 = - radius2vec.normalize()
swidth05vec = swidth05 * normal_vector1
ewidth05vec = ewidth05 * normal_vector2
pointsLs.append(point1vec + swidth05vec) #vertex left start
pointsRs.append(point1vec - swidth05vec) #vertex right start
pointsLe.append(point2vec + ewidth05vec) #vertex left end
pointsRe.append(point2vec - ewidth05vec) #vertex right end
swidth05vec = swidth05 * normal_vector
ewidth05vec = ewidth05 * normal_vector
pointsLs.append(point1vec + swidth05vec) #vertex left start
pointsRs.append(point1vec - swidth05vec) #vertex right start
pointsLe.append(point2vec + ewidth05vec) #vertex left end
pointsRe.append(point2vec - ewidth05vec) #vertex right end
# additional last point is also calculated
pointsLc, pointsRc = [], [] # lists Left/Right corners = intersection points
# 2.level:IF width and corner-trim
if settings.var['pl_trim_on']: #optional clean corner-intersections
# loop preset
# set STARTpoints of the first point points[0]
if not self.closed:
vecL3, vecL4 = pointsLs[0], pointsLe[0]
vecR3, vecR4 = pointsRs[0], pointsRe[0]
lenL = len(pointsLs)-1
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d pointsLs():\n', pointsLs #----------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d lenL, len.pointsLs():', lenL,',', len(pointsLs) #----------------
bulg_in = False
last_bulg_point = False
# LOOP: makes (ENDpoints[i],STARTpoints[i+1])
for i in xrange(lenL):
if bulg_points[i] != None:
if bulg_points[i+1] == None: #makes clean intersections for arc-segments
last_bulg_point = True
if not bulg_in:
bulg_in = True
#pointsLc.extend((points[i], pointsLs[i]))
#pointsRc.extend((points[i], pointsRs[i]))
vecL1, vecL2 = vecL3, vecL4
vecR1, vecR2 = vecR3, vecR4
vecL3, vecL4 = pointsLs[i+1], pointsLe[i+1]
vecR3, vecR4 = pointsRs[i+1], pointsRe[i+1]
#compute left- and right-cornerpoints
#cornerpointL = Geometry.LineIntersect2D(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4)
cornerpointL = Mathutils.LineIntersect(vecL1, vecL2, vecL3, vecL4)
cornerpointR = Mathutils.LineIntersect(vecR1, vecR2, vecR3, vecR4)
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d cornerpointL: ', cornerpointL #-------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d cornerpointR: ', cornerpointR #-------------
# IF not cornerpoint THEN check if identic start-endpoints (=collinear segments)
if cornerpointL == None or cornerpointR == None:
if vecL2 == vecL3 and vecR2 == vecR3:
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d pointVec: ####### identic ##########' #----------------
cornerpointL = cornerpointL[0] # because Mathutils.LineIntersect() -> (pkt1,pkt2)
cornerpointR = cornerpointR[0]
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d cornerpointL: ', cornerpointL #-------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d cornerpointR: ', cornerpointR #-------------
pointVec0 = Mathutils.Vector(points[i])
pointVec = Mathutils.Vector(points[i+1])
pointVec2 = Mathutils.Vector(points[i+2])
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d pointVec0: ', pointVec0 #-------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d pointVec: ', pointVec #-------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d pointVec2: ', pointVec2 #-------------
# if diststance(cornerL-center-cornerR) < limiter * (seg1_endWidth + seg2_startWidth)
max_cornerDist = (vecL2 - vecR2).length + (vecL3 - vecR3).length
is_cornerDist = (cornerpointL - pointVec).length + (cornerpointR - pointVec).length
#corner_angle = Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs((pointVec0 - pointVec),(pointVec - pointVec2))
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d corner_angle: ', corner_angle #-------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d max_cornerDist, is_cornerDist: ', max_cornerDist, is_cornerDist #-------------
#if abs(corner_angle) < 90.0:
# intersection --------- limited by TRIM_LIMIT (1.0 - 5.0)
if is_cornerDist < max_cornerDist * settings.var['pl_trim_max']:
# clean corner intersection
elif False: # the standard no-intersection
# --todo-- not optimal, because produces X-face
elif False: # --todo-- the optimised non-intersection
if (cornerpointL - vecL1).length < (cornerpointR - vecR1).length:
left_angle = True
left_angle = False
limit_dist = settings.var['dist_min']
if left_angle: # if left turning angle
print 'deb:drawPoly2d it is left turning angle' #-------------
# to avoid triangelface/doubleVertex
delta1 = (cornerpointL - vecL1).normalize() * limit_dist
delta4 = (cornerpointL - vecL4).normalize() * limit_dist
pointsLc.extend((cornerpointL - delta1, cornerpointL - delta4))
else: # if right turning angle
print 'deb:drawPoly2d right turning angle' #-------------
delta1 = (cornerpointR - vecR1).normalize() * limit_dist
delta4 = (cornerpointR - vecR4).normalize() * limit_dist
pointsRc.extend((cornerpointR - delta1, cornerpointR - delta4))
if not self.closed:
# 2.level:IF width but no-trim
# loop preset
# set STARTpoints of the first point points[0]
if not self.closed:
vecL3, vecL4 = pointsLs[0], pointsLe[0]
vecR3, vecR4 = pointsRs[0], pointsRe[0]
lenL = len(pointsLs)-1
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d pointsLs():\n', pointsLs #----------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d lenL, len.pointsLs():', lenL,',', len(pointsLs) #----------------
bulg_in = False
last_bulg_point = False
# LOOP: makes (ENDpoints[i],STARTpoints[i+1])
for i in xrange(lenL):
vecL1, vecL2 = vecL3, vecL4
vecR1, vecR2 = vecR3, vecR4
vecL3, vecL4 = pointsLs[i+1], pointsLe[i+1]
vecR3, vecR4 = pointsRs[i+1], pointsRe[i+1]
if bulg_points[i] != None:
#compute left- and right-cornerpoints
if True:
cornerpointL = Mathutils.LineIntersect(vecL1, vecL2, vecL3, vecL4)
cornerpointR = Mathutils.LineIntersect(vecR1, vecR2, vecR3, vecR4)
pointVec = Mathutils.Vector(point[i])
else: # IF non-bulg
if not self.closed:
len1 = len(pointsLc)
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d len1:', len1 #-----------------------
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d len1 len(pointsLc),len(pointsRc):', len(pointsLc),len(pointsRc) #-----------------------
pointsW = pointsLc + pointsRc # all_points_List = left_side + right_side
#print 'deb:drawPoly2d pointsW():\n', pointsW #----------------
# 2.level:IF width and thickness ---------------------
if thic != 0:
thic_pointsW = []
thic_pointsW.extend([[point[0], point[1], point[2]+thic] for point in pointsW])
if thic < 0.0:
pointsW = thic_pointsW
faces = []
f_start, f_end = [], []
f_bottom = [[num, num+1, len1+num+1, len1+num] for num in xrange(len1-1)]
f_top = [[num, len1+num, len1+num+1, num+1] for num in xrange(len1+len1, len1+len1+len1-1)]
f_left = [[num, len1+len1+num, len1+len1+num+1, num+1] for num in xrange(len1-1)]
f_right = [[num, num+1, len1+len1+num+1, len1+len1+num] for num in xrange(len1, len1+len1-1)]
if self.closed:
f_bottom.append([len1-1, 0, len1, len1+len1-1]) #bottom face
f_top.append( [len1+len1+len1-1, len1+len1+len1+len1-1, len1+len1+len1, len1+len1+0]) #top face
f_left.append( [0, len1-1, len1+len1+len1-1, len1+len1]) #left face
f_right.append( [len1, len1+len1+len1, len1+len1+len1+len1-1, len1+len1-1]) #right face
f_start = [[0, len1, len1+len1+len1, len1+len1]]
f_end = [[len1+len1-1, 0+len1-1, len1+len1+len1-1, len1+len1+len1+len1-1]]
faces = f_left + f_right + f_bottom + f_top + f_start + f_end
#faces = f_bottom + f_top
#faces = f_left + f_right + f_start + f_end
#print 'deb:faces_list:\n', faces #-----------------------
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
me.verts.extend(pointsW) # add vertices to mesh
me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
# each MeshSide becomes vertexGroup for easier material assignment ---------------------
# The mesh must first be linked to an object so the method knows which object to update.
# This is because vertex groups in Blender are stored in the object -- not in the mesh,
# which may be linked to more than one object.
if settings.var['vGroup_on']:
# each MeshSide becomes vertexGroup for easier material assignment ---------------------
replace = Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.REPLACE #or .AssignModes.ADD
vg_left, vg_right, vg_top, vg_bottom = [], [], [], []
for v in f_left: vg_left.extend(v)
for v in f_right: vg_right.extend(v)
for v in f_top: vg_top.extend(v)
for v in f_bottom: vg_bottom.extend(v)
me.addVertGroup('side.left') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('side.left', list(set(vg_left)), 1.0, replace)
me.addVertGroup('side.right') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('side.right', list(set(vg_right)), 1.0, replace)
me.addVertGroup('') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('', list(set(vg_top)), 1.0, replace)
me.addVertGroup('side.bottom'); me.assignVertsToGroup('side.bottom',list(set(vg_bottom)), 1.0, replace)
if not self.closed:
me.addVertGroup('side.start'); me.assignVertsToGroup('side.start', f_start[0], 1.0, replace)
me.addVertGroup('side.end') ; me.assignVertsToGroup('side.end', f_end[0], 1.0, replace)
if settings.var['meshSmooth_on']: # left and right side become smooth ----------------------
#if self.spline or self.curved:
if True:
smooth_len = len(f_left) + len(f_right)
for i in xrange(smooth_len):
me.faces[i].smooth = True
# 2.level:IF width, but no-thickness ---------------------
faces = []
faces = [[num, len1+num, len1+num+1, num+1] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
if self.closed:
faces.append([len1, 0, len1-1, len1+len1-1])
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
me.verts.extend(pointsW) # add vertices to mesh
me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
# 1.level:IF no-width, but thickness ---------------------
elif thic != 0:
len1 = len(points)
thic_points = []
thic_points.extend([[point[0], point[1], point[2]+thic] for point in points])
if thic < 0.0:
points = thic_points
faces = []
faces = [[num, num+1, num+len1+1, num+len1] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
if self.closed:
faces.append([len1-1, 0, len1, 2*len1-1])
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh
me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if settings.var['meshSmooth_on']: # left and right side become smooth ----------------------
#if self.spline or self.curved:
if True:
for i in xrange(len(faces)):
me.faces[i].smooth = True
# 1.level:IF no-width and no-thickness ---------------------
edges = [[num, num+1] for num in xrange(len(points)-1)]
if self.closed:
edges.append([len(points)-1, 0])
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh
me.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
#print 'deb:polyline.draw.END:----------------' #-----------------------
return ob
class Vertex(object): #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Generic vertex object used by POLYLINEs (and maybe others).
def __init__(self, obj=None):
"""Initializes vertex data.
The optional obj arg is an entity object of type vertex.
#print 'deb:Vertex.init.START:----------------' #-----------------------
self.loc = [0,0,0]
self.face = []
self.swidth = 0
self.ewidth = 0
self.bulge = 0
if obj is not None:
if not obj.type == 'vertex':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for vertex object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
#print 'deb:Vertex.init.END:----------------' #------------------------
def get_props(self, data):
"""Gets coords for a VERTEX type object.
Each vert can have a number of properties.
Verts should be coded as
40:startwidth or 0
41:endwidth or 0
42:bulge or 0
self.x = getit(data, 10, None)
self.y = getit(data, 20, None)
self.z = getit(data, 30, None)
self.flags = getit(data, 70, 0) # flags
self.curved = self.flags&1 # Bezier-curve-fit:additional-vertex
self.curv_t = self.flags&2 # Bezier-curve-fit:tangent exists
self.spline = self.flags&8 # Bspline-fit:additional-vertex
self.splin2 = self.flags&16 # Bspline-fit:control-vertex
self.poly3d = self.flags&32 # polyline3d:control-vertex
self.plmesh = self.flags&64 # polymesh3d:control-vertex
self.plface = self.flags&128 # polyface
# if PolyFace.Vertex with Face_definition
if self.curv_t:
self.curv_tangent = getit(data, 50, None) # curve_tangent
if self.plface and not self.plmesh:
v1 = getit(data, 71, 0) # polyface:Face.vertex 1.
v2 = getit(data, 72, 0) # polyface:Face.vertex 2.
v3 = getit(data, 73, 0) # polyface:Face.vertex 3.
v4 = getit(data, 74, None) # polyface:Face.vertex 4.
self.face = [abs(v1)-1,abs(v2)-1,abs(v3)-1]
if v4 != None:
else: #--parameter for polyline2d
self.swidth = getit(data, 40, None) # start width
self.ewidth = getit(data, 41, None) # end width
self.bulge = getit(data, 42, 0) # bulge of segment
def __len__(self):
return 3
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.loc[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key in [0,1,2]:
def __iter__(self):
return self.loc.__iter__()
def __str__(self):
return str(self.loc)
def __repr__(self):
return "Vertex %s, swidth=%s, ewidth=%s, bulge=%s, face=%s" %(self.loc, self.swidth, self.ewidth, self.bulge, self.face)
def getx(self):
return self.loc[0]
def setx(self, value):
self.loc[0] = value
x = property(getx, setx)
def gety(self):
return self.loc[1]
def sety(self, value):
self.loc[1] = value
y = property(gety, sety)
def getz(self):
return self.loc[2]
def setz(self, value):
self.loc[2] = value
z = property(getz, setz)
class Text: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf TEXT.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type text as input.
if not obj.type == 'text':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for text object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# required data
self.height = 1.7 * obj.get_type(40)[0] #text.height
self.value = obj.get_type(1)[0] #The text string value
# optional data (with defaults)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0)
self.rotation = getit(obj, 50, 0) # radians
self.width_factor = getit(obj, 41, 1) # Scaling factor along local x axis
self.oblique = getit(obj, 51, 0) # oblique angle: skew in degrees -90 <= oblique <= 90
|| = getit(obj, 7, 'STANDARD') # --todo---- Text style name (optional, default = STANDARD)
#Text generation flags (optional, default = 0):
#2 = backward (mirrored in X),
#4 = upside down (mirrored in Y)
self.flags = getit(obj, 71, 0)
self.mirrorX, self.mirrorY = 1.0, 1.0
if self.flags&2: self.mirrorX = - 1.0
if self.flags&4: self.mirrorY = - 1.0
# vertical.alignment: 0=baseline, 1=bottom, 2=middle, 3=top
self.valignment = getit(obj, 73, 0)
#Horizontal text justification type (optional, default = 0) integer codes (not bit-coded)
#0=left, 1=center, 2=right
#3=aligned, 4=middle, 5=fit
self.halignment = getit(obj, 72, 0)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.loc1, self.loc2 = self.get_loc(
if self.loc2[0] != None and self.halignment != 5:
self.loc = self.loc2
self.loc = self.loc1
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
def get_loc(self, data):
"""Gets adjusted location for text type objects.
