2011-01-03 16:22:30 +00:00

551 lines
21 KiB

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
# Script copyright (C) Campbell Barton
import math
from math import radians
import bpy
import mathutils
from mathutils import Vector, Euler, Matrix
class bvh_node_class(object):
__slots__ = (
'name', # bvh joint name
'parent', # bvh_node_class type or None for no parent
'children', # a list of children of this type.
'rest_head_world', # worldspace rest location for the head of this node
'rest_head_local', # localspace rest location for the head of this node
'rest_tail_world', # worldspace rest location for the tail of this node
'rest_tail_local', # worldspace rest location for the tail of this node
'channels', # list of 6 ints, -1 for an unused channel, otherwise an index for the BVH motion data lines, lock triple then rot triple
'rot_order', # a triple of indicies as to the order rotation is applied. [0,1,2] is x/y/z - [None, None, None] if no rotation.
'rot_order_str', # same as above but a string 'XYZ' format.
'anim_data', # a list one tuple's one for each frame. (locx, locy, locz, rotx, roty, rotz), euler rotation ALWAYS stored xyz order, even when native used.
'has_loc', # Conveinience function, bool, same as (channels[0]!=-1 or channels[1]!=-1 channels[2]!=-1)
'has_rot', # Conveinience function, bool, same as (channels[3]!=-1 or channels[4]!=-1 channels[5]!=-1)
'temp') # use this for whatever you want
_eul_order_lookup = {\
(0, 1, 2): 'XYZ',
(0, 2, 1): 'XZY',
(1, 0, 2): 'YXZ',
(1, 2, 0): 'YZX',
(2, 0, 1): 'ZXY',
(2, 1, 0): 'ZYX'}
def __init__(self, name, rest_head_world, rest_head_local, parent, channels, rot_order): = name
self.rest_head_world = rest_head_world
self.rest_head_local = rest_head_local
self.rest_tail_world = None
self.rest_tail_local = None
self.parent = parent
self.channels = channels
self.rot_order = tuple(rot_order)
self.rot_order_str = __class__._eul_order_lookup[self.rot_order]
# convenience functions
self.has_loc = channels[0] != -1 or channels[1] != -1 or channels[2] != -1
self.has_rot = channels[3] != -1 or channels[4] != -1 or channels[5] != -1
self.children = []
# list of 6 length tuples: (lx,ly,lz, rx,ry,rz)
# even if the channels arnt used they will just be zero
self.anim_data = [(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)]
def __repr__(self):
return 'BVH name:"%s", rest_loc:(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f), rest_tail:(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)' %\
self.rest_head_world.x, self.rest_head_world.y, self.rest_head_world.z,\
self.rest_head_world.x, self.rest_head_world.y, self.rest_head_world.z)
def read_bvh(context, file_path, rotate_mode='XYZ', global_scale=1.0):
# File loading stuff
# Open the file for importing
file = open(file_path, 'rU')
# Seperate into a list of lists, each line a list of words.
file_lines = file.readlines()
# Non standard carrage returns?
if len(file_lines) == 1:
file_lines = file_lines[0].split('\r')
# Split by whitespace.
file_lines = [ll for ll in [l.split() for l in file_lines] if ll]
# Create Hirachy as empties
if file_lines[0][0].lower() == 'hierarchy':
#print 'Importing the BVH Hierarchy for:', file_path
raise 'ERROR: This is not a BVH file'
bvh_nodes = {None: None}
bvh_nodes_serial = [None]
channelIndex = -1
lineIdx = 0 # An index for the file.
while lineIdx < len(file_lines) - 1:
if file_lines[lineIdx][0].lower() == 'root' or file_lines[lineIdx][0].lower() == 'joint':
# Join spaces into 1 word with underscores joining it.
if len(file_lines[lineIdx]) > 2:
file_lines[lineIdx][1] = '_'.join(file_lines[lineIdx][1:])
file_lines[lineIdx] = file_lines[lineIdx][:2]
