Campbell Barton f5f25b81e8 style cleanup:
also fix for building ghost test and fix double free in one of the tests
2012-06-17 09:58:26 +00:00

1465 lines
47 KiB

/** \file elbeem/intern/controlparticles.cpp
* \ingroup elbeem
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// El'Beem - the visual lattice boltzmann freesurface simulator
// All code distributed as part of El'Beem is covered by the version 2 of the
// GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details.
// Copyright 2008 Nils Thuerey , Richard Keiser, Mark Pauly, Ulrich Ruede
// implementation of control particle handling
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// indicator for LBM inclusion
#include "ntl_geometrymodel.h"
#include "ntl_world.h"
#include "solver_class.h"
#include "controlparticles.h"
#include "mvmcoords.h"
#include <zlib.h>
#ifndef sqrtf
#define sqrtf sqrt
// brute force circle test init in initTimeArray
// replaced by mDebugInit
void ControlParticles::initBlenderTest() {
ControlParticleSet cps;
int setCnt = mPartSets.size()-1;
ControlParticle p;
// set for time zero
mPartSets[setCnt].time = 0.;
// add single particle
p.pos = LbmVec(0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
// add second set for animation
setCnt = mPartSets.size()-1;
mPartSets[setCnt].time = 0.15;
// insert new position
p.pos = LbmVec(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
// applyTrafos();
initTime(0. , 1.);
// blender control object gets converted to mvm flui control object
int ControlParticles::initFromObject(ntlGeometryObjModel *model) {
vector<ntlTriangle> triangles;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> vertices;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> normals;
printf("a animated? %d\n", model->getIsAnimated());
printf("b animated? %d\n", model->getMeshAnimated());
model->getTriangles(mCPSTimeStart, &triangles, &vertices, &normals, 1 );
// model->applyTransformation(mCPSTimeStart, &vertices, &normals, 0, vertices.size(), true);
// valid mesh?
if(triangles.size() <= 0) {
return 0;
ntlRenderGlobals *glob = new ntlRenderGlobals;
ntlScene *genscene = new ntlScene( glob, false );
genscene->buildScene(0., false);
char treeFlag = (1<<(4+model->getGeoInitId()));
ntlTree *tree = new ntlTree(
15, 8, // TREEwarning - fixed values for depth & maxtriangles here...
genscene, treeFlag );
// TODO? use params
ntlVec3Gfx start,end;
printf("start - x: %f, y: %f, z: %f\n", start[0], start[1], start[2]);
printf("end - x: %f, y: %f, z: %f\n", end[0], end[1], end[2]);
printf("mCPSWidth: %f\n");
LbmFloat width = mCPSWidth;
if(width<=LBM_EPSILON) { errMsg("ControlParticles::initFromMVMCMesh","Invalid mCPSWidth! "<<mCPSWidth); width=mCPSWidth=0.1; }
ntlVec3Gfx org = start+ntlVec3Gfx(width*0.5);
gfxReal distance = -1.;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> inspos;
// printf("distance: %f, width: %f\n", distance, width);
while(org[2]<end[2]) {
while(org[1]<end[1]) {
while(org[0]<end[0]) {
if(checkPointInside(tree, org, distance)) {
// TODO optimize, use distance
org[0] += width;
org[1] += width;
org[0] = start[0];
org[2] += width;
org[1] = start[1];
// printf("inspos.size(): %d\n", inspos.size());
MeanValueMeshCoords mvm;
mvm.calculateMVMCs(vertices,triangles, inspos, mCPSWeightFac);
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> ninspos;
mvm.transfer(vertices, ninspos);
// init first set, check dist
ControlParticleSet firstcps; //T
mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1].time = mCPSTimeStart;
vector<bool> useCP;
for(int i=0; i<(int)inspos.size(); i++) {
ControlParticle p; p.reset();
p.pos = vec2L(inspos[i]);
bool usecpv = true;
// init further sets, temporal mesh sampling
double tsampling = mCPSTimestep;
// printf("tsampling: %f, ninspos.size(): %d, mCPSTimeEnd: %f\n", tsampling, ninspos.size(), mCPSTimeEnd);
int tcnt=0;
for(double t=mCPSTimeStart+tsampling; ((t<mCPSTimeEnd) && (ninspos.size()>0.)); t+=tsampling) {
ControlParticleSet nextcps; //T
mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1].time = (gfxReal)t;
vertices.clear(); triangles.clear(); normals.clear();
model->getTriangles(t, &triangles, &vertices, &normals, 1 );
mvm.transfer(vertices, ninspos);
for(size_t i=0; i < ninspos.size(); i++) {
if(useCP[i]) {
ControlParticle p; p.reset();
p.pos = vec2L(ninspos[i]);
delete tree;
delete genscene;
delete glob;
// do reverse here
return 1;
// init all zero / defaults for a single particle
void ControlParticle::reset() {
pos = LbmVec(0.,0.,0.);
vel = LbmVec(0.,0.,0.);
influence = 1.;
size = 1.;
#ifndef LBMDIM
#ifdef MAIN_2D
rotaxis = LbmVec(0.,1.,0.); // SPH xz
#else // MAIN_2D
// 3d - roate in xy plane, vortex
rotaxis = LbmVec(0.,0.,1.);
// 3d - rotate for wave
//rotaxis = LbmVec(0.,1.,0.);
#endif // MAIN_2D
#else // LBMDIM
rotaxis = LbmVec(0.,1.,0.); // LBM xy , is swapped afterwards
#endif // LBMDIM
density = 0.;
densityWeight = 0.;
avgVelAcc = avgVel = LbmVec(0.);
avgVelWeight = 0.;
// default preset/empty init
ControlParticles::ControlParticles() :
_currTime(-1.0), _currTimestep(1.),
_initPartOffset(0.), _initPartScale(1.),
_initLastPartOffset(0.), _initLastPartScale(1.),
_fluidSpacing(1.), _kernelWeight(-1.),
_charLength(1.), _charLengthInv(1.),
mvCPSStart(-10000.), mvCPSEnd(10000.),
mCPSWidth(0.1), mCPSTimestep(0.02), // was 0.05
mCPSTimeStart(0.), mCPSTimeEnd(0.5), mCPSWeightFac(1.),
_radiusAtt = 0.15f;
_radiusVel = 0.15f;
_radiusMinMaxd = 0.16f;
_radiusMaxd = 0.3;
_influenceAttraction = 0.f;
_influenceTangential = 0.f;
_influenceVelocity = 0.f;
// 3d tests */
ControlParticles::~ControlParticles() {
// nothing to do...