If group 72 and/or 73 values are nonzero then the first alignment point values
are ignored and AutoCAD calculates new values based on the second alignment
point and the length and height of the text string itself (after applying the
text style). If the 72 and 73 values are zero or missing, then the second
alignment point is meaningless.
I don't know how to calc text size...
# bottom left x, y, z and justification x, y, z = 0
#x, y, z, jx, jy, jz = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
x = getit(data, 10, None) #First alignment point (in OCS).
y = getit(data, 20, None)
z = getit(data, 30, 0.0)
jx = getit(data, 11, None) #Second alignment point (in OCS).
jy = getit(data, 21, None)
jz = getit(data, 31, 0.0)
return [x, y, z],[jx, jy, jz]
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, value - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.value)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for TEXTs: generate Blender_geometry.
obname = 'tx_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
txt = Text3d.New(obname)
ob = # create a new text_object
txt.setSize(1.0) #Blender<2.45 accepts only (0.0 - 5.0)
thic = set_thick(self.thic, settings)
if thic != 0.0:
thic = self.thic * 0.5
self.loc[2] += thic
txt.setExtrudeDepth(1.0) #Blender<2.45 accepts only (0.1 - 10.0)
if self.halignment == 0:
align = Text3d.LEFT
elif self.halignment == 1:
align = Text3d.MIDDLE
elif self.halignment == 2:
align = Text3d.RIGHT
align = Text3d.LEFT
if self.valignment == 1:
elif self.valignment == 2:
txt.setYoffset(- self.height * 0.5)
elif self.valignment == 3:
txt.setYoffset(- self.height)
# move the object center to the text location
ob.loc = tuple(self.loc)
transform(self.extrusion, self.rotation, ob)
# flip it and scale it to the text width
ob.SizeX *= self.height * self.width_factor * self.mirrorX
ob.SizeY *= self.height * self.mirrorY
if thic != 0.0: ob.SizeZ *= abs(thic)
return ob
def set_thick(thickness, settings):
"""Set thickness relative to settings variables.
Set thickness relative to settings variables:
Accepted also minus values of thickness
python trick: sign(x)=cmp(x,0)
if settings.var['thick_force']:
if settings.var['thick_on']:
if abs(thickness) < settings.var['thick_min']:
thic = settings.var['thick_min'] * cmp(thickness,0)
else: thic = thickness
else: thic = settings.var['thick_min']
if settings.var['thick_on']: thic = thickness
else: thic = 0.0
return thic
class Mtext: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf MTEXT.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type mtext as input.
if not obj.type == 'mtext':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for mtext object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# required data
self.height = obj.get_type(40)[0]
self.width = obj.get_type(41)[0]
self.alignment = obj.get_type(71)[0] # alignment 1=TL, 2=TC, 3=TR, 4=ML, 5=MC, 6=MR, 7=BL, 8=BC, 9=BR
self.value = self.get_text( # The text string value
# optional data (with defaults)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.rotation = getit(obj, 50, 0) # radians
self.width_factor = getit(obj, 42, 1) # Scaling factor along local x axis
self.line_space = getit(obj, 44, 1) # percentage of default
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.loc = self.get_loc(
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
def get_text(self, data):
"""Reconstructs mtext data from dxf codes.
primary = ''
secondary = []
for item in data:
if item[0] == 1: # There should be only one primary...
primary = item[1]
elif item[0] == 3: # There may be any number of extra strings (in order)
if not primary:
#raise ValueError, "Empty Mtext Object!"
string = "Empty Mtext Object!"
if not secondary:
string = primary.replace(r'\P', '\n')
string = ''.join(secondary)+primary
string = string.replace(r'\P', '\n')
return string
def get_loc(self, data):
"""Gets location for a mtext type objects.
Mtext objects have only one point indicating
loc = [0, 0, 0]
loc[0] = getit(data, 10, None)
loc[1] = getit(data, 20, None)
loc[2] = getit(data, 30, 0.0)
return loc
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, value - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.value)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for MTEXTs: generate Blender_geometry.
# Now Create an object
obname = 'tm_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
txt = Text3d.New(obname)
ob = # create a new text_object
# Blender doesn't give access to its text object width currently
# only to the text3d's curve width...
# scale it to the text size
ob.SizeX = self.height * self.width_factor
ob.SizeY = self.height
ob.SizeZ = self.height
# move the object center to the text location
ob.loc = tuple(self.loc)
transform(self.extrusion, self.rotation, ob)
return ob
class Circle: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf CIRCLEs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type circle as input.
if not obj.type == 'circle':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for circle object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# required data
self.radius = obj.get_type(40)[0]
# optional data (with defaults)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.loc = self.get_loc(
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
def get_loc(self, data):
"""Gets the center location for circle type objects.
Circles have a single coord location.
loc = [0, 0, 0]
loc[0] = getit(data, 10, None)
loc[1] = getit(data, 20, None)
loc[2] = getit(data, 30, 0.0)
return loc
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, radius - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.radius)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for CIRCLE: generate Blender_geometry.
obname = 'ci_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
radius = self.radius
thic = set_thick(self.thic, settings)
if settings.var['curves_on']:
if False: # universal version
arc_res = 4 # ONLY 4 works well for point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO]
start, end = 0.0, 360.0
verts = calcArc(None, radius, start, end, arc_res, True)
c = Curve.New(obname) # create new curve data
curve = c.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(verts[0]))
for p in verts[1:-1]:
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO]
elif True: # universal version
arc_res = settings.var['curve_arc']
#arc_res = 3
start, end = 0.0, 360.0
VectorTriples = calcArc(None, radius, start, end, arc_res, True)
c = Curve.New(obname) # create new curve data
curve = c.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(VectorTriples[0]))
for p in VectorTriples[1:-1]:
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [FREE, FREE]
else: # standard version
c = Curve.New(obname) # create new curve data
p1 = (0, -radius, 0)
p2 = (radius, 0, 0)
p3 = (0, radius, 0)
p4 = (-radius, 0, 0)
p1 = BezTriple.New(p1)
p2 = BezTriple.New(p2)
p3 = BezTriple.New(p3)
p4 = BezTriple.New(p4)
curve = c.appendNurb(p1)
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO]
curve.flagU = 1 # 1 sets the curve cyclic=closed
if settings.var['fill_on']:
c.setFlag(6) # 2+4 set top and button caps
c.setFlag(c.getFlag() & ~6) # dont set top and button caps
#remi --todo-----to check---------------------------
ob = # create a new curve_object
ob.loc = tuple(self.loc)
if thic != 0.0: #hack: Blender<2.45 curve-extrusion
thic = thic * 0.5
c.setExt1(1.0) # curve-extrusion accepts only (0.0 - 2.0)
ob.LocZ = thic + self.loc[2]
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
if thic != 0.0:
ob.SizeZ *= abs(thic)
return ob
elif False: # create a new mesh_object with buildin_circle_primitive
verts_num = settings.var['arc_res'] * sqrt(radius / settings.var['arc_rad'])
if verts_num > 100: verts_num = 100 # Blender accepts only values [3:500]
if verts_num < 4: verts_num = 4 # Blender accepts only values [3:500]
if thic != 0:
loc2 = thic * 0.5 #-----blenderAPI draw Cylinder with 2*thickness
self.loc[2] += loc2 #---new location for the basis of cylinder
#print 'deb:circleDraw:self.loc2:', self.loc #-----------------------
c = Mesh.Primitives.Cylinder(int(verts_num), radius*2, abs(thic))
c = Mesh.Primitives.Circle(int(verts_num), radius*2)
ob =, obname) # create a new circle_mesh_object
ob.loc = tuple(self.loc)
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
return ob
else: # draw CIRCLE as mesh -----------------------------------------------
cir = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new circle_object
# set a number of segments in entire circle
arc_res = settings.var['arc_res'] * sqrt(radius) / sqrt(settings.var['arc_rad'])
start, end = 0.0 , 360.0
verts = calcArc(None, radius, start, end, arc_res, False)
verts = verts[:-1] #list without last point/edge (cause by circle it is equal to the first point)
#print 'deb:circleDraw:edges:', edges #---------------
if thic != 0:
len1 = len(verts)
thic_verts = []
thic_verts.extend([[point[0], point[1], point[2]+thic] for point in verts])
if thic < 0.0:
verts = thic_verts
faces = []
f_band = [[num, num+1, num+len1+1, num+len1] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
#f_band = [[num, num+1, num+len1+1, num+len1] for num in xrange(len1)]
f_band.append([len1 - 1, 0, len1, len1 + len1 -1])
faces = f_band
smooth_len = len(f_band)
if settings.var['fill_on']:
if thic < 0.0:
verts.append([0,0,thic]) #center of top side
verts.append([0,0,0]) #center of bottom side
verts.append([0,0,0]) #center of bottom side
verts.append([0,0,thic]) #center of top side
center1 = len(verts)-2
center2 = len(verts)-1
f_bottom = [[num+1, num, center1] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
f_bottom.append([0, len1 - 1, center1])
f_top = [[num+len1, num+1+len1, center2] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
f_top.append([len1-1+len1, 0+len1, center2])
#print 'deb:circleDraw:verts:', verts #---------------
faces = f_band + f_bottom + f_top
#print 'deb:circleDraw:faces:', faces #---------------
cir.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
cir.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if settings.var['meshSmooth_on']: # left and right side become smooth ----------------------
for i in xrange(smooth_len):
cir.faces[i].smooth = True
# each MeshSide becomes vertexGroup for easier material assignment ---------------------
if settings.var['vGroup_on']:
# each MeshSide becomes vertexGroup for easier material assignment ---------------------
replace = Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.REPLACE #or .AssignModes.ADD
vg_band, vg_top, vg_bottom = [], [], []
for v in f_band: vg_band.extend(v)
cir.addVertGroup('') ; cir.assignVertsToGroup('', list(set(vg_band)), 1.0, replace)
if settings.var['fill_on']:
for v in f_top: vg_top.extend(v)
for v in f_bottom: vg_bottom.extend(v)
cir.addVertGroup('') ; cir.assignVertsToGroup('', list(set(vg_top)), 1.0, replace)
cir.addVertGroup('side.bottom'); cir.assignVertsToGroup('side.bottom',list(set(vg_bottom)), 1.0, replace)
else: # if thic == 0
if settings.var['fill_on']:
len1 = len(verts)
verts.append([0,0,0]) #center of circle
center1 = len1
faces = []
faces.extend([[num, num+1, center1] for num in xrange(len1)])
faces.append([len1-1, 0, center1])
#print 'deb:circleDraw:verts:', verts #---------------
#print 'deb:circleDraw:faces:', faces #---------------
cir.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
cir.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
cir.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
edges = [[num, num+1] for num in xrange(len(verts))]
edges[-1][1] = 0 # it points the "new" last edge to the first vertex
cir.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh
ob.loc = tuple(self.loc)
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
return ob
class Arc: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf ARCs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type arc as input.
if not obj.type == 'arc':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for arc object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# required data
self.radius = obj.get_type(40)[0]
self.start_angle = obj.get_type(50)[0]
self.end_angle = obj.get_type(51)[0]
# optional data (with defaults)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.loc = self.get_loc(
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
#print 'deb:Arc__init__: center, radius, start, end:\n', self.loc, self.radius, self.start_angle, self.end_angle #---------
def get_loc(self, data):
"""Gets the center location for arc type objects.
