
192 lines
6.1 KiB

# SConstruct for Verse
# This file is still quite crude, but it does it's job, and
# is geared towards future extensions.
# I did this only on Windows so people should look into the
# if...elif...
# construction about the platform specific stuff.
# I think it is quite straight-forward to add new platforms,
# just look at the old makefile and at the existing platforms.
# This SConstruct creates a configuration file which can be
# used for tweaking a build.
# For more about SConstruct, see <>.
import os
import sys
import time
import string
from distutils import sysconfig
root_build_dir = '..' + os.sep + 'build' + os.sep
config_file = 'config.opts'
version = '1.0'
env = Environment ()
defines = []
cflags = []
debug_flags = []
extra_flags = []
release_flags = []
warn_flags = []
platform_libs = []
platform_libpath = []
platform_linkflags = []
if sys.platform == 'win32':
print "Building on win32"
defines += ['_WIN32']
warn_flags = ['/Wall']
platform_libs = ['ws2_32']
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
print "Building on linux2"
elif sys.platform == 'openbsd3':
print "Building on openbsd3"
if os.path.exists (config_file):
print "Using config file: " + config_file
print "Creating new config file: " + config_file
env_dict = env.Dictionary()
config = open (config_file, 'w')
config.write ("#Configuration file for verse SCons user definable options.\n")
config.write ("BUILD_BINARY = 'release'\n")
config.write ("REGEN_PROTO = 'yes'\n")
config.write ("\n# Compiler information.\n")
config.write ("HOST_CC = %r\n"%(env_dict['CC']))
config.write ("HOST_CXX = %r\n"%(env_dict['CXX']))
config.write ("TARGET_CC = %r\n"%(env_dict['CC']))
config.write ("TARGET_CXX = %r\n"%(env_dict['CXX']))
config.write ("TARGET_AR = %r\n"%(env_dict['AR']))
config.write ("PATH = %r\n"%(os.environ['PATH']))
user_options_env = Environment()
user_options = Options (config_file)
(EnumOption ('BUILD_BINARY', 'release',
'Build a release or debug binary.',
allowed_values = ('release', 'debug'))),
('BUILD_DIR', 'Target directory for intermediate files.',
(EnumOption ('REGEN_PROTO', 'yes',
'Whether to regenerate the protocol files',
allowed_values = ('yes', 'no'))),
('HOST_CC', 'C compiler for the host platfor. This is the same as target platform when not cross compiling.'),
('HOST_CXX', 'C++ compiler for the host platform. This is the same as target platform when not cross compiling.'),
('TARGET_CC', 'C compiler for the target platform.'),
('TARGET_CXX', 'C++ compiler for the target platform.'),
('TARGET_AR', 'Linker command for linking libraries.'),
('PATH', 'Standard search path')
user_options.Update (user_options_env)
user_options_dict = user_options_env.Dictionary()
root_build_dir = user_options_dict['BUILD_DIR']
if user_options_dict['BUILD_BINARY'] == 'release':
cflags = extra_flags + release_flags + warn_flags
if sys.platform == 'win32':
defines += ['NDEBUG']
cflags = extra_flags + debug_flags + warn_flags
if sys.platform == 'win32':
#defines += ['_DEBUG'] specifying this makes msvc want to link to python22_d.lib??
platform_linkflags += ['/DEBUG','/PDB:verse.pdb']
library_env = Environment()
library_env.Replace (CC = user_options_dict['TARGET_CC'])
library_env.Replace (CXX = user_options_dict['TARGET_CXX'])
library_env.Replace (PATH = user_options_dict['PATH'])
library_env.Replace (AR = user_options_dict['TARGET_AR'])
cmd_gen_files = (['v_cmd_gen.c',
cmd_gen_deps = (['v_gen_pack_init.c',
if user_options_dict['REGEN_PROTO']=='yes':
cmd_gen_env = library_env.Copy()
mkprot = cmd_gen_env.Program(target='mkprot', source=cmd_gen_files)
cmd_gen_env.Command('regen', '' , './mkprot')
lib_source_files = (['v_cmd_buf.c',
lib_source_files += cmd_gen_deps
server_source_files = (['vs_connection.c',
verse_example_sources = (['examples/list-nodes.c'])
verselib_env = library_env.Copy()
verselib_env.Append(CPPDEFINES = defines)
verseserver_env = library_env.Copy()
verseserver_env.Append(CPPDEFINES = defines)
verseserver_env.Append (LIBS=['libverse'])
verseserver_env.Append (LIBPATH = ['.'])
verseserver_env.Append (LIBS= platform_libs)
verseexample_env = library_env.Copy()
verseexample_env.Append(CPPDEFINES = defines)
verseexample_env.Append (LIBS=['libverse'])
verseexample_env.Append (LIBPATH = ['.'])
verseexample_env.Append (LIBS= platform_libs)
verseexample_env.Append (CPPPATH = ['.'])
verselib = verselib_env.Library(target='libverse', source=lib_source_files)
if user_options_dict['REGEN_PROTO']=='yes':
verselib_env.Depends(verselib, mkprot)
verseserver_env.Program(target='verse', source=server_source_files)
verseexample_env.Program(target='list-nodes', source=verse_example_sources)