LbmFloat ControlParticles::getControlTimStart() {
if(mPartSets.size()>0) { return mPartSets[0].time; }
return -1000.;
LbmFloat ControlParticles::getControlTimEnd() {
if(mPartSets.size()>0) { return mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1].time; }
return -1000.;
// calculate for delta t
void ControlParticles::setInfluenceVelocity(LbmFloat set, LbmFloat dt) {
const LbmFloat dtInter = 0.01;
LbmFloat facFv = 1.-set; //cparts->getInfluenceVelocity();
// mLevel[mMaxRefine].timestep
LbmFloat facNv = (LbmFloat)( 1.-pow( (double)facFv, (double)(dt/dtInter)) );
//errMsg("vwcalc","ts:"<<dt<< " its:"<<(dt/dtInter) <<" fv"<<facFv<<" nv"<<facNv<<" test:"<< pow( (double)(1.-facNv),(double)(dtInter/dt)) );
_influenceVelocity = facNv;
int ControlParticles::initExampleSet()
// unused
return 0;
int ControlParticles::getTotalSize()
int s=0;
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size(); i++) {
s+= mPartSets[i].particles.size();
return s;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// load positions & timing from text file
// WARNING - make sure file has unix format, no win/dos linefeeds...
#define LINE_LEN 100
int ControlParticles::initFromTextFile(string filename)
const bool debugRead = false;
char line[LINE_LEN];
line[LINE_LEN-1] = '\0';
if(filename.size()<2) return 0;
// HACK , use "cparts" suffix as old
// e.g. "cpart2" as new
if(filename[ filename.size()-1 ]=='s') {
return initFromTextFileOld(filename);
FILE *infile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
if(!infile) {
errMsg("ControlParticles::initFromTextFile","unable to open '"<<filename<<"' " );
// try to open as gz sequence
if(initFromBinaryFile(filename)) { return 1; }
// try mesh MVCM generation
if(initFromMVCMesh(filename)) { return 1; }
// failed...
return 0;
int haveNo = false;
int haveScale = false;
int haveTime = false;
int noParts = -1;
int partCnt = 0;
int setCnt = 0;
//ControlParticle p; p.reset();
// scale times by constant factor while reading
LbmFloat timeScale= 1.0;
int lineCnt = 0;
bool abortParse = false;
#define LASTCP mPartSets[setCnt].particles[ mPartSets[setCnt].particles.size()-1 ]
while( (!feof(infile)) && (!abortParse)) {
fgets(line, LINE_LEN, infile);
//if(debugRead) printf("\nDEBUG%d r '%s'\n",lineCnt, line);
if(!line) continue;
size_t len = strlen(line);
// skip empty lines and comments (#,//)
if(len<1) continue;
if( (line[0]=='#') || (line[0]=='\n') ) continue;
if((len>1) && (line[0]=='/' && line[1]=='/')) continue;
// debug remove newline
if((len>=1)&&(line[len-1]=='\n')) line[len-1]='\0';
switch(line[0]) {
case 'N': { // total number of particles, more for debugging...
noParts = atoi(line+2);
if(noParts<=0) {
errMsg("ControlParticles::initFromTextFile","file '"<<filename<<"' - invalid no of particles "<<noParts);
mPartSets.clear(); fclose(infile); return 0;
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d no parts '%d'\n",lineCnt, noParts );
haveNo = true;
} break;
case 'T': { // global time scale
timeScale *= (LbmFloat)atof(line+2);
if(debugRead) printf("ControlParticles::initFromTextFile - line %d , set timescale '%f', org %f\n",lineCnt, timeScale , _initTimeScale);
if(timeScale==0.) { fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile - line %d ,error: timescale = 0.! reseting to 1 ...\n",lineCnt); timeScale=1.; }
haveScale = true;
} break;
case 'I': { // influence settings, overrides others as of now...
float val = (LbmFloat)atof(line+3);
const char *setvar = "[invalid]";
switch(line[1]) {
//case 'f': { _influenceFalloff = val; setvar = "falloff"; } break;
case 't': { _influenceTangential = val; setvar = "tangential"; } break;
case 'a': { _influenceAttraction = val; setvar = "attraction"; } break;
case 'v': { _influenceVelocity = val; setvar = "velocity"; } break;
case 'm': { _influenceMaxdist = val; setvar = "maxdist"; } break;
fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile (%s) - line %d , invalid influence setting %c, %f\n",filename.c_str() ,lineCnt, line[1], val);
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d set influence '%s'=%f \n",lineCnt, setvar, val);
} break;
case 'R': { // radius settings, overrides others as of now...
float val = (LbmFloat)atof(line+3);
const char *setvar = "[invalid]";
switch(line[1]) {
case 'a': { _radiusAtt = val; setvar = "r_attraction"; } break;
case 'v': { _radiusVel = val; setvar = "r_velocity"; } break;
case 'm': { _radiusMaxd = val; setvar = "r_maxdist"; } break;
fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile (%s) - line %d , invalid influence setting %c, %f\n",filename.c_str() ,lineCnt, line[1], val);
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d set influence '%s'=%f \n",lineCnt, setvar, val);
} break;
case 'S': { // new particle set at time T
ControlParticleSet cps;
setCnt = (int)mPartSets.size()-1;
LbmFloat val = (LbmFloat)atof(line+2);
mPartSets[setCnt].time = val * timeScale;
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d new set, time '%f', %d\n",lineCnt, mPartSets[setCnt].time, setCnt );
haveTime = true;
partCnt = -1;
} break;
case 'P': // new particle with pos
case 'n': { // new particle without pos
if((!haveTime)||(setCnt<0)) { fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile - line %d ,error: set missing!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break; }
if(partCnt>=noParts) {
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d partset done \n",lineCnt);
haveTime = false;
} else {
ControlParticle p; p.reset();
// only new part, or new with pos?