Arcs have a single coord location.
loc = [0, 0, 0]
loc[0] = getit(data, 10, None)
loc[1] = getit(data, 20, None)
loc[2] = getit(data, 30, 0.0)
return loc
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, radius - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.radius)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for ARC: generate Blender_geometry.
obname = 'ar_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
center = self.loc
radius = self.radius
start = self.start_angle
end = self.end_angle
#print 'deb:calcArcPoints:\n center, radius, start, end:\n', center, radius, start, end #---------
thic = set_thick(self.thic, settings)
width = 0.0
if settings.var['lines_as'] == 4: # as thin_box
thic = settings.var['thick_min']
width = settings.var['width_min']
if settings.var['lines_as'] == 3: # as thin cylinder
cyl_rad = 0.5 * settings.var['width_min']
if settings.var['curves_on']: # draw ARC as curve -------------
arc_res = settings.var['curve_arc']
triples = True
VectorTriples = calcArc(None, radius, start, end, arc_res, triples)
arc = Curve.New(obname) # create new curve data
curve = arc.appendNurb(BezTriple.New(VectorTriples[0]))
for p in VectorTriples[1:]:
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [FREE, FREE]
curve.flagU = 0 # 0 sets the curve not cyclic=open
arc.update() #important for handles calculation
ob = # create a new curve_object
ob.loc = tuple(self.loc)
if thic != 0.0: #hack: Blender<2.45 curve-extrusion
thic = thic * 0.5
arc.setExt1(1.0) # curve-extrusion: Blender2.45 accepts only (0.0 - 5.0)
ob.LocZ = thic + self.loc[2]
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
if thic != 0.0:
ob.SizeZ *= abs(thic)
return ob
else: # draw ARC as mesh --------------------
arc = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new arc_object
# set a number of segments in entire circle
arc_res = settings.var['arc_res'] * sqrt(radius) / sqrt(settings.var['arc_rad'])
verts = calcArc(None, radius, start, end, arc_res, False)
#verts = [list(point) for point in verts]
len1 = len(verts)
#print 'deb:len1:', len1 #-----------------------
if width != 0:
if False:
radius_out = radius + (0.5 * width)
radius_in = radius - (0.5 * width)
if radius_in <= 0.0:
radius_in = settings.var['dist_min']
#radius_in = 0.0
verts_in = []
verts_out = []
for point in verts:
pointVec = Mathutils.Vector(point)
pointVec = pointVec.normalize()
verts_in.append(list(radius_in * pointVec)) #vertex inside
verts_out.append(list(radius_out * pointVec)) #vertex outside
verts = verts_in + verts_out
radius_out = radius + (0.5 * width)
radius_in = radius - (0.5 * width)
if radius_in <= 0.0:
radius_in = settings.var['dist_min']
#radius_in = 0.0
verts_in = []
verts_out = []
for point in verts:
pointVec = Mathutils.Vector(point)
pointVec = pointVec.normalize()
verts_in.append(list(radius_in * pointVec)) #vertex inside
verts_out.append(list(radius_out * pointVec)) #vertex outside
verts = verts_in + verts_out
#print 'deb:verts:', verts #---------------------
if thic != 0:
thic_verts = []
thic_verts.extend([[point[0], point[1], point[2]+thic] for point in verts])
if thic < 0.0:
verts = thic_verts
f_bottom = [[num, num+1, len1+num+1, len1+num] for num in xrange(len1-1)]
f_top = [[num, len1+num, len1+num+1, num+1] for num in xrange(len1+len1, len1+len1+len1-1)]
f_left = [[num, len1+len1+num, len1+len1+num+1, num+1] for num in xrange(len1-1)]
f_right = [[num, num+1, len1+len1+num+1, len1+len1+num] for num in xrange(len1, len1+len1-1)]
f_start = [[0, len1, len1+len1+len1, len1+len1]]
f_end = [[len1+len1-1, 0+len1-1, len1+len1+len1-1, len1+len1+len1+len1-1]]
faces = f_left + f_right + f_bottom + f_top + f_start + f_end
arc.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
arc.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if settings.var['meshSmooth_on']: # left and right side become smooth ----------------------
smooth_len = len(f_left) + len(f_right)
for i in xrange(smooth_len):
arc.faces[i].smooth = True
# each MeshSide becomes vertexGroup for easier material assignment ---------------------
if settings.var['vGroup_on']:
# each MeshSide becomes vertexGroup for easier material assignment ---------------------
replace = Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.REPLACE #or .AssignModes.ADD
vg_left, vg_right, vg_top, vg_bottom = [], [], [], []
for v in f_left: vg_left.extend(v)
for v in f_right: vg_right.extend(v)
for v in f_top: vg_top.extend(v)
for v in f_bottom: vg_bottom.extend(v)
arc.addVertGroup('side.left') ; arc.assignVertsToGroup('side.left', list(set(vg_left)), 1.0, replace)
arc.addVertGroup('side.right') ; arc.assignVertsToGroup('side.right', list(set(vg_right)), 1.0, replace)
arc.addVertGroup('') ; arc.assignVertsToGroup('', list(set(vg_top)), 1.0, replace)
arc.addVertGroup('side.bottom'); arc.assignVertsToGroup('side.bottom',list(set(vg_bottom)), 1.0, replace)
arc.addVertGroup('side.start'); arc.assignVertsToGroup('side.start', f_start[0], 1.0, replace)
arc.addVertGroup('side.end') ; arc.assignVertsToGroup('side.end', f_end[0], 1.0, replace)
else: # if thick=0 - draw only flat ring
faces = [[num, len1+num, len1+num+1, num+1] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
arc.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
arc.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
elif thic != 0:
thic_verts = []
thic_verts.extend([[point[0], point[1], point[2]+thic] for point in verts])
if thic < 0.0:
verts = thic_verts
faces = []
#print 'deb:len1:', len1 #-----------------------
#print 'deb:verts:', verts #---------------------
faces = [[num, num+1, num+len1+1, num+len1] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
arc.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
arc.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if settings.var['meshSmooth_on']: # left and right side become smooth ----------------------
for i in xrange(len(faces)):
arc.faces[i].smooth = True
edges = [[num, num+1] for num in xrange(len(verts)-1)]
arc.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
arc.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh
#ob = # create a new arc_object
ob.loc = tuple(center)
#ob.loc = Mathutils.Vector(ob.loc)
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
#ob.size = (1,1,1)
return ob
class BlockRecord: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf block_records.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type block_record as input.
if not obj.type == 'block_record':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for block_record object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# required data
|| = getit(obj, 2, None)
# optional data (with defaults)
self.insertion_units = getit(obj, 70, None)
self.insert_units = getit(obj, 1070, None)
"""code 1070 Einf<6E>geeinheiten:
0 = Keine Einheiten; 1 = Zoll; 2 = Fu<46>; 3 = Meilen; 4 = Millimeter;
5 = Zentimeter; 6 = Meter; 7 = Kilometer; 8 = Mikrozoll;
9 = Mils; 10 = Yard; 11 = Angstrom; 12 = Nanometer;
13 = Mikrons; 14 = Dezimeter; 15 = Dekameter;
16 = Hektometer; 17 = Gigameter; 18 = Astronomische Einheiten;
19 = Lichtjahre; 20 = Parsecs
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: name - %s, insert units - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__,, self.insertion_units)
class Block: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf BLOCKs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type block as input.
if not obj.type == 'block':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for block object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
|| =
# required data
self.flags = obj.get_type(70)[0]
self.entities = dxfObject('block_contents') #creates empty entities_container for this block
|| = objectify([ent for ent in if type(ent) != list])
# optional data (with defaults)
self.path = getit(obj, 1, '')
self.discription = getit(obj, 4, '')
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.loc = self.get_loc(
def get_loc(self, data):
"""Gets the insert point of the block.
loc = [0, 0, 0]
loc[0] = getit(data, 10, None) # 10 = x
loc[1] = getit(data, 20, None) # 20 = y
loc[2] = getit(data, 30, 0.0) # 30 = z
return loc
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: name - %s, description - %s, xref-path - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__,, self.discription, self.path)
class Insert: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf INSERTs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type insert as input.
if not obj.type == 'insert':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for insert object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# required data
self.blockname = obj.get_type(2)[0]
# optional data (with defaults)
self.rotation = getit(obj, 50, 0)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.loc = self.get_loc(
self.scale = self.get_scale(
self.rows, self.columns = self.get_array(
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
def get_loc(self, data):
"""Gets the origin location of the insert.
loc = [0, 0, 0]
loc[0] = getit(data, 10, 0.0)
loc[1] = getit(data, 20, 0.0)
loc[2] = getit(data, 30, 0.0)
return loc
def get_scale(self, data):
"""Gets the x/y/z scale factors of the insert.
scale = [1, 1, 1]
scale[0] = getit(data, 41, 1.0)
scale[1] = getit(data, 42, 1.0)
scale[2] = getit(data, 43, 1.0)
return scale
def get_array(self, data):
"""Returns the pair (row number, row spacing), (column number, column spacing).
columns = getit(data, 70, 1)
rows = getit(data, 71, 1)
cspace = getit(data, 44, 0.0)
rspace = getit(data, 45, 0.0)
return (rows, rspace), (columns, cspace)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, blockname - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.blockname)
def draw(self, settings, deltaloc):
"""for INSERT(block): draw empty-marker for duplicated Blender_Group.
Blocks are made of three objects:
the block_record in the tables section
the block in the blocks section
the insert object (one or more) in the entities section
block_record gives the insert units,
block provides the objects drawn in the block,
insert object gives the location/scale/rotation of the block instances.
obname = settings.blocknamesmap[self.blockname]
obname = 'in_%s' %obname # create object name from block name
#obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
if settings.drawTypes['insert']: #if insert_drawType activated
ob ='Empty', obname) # create a new empty_object
empty_size = 1.0 * settings.var['g_scale']
if empty_size < 0.01: empty_size = 0.01 #Blender limits (0.01-10.0)
elif empty_size > 10.0: empty_size = 10.0
ob.drawSize = empty_size
# get our block_def-group
block = settings.blocks(self.blockname)
ob.DupGroup = block
ob.enableDupGroup = True
#print 'deb:draw.block.deltaloc:', deltaloc #--------------------
ob.loc = tuple(self.loc)
if deltaloc:
deltaloc = rotXY_Vec(self.rotation, deltaloc)
#print 'deb:draw.block.loc:', deltaloc #--------------------
ob.loc = [ob.loc[0]+deltaloc[0], ob.loc[1]+deltaloc[1], ob.loc[2]+deltaloc[2]]
transform(self.extrusion, self.rotation, ob)
ob.size = tuple(self.scale)
return ob
class Ellipse: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf ELLIPSEs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type ellipse as input.
if not obj.type == 'ellipse':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for ellipse object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# required data
self.ratio = obj.get_type(40)[0]
self.start_angle = obj.get_type(41)[0]
self.end_angle = obj.get_type(42)[0]
# optional data (with defaults)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.thic = getit(obj, 39, 0.0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.loc = self.get_loc(
self.major = self.get_major(
self.extrusion = get_extrusion(
self.radius = sqrt(self.major[0]**2 + self.major[0]**2 + self.major[0]**2)
def get_loc(self, data):
"""Gets the center location for arc type objects.
Arcs have a single coord location.
loc = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
loc[0] = getit(data, 10, 0.0)
loc[1] = getit(data, 20, 0.0)
loc[2] = getit(data, 30, 0.0)
return loc
def get_major(self, data):
"""Gets the major axis for ellipse type objects.
The ellipse major axis defines the rotation of the ellipse and its radius.
loc = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
loc[0] = getit(data, 11, 0.0)
loc[1] = getit(data, 21, 0.0)
loc[2] = getit(data, 31, 0.0)
return loc
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, radius - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.radius)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for ELLIPSE: generate Blender_geometry.
# Generate the geometery
center = self.loc
thic = set_thick(self.thic, settings)
if settings.var['curves_on']:
ob = drawCurveArc(self)
obname = 'el_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
major = Mathutils.Vector(self.major)
#remi--todo----AngleBetweenVecs makes abs(value)!-----
delta = Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(major, WORLDX)
radius = major.length
start = degrees(self.start_angle)
end = degrees(self.end_angle)
# set a number of segments in entire circle
arc_res = settings.var['arc_res'] * sqrt(radius) / sqrt(settings.var['arc_rad'])
verts = calcArc(None, radius, start, end, arc_res, False)
#verts = [list(point) for point in verts]
if thic != 0:
len1 = len(verts)
thic_verts = []
thic_verts.extend([[point[0], point[1], point[2]+thic] for point in verts])
if thic < 0.0:
verts = thic_verts
faces = []
#print 'deb:len1:', len1 #-----------------------
#print 'deb:verts:', verts #----------------------
faces = [[num, num+1, num+len1+1, num+len1] for num in xrange(len1 - 1)]
me.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
edges = [[num, num+1] for num in xrange(len(verts)-1)]
me.verts.extend(verts) # add vertices to mesh
me.edges.extend(edges) # add edges to the mesh
ob.loc = tuple(center)
ob.SizeY = self.ratio
transform(self.extrusion, 0, ob)
return ob
class Face: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Class for objects representing dxf 3DFACEs.
def __init__(self, obj):
"""Expects an entity object of type 3dfaceplot as input.
if not obj.type == '3dface':
raise TypeError, "Wrong type %s for 3dface object!" %obj.type
self.type = obj.type
|| =[:]
# optional data (with defaults)
|| = getit(obj, 67, 0)
self.color_index = getit(obj, 62, BYLAYER)
self.layer = getit(, 8, None)
self.points = self.get_points(
def get_points(self, data):
"""Gets 3-4 points for a 3d face type object.
Faces have three or optionally four verts.
a = [0, 0, 0]
b = [0, 0, 0]
c = [0, 0, 0]
d = [0, 0, 0]
a[0] = getit(data, 10, None) # 10 = x
a[1] = getit(data, 20, None) # 20 = y
a[2] = getit(data, 30, 0.0) # 30 = z
b[0] = getit(data, 11, None)
b[1] = getit(data, 21, None)
b[2] = getit(data, 31, 0.0)
c[0] = getit(data, 12, None)
c[1] = getit(data, 22, None)
c[2] = getit(data, 32, 0.0)
out = [a,b,c]
d[0] = getit(data, 13, None)
if d[0] != None:
d[1] = getit(data, 23, None)
d[2] = getit(data, 33, 0.0)
#if len(out) < 4: print '3dface with only 3 vertices:\n',a,b,c,d #-----------------
return out
def __repr__(self):
return "%s: layer - %s, points - %s" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.layer, self.points)
def draw(self, settings):
"""for 3DFACE: generate Blender_geometry.