# MAY NEED TO SUPPORT MULTIPLE ROOT's HERE!!!, Still unsure weather multiple roots are possible.??
# Make sure the names are unique- Object names will match joint names exactly and both will be unique.
name = file_lines[lineIdx][1]
#print '%snode: %s, parent: %s' % (len(bvh_nodes_serial) * ' ', name, bvh_nodes_serial[-1])
lineIdx += 2 # Increment to the next line (Offset)
rest_head_local = Vector((float(file_lines[lineIdx][1]), float(file_lines[lineIdx][2]), float(file_lines[lineIdx][3]))) * global_scale
lineIdx += 1 # Increment to the next line (Channels)
# newChannel[Xposition, Yposition, Zposition, Xrotation, Yrotation, Zrotation]
# newChannel references indecies to the motiondata,
# if not assigned then -1 refers to the last value that will be added on loading at a value of zero, this is appended
# We'll add a zero value onto the end of the MotionDATA so this is always refers to a value.
my_channel = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
my_rot_order = [None, None, None]
rot_count = 0
for channel in file_lines[lineIdx][2:]:
channel = channel.lower()
channelIndex += 1 # So the index points to the right channel
if channel == 'xposition':
my_channel[0] = channelIndex
elif channel == 'yposition':
my_channel[1] = channelIndex
elif channel == 'zposition':
my_channel[2] = channelIndex
elif channel == 'xrotation':
my_channel[3] = channelIndex
my_rot_order[rot_count] = 0
rot_count += 1
elif channel == 'yrotation':
my_channel[4] = channelIndex
my_rot_order[rot_count] = 1
rot_count += 1
elif channel == 'zrotation':
my_channel[5] = channelIndex
my_rot_order[rot_count] = 2
rot_count += 1
channels = file_lines[lineIdx][2:]
my_parent = bvh_nodes_serial[-1] # account for none
# Apply the parents offset accumulatively
if my_parent is None:
rest_head_world = Vector(rest_head_local)
rest_head_world = my_parent.rest_head_world + rest_head_local
bvh_node = bvh_nodes[name] = bvh_node_class(name, rest_head_world, rest_head_local, my_parent, my_channel, my_rot_order)
# If we have another child then we can call ourselves a parent, else
# Account for an end node
if file_lines[lineIdx][0].lower() == 'end' and file_lines[lineIdx][1].lower() == 'site': # There is sometimes a name after 'End Site' but we will ignore it.
lineIdx += 2 # Increment to the next line (Offset)
rest_tail = Vector((float(file_lines[lineIdx][1]), float(file_lines[lineIdx][2]), float(file_lines[lineIdx][3]))) * global_scale
bvh_nodes_serial[-1].rest_tail_world = bvh_nodes_serial[-1].rest_head_world + rest_tail
bvh_nodes_serial[-1].rest_tail_local = bvh_nodes_serial[-1].rest_head_local + rest_tail
# Just so we can remove the Parents in a uniform way- End has kids
# so this is a placeholder
if len(file_lines[lineIdx]) == 1 and file_lines[lineIdx][0] == '}': # == ['}']
bvh_nodes_serial.pop() # Remove the last item
if len(file_lines[lineIdx]) == 1 and file_lines[lineIdx][0].lower() == 'motion':
#print '\nImporting motion data'
lineIdx += 3 # Set the cursor to the first frame
lineIdx += 1
# Remove the None value used for easy parent reference
del bvh_nodes[None]
# Dont use anymore
del bvh_nodes_serial
bvh_nodes_list = bvh_nodes.values()
while lineIdx < len(file_lines):
line = file_lines[lineIdx]
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes_list:
#for bvh_node in bvh_nodes_serial:
lx = ly = lz = rx = ry = rz = 0.0
channels = bvh_node.channels
anim_data = bvh_node.anim_data
if channels[0] != -1:
lx = global_scale * float(line[channels[0]])
if channels[1] != -1:
ly = global_scale * float(line[channels[1]])
if channels[2] != -1:
lz = global_scale * float(line[channels[2]])
if channels[3] != -1 or channels[4] != -1 or channels[5] != -1:
rx = radians(float(line[channels[3]]))
ry = radians(float(line[channels[4]]))
rz = radians(float(line[channels[5]]))
# Done importing motion data #
anim_data.append((lx, ly, lz, rx, ry, rz))
lineIdx += 1
# Assign children
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
bvh_node_parent = bvh_node.parent
if bvh_node_parent:
# Now set the tip of each bvh_node
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
if not bvh_node.rest_tail_world:
if len(bvh_node.children) == 0:
# could just fail here, but rare BVH files have childless nodes
bvh_node.rest_tail_world = Vector(bvh_node.rest_head_world)
bvh_node.rest_tail_local = Vector(bvh_node.rest_head_local)
elif len(bvh_node.children) == 1:
bvh_node.rest_tail_world = Vector(bvh_node.children[0].rest_head_world)
bvh_node.rest_tail_local = bvh_node.rest_head_local + bvh_node.children[0].rest_head_local
# allow this, see above
#if not bvh_node.children:
# raise 'error, bvh node has no end and no children. bad file'
# Removed temp for now
rest_tail_world = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
rest_tail_local = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
for bvh_node_child in bvh_node.children:
rest_tail_world += bvh_node_child.rest_head_world
rest_tail_local += bvh_node_child.rest_head_local
bvh_node.rest_tail_world = rest_tail_world * (1.0 / len(bvh_node.children))
bvh_node.rest_tail_local = rest_tail_local * (1.0 / len(bvh_node.children))