if(line[0] == 'n') break;
// particle properties
case 'p': { // new particle set at time T
if((!haveTime)||(setCnt<0)||(mPartSets[setCnt].particles.size()<1)) { fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile - line %d ,error|p: particle missing!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break; }
float px=0.,py=0.,pz=0.;
if( sscanf(line+2,"%f %f %f",&px,&py,&pz) != 3) {
fprintf(stdout,"CPDEBUG%d, unable to parse position!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break;
if(!(finite(px)&&finite(py)&&finite(pz))) { px=py=pz=0.; }
LASTCP.pos[0] = px;
LASTCP.pos[1] = py;
LASTCP.pos[2] = pz;
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d part%d,%d: position %f,%f,%f \n",lineCnt,setCnt,partCnt, px,py,pz);
} break;
case 's': { // particle size
if((!haveTime)||(setCnt<0)||(mPartSets[setCnt].particles.size()<1)) { fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile - line %d ,error|s: particle missing!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break; }
float ps=1.;
if( sscanf(line+2,"%f",&ps) != 1) {
fprintf(stdout,"CPDEBUG%d, unable to parse size!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break;
if(!(finite(ps))) { ps=0.; }
LASTCP.size = ps;
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d part%d,%d: size %f \n",lineCnt,setCnt,partCnt, ps);
} break;
case 'i': { // particle influence
if((!haveTime)||(setCnt<0)||(mPartSets[setCnt].particles.size()<1)) { fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile - line %d ,error|i: particle missing!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break; }
float pinf=1.;
if( sscanf(line+2,"%f",&pinf) != 1) {
fprintf(stdout,"CPDEBUG%d, unable to parse size!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break;
if(!(finite(pinf))) { pinf=0.; }
LASTCP.influence = pinf;
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d part%d,%d: influence %f \n",lineCnt,setCnt,partCnt, pinf);
} break;
case 'a': { // rotation axis
if((!haveTime)||(setCnt<0)||(mPartSets[setCnt].particles.size()<1)) { fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile - line %d ,error|a: particle missing!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break; }
float px=0.,py=0.,pz=0.;
if( sscanf(line+2,"%f %f %f",&px,&py,&pz) != 3) {
fprintf(stdout,"CPDEBUG%d, unable to parse rotaxis!\n",lineCnt); abortParse=true; break;
if(!(finite(px)&&finite(py)&&finite(pz))) { px=py=pz=0.; }
LASTCP.rotaxis[0] = px;
LASTCP.rotaxis[1] = py;
LASTCP.rotaxis[2] = pz;
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d part%d,%d: rotaxis %f,%f,%f \n",lineCnt,setCnt,partCnt, px,py,pz);
} break;
if(debugRead) printf("CPDEBUG%d ignored: '%s'\n",lineCnt, line );
if(debugRead && abortParse) printf("CPDEBUG aborted parsing after set... %d\n",(int)mPartSets.size() );
// sanity check
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size(); i++) {
if( (int)mPartSets[i].particles.size()!=noParts) {
fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFile (%s) - invalid no of particles in set %d, is:%d, shouldbe:%d \n",filename.c_str() ,i,(int)mPartSets[i].particles.size(), noParts);
return 0;
// print stats
printf("ControlParticles::initFromTextFile (%s): Read %d sets, each %d particles\n",filename.c_str() ,
(int)mPartSets.size(), noParts );
if(mPartSets.size()>0) {
printf("ControlParticles::initFromTextFile (%s): Time: %f,%f\n",filename.c_str() ,mPartSets[0].time, mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1].time );
// done...
return 1;
int ControlParticles::initFromTextFileOld(string filename)
const bool debugRead = false;
char line[LINE_LEN];
line[LINE_LEN-1] = '\0';
if(filename.size()<1) return 0;
FILE *infile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
if(!infile) {
fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFileOld - unable to open '%s'\n",filename.c_str() );
return 0;
int haveNo = false;
int haveScale = false;
int haveTime = false;
int noParts = -1;
int coordCnt = 0;
int partCnt = 0;
int setCnt = 0;
ControlParticle p; p.reset();
// scale times by constant factor while reading
LbmFloat timeScale= 1.0;
int lineCnt = 0;
while(!feof(infile)) {
fgets(line, LINE_LEN, infile);
if(debugRead) printf("\nDEBUG%d r '%s'\n",lineCnt, line);
if(!line) continue;
size_t len = strlen(line);
// skip empty lines and comments (#,//)
if(len<1) continue;
if( (line[0]=='#') || (line[0]=='\n') ) continue;
if((len>1) && (line[0]=='/' && line[1]=='/')) continue;
// debug remove newline
if((len>=1)&&(line[len-1]=='\n')) line[len-1]='\0';
// first read no. of particles
if(!haveNo) {
noParts = atoi(line);
if(noParts<=0) {
fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFileOld - invalid no of particles %d\n",noParts);
return 0;
if(debugRead) printf("DEBUG%d noparts '%d'\n",lineCnt, noParts );
haveNo = true;
// then read time scale
else if(!haveScale) {
timeScale *= (LbmFloat)atof(line);
if(debugRead) printf("DEBUG%d tsc '%f', org %f\n",lineCnt, timeScale , _initTimeScale);
haveScale = true;
// then get set time
else if(!haveTime) {
ControlParticleSet cps;
setCnt = (int)mPartSets.size()-1;
LbmFloat val = (LbmFloat)atof(line);
mPartSets[setCnt].time = val * timeScale;
if(debugRead) printf("DEBUG%d time '%f', %d\n",lineCnt, mPartSets[setCnt].time, setCnt );
haveTime = true;
// default read all parts
else {
LbmFloat val = (LbmFloat)atof(line);
if(debugRead) printf("DEBUG: l%d s%d,particle%d '%f' %d,%d/%d\n",lineCnt,(int)mPartSets.size(),(int)mPartSets[setCnt].particles.size(), val ,coordCnt,partCnt,noParts);
p.pos[coordCnt] = val;
if(coordCnt>=3) {
if(partCnt>=noParts) {
partCnt = 0;
haveTime = false;
//if(debugRead) printf("DEBUG%d par2 %d,%d/%d\n",lineCnt, coordCnt,partCnt,noParts);
//read pos, vel ...