# Generate the geometery
points = self.points
global activObjectLayer
global activObjectName
#print 'deb:draw:face.ob IN activObjectName: ', activObjectName #---------------------
if activObjectLayer == self.layer and settings.var['one_mesh_on']:
obname = activObjectName
#print 'deb:face.draw obname from activObjectName: ', obname #---------------------
ob = Object.Get(obname) # open an existing mesh_object
#ob = SCENE.getChildren(obname) # open an existing mesh_object
obname = 'fa_%s' %self.layer # create object name from layer name
obname = obname[:MAX_NAMELENGTH]
me = Mesh.New(obname) # create a new mesh
ob = # create a new mesh_object
activObjectName =
activObjectLayer = self.layer
#print ('deb:except. new face.ob+mesh:"%s" created!' #---------------------
me = Mesh.Get( # open objects mesh data
faces, edges = [], []
n = len(me.verts)
if len(self.points) == 4:
faces = [[0+n,1+n,2+n,3+n]]
elif len(self.points) == 3:
faces = [[0+n,1+n,2+n]]
elif len(self.points) == 2:
edges = [[0+n,1+n]]
me.verts.extend(points) # add vertices to mesh
if faces: me.faces.extend(faces) # add faces to the mesh
if edges: me.edges.extend(edges) # add faces to the mesh
if settings.var['vGroup_on']:
# entities with the same color build one vertexGroup for easier material assignment ---------------------
|| # link mesh to that object
vG_name = 'color_%s' %self.color_index
if edges: faces = edges
replace = Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.ADD #or .AssignModes.REPLACE or ADD
me.assignVertsToGroup(vG_name, faces[0], 1.0, replace)
#print 'deb: existed vGroup:', vG_name #---------------------
me.assignVertsToGroup(vG_name, faces[0], 1.0, replace)
#print 'deb: create new vGroup:', vG_name #--------------------
#print 'deb:draw:face.ob OUT activObjectName: ', activObjectName #---------------------
return ob
# type to object maping (sorted-dictionary for f_obiectify ONLY!, format={'key':Class} )
type_map = {
# 'mline':MLine,
# 'region':Region,
def objectify(data): #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Expects a section type object's data as input.
Maps object data to the correct object type.
#print 'deb:objectify start %%%%%%%%%%%' #---------------
objects = [] # colector for finished objects
known_types = type_map.keys() # so we don't have to call foo.keys() every iteration
curves_on = GUI_A['curves_on'].val
index = 0
while index < len(data):
item = data[index]
#print 'deb:objectify item: \n', item #------------
if type(item) != list and item.type == 'table':
|| = objectify( # tables have sub-objects
elif type(item) != list and item.type == 'polyline': #remi --todo-----------
#print 'deb:gosub Polyline\n' #-------------
pline = Polyline(item)
while 1:
index += 1
item = data[index]
if item.type == 'vertex':
#print 'deb:objectify gosub Vertex--------' #-------------
v = Vertex(item)
if pline.spline: # Bspline-curve
# then for Blender-mesh filter only additional_vertices
# OR
# then for Blender-curve filter only spline_control_vertices
if (v.spline and not curves_on) or (curves_on and v.splin2): #correct for real NURBS-import
#if (v.spline and not curves_on) or (curves_on and not v.splin2): #fake for Bezier-emulation of NURBS-import
elif pline.curved: # Bezier-curve
# then for Blender-mesh filter only curve_additional_vertices
# OR
# then for Blender-curve filter curve_control_vertices
if not curves_on or (curves_on and not v.curved):
elif item.type == 'seqend':
#print 'deb:objectify it is seqEND ---------\n' #-------------
print "Error: non-vertex found before seqend!"
index -= 1 #so go back one step
elif type(item) != list and item.type in known_types:
# proccess the object and append the resulting object
# we will just let the data pass un-harrased
index += 1
#print 'deb:objectify objects:\n', objects #------------
#print 'deb:objectify END %%%%%%%%' #------------
return objects
class MatColors: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""A smart container for dxf-color based materials.
This class is a wrapper around a dictionary mapping dxf-color indicies to materials.
When called with a color_index
it returns a material corresponding to that index.
Behind the scenes it checks if that index is in its keys, and if not it creates
a new material. It then adds the new index:material pair to its dict and returns
the material.
def __init__(self, layersmap):
"""Expects a map - a dictionary mapping layer names to layers.
#self.layersmap = layersmap # a dictionary of layername:layerobject
self.colMaterials = {} # a dictionary of color_index:blender_material
#print 'deb:init_MatColors ', map #------------------
def __call__(self, color=None):
"""Return the material associated with color.
If a layer name is provided, the color of that layer is used.
if color == None:
color = 256 # color 256=BYLAYER
if type(color) == str: # looking for color of LAYER named "color"
#--todo---bug with ARC from ARC-T0.DXF layer="T-3DARC-1"-----
#print 'deb:color is string:--------: ', color
#color = self.layersmap[color].color
#print '[color].color:', color #------------------
#except KeyError:
#layer = Layer(name=color, color=256, frozen=False)
#self.layersmap[color] = layer
#color = 0
color = layersmap[color].color
if color == 0: # color 0 = BYBLOCK
#--todo-- should looking for color of paret-BLOCK
#color = layersmap[color].color
color = abs(color) # cause the value could be nagative = means the layer is turned off
if color not in self.colMaterials.keys():
return self.colMaterials[color]
def add(self, color):
"""Create a new material 'ColorNr-N' using the provided color index-N.
#global color_map #--todo-- has not to be global?
mat = Material.New('ColorNr-%s' %color)
#mat.mode |= Material.Modes.SHADELESS #--todo--
#mat.mode |= Material.Modes.WIRE
# try: mat.setMode('Shadeless', 'Wire') #work-around for 2.45rc-bug
# except: pass
self.colMaterials[color] = mat
class MatLayers: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""A smart container for dxf-layer based materials.
This class is a wrapper around a dictionary mapping dxf-layer names to materials.
When called with a layer name it returns a material corrisponding to that.
Behind the scenes it checks if that layername is in its keys, and if not it creates
a new material. It then adds the new layername:material pair to its dict and returns
the material.
def __init__(self, layersmap):
"""Expects a map - a dictionary mapping layer names to layers.
#self.layersmap = layersmap # a dictionary of layername:layer
self.layMaterials = {} # a dictionary of layer_name:blender_material
#print 'deb:init_MatLayers ', map #------------------
def __call__(self, layername=None, color=None):
"""Return the material associated with dxf-layer.
If a dxf-layername is not provided, create a new material
#global layernamesmap
layername_short = layername
if layername in layernamesmap.keys():
layername_short = layernamesmap[layername]
colorlayername = str(color) + layername_short
if colorlayername not in self.layMaterials.keys():
self.add(layername, color, colorlayername)
return self.layMaterials[colorlayername]
def add(self, layername, color, colorlayername):
"""Create a new material 'layername'.
try: mat = Material.Get('L-%s' %colorlayername)
except: mat = Material.New('L-%s' %colorlayername)
#print 'deb:MatLayers material: ', mat #----------
#global settings
#print 'deb:MatLayers material_from: ', settings.var['material_from'] #----------
if settings.var['material_from'] == 3: mat_color = color
elif layersmap: mat_color = layersmap[layername].color
else: mat_color = 3
#print 'deb:MatLayers color: ', color #-----------
#print 'deb:MatLayers mat_color: ', mat_color #-----------
mat.mode |= Material.Modes.SHADELESS
mat.mode |= Material.Modes.WIRE
# try: mat.setMode('Shadeless', 'Wire') #work-around for 2.45rc-bug
# except: pass
self.layMaterials[colorlayername] = mat
class Blocks: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""A smart container for blocks.
This class is a wrapper around a dictionary mapping block names to Blender data blocks.
When called with a name string it returns a block corresponding to that name.
Behind the scenes it checks if that name is in its keys, and if not it creates
a new data block. It then adds the new name:block_data pair to its dict and returns
the block.
def __init__(self, blocksmap, settings):
"""Expects a dictionary mapping block_name:block_data.
self.blocksmap = blocksmap #a dictionary mapping block_name:block_data
self.settings = settings
self.blocks = {} #container for blocks
def __call__(self, name=None):
"""Return the data block associated with that block_name.
If that name is not in its keys, it creates a new data block.
If no name is provided return entire self.blocks container.
if name == None:
return self.blocks
if name not in self.blocks.keys():
return self.blocks[name]
def addBlock(self, name):
"""Create a new 'block group' for the block name.
block_def = Group.New('bl_%s' %name) # Blender groupObject contains definition of BLOCK
block = self.blocksmap[name]
self.settings.write("\nDrawing block:\'%s\' ..." % name)
drawEntities(block.entities, self.settings, block_def)
self.settings.write("Drawing block:\'%s\' done!" %name)
self.blocks[name] = block_def
class Settings: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""A container for all the import settings and objects used by the draw functions.
This is like a collection of globally accessable persistant properties and functions.
# Optimization constants
MIN = 0
MID = 1
PRO = 2
MAX = 3
def __init__(self, keywords, drawTypes):
"""initialize all the important settings used by the draw functions.
self.obj_number = 1 #global object_number for progress_bar
self.var = dict(keywords) #a dictionary of (key_variable:Value) control parameter
self.drawTypes = dict(drawTypes) #a dictionary of (entity_type:True/False) = import on/off for this entity_type
self.var['colorFilter_on'] = False #deb:remi------------
self.acceptedColors = [0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
10 ]
self.var['layerFilter_on'] = False #deb:remi------------
self.acceptedLayers = ['3',
self.var['blockFilter_on'] = False #deb:remi------------
self.acceptedBlocks = ['BOX01',
def update(self, keywords, drawTypes):
"""update all the important settings used by the draw functions.
for k, v in keywords.iteritems():
self.var[k] = v
#print 'deb:settings_update var %s= %s' %(k, self.var[k]) #--------------
for t, v in drawTypes.iteritems():
self.drawTypes[t] = v
#print 'deb:settings_update drawType %s= %s' %(t, self.drawTypes[t]) #--------------
#print 'deb:self.drawTypes', self.drawTypes #---------------
def validate(self, drawing):
"""Given the drawing, build dictionaries of Layers, Colors and Blocks.
#de: pa<70>t die distance parameter an globalScale
if self.var['g_scale'] != 1:
self.var['dist_min'] = self.var['dist_min'] / self.var['g_scale']
self.var['thick_min'] = self.var['thick_min'] / self.var['g_scale']
self.var['width_min'] = self.var['width_min'] / self.var['g_scale']
self.var['arc_rad'] = self.var['arc_rad'] / self.var['g_scale']
# First sort out all the section_items
sections = dict([(, item) for item in])
# The section:header may be omited
if 'header' in sections.keys():
self.write("Found section:header!")
self.write("File contains no section:header!")
# The section:tables may be partialy or completely missing.
self.layersTable = False
self.colMaterials = MatColors({}) #A container for dxf-color based materials
self.layMaterials = MatLayers({}) #A container for dxf-layer based materials
#self.collayMaterials = MatColLayers({}) #A container for dxf-color+layer based materials
global layersmap, layernamesmap
layersmap, layernamesmap = {}, {}
if 'tables' in sections.keys():
self.write("Found section:tables!")
# First sort out all the tables
tables = dict([(, item) for item in sections["tables"].data])
if 'layer' in tables.keys():
self.write("Found table:layers!")
self.layersTable = True
# Read the layers table and get the layer colors
layersmap, layernamesmap = getLayersmap(drawing)
self.colMaterials = MatColors(layersmap)
self.layMaterials = MatLayers(layersmap)
self.write("File contains no table:layers!")
self.write("File contains no section:tables!")
self.write("File contains no table:layers!")
# The section:blocks may be omited
if 'blocks' in sections.keys():
self.write("Found section:blocks!")
# Read the block definitions and build our block object
if self.drawTypes['insert']: #if drawing of type 'Insert' activated
blocksmap, self.blocknamesmap, self.obj_number = getBlocksmap(drawing) #Build a dictionary of blockname:block_data pairs
self.blocks = Blocks(blocksmap, self) # initiates container for blocks_data
#print 'deb: self.obj_number', self.obj_number #----------
self.write("File contains no section:blocks!")
self.drawTypes['insert'] = False
# The section:entities
if 'entities' in sections.keys():
self.write("Found section:entities!")
self.obj_number += len(
#print 'deb: self.obj_number', self.obj_number #----------
self.obj_number = 1.0 / self.obj_number
def write(self, text, newline=True):
"""Wraps the built-in print command in a optimization check.
if self.var['optimization'] <= self.MID:
if newline:
print text
print text,
def redraw(self):
"""Update Blender if optimization level is low enough.
if self.var['optimization'] <= self.MIN:
def progress(self, done, text):
"""Wrapper for Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar.
if self.var['optimization'] <= self.PRO:
progressbar = done * self.obj_number
Window.DrawProgressBar(progressbar, text)
#print 'deb:drawer done, progressbar: ', done, progressbar #-----------------------
def layer_isOff(self, layername): # no more used -------
"""Given a layer name, and return its visible status.
# if layer is off then color_index is negative
if layersmap[layername].color < 0: return True
#print 'deb:layer_isOff: layer is ON' #---------------
return False
def layer_isFrozen(self, layername): # no more used -------
"""Given a layer name, and return its frozen status.
if layersmap[layername].frozen: return True
#print 'deb:layer_isFrozen: layer is not FROZEN' #---------------
return False
def analyzeDXF(dxfFile): #---------------------------------------
"""list LAYER and BLOCK dependences into textfile
Window.WaitCursor(True) # Let the user know we are thinking
print 'start reading DXF file: %s.' % dxfFile
time1 = Blender.sys.time() #time marker1
drawing = readDXF(dxfFile, objectify)
print 'finished reading DXF file in %.4f sec.' % (Blender.sys.time()-time1)
# First sort out all the section_items
sections = dict([(, item) for item in])
# The section:header may be omited
if 'header' in sections.keys(): print "Found section:header!"
else: print "File contains no section:header!"
# The section:tables may be partialy or completely missing.
layersTable = False
global layersmap
layersmap = {}
if 'tables' in sections.keys():
print "Found section:tables!"
for table in
if == 'layer':
print "Found table:layers!"
layers = table
if layers:
layersmap = {}
for item in
if type(item) != list and item.type == 'layer':
#print dir(item)
layersmap[] = [item.color, item.frozen]
#print 'deb:analyzeDXF: layersmap=' , layersmap #-------------
layersmap_str = '#list of LAYERs: layername, layercolor, frozen\n'
key_list = layersmap.keys()
for key in key_list:
#for layer_name, layer_data in layersmap.iteritems():
layer_name, layer_data = key, layersmap[key]
layer_str = '\'%s\': col=%s' %(layer_name,layer_data[0])#-------------
if layer_data[1]: layer_str += ', frozen'
layersmap_str += layer_str + '\n'
#print 'deb:analyzeDXF: layersmap_str=\n' , layersmap_str #-------------
print "File contains no table:layers!"
print "File contains no section:tables!"
print "File contains no table:layers!"