# Make sure tail isnt the same location as the head.
if (bvh_node.rest_tail_local - bvh_node.rest_head_local).length <= 0.001 * global_scale:
bvh_node.rest_tail_local.y = bvh_node.rest_tail_local.y + global_scale / 10
bvh_node.rest_tail_world.y = bvh_node.rest_tail_world.y + global_scale / 10
return bvh_nodes
def bvh_node_dict2objects(context, bvh_name, bvh_nodes, rotate_mode='NATIVE', frame_start=1, IMPORT_LOOP=False):
if frame_start < 1:
frame_start = 1
scene = context.scene
for obj in scene.objects: = False
objects = []
def add_ob(name):
obj =, None)
objects.append(obj) = True
# nicer drawing.
obj.empty_draw_type = 'CUBE'
obj.empty_draw_size = 0.1
return obj
# Add objects
for name, bvh_node in bvh_nodes.items():
bvh_node.temp = add_ob(name)
bvh_node.temp.rotation_mode = bvh_node.rot_order_str[::-1]
# Parent the objects
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
for bvh_node_child in bvh_node.children:
bvh_node_child.temp.parent = bvh_node.temp
# Offset
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
# Make relative to parents offset
bvh_node.temp.location = bvh_node.rest_head_local
# Add tail objects
for name, bvh_node in bvh_nodes.items():
if not bvh_node.children:
ob_end = add_ob(name + '_end')
ob_end.parent = bvh_node.temp
ob_end.location = bvh_node.rest_tail_world - bvh_node.rest_head_world
for name, bvh_node in bvh_nodes.items():
obj = bvh_node.temp
for frame_current in range(len(bvh_node.anim_data)):
lx, ly, lz, rx, ry, rz = bvh_node.anim_data[frame_current]
if bvh_node.has_loc:
obj.delta_location = Vector((lx, ly, lz)) - bvh_node.rest_head_world
obj.keyframe_insert("delta_location", index=-1, frame=frame_start + frame_current)
if bvh_node.has_rot:
obj.delta_rotation_euler = rx, ry, rz
obj.keyframe_insert("delta_rotation_euler", index=-1, frame=frame_start + frame_current)
return objects
def bvh_node_dict2armature(context, bvh_name, bvh_nodes, rotate_mode='XYZ', frame_start=1, IMPORT_LOOP=False):
if frame_start < 1:
frame_start = 1
# Add the new armature,
scene = context.scene
for obj in scene.objects: = False
arm_data =
arm_ob =, arm_data) = True = arm_ob
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
# Get the average bone length for zero length bones, we may not use this.
average_bone_length = 0.0
nonzero_count = 0
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
l = (bvh_node.rest_head_local - bvh_node.rest_tail_local).length
if l:
average_bone_length += l
nonzero_count += 1
# Very rare cases all bones couldbe zero length???
if not average_bone_length:
average_bone_length = 0.1
# Normal operation
average_bone_length = average_bone_length / nonzero_count
# XXX, annoying, remove bone.
while arm_data.edit_bones:
for name, bvh_node in bvh_nodes.items():
# New editbone
bone = bvh_node.temp =
bone.head = bvh_node.rest_head_world
bone.tail = bvh_node.rest_tail_world
if (bone.head - bone.tail).length < 0.001:
if bvh_node.parent:
ofs = bvh_node.parent.rest_head_local - bvh_node.parent.rest_tail_local
if ofs.length: # is our parent zero length also?? unlikely
bone.tail = bone.tail + ofs
bone.tail.y = bone.tail.y + average_bone_length
bone.tail.y = bone.tail.y + average_bone_length
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
if bvh_node.parent:
# bvh_node.temp is the Editbone
# Set the bone parent
bvh_node.temp.parent = bvh_node.parent.temp
# Set the connection state
if not bvh_node.has_loc and\
bvh_node.parent and\ not in ZERO_AREA_BONES and\
bvh_node.parent.rest_tail_local == bvh_node.rest_head_local:
bvh_node.temp.use_connect = True
# Replace the editbone with the editbone name,
# to avoid memory errors accessing the editbone outside editmode
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
bvh_node.temp =
# Now Apply the animation to the armature
# Get armature animation data
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
pose = arm_ob.pose
pose_bones = pose.bones
if rotate_mode == 'NATIVE':
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
bone_name = bvh_node.temp # may not be the same name as the bvh_node, could have been shortened.
pose_bone = pose_bones[bone_name]
pose_bone.rotation_mode = bvh_node.rot_order_str
elif rotate_mode != 'QUATERNION':
for pose_bone in pose_bones:
pose_bone.rotation_mode = rotate_mode
# Quats default
action =
arm_ob.animation_data.action = action
# Replace the bvh_node.temp (currently an editbone)
# With a tuple (pose_bone, armature_bone, bone_rest_matrix, bone_rest_matrix_inv)
for bvh_node in bvh_nodes.values():
bone_name = bvh_node.temp # may not be the same name as the bvh_node, could have been shortened.
pose_bone = pose_bones[bone_name]
rest_bone = arm_data.bones[bone_name]
bone_rest_matrix = rest_bone.matrix_local.rotation_part()
bone_rest_matrix_inv = Matrix(bone_rest_matrix)
bvh_node.temp = (pose_bone, bone, bone_rest_matrix, bone_rest_matrix_inv)
# Make a dict for fast access without rebuilding a list all the time.
# TODO: use f-point samples instead (Aligorith)
if rotate_mode != 'QUATERNION':
prev_euler = [Euler() for i in range(len(bvh_nodes))]
# Animate the data, the last used bvh_node will do since they all have the same number of frames
for frame_current in range(len(bvh_node.anim_data) - 1): # skip the first frame (rest frame)
# print frame_current
# if frame_current==40: # debugging
# break
scene.frame_set(frame_start + frame_current)
# Dont neet to set the current frame
for i, bvh_node in enumerate(bvh_nodes.values()):
pose_bone, bone, bone_rest_matrix, bone_rest_matrix_inv = bvh_node.temp
lx, ly, lz, rx, ry, rz = bvh_node.anim_data[frame_current + 1]
if bvh_node.has_rot:
# apply rotation order and convert to XYZ
# note that the rot_order_str is reversed.
bone_rotation_matrix = Euler((rx, ry, rz), bvh_node.rot_order_str[::-1]).to_matrix().resize4x4()
bone_rotation_matrix = bone_rest_matrix_inv * bone_rotation_matrix * bone_rest_matrix
if rotate_mode == 'QUATERNION':
pose_bone.rotation_quaternion = bone_rotation_matrix.to_quat()
euler = bone_rotation_matrix.to_euler(bvh_node.rot_order_str, prev_euler[i])
pose_bone.rotation_euler = euler
prev_euler[i] = euler
if bvh_node.has_loc:
pose_bone.location = (bone_rest_matrix_inv * Matrix.Translation(Vector((lx, ly, lz)) - bvh_node.rest_head_local)).translation_part()
if bvh_node.has_loc:
if bvh_node.has_rot:
if rotate_mode == 'QUATERNION':
for cu in action.fcurves:
pass # 2.5 doenst have cyclic now?
for bez in cu.keyframe_points:
bez.interpolation = 'LINEAR'
return arm_ob
def load(operator, context, filepath="", target='ARMATURE', rotate_mode='NATIVE', global_scale=1.0, use_cyclic=False, frame_start=1):
import time
t1 = time.time()
print('\tparsing bvh %r...' % filepath, end="")
bvh_nodes = read_bvh(context, filepath,
print('%.4f' % (time.time() - t1))
frame_orig = context.scene.frame_current
t1 = time.time()
print('\timporting to blender...', end="")
bvh_name = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(filepath)
if target == 'ARMATURE':
bvh_node_dict2armature(context, bvh_name, bvh_nodes,
elif target == 'OBJECT':
bvh_node_dict2objects(context, bvh_name, bvh_nodes,
raise Exception("invalid type")
print('Done in %.4f\n' % (time.time() - t1))
return {'FINISHED'}