// sanity check
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size(); i++) {
if( (int)mPartSets[i].particles.size()!=noParts) {
fprintf(stdout,"ControlParticles::initFromTextFileOld - invalid no of particles in set %d, is:%d, shouldbe:%d \n",i,(int)mPartSets[i].particles.size(), noParts);
return 0;
// print stats
printf("ControlParticles::initFromTextFileOld: Read %d sets, each %d particles\n",
(int)mPartSets.size(), noParts );
if(mPartSets.size()>0) {
printf("ControlParticles::initFromTextFileOld: Time: %f,%f\n",mPartSets[0].time, mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1].time );
// done...
return 1;
// load positions & timing from gzipped binary file
int ControlParticles::initFromBinaryFile(string filename) {
if(filename.size()<1) return 0;
int fileNotFound=0;
int fileFound=0;
char ofile[256];
for(int set=0; ((set<10000)&&(fileNotFound<10)); set++) {
//errMsg("ControlParticle::initFromBinaryFile","set"<<set<<" notf"<<fileNotFound<<" ff"<<fileFound);
gzFile gzf;
gzf = gzopen(ofile, "rb");
if (!gzf) {
//errMsg("ControlParticles::initFromBinaryFile","Unable to open file for reading '"<<ofile<<"' ");
ControlParticleSet cps;
int setCnt = (int)mPartSets.size()-1;
//LbmFloat val = (LbmFloat)atof(line+2);
mPartSets[setCnt].time = (gfxReal)set;
int totpart = 0;
gzread(gzf, &totpart, sizeof(totpart));
for(int a=0; a<totpart; a++) {
int ptype=0;
float psize=0.0;
ntlVec3Gfx ppos,pvel;
gzread(gzf, &ptype, sizeof(ptype));
gzread(gzf, &psize, sizeof(float));
for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { gzread(gzf, &ppos[j], sizeof(float)); }
for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { gzread(gzf, &pvel[j], sizeof(float)); }
ControlParticle p;
p.pos = vec2L(ppos);
//errMsg("ControlParticle::initFromBinaryFile","Read set "<<ofile<<", #"<<mPartSets[setCnt].particles.size() ); // DEBUG
} // sets
if(fileFound==0) return 0;
return 1;
int globCPIProblems =0;
bool ControlParticles::checkPointInside(ntlTree *tree, ntlVec3Gfx org, gfxReal &distance) {
// warning - stripped down version of geoInitCheckPointInside
const int globGeoInitDebug = 0;
const int flags = FGI_FLUID;
org += ntlVec3Gfx(0.0001);
ntlVec3Gfx dir = ntlVec3Gfx(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
int OId = -1;
ntlRay ray(org, dir, 0, 1.0, NULL);
bool done = false;
bool inside = false;
int mGiObjInside = 0;
LbmFloat mGiObjDistance = -1.0;
LbmFloat giObjFirstHistSide = 0;
// if not inside, return distance to first hit
gfxReal firstHit=-1.0;
int firstOId = -1;
if(globGeoInitDebug) errMsg("IIIstart"," isect "<<org);
while(!done) {
// find first inside intersection
ntlTriangle *triIns = NULL;
distance = -1.0;
ntlVec3Gfx normal(0.0);
tree->intersectX(ray,distance,normal, triIns, flags, true);
if(triIns) {
ntlVec3Gfx norg = ray.getOrigin() + ray.getDirection()*distance;
LbmFloat orientation = dot(normal, dir);
OId = triIns->getObjectId();
if(orientation<=0.0) {
// outside hit
normal *= -1.0;
if(giObjFirstHistSide==0) giObjFirstHistSide = 1;
if(globGeoInitDebug) errMsg("IIO"," oid:"<<OId<<" org"<<org<<" norg"<<norg<<" orient:"<<orientation);
} else {
// inside hit
if(mGiObjDistance<0.0) mGiObjDistance = distance;
if(globGeoInitDebug) errMsg("III"," oid:"<<OId<<" org"<<org<<" norg"<<norg<<" orient:"<<orientation);
if(giObjFirstHistSide==0) giObjFirstHistSide = -1;
norg += normal * getVecEpsilon();
ray = ntlRay(norg, dir, 0, 1.0, NULL);
// remember first hit distance, in case we're not
// inside anything
if(firstHit<0.0) {
firstHit = distance;
firstOId = OId;
} else {
// no more intersections... return false
done = true;
distance = -1.0;
if(mGiObjInside>0) {
bool mess = false;
if((mGiObjInside%2)==1) {
if(giObjFirstHistSide != -1) mess=true;
} else {
if(giObjFirstHistSide != 1) mess=true;
if(mess) {
// ?
//errMsg("IIIproblem","At "<<org<<" obj inside:"<<mGiObjInside<<" firstside:"<<giObjFirstHistSide );
mGiObjInside++; // believe first hit side...
if(globGeoInitDebug) errMsg("CHIII"," ins="<<mGiObjInside<<" t"<<mGiObjDistance<<" d"<<distance);
if(((mGiObjInside%2)==1)&&(mGiObjDistance>0.0)) {
if( (distance<0.0) || // first intersection -> good
((distance>0.0)&&(distance>mGiObjDistance)) // more than one intersection -> use closest one
) {
distance = mGiObjDistance;
OId = 0;
inside = true;
if(!inside) {
distance = firstHit;
OId = firstOId;
if(globGeoInitDebug) errMsg("CHIII","ins"<<inside<<" fh"<<firstHit<<" fo"<<firstOId<<" - h"<<distance<<" o"<<OId);
return inside;
int ControlParticles::initFromMVCMesh(string filename) {
myTime_t mvmstart = getTime();
ntlGeometryObjModel *model = new ntlGeometryObjModel();
int gid=1;
char infile[256];
vector<ntlTriangle> triangles;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> vertices;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> normals;
snprintf(infile,256,"%s.bobj.gz", filename.c_str() );
debMsgStd("ControlParticles::initFromMVMCMesh",DM_MSG,"infile:"<<string(infile) ,4);
//getTriangles(double t, vector<ntlTriangle> *triangles, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *vertices, vector<ntlVec3Gfx> *normals, int objectId );
model->getTriangles(mCPSTimeStart, &triangles, &vertices, &normals, 1 );
debMsgStd("ControlParticles::initFromMVMCMesh",DM_MSG," tris:"<<triangles.size()<<" verts:"<<vertices.size()<<" norms:"<<normals.size() , 2);
// valid mesh?
if(triangles.size() <= 0) {
return 0;
ntlRenderGlobals *glob = new ntlRenderGlobals;
ntlScene *genscene = new ntlScene( glob, false );
genscene->buildScene(0., false);
char treeFlag = (1<<(4+gid));
ntlTree *tree = new ntlTree(
15, 8, // TREEwarning - fixed values for depth & maxtriangles here...