# The section:blocks may be omited
if 'blocks' in sections.keys():
print "Found section:blocks!"
blocksmap = {}
for item in
#print 'deb:getBlocksmap item=' ,item #--------
#print 'deb:getBlocksmap item.entities=' ,item.entities #--------
#print 'deb:getBlocksmap' , #--------
if type(item) != list and item.type == 'block':
insertList = []
for item2 in
if type(item2) != list and item2.type == 'insert':
#print dir(item2)
item2str = [item2.blockname, item2.layer, item2.color_index, item2.scale,]
blocksmap[] = insertList
except KeyError:
# annon block
print 'Cannot map "%s" - "%s" as Block!' %(, item)
#print 'deb:analyzeDXF: blocksmap=' , blocksmap #-------------
blocksmap_str = '#list of BLOCKs: child, layer, color, scale, space\n'
key_list = blocksmap.keys()
for key in key_list:
#for block_name, block_data in blocksmap.iteritems():
block_name, block_data = key, blocksmap[key]
block_str = '\''+block_name + '\':\n' #-------------
blocksmap_str += block_str
if block_data:
for block_item in block_data:
block_data_str = ' - %s\n' %block_item
blocksmap_str += block_data_str
#print 'deb:analyzeDXF: blocksmap_str=\n' , blocksmap_str #-------------
print "File contains no section:blocks!"
output_str = '%s\n%s' %(layersmap_str, blocksmap_str)
infFile = dxfFile[:-4] + '_DXF.inf' # replace last char:'.dxf' with '.INF'
f = file(infFile, 'w')
f.write(INFFILE_HEADER + '\n# this is a comment line\n')
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: INF-file: Done!%t|see listing of DXF-model saved in:|' + '\'%s\'' %infFile)
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: INF-file: Error!%t|failure by writing to ' + '\'%s\'|no listings saved!' %infFile)
def main(dxfFile): #---------------#############################-----------
#print 'deb:filename:', filename #--------------
global SCENE
editmode = Window.EditMode() # are we in edit mode? If so ...
if editmode:
Window.EditMode(0) # leave edit mode before
#SCENE.objects.selected = [] # deselect all
global cur_COUNTER #counter for progress_bar
cur_COUNTER = 0
print "Getting settings..."
global GUI_A, GUI_B
if GUI_A['g_scale_on'].val:
if GUI_A['g_scale_as'].val == 6: #scale inches to meters
GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 0.02540
elif GUI_A['g_scale_as'].val == 7: #scale feets to meters
GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 0.30480
elif GUI_A['g_scale_as'].val == 8: #scale yards to meters
GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 0.91440
else: GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 10.0 ** int(GUI_A['g_scale_as'].val)
GUI_A['g_scale'].val = 1.0
keywords = {}
drawTypes = {}
for k, v in GUI_A.iteritems():
keywords[k] = v.val
for k, v in GUI_B.iteritems():
drawTypes[k] = v.val
#print 'deb:startUInew keywords: ', keywords #--------------
#print 'deb:startUInew drawTypes: ', drawTypes #--------------
# The settings object controls how dxf entities are drawn
settings.update(keywords, drawTypes)
#print 'deb:settings.var:\n', settings.var #-----------------------
if not settings:
#Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: EXIT!%t')
#print '\nDXF Import: terminated by user!'
print '\nDXF Import: terminated, cause settings failure!'
if editmode: Window.EditMode(1) # and put things back how we fond them
return None
#no more used dxfFile = dxfFileName.val
#print 'deb: dxfFile file: ', dxfFile #----------------------
if dxfFile.lower().endswith('.dxf') and sys.exists(dxfFile):
Window.WaitCursor(True) # Let the user know we are thinking
print 'start reading DXF file: %s.' % dxfFile
time1 = Blender.sys.time() #time marker1
drawing = readDXF(dxfFile, objectify)
print 'finished reading DXF file in %.4f sec.' % (Blender.sys.time()-time1)
if UI_MODE: Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: EXIT----------!%t| no valid DXF-file selected!')
print "DXF importer: error, no DXF-file selected. Abort!"
if editmode: Window.EditMode(1) # and put things back how we fond them
return None
Window.WaitCursor(True) # Let the user know we are thinking
settings.write("\n\nDrawing entities...")
# Draw all the know entity types in the current scene
global oblist
oblist = [] # a list of all created AND linked objects for final f_globalScale
time2 = Blender.sys.time() #time marker2
drawEntities(drawing.entities, settings)
#print 'deb:drawEntities after: oblist:', oblist #-----------------------
if oblist: # and settings.var['g_scale'] != 1:
globalScale(oblist, settings.var['g_scale'])
# Set the visable layers
SCENE.setLayers([i+1 for i in range(18)])
SCENE.objects.selected = [i[0] for i in oblist] #select only the imported objects
#SCENE.objects.selected = SCENE.objects #select all objects in current scene
time_text = Blender.sys.time() - time2
message = 'DXF Import to Blender: done in %.4f sec. --------------------' % time_text
settings.progress(1.0/settings.obj_number, 'DXF import done!')
print message
if UI_MODE: Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: Done!|finished in %.4f sec.' % time_text)
# restore state even if things didn't work
#print 'deb:drawEntities finally!' #-----------------------
if editmode: Window.EditMode(1) # and put things back how we fond them
def getOCS(az): #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""An implimentation of the Arbitrary Axis Algorithm.
#decide if we need to transform our coords
if az[0] == 0 and az[1] == 0:
if az[2] == 1.0:
return False
elif az[2] == -1.0:
ax = Mathutils.Vector(-1.0, 0, 0)
ay = Mathutils.Vector(0, 1.0, 0)
az = Mathutils.Vector(0, 0, -1.0)
return ax, ay, az
#elif abs(az[0]) < 0.0001 and abs(az[1]) < 0.0001:
# return False
az = Mathutils.Vector(az)
cap = 0.015625 # square polar cap value (1/64.0)
if abs(az.x) < cap and abs(az.y) < cap:
ax = Mathutils.CrossVecs(WORLDY, az)
ax = Mathutils.CrossVecs(WORLDZ, az)
ax = ax.normalize()
ay = Mathutils.CrossVecs(az, ax)
ay = ay.normalize()
return ax, ay, az
def transform(normal, rotation, obj): #--------------------------------------------
"""Use the calculated ocs to determine the objects location/orientation in space.
Quote from dxf docs:
The elevation value stored with an entity and output in DXF files is a sum
of the Z-coordinate difference between the UCS XY plane and the OCS XY
plane, and the elevation value that the user specified at the time the entity
was drawn.
ma = Mathutils.Matrix([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1])
o = Mathutils.Vector(obj.loc)
ocs = getOCS(normal)
if ocs:
ma = Mathutils.Matrix(ocs[0], ocs[1], ocs[2])
o = ma.invert() * o
ma = Mathutils.Matrix(ocs[0], ocs[1], ocs[2])
if rotation != 0:
g = radians(-rotation)
rmat = Mathutils.Matrix([cos(g), -sin(g), 0], [sin(g), cos(g), 0], [0, 0, 1])
ma = rmat * ma
obj.loc = o
#print 'deb:new obj.matrix:\n', obj.getMatrix() #--------------------
def rotXY_Vec(rotation, vec): #----------------------------------------------------
"""Rotate vector vec in XY-plane. vec must be in radians
if rotation != 0:
o = Mathutils.Vector(vec)
g = radians(-rotation)
vec = o * Mathutils.Matrix([cos(g), -sin(g), 0], [sin(g), cos(g), 0], [0, 0, 1])
return vec
def getLayersmap(drawing): #------------------------------------------------------
"""Build two dictionaries: 1.layername:layer pairs and 2.layername:layername_short
tables = drawing.tables
for table in
if == 'layer':
layers = table
layersmap = {}
layernamesmap = {}
for item in
if type(item) != list and item.type == 'layer':
layersmap[] = item
layername_short =[:MAX_NAMELENGTH-1]
i = 0 #sufix for layernames cause Blender-objectnames-limits
while layername_short in layernamesmap.keys():
i += 1
suffix = str(i)
layername_short = layername_short[:-2] + suffix
layernamesmap[] = layername_short
return layersmap, layernamesmap
def getBlocksmap(drawing): #--------------------------------------------------------
"""Build a dictionary of blockname:block_data pairs and 2.blockname:blockname_short pairs
blocksmap = {}
blocksmap_short = {}
blocknamesmap = {}
obj_number = 0
for item in
#print 'deb:getBlocksmap item=' ,item #--------
#print 'deb:getBlocksmap item.entities=' ,item.entities #--------
#print 'deb:getBlocksmap' , #--------
if type(item) != list and item.type == 'block':
obj_number += len(
blocksmap[] = item
except KeyError:
# annon block
print 'Cannot map "%s" - "%s" as Block!' %(, item)
blockname_short =[:MAX_NAMELENGTH-1]
i = 0 #sufix for blockname cause Blender-objectnamelength-limit
while blockname_short in blocknamesmap.keys():
i += 1
suffix = str(i)
blockname_short = blockname_short[:-2] + suffix
blocknamesmap[] = blockname_short
return blocksmap, blocknamesmap, obj_number
def drawEntities(entities, settings, block_def=None): #----------------------------------------
"""Draw every kind of thing in the entity list.
If provided 'block_def': the entities are to be added to the Blender 'group'.
for _type in type_map.keys():
#print 'deb:drawEntities_type:', _type #------------------
# for each known type get a list of that type and call the associated draw function
drawer(_type, entities.get_type(_type), settings, block_def)
def drawer(_type, entities, settings, block_def): #------------------------------------------
"""Call with a list of entities and a settings object to generate Blender geometry.
If 'block_def': the entities are to be added to the Blender 'group'.
#print 'deb:drawer _type, entities:\n ', _type, entities #-----------------------
if entities:
# Break out early if settings says we aren't drawing the current dxf-type
global cur_COUNTER #counter for progress_bar
group = None
#print 'deb:drawer.check:_type: ', _type #--------------------
if _type == '3dface':_type = 'face' # hack, while python_variable_name can not beginn with a nummber
if not settings.drawTypes[_type] or _type == 'block_record':
message = 'Skipping dxf\'%ss\' entities' %_type
settings.write(message, True)
cur_COUNTER += len(entities)
settings.progress(cur_COUNTER, message)
#print 'deb:drawer.todo:_type:', _type #-----------------------
#print 'deb:drawer entities:\n ', entities #-----------------------
len_temp = len(entities)
# filtering only model-space enitities (no paper-space enitities)
if settings.var['paper_space_on']:
entities = [entity for entity in entities if != 0]
entities = [entity for entity in entities if == 0]
# filtering only objects with color from acceptedColorsList
if settings.var['colorFilter_on']:
entities = [entity for entity in entities if entity.color in settings.acceptedColors]
# filtering only objects on layers from acceptedLayersList
if settings.var['layerFilter_on']:
#entities = [entity for entity in entities if entity.layer[0] in ['M','3','0'] and not entity.layer.endswith('H')]
entities = [entity for entity in entities if entity.layer in settings.acceptedLayers]
# filtering only objects on not-frozen layers
if layersmap and not settings.var['layFrozen_on']:
entities = [entity for entity in entities if not layersmap[entity.layer].frozen]
global activObjectLayer, activObjectName
activObjectLayer = ''
activObjectName = ''
message = "Drawing dxf\'%ss\'..." %_type
cur_COUNTER += len_temp - len(entities)
settings.write(message, False)
settings.progress(cur_COUNTER, message)
if len(entities) > 0.1 / settings.obj_number:
show_progress = int(0.03 / settings.obj_number)
else: show_progress = 0
cur_temp = 0
#print 'deb:drawer cur_COUNTER: ', cur_COUNTER #-----------------------
for entity in entities: #----loop-------------------------------------
settings.write('\b.', False)
cur_COUNTER += 1
if show_progress:
cur_temp += 1
if cur_temp == show_progress:
settings.progress(cur_COUNTER, message)
cur_temp = 0
#print 'deb:drawer show_progress=',show_progress #-----------------------
# get the layer group (just to make things a little cleaner)
if settings.var['group_bylayer_on'] and not block_def:
group = getGroup('l:%s' % layernamesmap[entity.layer])
if _type == 'insert': #---- INSERT and MINSERT=array ------------------------
#print 'deb:insert entity.loc:', entity.loc #----------------
columns = entity.columns[0]
coldist = entity.columns[1]
rows = entity.rows[0]
rowdist = entity.rows[1]
deltaloc = [0,0,0]
#print 'deb:insert columns, rows:', columns, rows #-----------
for col in xrange(columns):
deltaloc[0] = col * coldist
for row in xrange(rows):
deltaloc[1] = row * rowdist
#print 'deb:insert col=%s, row=%s,deltaloc=%s' %(col, row, deltaloc) #------
ob = entity.draw(settings, deltaloc) #-----draw BLOCK----------
setObjectProperties(ob, group, entity, settings, block_def)
if ob:
if settings.var['optimization'] <= settings.MIN:
if settings.var['g_scale'] != 1: globalScaleOne(ob, True, settings.var['g_scale'])
else: oblist.append((ob, True))
else: #---draw entities except BLOCKs/INSERTs---------------------
alt_obname = activObjectName
ob = entity.draw(settings)
if ob and != alt_obname:
setObjectProperties(ob, group, entity, settings, block_def)
if settings.var['optimization'] <= settings.MIN:
if settings.var['g_scale'] != 1: globalScaleOne(ob, False, settings.var['g_scale'])
else: oblist.append((ob, False))
#print 'deb:Finished drawing:', entities[0].type #------------------------
message = "\nDrawing dxf\'%ss\' done!" % _type
settings.write(message, True)
def globalScale(oblist, SCALE): #---------------------------------------------------------
"""Global_scale for list of all imported objects.
oblist is a list of pairs (ob, insertFlag), where insertFlag=True/False
#print 'deb:globalScale.oblist: ---------%\n', oblist #---------------------
for l in oblist:
ob, insertFlag = l[0], l[1]
globalScaleOne(ob, insertFlag, SCALE)
def globalScaleOne(ob, insertFlag, SCALE): #---------------------------------------------------------
"""Global_scale imported object.