genscene, treeFlag );
// TODO? use params
ntlVec3Gfx start,end;
LbmFloat width = mCPSWidth;
if(width<=LBM_EPSILON) { errMsg("ControlParticles::initFromMVMCMesh","Invalid mCPSWidth! "<<mCPSWidth); width=mCPSWidth=0.1; }
ntlVec3Gfx org = start+ntlVec3Gfx(width*0.5);
gfxReal distance = -1.;
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> inspos;
int approxmax = (int)( ((end[0]-start[0])/width)*((end[1]-start[1])/width)*((end[2]-start[2])/width) );
debMsgStd("ControlParticles::initFromMVMCMesh",DM_MSG,"start"<<start<<" end"<<end<<" w="<<width<<" maxp:"<<approxmax, 5);
while(org[2]<end[2]) {
while(org[1]<end[1]) {
while(org[0]<end[0]) {
if(checkPointInside(tree, org, distance)) {
// TODO optimize, use distance
org[0] += width;
org[1] += width;
org[0] = start[0];
org[2] += width;
org[1] = start[1];
debMsgStd("ControlParticles::initFromMVMCMesh",DM_MSG,"points: "<<inspos.size()<<" initproblems: "<<globCPIProblems,5 );
MeanValueMeshCoords mvm;
mvm.calculateMVMCs(vertices,triangles, inspos, mCPSWeightFac);
vector<ntlVec3Gfx> ninspos;
mvm.transfer(vertices, ninspos);
// init first set, check dist
ControlParticleSet firstcps; //T
mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1].time = (gfxReal)0.;
vector<bool> useCP;
bool debugPos=false;
for(int i=0; i<(int)inspos.size(); i++) {
ControlParticle p; p.reset();
p.pos = vec2L(inspos[i]);
//errMsg("COMP "," "<<inspos[i]<<" vs "<<ninspos[i] );
double cpdist = norm(inspos[i]-ninspos[i]);
bool usecpv = true;
if(debugPos) errMsg("COMP "," "<<cpdist<<usecpv);
// init further sets, temporal mesh sampling
double tsampling = mCPSTimestep;
int totcnt = (int)( (mCPSTimeEnd-mCPSTimeStart)/tsampling ), tcnt=0;
for(double t=mCPSTimeStart+tsampling; ((t<mCPSTimeEnd) && (ninspos.size()>0.)); t+=tsampling) {
ControlParticleSet nextcps; //T
mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1].time = (gfxReal)t;
vertices.clear(); triangles.clear(); normals.clear();
model->getTriangles(t, &triangles, &vertices, &normals, 1 );
mvm.transfer(vertices, ninspos);
if(tcnt%(totcnt/10)==1) debMsgStd("MeanValueMeshCoords::calculateMVMCs",DM_MSG,"Transferring animation, frame: "<<tcnt<<"/"<<totcnt,5 );
for(int i=0; i<(int)ninspos.size(); i++) {
if(debugPos) errMsg("COMP "," "<<norm(inspos[i]-ninspos[i]) );
if(useCP[i]) {
ControlParticle p; p.reset();
p.pos = vec2L(ninspos[i]);
myTime_t mvmend = getTime();
debMsgStd("ControlParticle::initFromMVMCMesh",DM_MSG,"t:"<<getTimeString(mvmend-mvmstart)<<" ",7 );
delete tree;
delete genscene;
delete glob;
//exit(1); // DEBUG
return 1;
#define TRISWAP(v,a,b) { LbmFloat tmp = (v)[b]; (v)[b]=(v)[a]; (v)[a]=tmp; }
#define TRISWAPALL(v,a,b) { \
TRISWAP( (v).pos ,a,b ); \
TRISWAP( (v).vel ,a,b ); \
TRISWAP( (v).rotaxis ,a,b ); }
// helper function for LBM 2D -> swap Y and Z components everywhere
void ControlParticles::swapCoords(int a, int b) {
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size(); i++) {
for(int j=0; j<(int)mPartSets[i].particles.size(); j++) {
TRISWAPALL( mPartSets[i].particles[j],a,b );
// helper function for LBM 2D -> mirror time
void ControlParticles::mirrorTime() {
LbmFloat maxtime = mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1].time;
const bool debugTimeswap = false;
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size(); i++) {
mPartSets[i].time = maxtime - mPartSets[i].time;
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size()/2; i++) {
ControlParticleSet cps = mPartSets[i];
if(debugTimeswap) errMsg("TIMESWAP", " s"<<i<<","<<mPartSets[i].time<<" and s"<<(mPartSets.size()-1-i)<<","<< mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1-i].time <<" mt:"<<maxtime );
mPartSets[i] = mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1-i];
mPartSets[mPartSets.size()-1-i] = cps;
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size(); i++) {
if(debugTimeswap) errMsg("TIMESWAP", "done: s"<<i<<","<<mPartSets[i].time<<" "<<mPartSets[i].particles.size() );
// apply init transformations
void ControlParticles::applyTrafos() {
// apply trafos
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size(); i++) {
mPartSets[i].time *= _initTimeScale;
/*for(int j=0; j<(int)mPartSets[i].particles.size(); j++) {
for(int k=0; k<3; k++) {
mPartSets[i].particles[j].pos[k] *= _initPartScale[k];
mPartSets[i].particles[j].pos[k] += _initPartOffset[k];
} now done in initarray */
// mirror coords...
for(int l=0; l<(int)_initMirror.length(); l++) {
switch(_initMirror[l]) {
case 'X':
case 'x':
//printf("ControlParticles::applyTrafos - mirror x\n");
case 'Y':
case 'y':
//printf("ControlParticles::applyTrafos - mirror y\n");
case 'Z':
case 'z':
//printf("ControlParticles::applyTrafos - mirror z\n");
case 'T':
case 't':
//printf("ControlParticles::applyTrafos - mirror time\n");
case ' ':
case '-':
case '\n':
//printf("ControlParticles::applyTrafos - mirror unknown %c !?\n", _initMirror[l] );
// reset 2d positions
#if (CP_PROJECT2D==1) && ( defined(MAIN_2D) || LBMDIM==2 )
for(size_t j=0; j<mPartSets.size(); j++)
for(size_t i=0; i<mPartSets[j].particles.size(); i++) {
mPartSets[j].particles[i].pos[1] = 0.f;
#if defined(LBMDIM)
//? if( (getenv("ELBEEM_CPINFILE")) || (getenv("ELBEEM_CPOUTFILE")) ){
// gui control test, don swap...
//? } else {
//? swapCoords(1,2); // LBM 2D -> swap Y and Z components everywhere
//? }
initTime(0.f, 0.f);
#undef TRISWAP
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// init for a given time
void ControlParticles::initTime(LbmFloat t, LbmFloat dt)
//fprintf(stdout, "CPINITTIME init %f\n",t);
_currTime = t;
if(mPartSets.size()<1) return;
// init zero velocities
initTimeArray(t, _particles);
// calculate velocities from prev. timestep?
if(dt>0.) {
_currTimestep = dt;
std::vector<ControlParticle> prevparts;
initTimeArray(t-dt, prevparts);
LbmFloat invdt = 1.0/dt;
for(size_t j=0; j<_particles.size(); j++) {
ControlParticle &p = _particles[j];
ControlParticle &prevp = prevparts[j];
for(int k=0; k<3; k++) {
p.pos[k] *= _initPartScale[k];
p.pos[k] += _initPartOffset[k];
prevp.pos[k] *= _initLastPartScale[k];
prevp.pos[k] += _initLastPartOffset[k];
p.vel = (p.pos - prevp.pos)*invdt;
if(0) {
LbmVec avgvel(0.);
for(size_t j=0; j<_particles.size(); j++) {
avgvel += _particles[j].vel;
avgvel /= (LbmFloat)_particles.size();
//fprintf(stdout," AVGVEL %f,%f,%f \n",avgvel[0],avgvel[1],avgvel[2]); // DEBUG
// helper, init given array
void ControlParticles::initTimeArray(LbmFloat t, std::vector<ControlParticle> &parts) {
if(mPartSets.size()<1) return;
if(parts.size()!=mPartSets[0].particles.size()) {
//fprintf(stdout,"PRES \n");
// TODO reset all?
for(size_t j=0; j<parts.size(); j++) {
if(parts.size()<1) return;
// debug inits
if(mDebugInit==1) {
// hard coded circle init
for(size_t j=0; j<mPartSets[0].particles.size(); j++) {
ControlParticle p = mPartSets[0].particles[j];
// remember old
p.density = parts[j].density;
p.densityWeight = parts[j].densityWeight;
p.avgVel = parts[j].avgVel;
p.avgVelAcc = parts[j].avgVelAcc;
p.avgVelWeight = parts[j].avgVelWeight;
LbmVec ppos(0.); { // DEBUG
const float tscale=10.;
const float tprevo = 0.33;
const LbmVec toff(50,50,0);
const LbmVec oscale(30,30,0);
ppos[0] = cos(tscale* t - tprevo*(float)j + M_PI -0.1) * oscale[0] + toff[0];
ppos[1] = -sin(tscale* t - tprevo*(float)j + M_PI -0.1) * oscale[1] + toff[1];
ppos[2] = toff[2]; } // DEBUG
p.pos = ppos;
parts[j] = p;
//errMsg("ControlParticle::initTimeArray","j:"<<j<<" p:"<<parts[j].pos );
else if(mDebugInit==2) {
// hard coded spiral init
const float tscale=-10.;
const float tprevo = 0.33;
LbmVec toff(50,0,-50);
const LbmVec oscale(20,20,0);
toff[2] += 30. * t +30.;
for(size_t j=0; j<mPartSets[0].particles.size(); j++) {
ControlParticle p = mPartSets[0].particles[j];
// remember old
p.density = parts[j].density;
p.densityWeight = parts[j].densityWeight;
p.avgVel = parts[j].avgVel;
p.avgVelAcc = parts[j].avgVelAcc;
p.avgVelWeight = parts[j].avgVelWeight;
LbmVec ppos(0.);
ppos[1] = toff[2];
LbmFloat zscal = (ppos[1]+100.)/200.;
ppos[0] = cos(tscale* t - tprevo*(float)j + M_PI -0.1) * oscale[0]*zscal + toff[0];
ppos[2] = -sin(tscale* t - tprevo*(float)j + M_PI -0.1) * oscale[1]*zscal + toff[1];
p.pos = ppos;
parts[j] = p;
toff[2] += 0.25;
// use first set
if((t<=mPartSets[0].time)||(mPartSets.size()==1)) {
//fprintf(stdout,"PINI %f \n", t);
//parts = mPartSets[0].particles;
const int i=0;
for(size_t j=0; j<mPartSets[i].particles.size(); j++) {
ControlParticle p = mPartSets[i].particles[j];
// remember old
p.density = parts[j].density;
p.densityWeight = parts[j].densityWeight;
p.avgVel = parts[j].avgVel;
p.avgVelAcc = parts[j].avgVelAcc;
p.avgVelWeight = parts[j].avgVelWeight;
parts[j] = p;
for(int i=0; i<(int)mPartSets.size()-1; i++) {
if((mPartSets[i].time<=t) && (mPartSets[i+1].time>t)) {
LbmFloat d = mPartSets[i+1].time-mPartSets[i].time;
LbmFloat f = (t-mPartSets[i].time)/d;
LbmFloat omf = 1.0f - f;
for(size_t j=0; j<mPartSets[i].particles.size(); j++) {
ControlParticle *src1=&mPartSets[i ].particles[j];
ControlParticle *src2=&mPartSets[i+1].particles[j];
ControlParticle &p = parts[j];
// do linear interpolation
p.pos = src1->pos * omf + src2->pos *f;
p.vel = LbmVec(0.); // reset, calculated later on src1->vel * omf + src2->vel *f;
p.rotaxis = src1->rotaxis * omf + src2->rotaxis *f;
p.influence = src1->influence * omf + src2->influence *f;
p.size = src1->size * omf + src2->size *f;
// dont modify: density, densityWeight
// after last?
if(t>=mPartSets[ mPartSets.size() -1 ].time) {
//parts = mPartSets[ mPartSets.size() -1 ].particles;
const int i= (int)mPartSets.size() -1;
for(size_t j=0; j<mPartSets[i].particles.size(); j++) {
ControlParticle p = mPartSets[i].particles[j];
// restore
p.density = parts[j].density;
p.densityWeight = parts[j].densityWeight;
p.avgVel = parts[j].avgVel;
p.avgVelAcc = parts[j].avgVelAcc;
p.avgVelWeight = parts[j].avgVelWeight;
parts[j] = p;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define DEBUG_MODVEL 0
// recalculate
void ControlParticles::calculateKernelWeight() {
const bool debugKernel = true;
// calculate kernel area with respect to particlesize/cellsize
LbmFloat kernelw = -1.;
LbmFloat kernelnorm = -1.;
LbmFloat krad = (_radiusAtt*0.75); // FIXME use real cone approximation...?