#print 'deb:globalScaleOne ob: ', ob #---------------------
SCALE_MAT= Mathutils.Matrix([SCALE,0,0,0],[0,SCALE,0,0],[0,0,SCALE,0],[0,0,0,1])
if insertFlag: # by BLOCKs/INSERTs only insert-point must be scaled------------
ob.loc = Mathutils.Vector(ob.loc) * SCALE_MAT
else: # entire scaling for all other imported objects ------------
def setObjectProperties(ob, group, entity, settings, block_def): #-----------------------
"""Link object to scene.
if not ob: #remi--todo-----------------------
message = "\nObject \'%s\' not found!" %entity
if group:
setGroup(group, ob) # if object belongs to group
if block_def: # if object belongs to BLOCK_def - Move it to layer nr19
setGroup(block_def, ob)
#print 'deb:setObjectProperties \'%s\' set to block_def_group!' #---------
ob.layers = [19]
#ob.layers = [i+1 for i in xrange(20)] #remi--todo------------
ob.layers = [settings.var['target_layer']]
# Set material for any objects except empties
if ob.type != 'Empty':
setMaterial_from(entity, ob, settings, block_def)
# Set the visibility
#if settings.layer_isOff(entity.layer):
if layersmap and layersmap[entity.layer].color < 0: # color is negative if layer is off
#ob.layers = [20] #remi--todo-------------
ob.restrictDisplay = True
ob.restrictRender = True
#print 'deb:\n---------linking Object %s!' #----------
def getGroup(name): #-----------------------------------------------------------------
"""Returns a Blender group-object.
group = Group.Get(name)
except: # What is the exception?
group = Group.New(name)
return group
def setGroup(group, ob): #------------------------------------------------------------
"""Assigns object to Blender group.
group.objects.append(ob) #remi?---------------
def setMaterial_from(entity, ob, settings, block_def): #------------------------------------------------
""" Set Blender-material for the object controled by item.
Set Blender-material for the object
- controlled by settings.var['material_from']
if settings.var['material_from'] == 1: # 1= material from color
if entity.color_index == BYLAYER:
mat = settings.colMaterials(entity.layer)
elif entity.color_index == BYBLOCK:
#--todo-- looking for block.color_index
#mat = settings.colMaterials(block.color_index)
mat = settings.colMaterials(entity.color_index)
mat = settings.colMaterials(entity.color_index)
elif settings.var['material_from'] == 2: # 2= material from layer_name
mat = settings.layMaterials(layername=entity.layer)
elif settings.var['material_from'] == 3: # 3= material from layer+color
mat = settings.layMaterials(layername=entity.layer, color=entity.color_index)
# elif settings.var['material_from'] == 4: # 4= material from block_name
# elif settings.var['material_from'] == 5: # 5= material from XDATA
# elif settings.var['material_from'] == 6: # 6= material from INI-file
else: # set neutral material
mat = Material.Get('dxf-neutral')
mat = Material.New('dxf-neutral')
mat.mode |= Material.Modes.SHADELESS
mat.mode |= Material.Modes.WIRE
# try:mat.setMode('Shadeless', 'Wire') #work-around for 2.45rc1-bug
# except: pass
#print 'deb:material mat:', mat #-----------
ob.setMaterials([mat]) #assigns Blender-material to object
except ValueError:
settings.write("material error - \'%s\'!" %mat)
ob.colbits = 0x01 # Set OB materials.
def calcBulge(p1, p2, arc_res, triples=False): #-------------------------------------------------
"""given startpoint, endpoint and bulge of arc, returns points/segments of its representation.
Needs to take into account bulge sign.
negative = clockwise
positive = counter-clockwise
to find center given two points, and arc angle
calculate radius
Cord = sqrt(start^2 + end^2)
S = (bulge*Cord)/2
radius = ((Cord/2)^2+S^2)/2*S
angle of arc = 4*atan( bulge )
angle from p1 to center is (180-angle)/2
get vector pointing from p1 to p2 (p2 - p1)
normalize it and multiply by radius
rotate around p1 by angle to center, point to center.
start angle = angle between (center - p1) and worldX
end angle = angle between (center - p2) and worldX
calculate the center, radius, start angle, and end angle
returns points/segments of its mesh representation
incl.startpoint, without endpoint
bulge = p1.bulge
p1 = Mathutils.Vector(p1.loc)
p2 = Mathutils.Vector(p2.loc)
cord = p2 - p1 # vector from p1 to p2
clength = cord.length
s = (bulge * clength)/2.0 # sagitta (height)
radius = abs(((clength/2.0)**2.0 + s**2.0)/(2.0*s)) # magic formula
angle = (degrees(4.0*atan(bulge))) # theta (included angle)
radial = cord.normalize() * radius # a radius length vector aligned with cord
delta = (180.0 - abs(angle))/2.0 # the angle from cord to center
if bulge < 0: delta = -delta
rmat = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(-delta, 3, 'Z')
center = p1 + (rmat * radial) # rotate radial by delta degrees, then add to p1 to find center
#length = radians(abs(angle)) * radius
#print 'deb:calcBulge:\n angle, delta: ', angle, delta #----------------
#print 'deb:center, radius: ', center, radius #----------------------
startpoint = p1 - center
endpoint = p2 - center
#print 'deb:calcBulg: startpoint:', startpoint #---------
#print 'deb:calcBulg: endpoint:', endpoint #---------
if not triples: #IF mesh-representation -----------
if arc_res > 1024: arc_res = 1024
elif arc_res < 4: arc_res = 4
pieces = int(abs(angle)/(360.0/arc_res)) # set a fixed step of ARC_RESOLUTION
if pieces < 3: pieces = 3
else: #IF curve-representation -------------------------------
if arc_res > 32: arc_res = 32
elif arc_res < 3: arc_res = 3
pieces = int(abs(angle)/(360.0/arc_res)) # set a fixed step of ARC_RESOLUTION
if pieces < 2: pieces = 2
step = angle/pieces # set step so pieces * step = degrees in arc
stepmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(-step, 3, "Z")
if not triples: #IF mesh-representation -----------
points = [startpoint]
point = startpoint
for i in xrange(int(pieces)-1): #fast (but not so acurate as: vector * RotMatrix(-step*i,3,"Z")
point = stepmatrix * point
points = [ point+center for point in points]
# vector to point convertion:
points = [list(point) for point in points]
return points, list(center)
else: #IF curve-representation -------------------------------
# correct Bezier curves representation for free segmented circles/arcs
step2 = radians(step * 0.5)
bulg = radius * (1 - cos(step2))
deltaY = 4.0 * bulg / (3.0 * sin(step2) )
#print 'deb:calcArcCurve: bulg, deltaY:\n', bulg, deltaY #---------
#print 'deb:calcArcCurve: step:\n', step #---------
#org handler0 = Mathutils.Vector(0.0, -deltaY, 0.0)
#handler = startmatrix * handler0
#endhandler = endmatrix * handler0
rotMatr90 = Mathutils.Matrix([0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
handler = rotMatr90 * startpoint
handler = - deltaY * handler.normalize()
endhandler = rotMatr90 * endpoint
endhandler = - deltaY * endhandler.normalize()
points = [startpoint]
handlers1 = [startpoint + handler]
handlers2 = [startpoint - handler]
point = Mathutils.Vector(startpoint)
for i in xrange(int(pieces)-1):
point = stepmatrix * point
handler = stepmatrix * handler
handler1 = point + handler
handler2 = point - handler
handlers1.append(endpoint + endhandler)
handlers2.append(endpoint - endhandler)
points = [point + center for point in points]
handlers1 = [point + center for point in handlers1]
handlers2 = [point + center for point in handlers2]
VectorTriples = [list(h1)+list(p)+list(h2) for h1,p,h2 in zip(handlers1, points, handlers2)]
#print 'deb:calcBulgCurve: handlers1:\n', handlers1 #---------
#print 'deb:calcBulgCurve: points:\n', points #---------
#print 'deb:calcBulgCurve: handlers2:\n', handlers2 #---------
#print 'deb:calcBulgCurve: VectorTriples:\n', VectorTriples #---------
return VectorTriples
def calcArc(center, radius, start, end, arc_res, triples): #-----------------------------------------
"""calculate Points (or BezierTriples) for ARC/CIRCLEs representation.
Given parameters of the ARC/CIRCLE,
returns points/segments (or BezierTriples) and centerPoint
# center is currently set by object
# if start > end: start = start - 360
if end > 360: end = end % 360.0
startmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(-start, 3, "Z")
startpoint = startmatrix * Mathutils.Vector(radius, 0, 0)
endmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(-end, 3, "Z")
endpoint = endmatrix * Mathutils.Vector(radius, 0, 0)
if end < start: end +=360.0
angle = end - start
#length = radians(angle) * radius
if not triples: #IF mesh-representation -----------
if arc_res > 1024: arc_res = 1024
elif arc_res < 4: arc_res = 4
pieces = int(abs(angle)/(360.0/arc_res)) # set a fixed step of ARC_RESOLUTION
if pieces < 3: pieces = 3
step = angle/pieces # set step so pieces * step = degrees in arc
stepmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(-step, 3, "Z")
points = [startpoint]
point = startpoint
for i in xrange(int(pieces)-1):
point = stepmatrix * point
if center:
centerVec = Mathutils.Vector(center)
#points = [point + centerVec for point in points()]
points = [point + centerVec for point in points]
# vector to point convertion:
points = [list(point) for point in points]
return points
else: #IF curve-representation ---------------
if arc_res > 32: arc_res = 32
elif arc_res < 3: arc_res = 3
pieces = int(abs(angle)/(360.0/arc_res)) # set a fixed step of ARC_RESOLUTION
if pieces < 2: pieces = 2
step = angle/pieces # set step so pieces * step = degrees in arc
stepmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(-step, 3, "Z")
# correct Bezier curves representation for free segmented circles/arcs
step2 = radians(step * 0.5)
bulg = radius * (1 - cos(step2))
deltaY = 4.0 * bulg / (3.0 * sin(step2) )
#print 'deb:calcArcCurve: bulg, deltaY:\n', bulg, deltaY #---------
#print 'deb:calcArcCurve: step:\n', step #---------
handler0 = Mathutils.Vector(0.0, -deltaY, 0.0)
points = [startpoint]
handler = startmatrix * handler0
endhandler = endmatrix * handler0
handlers1 = [startpoint + handler]
handlers2 = [startpoint - handler]
point = Mathutils.Vector(startpoint)
for i in xrange(int(pieces)-1):
point = stepmatrix * point
handler = stepmatrix * handler
handler1 = point + handler
handler2 = point - handler
handlers1.append(endpoint + endhandler)
handlers2.append(endpoint - endhandler)
VectorTriples = [list(h1)+list(p)+list(h2) for h1,p,h2 in zip(handlers1, points, handlers2)]
#print 'deb:calcArcCurve: handlers1:\n', handlers1 #---------
#print 'deb:calcArcCurve: points:\n', points #---------
#print 'deb:calcArcCurve: handlers2:\n', handlers2 #---------
#print 'deb:calcArcCurve: VectorTriples:\n', VectorTriples #---------
return VectorTriples
def drawCurveCircle(circle): #--- no more used --------------------------------------------
"""Given a dxf circle object return a blender circle object using curves.
c = Curve.New('circle') # create new curve data
center = circle.loc
radius = circle.radius
p1 = (0, -radius, 0)
p2 = (radius, 0, 0)
p3 = (0, radius, 0)
p4 = (-radius, 0, 0)
p1 = BezTriple.New(p1)
p2 = BezTriple.New(p2)
p3 = BezTriple.New(p3)
p4 = BezTriple.New(p4)
curve = c.appendNurb(p1)
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO]
curve.flagU = 1 # Set curve cyclic
ob = Object.New('Curve', 'circle') # make curve object
return ob
def drawCurveArc(self): #---- only for ELLIPSE -------------------------------------------------------------
"""Given a dxf ELLIPSE object return a blender_curve.