//krad = (_influenceFalloff*1.);
#if (CP_PROJECT2D==1) && (defined(MAIN_2D) || LBMDIM==2)
kernelw = CP_PI*krad*krad;
kernelnorm = 1.0 / (_fluidSpacing * _fluidSpacing);
#else // 2D
kernelw = CP_PI*krad*krad*krad* (4./3.);
kernelnorm = 1.0 / (_fluidSpacing * _fluidSpacing * _fluidSpacing);
#endif // MAIN_2D
if(debugKernel) debMsgStd("ControlParticles::calculateKernelWeight",DM_MSG,"kw"<<kernelw<<", norm"<<
kernelnorm<<", w*n="<<(kernelw*kernelnorm)<<", rad"<<krad<<", sp"<<_fluidSpacing<<" ", 7);
LbmFloat kernelws = kernelw*kernelnorm;
_kernelWeight = kernelws;
if(debugKernel) debMsgStd("ControlParticles::calculateKernelWeight",DM_MSG,"influence f="<<_radiusAtt<<" t="<<
_influenceTangential<<" a="<<_influenceAttraction<<" v="<<_influenceVelocity<<" kweight="<<_kernelWeight, 7);
if(_kernelWeight<=0.) {
errMsg("ControlParticles::calculateKernelWeight", "invalid kernel! "<<_kernelWeight<<", resetting");
_kernelWeight = 1.;
ControlParticles::prepareControl(LbmFloat simtime, LbmFloat dt, ControlParticles *motion) {
debMsgStd("ControlParticle::prepareControl",DM_MSG," simtime="<<simtime<<" dt="<<dt<<" ", 5);
//fprintf(stdout,"PREPARE \n");
LbmFloat avgdw = 0.;
for(size_t i=0; i<_particles.size(); i++) {
ControlParticle *cp = &_particles[i];
if(this->getInfluenceAttraction()<0.) {
cp->densityWeight = 1.0;
// normalize by kernel
//cp->densityWeight = (1.0 - (cp->density / _kernelWeight)); // store last
#if (CP_PROJECT2D==1) && (defined(MAIN_2D) || LBMDIM==2)
cp->densityWeight = (1.0 - (cp->density / (_kernelWeight*cp->size*cp->size) )); // store last
#else // 2D
cp->densityWeight = (1.0 - (cp->density / (_kernelWeight*cp->size*cp->size*cp->size) )); // store last
#endif // MAIN_2D
if(i<10) debMsgStd("ControlParticle::prepareControl",DM_MSG,"kernelDebug i="<<i<<" densWei="<<cp->densityWeight<<" 1/kw"<<(1.0/_kernelWeight)<<" cpdensity="<<cp->density, 9 );
if(cp->densityWeight<0.) cp->densityWeight=0.;
if(cp->densityWeight>1.) cp->densityWeight=1.;
avgdw += cp->densityWeight;
// reset for next step
cp->density = 0.;
if(cp->avgVelWeight>0.) {
cp->avgVel = cp->avgVelAcc/cp->avgVelWeight;
cp->avgVelWeight = 0.;
cp->avgVelAcc = LbmVec(0.,0.,0.);
//if(debugKernel) for(size_t i=0; i<_particles.size(); i++) { ControlParticle *cp = &_particles[i]; fprintf(stdout,"A %f,%f \n",cp->density,cp->densityWeight); }
avgdw /= (LbmFloat)(_particles.size());
//if(motion) { printf("ControlParticle::kernel: avgdw:%f, kw%f, sp%f \n", avgdw, _kernelWeight, _fluidSpacing); }
//if((simtime>=0.) && (simtime != _currTime))
initTime(simtime, dt);
if((motion) && (motion->getSize()>0)){
ControlParticle *motionp = motion->getParticle(0);
//printf("ControlParticle::prepareControl motion: pos[%f,%f,%f] vel[%f,%f,%f] \n", motionp->pos[0], motionp->pos[1], motionp->pos[2], motionp->vel[0], motionp->vel[1], motionp->vel[2] );
for(size_t i=0; i<_particles.size(); i++) {
ControlParticle *cp = &_particles[i];
cp->pos = cp->pos + motionp->pos;
cp->vel = cp->vel + motionp->vel;
cp->size = cp->size * motionp->size;
cp->influence = cp->size * motionp->influence;
// reset to radiusAtt by default
if(_radiusVel==0.) _radiusVel = _radiusAtt;
if(_radiusMinMaxd==0.) _radiusMinMaxd = _radiusAtt;
if(_radiusMaxd==0.) _radiusMaxd = 2.*_radiusAtt;
// has to be radiusVel<radiusAtt<radiusMinMaxd<radiusMaxd
if(_radiusVel>_radiusAtt) _radiusVel = _radiusAtt;
if(_radiusAtt>_radiusMinMaxd) _radiusAtt = _radiusMinMaxd;
if(_radiusMinMaxd>_radiusMaxd) _radiusMinMaxd = _radiusMaxd;
//printf("ControlParticle::radii vel:%f att:%f min:%f max:%f \n", _radiusVel,_radiusAtt,_radiusMinMaxd,_radiusMaxd);
// prepareControl done
void ControlParticles::finishControl(std::vector<ControlForces> &forces, LbmFloat iatt, LbmFloat ivel, LbmFloat imaxd) {
//const LbmFloat iatt = this->getInfluenceAttraction() * this->getCurrTimestep();
//const LbmFloat ivel = this->getInfluenceVelocity();
//const LbmFloat imaxd = this->getInfluenceMaxdist() * this->getCurrTimestep();
// prepare for usage
iatt *= this->getCurrTimestep();
ivel *= 1.; // not necessary!
imaxd *= this->getCurrTimestep();
// skip when size=0
for(int i=0; i<(int)forces.size(); i++) {
if(DEBUG_MODVEL) fprintf(stdout, "CPFORGF %d , wf:%f,f:%f,%f,%f , v:%f,%f,%f \n",i, forces[i].weightAtt, forces[i].forceAtt[0],forces[i].forceAtt[1],forces[i].forceAtt[2], forces[i].forceVel[0], forces[i].forceVel[1], forces[i].forceVel[2] );
LbmFloat cfweight = forces[i].weightAtt; // always normalize
if((cfweight!=0.)&&(iatt!=0.)) {
// multiple kernels, normalize - note this does not normalize in d>r/2 region
if(ABS(cfweight)>1.) { cfweight = 1.0/cfweight; }
// multiply iatt afterwards to allow stronger force
cfweight *= iatt;
forces[i].forceAtt *= cfweight;
} else {
forces[i].weightAtt = 0.;
forces[i].forceAtt = LbmVec(0.);
if( (cfweight==0.) && (imaxd>0.) && (forces[i].maxDistance>0.) ) {
forces[i].forceMaxd *= imaxd;
} else {
forces[i].maxDistance= 0.;
forces[i].forceMaxd = LbmVec(0.);
LbmFloat cvweight = forces[i].weightVel; // always normalize
if(cvweight>0.) {
forces[i].forceVel /= cvweight;
forces[i].compAv /= cvweight;
// now modify cvweight, and write back
// important, cut at 1 - otherwise strong vel. influences...