center = self.loc
radius = self.radius
start = self.start_angle
end = self.end_angle
if start > end:
start = start - 360.0
startmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(start, 3, "Z")
startpoint = startmatrix * Mathutils.Vector((radius, 0, 0))
endmatrix = Mathutils.RotationMatrix(end, 3, "Z")
endpoint = endmatrix * Mathutils.Vector((radius, 0, 0))
# Note: handles must be tangent to arc and of correct length...
a = Curve.New('arc') # create new curve data
p1 = (0, -radius, 0)
p2 = (radius, 0, 0)
p3 = (0, radius, 0)
p4 = (-radius, 0, 0)
p1 = BezTriple.New(p1)
p2 = BezTriple.New(p2)
p3 = BezTriple.New(p3)
p4 = BezTriple.New(p4)
curve = a.appendNurb(p1)
for point in curve:
point.handleTypes = [AUTO, AUTO]
curve.flagU = 1 # Set curve cyclic
ob = Object.New('Curve', 'arc') # make curve object
return ob
# GUI STUFF -----#################################################-----------------
from Blender.BGL import *
GUI_A = {} # GUI-buttons dictionary for parameter
GUI_B = {} # GUI-buttons dictionary for drawingTypes
# settings default, initialize ------------------------
points_as_menu = "convert to: %t|empty %x1|mesh.vertex %x2|thin sphere %x3|thin box %x4"
lines_as_menu = "convert to: %t|*edge %x1|mesh %x2|*thin cylinder %x3|*thin box %x4"
mlines_as_menu = "convert to: %t|*edge %x1|*mesh %x2|*thin cylinder %x3|*thin box %x4"
plines_as_menu = "convert to: %t|*edge %x1|mesh %x2|*thin cylinder %x3|*thin box %x4"
plines3_as_menu = "convert to: %t|*edge %x1|mesh %x2|*thin cylinder %x3|*thin box %x4"
plmesh_as_menu = "convert to: %t|mesh %x1"
solids_as_menu = "convert to: %t|mesh %x1"
blocks_as_menu = "convert to: %t| %x1|* %x2|*exploded %x3"
texts_as_menu = "convert to: %t|text %x1|*mesh %x2"
material_from_menu= "material from: %t|*LINESTYLE %x7|COLOR %x1|LAYER %x2|*LAYER+COLOR %x3|*BLOCK %x4|*XDATA %x5|*INI-File %x6"
g_scale_list = "scale factor: %t|yard to m %x8|feet to m %x7|inch to m %x6|x 1000 %x3|x 100 %x2|x 10 %x1|x 1 %x0|x 0.1 %x-1|cm to m %x-2|mm to m %x-3|x 0.0001 %x-4|x 0.00001 %x-5"
dxfFileName = Draw.Create("")
user_preset = 0
config_UI = Draw.Create(0) #switch_on/off extended config_UI
keywords_org = {
'curves_on' : 0,
'optimization': 2,
'one_mesh_on': 1,
'vGroup_on' : 1,
'dummy_on' : 0,
'newScene_on' : 1,
'target_layer' : TARGET_LAYER,
'group_bylayer_on' : GROUP_BYLAYER,
'g_scale' : float(G_SCALE),
'g_scale_as': int(log10(G_SCALE)), # 0,
'g_scale_on': 1,
'thick_on' : 1,
'thick_min' : float(MIN_THICK),
'thick_force': 0,
'width_on' : 1,
'width_min' : float(MIN_WIDTH),
'width_force': 0,
'dist_on' : 1,
'dist_min' : float(MIN_DIST),
'dist_force': 0,
'material_on': 1,
'material_from': 2,
'pl_3d' : 1,
'fill_on' : 1,
'meshSmooth_on': 1,
'curve_res' : CURV_RESOLUTION,
'arc_res' : ARC_RESOLUTION,
'arc_rad' : ARC_RADIUS,
'thin_res' : THIN_RESOLUTION,
'pl_trim_max' : TRIM_LIMIT,
'pl_trim_on': 1,
'paper_space_on': 0,
'layFrozen_on': 0,
'Z_force_on': 0,
'Z_elev': float(ELEVATION),
'points_as' : 2,
'lines_as' : 2,
'mlines_as' : 2,
'plines_as' : 2,
'plines3_as': 2,
'plmesh_as' : 1,
'solids_as' : 1,
'blocks_as' : 1,
'texts_as' : 1
drawTypes_org = {
'point' : 1,
'line' : 1,
'arc' : 1,
'circle': 1,
'ellipse': 0,
'mline' : 0,
'polyline': 1,
'plmesh': 1,
'pline3': 1,
'lwpolyline': 1,
'text' : 1,
'mtext' : 0,
'block' : 1,
'insert': 1,
'face' : 1,
'solid' : 1,
'trace' : 1
# creating of GUI-buttons
# GUI_A - GUI-buttons dictionary for parameter
# GUI_B - GUI-buttons dictionary for drawingTypes
for k, v in keywords_org.iteritems():
GUI_A[k] = Draw.Create(v)
for k, v in drawTypes_org.iteritems():
GUI_B[k] = Draw.Create(v)
#print 'deb:init GUI_A: ', GUI_A #---------------
#print 'deb:init GUI_B: ', GUI_B #---------------
# initialize settings-object controls how dxf entities are drawn
settings = Settings(keywords_org, drawTypes_org)
def saveConfig(): #remi--todo-----------------------------------------------
"""Save settings/config/materials from GUI to INI-file.
Write all config data to INI-file.
global iniFileName
iniFile = iniFileName.val
#print 'deb:saveConfig inifFile: ', inifFile #----------------------
if iniFile.lower().endswith(INIFILE_EXTENSION):
output_str = '[%s,%s]' %(GUI_A, GUI_B)
if output_str =='None':
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: INI-file: Alert!%t|no config-data present to save!')
#if BPyMessages.Warning_SaveOver(iniFile): #<- remi find it too abstarct
if sys.exists(iniFile):
f = file(iniFile, 'r'); header_str = f.readline(); f.close()
if header_str.startswith(INIFILE_HEADER[0:12]):
if Draw.PupMenu(' OK ? %t|SAVE OVER: ' + '\'%s\'' %iniFile) == 1:
save_ok = True
elif Draw.PupMenu(' OK ? %t|SAVE OVER: ' + '\'%s\'' %iniFile +
'|Alert: this file has no valid ImportDXF-format| ! it may belong to another aplication !') == 1:
save_ok = True
else: save_ok = False
else: save_ok = True
if save_ok:
# replace: ',' -> ',\n'
# replace: '{' -> '\n{\n'
# replace: '}' -> '\n}\n'
output_str = ',\n'.join(output_str.split(','))
output_str = '\n}'.join(output_str.split('}'))
output_str = '{\n'.join(output_str.split('{'))
f = file(iniFile, 'w')
f.write(INIFILE_HEADER + '\n# this is a comment line\n')
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: INI-file: Done!%t|config-data saved in ' + '\'%s\'' %iniFile)
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: INI-file: Error!%t|failure by writing to ' + '\'%s\'|no config-data saved!' %iniFile)
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: INI-file: Alert!%t|no valid name/extension for INI-file selected!')
print "DXF importer: Alert!: no valid INI-file selected."
if not iniFile:
if dxfFileName.val.lower().endswith('.dxf'):
iniFileName.val = dxfFileName.val[0:-4] + INIFILE_EXTENSION
def loadConfig(): #remi--todo-----------------------------------------------
"""Load settings/config/materials from INI-file.
Read material-assignements from config-file.
#070724 buggy Window.FileSelector(loadConfigFile, 'Load config data from INI-file', inifilename)
global iniFileName, GUI_A, GUI_B
iniFile = iniFileName.val
#print 'deb:loadConfig iniFile: ', iniFile #----------------------
if iniFile.lower().endswith(INIFILE_EXTENSION) and sys.exists(iniFile):
f = file(iniFile, 'r')
header_str = f.readline()
if not header_str.startswith(INIFILE_HEADER):
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: INI-file: Alert!%t|no valid header in INI-file: ' + '\'%s\'' %iniFile)
data_str =
print 'deb:loadConfig data_str from %s: \n' %iniFile , data_str #--------------------------
data = eval(data_str)
for k, v in data[0].iteritems():
GUI_A[k].val = v
GUI_A[k] = Draw.Create(v)
for k, v in data[1].iteritems():
GUI_B[k].val = v
GUI_B[k] = Draw.Create(v)
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: INI-file: Alert!%t|no valid INI-file selected!')
print "DXF importer: Alert!: no valid INI-file selected."
if not iniFileName:
if dxfFileName.val.lower().endswith('.dxf'):
iniFileName.val = dxfFileName.val[0:-4] + INIFILE_EXTENSION
def resetDefaultConfig(): #-----------------------------------------------
"""Resets settings/config/materials to defaults.
global GUI_A, GUI_B
#print 'deb:lresetDefaultConfig keywords_org: \n', keywords_org #---------
for k, v in keywords_org.iteritems():
GUI_A[k].val = v
for k, v in drawTypes_org.iteritems():
GUI_B[k].val = v
def resetDefaultConfig_2D(): #-----------------------------------------------
"""Sets settings/config/materials to defaults 2D.
global GUI_A, GUI_B
keywords2d = {
'curves_on' : 0,
'one_mesh_on': 1,
'vGroup_on' : 1,
'thick_on' : 0,
'thick_force': 0,
'width_on' : 1,
'width_force': 0,
'dist_on' : 1,
'dist_force': 0,
'pl_3d' : 0,
'fill_on' : 0,
'pl_trim_on': 1,
'Z_force_on': 0,
'meshSmooth_on': 0,
'points_as' : 2,
'lines_as' : 2,
'mlines_as' : 2,
'plines_as' : 2,
'solids_as' : 1,
'blocks_as' : 1,
'texts_as' : 1
drawTypes2d = {
'point' : 1,
'line' : 1,
'arc' : 1,
'circle': 1,
'ellipse': 0,
'mline' : 0,
'polyline': 1,
'plmesh': 0,
'pline3': 0,
'lwpolyline': 1,
'text' : 1,
'mtext' : 0,
'block' : 1,
'insert': 1,
'face' : 0,
'solid' : 1,
'trace' : 1
for k, v in keywords2d.iteritems():
GUI_A[k].val = v
for k, v in drawTypes2d.iteritems():
GUI_B[k].val = v
def draw_UI(): #-----------------------------------------------------------------
""" Draw startUI and setup Settings.
global GUI_A, GUI_B #__version__
global user_preset, iniFileName, dxfFileName, config_UI
# This is for easy layout changes
but_0c = 70 #button 1.column width
but_1c = 70 #button 1.column width
but_2c = 70 #button 2.column
but_3c = 70 #button 3.column
menu_margin = 10
butt_margin = 10
menu_w = (3 * butt_margin) + but_0c + but_1c + but_2c + but_3c #menu width
simple_menu_h = 110
extend_menu_h = 400
y = simple_menu_h # y is menu upper.y
if config_UI.val: y += extend_menu_h
x = 20 #menu left.x
but0c = x + menu_margin #buttons 0.column position.x
but1c = but0c + but_0c + butt_margin
but2c = but1c + but_1c + butt_margin
but3c = but2c + but_2c + butt_margin
# Here starts menu -----------------------------------------------------
#glRasterPos2d(8, 125)
colorbox(x, y+20, x+menu_w+menu_margin*2, menu_margin)
Draw.Label("DXF Importer ver." + __version__, but0c, y, menu_w, 20)
if config_UI.val:
y -= 30
GUI_B['point'] = Draw.Toggle('POINT', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c+but_1c, 20, GUI_B['point'].val, "support dxf-POINT on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['points_as'] = Draw.Menu(points_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['points_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_B['line'] = Draw.Toggle('LINE.ARC.CIRCLE', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c+but_1c, 20, GUI_B['line'].val, "support dxf-LINE,ARC,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['lines_as'] = Draw.Menu(lines_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['lines_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_B['mline'] = Draw.Toggle('*MLINE', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c+but_1c, 20, GUI_B['mline'].val, "(*wip)support dxf-MLINE on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['mlines_as'] = Draw.Menu(mlines_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['mlines_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_B['polyline'] = Draw.Toggle('2D-POLYLINE', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c+but_1c, 20, GUI_B['polyline'].val, "support dxf-2D-POLYLINE on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['plines_as'] = Draw.Menu(plines_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['plines_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_B['pline3'] = Draw.Toggle('3D-POLYLINE', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c+but_1c, 20, GUI_B['pline3'].val, "support dxf-3D-POLYLINE on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['plines3_as'] = Draw.Menu(plines3_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['plines3_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_B['plmesh'] = Draw.Toggle('POLYMESH/-FACE', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c+but_1c, 20, GUI_B['plmesh'].val, "support dxf-POLYMESH/POLYFACE on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['plmesh_as'] = Draw.Menu(plmesh_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['plmesh_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_B['solid'] = Draw.Toggle('3DFACE.SOLID.TRACE', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c+but_1c, 20, GUI_B['solid'].val, "support dxf-3DFACE, SOLID and TRACE on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['solids_as'] = Draw.Menu(solids_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['solids_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_B['text'] = Draw.Toggle('TEXT', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_B['text'].val, "support dxf-TEXT on/off")
GUI_B['mtext'] = Draw.Toggle('*MTEXT', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, but_1c-butt_margin, 20, GUI_B['mtext'].val, "(*wip)support dxf-MTEXT on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['texts_as'] = Draw.Menu(texts_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['texts_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_B['block'] = Draw.Toggle('BLOCK', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_B['block'].val, "support dxf-BLOCK and ARRAY on/off")
GUI_A['dummy_on'] = Draw.Toggle('*XREF', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, but_1c-butt_margin, 20, GUI_A['dummy_on'].val, "(*wip)support XREF-BLOCK on/off")
Draw.Label('-->', but2c, y, but_2c, 20)
GUI_A['blocks_as'] = Draw.Menu(blocks_as_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['blocks_as'].val, "select target Blender-object")
y -= 20
GUI_A['dummy_on'] = Draw.Toggle('*views', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c-25, 20, GUI_A['dummy_on'].val, "(*wip)support VIEWPORTs on/off")
GUI_A['dummy_on'] = Draw.Toggle('*cams', EVENT_NONE, but1c-25, y, but_1c-25, 20, GUI_A['dummy_on'].val, "(*wip)support CAMERAs on/off")
GUI_A['dummy_on'] = Draw.Toggle('*lights', EVENT_NONE, but1c+25, y, but_1c-25, 20, GUI_A['dummy_on'].val, "(*wip)support LIGHTs on/off")
GUI_A['material_on'] = Draw.Toggle('material', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y, but_2c-20, 20, GUI_A['material_on'].val, "support for material assignment on/off")
GUI_A['material_from'] = Draw.Menu(material_from_menu, EVENT_NONE, but3c-20, y, but_3c+20, 20, GUI_A['material_from'].val, "material assignment from?")
y -= 20
GUI_A['paper_space_on'] = Draw.Toggle('paperSpace', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c+20, 20, GUI_A['paper_space_on'].val, "import from paper space only on/off")
GUI_A['layFrozen_on'] = Draw.Toggle('frozen', EVENT_NONE, but1c+20, y, but_1c-20, 20, GUI_A['layFrozen_on'].val, "import also from frozen layers on/off")
#GUI_A['dummy_on'] = Draw.Toggle('-', EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['dummy_on'].val, "dummy on/off")
GUI_A['g_scale_on'] = Draw.Toggle('glob.Scale', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y, but_2c, 20, GUI_A['g_scale_on'].val, "scaling all DXF objects on/off")
GUI_A['g_scale_as'] = Draw.Menu(g_scale_list, EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['g_scale_as'].val, "10^ factor for scaling the DXFdata")
y -= 30
GUI_A['group_bylayer_on'] = Draw.Toggle('oneGroup', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_A['group_bylayer_on'].val, "grouping entities from the same layer on/off")
GUI_A['vGroup_on'] = Draw.Toggle('vGroups', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, but_1c, 20, GUI_A['vGroup_on'].val, "support Blender-VertexGroups on/off")
GUI_A['Z_force_on'] = Draw.Toggle('*elevation', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y, but_2c, 20, GUI_A['Z_force_on'].val, "*set objects Z-coordinates to elevation on/off")
GUI_A['Z_elev'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['Z_elev'].val, -1000, 1000, "set default elevation(Z)")
y -= 20
GUI_A['meshSmooth_on'] = Draw.Toggle('smooth', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c-20, 20, GUI_A['meshSmooth_on'].val, "mesh smooth for circles/arcsegments on/off")
GUI_A['pl_trim_on'] = Draw.Toggle('trim', EVENT_NONE, but1c-20, y, 32, 20, GUI_A['pl_trim_on'].val, "intersection of POLYLINE-wide-segments on/off")
GUI_A['pl_trim_max'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but1c+12, y, but_1c-12, 20, GUI_A['pl_trim_max'].val, 0, 5, "limit for intersection of POLYLINE-wide-segments: 0.0-5.0")
GUI_A['dist_on'] = Draw.Toggle('dist.:', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y, but_2c-20, 20, GUI_A['dist_on'].val, "support distance on/off")
GUI_A['dist_force'] = Draw.Toggle('F', EVENT_NONE, but2c+but_2c-20, y, 20, 20, GUI_A['dist_force'].val, "force minimal distance on/off")
GUI_A['dist_min'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['dist_min'].val, 0, 10, "minimal length/distance (double.vertex removing)")
y -= 20
# GUI_A['thin_res'] = Draw.Number('thin:', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_A['thin_res'].val, 4, 64, "thin cylinder resolution - number of segments (4-64)")
GUI_A['arc_rad'] = Draw.Number('bR:', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_A['arc_rad'].val, 0.01, 100, "basis radius for arc/circle resolution (0.01-100)")
GUI_A['arc_res'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, but_1c/2, 20, GUI_A['arc_res'].val, 3, 500, "arc/circle resolution - number of segments (3-500)")
GUI_A['fill_on'] = Draw.Toggle('caps', EVENT_NONE, but1c+but_1c/2, y, but_1c/2, 20, GUI_A['fill_on'].val, "draws top and bottom caps of CYLINDERs/closed curves on/off")
GUI_A['thick_on'] = Draw.Toggle('thick:', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y, but_2c-20, 20, GUI_A['thick_on'].val, "support thickness on/off")
GUI_A['thick_force'] = Draw.Toggle('F', EVENT_NONE, but2c+but_2c-20, y, 20, 20, GUI_A['thick_force'].val, "force minimal thickness on/off")
GUI_A['thick_min'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['thick_min'].val, 0, 10, "minimal thickness")
y -= 20
#GUI_A['group_bylayer_on'] = Draw.Toggle('oneGroup', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_A['group_bylayer_on'].val, "grouping entities from the same layer on/off")
GUI_A['curves_on'] = Draw.Toggle('to Curves', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_A['curves_on'].val, "drawing LINE/ARC/POLYLINE into Blender-Curves instead of Meshes on/off")
GUI_A['curve_arc'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, but_1c/2, 20, GUI_A['curve_arc'].val, 3, 32, "Bezier circle resolution - number of segments: 3-32")
GUI_A['curve_res'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but1c+but_1c/2, y, but_1c/2, 20, GUI_A['curve_res'].val, 3, 50, "Bezier curve resolution: 3-50")
GUI_A['width_on'] = Draw.Toggle('width:', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y, but_2c-20, 20, GUI_A['width_on'].val, "support width on/off")
GUI_A['width_force'] = Draw.Toggle('F', EVENT_NONE, but2c+but_2c-20, y, 20, 20, GUI_A['width_force'].val, "force minimal width on/off")
GUI_A['width_min'] = Draw.Number('', EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['width_min'].val, 0, 10, "minimal width")
y -= 30
#GUI_A['dummy_on'] = Draw.Toggle(' - ', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_A['dummy_on'].val, "reserved")
GUI_A['one_mesh_on'] = Draw.Toggle('oneMesh', EVENT_NONE, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, GUI_A['one_mesh_on'].val, "draw DXF-entities into one mesh-object. Recommended for big DXF-files. on/off")
GUI_A['newScene_on'] = Draw.Toggle('newScene', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, but_1c, 20, GUI_A['newScene_on'].val, "creates new Blender-Scene for each import on/off")
GUI_A['target_layer'] = Draw.Number('layer', EVENT_NONE, but2c, y, but_2c, 20, GUI_A['target_layer'].val, 1, 18, "imports into this Blender-layer (<19> reserved for block_definitions)")
GUI_A['optimization'] = Draw.Number('optim:', EVENT_NONE, but3c, y, but_3c, 20, GUI_A['optimization'].val, 0, 3, "Optimization Level: 0=Debug/directDrawing, 1=Verbose, 2=ProgressBar, 3=silentMode/fastest")
y -= 30
Draw.PushButton('INI file >', EVENT_CHOOSE_INI, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, 'Select INI-file from project directory')
iniFileName = Draw.String(' :', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, menu_w-but_0c-butt_margin, 20, iniFileName.val, FILENAME_MAX, "write here the name of the INI-file")
y -= 20
Draw.PushButton('Presets', EVENT_PRESETS, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, "tipist for Preset-INI-files")
Draw.PushButton('Load', EVENT_LOAD_INI, but1c, y, but_1c, 20, ' Loads configuration from ini-file: %s' % iniFileName.val)
Draw.PushButton('Save', EVENT_SAVE_INI, but2c, y, but_2c, 20, 'Saves configuration to ini-file: %s' % iniFileName.val)
# user_preset = Draw.Number('preset:', EVENT_PRESETS, but2c, y, but_2c, 20, user_preset.val, 0, 5, "call user Preset-INI-files")
Draw.PushButton('2D', EVENT_PRESET2D, but3c, y, but_3c/2, 20, 'resets configuration to 2D-defaults')
Draw.PushButton('3D', EVENT_PRESET, but3c+but_3c/2, y, but_3c/2, 20, 'resets configuration to 3D-defaults')
y -= 30
Draw.PushButton('DXFfile >', EVENT_CHOOSE_DXF, but0c, y, but_0c, 20, 'Select DXF-file from project directory')
dxfFileName = Draw.String(' :', EVENT_NONE, but1c, y, but_1c+but_2c+but_3c-20, 20, dxfFileName.val, FILENAME_MAX, "type the name of DXF-file or * for multi-import")
Draw.PushButton('*.*', EVENT_DXF_DIR, but3c+but_3c-20, y, 20, 20, 'Set asterisk * as filter')
y -= 50
Draw.PushButton('EXIT', EVENT_EXIT, but0c, y, but_0c, 40, '' )
Draw.PushButton('HELP', EVENT_HELP, but1c, y, but_1c-20, 20, 'calls BlenderWiki for Manual, Updates and Support.')
Draw.PushButton('?', EVENT_LIST, but1c+but_1c-20, y, 20, 20, 'analyze DXF-file: print listing of LAYERs and BLOCKs into the text-file.INF')
Draw.PushButton('START IMPORT', EVENT_START, but2c, y, but_2c+but_3c+butt_margin, 40, 'Start the import procedure')
config_UI = Draw.Toggle('CONFIG', EVENT_CONFIG, but1c-butt_margin/2, y+20, but_1c+butt_margin, 20, config_UI.val, 'Advanced configuration on/off' )
y -= 20
Draw.Label(' ', but0c-menu_margin, y, menu_margin, 20)
Draw.Label("*) parts under construction", but0c, y, menu_w, 20)
Draw.Label(' ', but0c+menu_w, y, menu_margin, 20)
#-- END GUI Stuf-----------------------------------------------------
def colorbox(x,y,xright,bottom):
glColor3f(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
glRecti(x + 1, y + 1, xright - 1, bottom - 1)
def dxf_callback(input_filename):
global dxfFileName
def ini_callback(input_texture):
global iniFileName
def event(evt, val):
if evt in (Draw.QKEY, Draw.ESCKEY) and not val:
def bevent(evt):
global config_UI, user_preset
######### Manages GUI events
if (evt==EVENT_EXIT):
elif (evt==EVENT_CHOOSE_INI):
Window.FileSelector(ini_callback, "INI-file Selection", '*.ini')
elif (evt==EVENT_CONFIG):
elif (evt==EVENT_PRESET):
elif (evt==EVENT_PRESET2D):
elif (evt==EVENT_PRESETS):
user_preset += 1
if user_preset > 5: user_preset = 1
iniFileName.val = INIFILE_DEFAULT_NAME + str(user_preset) + INIFILE_EXTENSION
elif (evt==EVENT_LIST):
dxfFile = dxfFileName.val
if dxfFile.lower().endswith('.dxf') and sys.exists(dxfFile):
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: Alert!%t|no valid DXF-file selected!')
print "DXF importer: error, no valid DXF-file selected! try again"
elif (evt==EVENT_HELP):
import webbrowser
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: HELP Alert!%t|no connection to manual-page on Blender-Wiki! try:|\
elif (evt==EVENT_LOAD_INI):
elif (evt==EVENT_SAVE_INI):
elif (evt==EVENT_DXF_DIR):
dxfFile = dxfFileName.val
dxfPathName = ''
if '/' in dxfFile:
dxfPathName = '/'.join(dxfFile.split('/')[:-1]) + '/'
elif '\\' in dxfFile:
dxfPathName = '\\'.join(dxfFile.split('\\')[:-1]) + '\\'
dxfFileName.val = dxfPathName + '*.dxf'
global GUI_A
GUI_A['newScene_on'].val = 1
elif (evt==EVENT_CHOOSE_DXF):
Window.FileSelector(dxf_callback, "DXF-file Selection", '*.dxf')
elif (evt==EVENT_START):
dxfFile = dxfFileName.val
#print 'deb: dxfFile file: ', dxfFile #----------------------
if dxfFile.lower().endswith('*.dxf'):
if Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: OK?|will import all DXF-files from:|%s' % dxfFile) == 1:
global UI_MODE
UI_MODE = False
multi_import(dxfFile[:-5]) # cut last char:'*.dxf'
elif dxfFile.lower().endswith('.dxf') and sys.exists(dxfFile):
print '\nStandard Mode: active'
if GUI_A['newScene_on'].val:
_dxf_file = dxfFile.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
_dxf_file = _dxf_file[:-4] # cut last char:'.dxf'
_dxf_file = _dxf_file[:MAX_NAMELENGTH] #? [-MAX_NAMELENGTH:])
global SCENE
SCENE = Blender.Scene.New(_dxf_file)
#or so? Blender.Scene.makeCurrent(_dxf_file)
#sce =
|| = sce
SCENE = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
SCENE.objects.selected = [] # deselect all
#SCENE.objects.selected = SCENE.objects
Draw.PupMenu('DXF importer: Alert!%t|no valid DXF-file selected!')
print "DXF importer: error, no valid DXF-file selected! try again"
def multi_import(DIR):
"""Imports all DXF-files from directory DIR.
global SCENE
batchTIME = Blender.sys.time()
#if #DIR == "": DIR = os.path.curdir
if DIR == "": DIR = Blender.sys.dirname(Blender.Get('filename'))
print 'Multifile Mode: searching for DXF-files in %s' %DIR
files = \
[sys.join(DIR, f) for f in os.listdir(DIR) if f.lower().endswith('.dxf')]
if not files:
print '...None DXF-files found. Abort!'
i = 0
for dxfFile in files:
i += 1
print '\nImporting', dxfFile, ' NUMBER', i, 'of', len(files)
if GUI_A['newScene_on'].val:
_dxf_file = dxfFile.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
_dxf_file = _dxf_file[:-4] # cut last char:'.dxf'
_dxf_file = _dxf_file[:MAX_NAMELENGTH] #? [-MAX_NAMELENGTH:])
SCENE = Blender.Scene.New(_dxf_file)
#or so? Blender.Scene.makeCurrent(_dxf_file)
#sce =
|| = sce
SCENE = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
SCENE.objects.selected = [] # deselect all
print 'TOTAL TIME: %.6f' % (Blender.sys.time() - batchTIME)
if __name__ == "__main__":
UI_MODE = True
Draw.Register(draw_UI, event, bevent)
if 1:
UI_MODE = False
TIME= Blender.sys.time()
#DIR = '/dxf_r12_testfiles/'
DIR = '/metavr/'
import os
print 'Searching for files'
os.system('find %s -iname "*.dxf" > /tmp/tempdxf_list' % DIR)
# os.system('find /storage/ -iname "*.dxf" > /tmp/tempdxf_list')
print '...Done'
file= open('/tmp/tempdxf_list', 'r')
lines= file.readlines()
# sort by filesize for faster testing
lines_size = [(os.path.getsize(f[:-1]), f[:-1]) for f in lines]
lines = [f[1] for f in lines_size]
for i, _dxf in enumerate(lines):
if i >= 70:
#if 1:
print 'Importing', _dxf, '\nNUMBER', i, 'of', len(lines)
if True:
_dxf_file= _dxf.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1]
_dxf_file = _dxf_file[:-4] # cut last char:'.dxf'
_dxf_file = _dxf_file[:MAX_NAMELENGTH] #? [-MAX_NAMELENGTH:])
sce =
|| = sce
dxfFileName.val = _dxf
print 'TOTAL TIME: %.6f' % (Blender.sys.time() - TIME)