if(cvweight>1.) { cvweight = 1.; }
// thus cvweight is in the range of 0..influenceVelocity, currently not normalized by numCParts
cvweight *= ivel;
if(cvweight<0.) cvweight=0.; if(cvweight>1.) cvweight=1.;
// LBM, FIXME todo use relaxation factor
//pvel = (cvel*0.5 * cvweight) + (pvel * (1.0-cvweight));
forces[i].weightVel = cvweight;
//errMsg("COMPAV","i"<<i<<" compav"<<forces[i].compAv<<" forcevel"<<forces[i].forceVel<<" ");
} else {
forces[i].weightVel = 0.;
if(forces[i].maxDistance==0.) forces[i].forceVel = LbmVec(0.);
forces[i].compAvWeight = 0.;
forces[i].compAv = LbmVec(0.);
if(DEBUG_MODVEL) fprintf(stdout, "CPFINIF %d , wf:%f,f:%f,%f,%f , v:%f,%f,%f \n",i, forces[i].weightAtt, forces[i].forceAtt[0],forces[i].forceAtt[1],forces[i].forceAtt[2], forces[i].forceVel[0],forces[i].forceVel[1],forces[i].forceVel[2] );
// unused...
if(DEBUG_MODVEL) fprintf(stdout,"MFC iatt:%f,%f ivel:%f,%f ifmd:%f,%f \n", iatt,_radiusAtt, ivel,_radiusVel, imaxd, _radiusMaxd);
//for(size_t i=0; i<_particles.size(); i++) { ControlParticle *cp = &_particles[i]; fprintf(stdout," %f,%f,%f ",cp->density,cp->densityWeight, (1.0 - (12.0*cp->densityWeight))); }
//fprintf(stdout,"\n\nCP DONE \n\n\n");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// calculate forces at given position, and modify velocity
// according to timestep
void ControlParticles::calculateCpInfluenceOpt(ControlParticle *cp, LbmVec fluidpos, LbmVec fluidvel, ControlForces *force, LbmFloat fillFactor) {
// dont reset, only add...
// test distance, simple squared distance reject
const LbmFloat cpfo = _radiusAtt*cp->size;
LbmVec posDelta;
if(DEBUG_MODVEL) fprintf(stdout, "CP at %f,%f,%f bef fw:%f, f:%f,%f,%f , vw:%f, v:%f,%f,%f \n",fluidpos[0],fluidpos[1],fluidpos[2], force->weightAtt, force->forceAtt[0], force->forceAtt[1], force->forceAtt[2], force->weightVel, force->forceVel[0], force->forceVel[1], force->forceVel[2]);
posDelta = cp->pos - fluidpos;
#if LBMDIM==2 && (CP_PROJECT2D==1)
posDelta[2] = 0.; // project to xy plane, z-velocity should already be gone...
const LbmFloat distsqr = posDelta[0]*posDelta[0]+posDelta[1]*posDelta[1]+posDelta[2]*posDelta[2];
if(DEBUG_MODVEL) fprintf(stdout, " Pd at %f,%f,%f d%f \n",posDelta[0],posDelta[1],posDelta[2], distsqr);
// cut at influence=0.5 , scaling not really makes sense
if(cpfo*cpfo < distsqr) {
/*if(cp->influence>0.5) {
if(force->weightAtt == 0.) {
if(force->maxDistance*force->maxDistance > distsqr) {
const LbmFloat dis = sqrtf((float)distsqr);
const LbmFloat sc = dis-cpfo;
force->maxDistance = dis;
force->forceMaxd = (posDelta)*(sc/dis);
} } */
force->weightAtt += 1e-6; // for distance
force->maxDistance = 0.; // necessary for SPH?
const LbmFloat pdistance = MAGNITUDE(posDelta);
LbmFloat pdistinv = 0.;
if(ABS(pdistance)>0.) pdistinv = 1./pdistance;
posDelta *= pdistinv;
LbmFloat falloffAtt = 0.; //CPKernel::kernel(cpfo * 1.0, pdistance);
const LbmFloat qac = pdistance / cpfo ;
if (qac < 1.0){ // return 0.;
if(qac < 0.5) falloffAtt = 1.0f;
else falloffAtt = (1.0f - qac) * 2.0f;
// vorticity force:
// - //LbmVec forceVort;
// - //CROSS(forceVort, posDelta, cp->rotaxis);
// - //NORMALIZE(forceVort);
// - if(falloffAtt>1.0) falloffAtt=1.0;
#if (CP_PROJECT2D==1) && (defined(MAIN_2D) || LBMDIM==2)
// fillFactor *= 2.0 *0.75 * pdistance; // 2d>3d sampling
#endif // (CP_PROJECT2D==1) && (defined(MAIN_2D) || LBMDIM==2)
LbmFloat signum = getInfluenceAttraction() > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
cp->density += falloffAtt * fillFactor;
force->forceAtt += posDelta *cp->densityWeight *cp->influence *signum;
force->weightAtt += falloffAtt*cp->densityWeight *cp->influence;
LbmFloat falloffVel = 0.; //CPKernel::kernel(cpfo * 1.0, pdistance);
const LbmFloat cpfv = _radiusVel*cp->size;
if(cpfv*cpfv < distsqr) { return; }
const LbmFloat qvc = pdistance / cpfo ;
//if (qvc < 1.0){
//if(qvc < 0.5) falloffVel = 1.0f;
//else falloffVel = (1.0f - qvc) * 2.0f;
falloffVel = 1.-qvc;
LbmFloat pvWeight; // = (1.0-cp->densityWeight) * _currTimestep * falloffVel;
pvWeight = falloffVel *cp->influence; // std, without density influence
//pvWeight *= (1.0-cp->densityWeight); // use inverse density weight
//pvWeight *= cp->densityWeight; // test, use density weight
LbmVec modvel(0.);
modvel += cp->vel * pvWeight;
//pvWeight = 1.; modvel = partVel; // DEBUG!?
if(pvWeight>0.) {
force->forceVel += modvel;
force->weightVel += pvWeight;
cp->avgVelWeight += falloffVel;
cp->avgVel += fluidvel;
if(DEBUG_MODVEL) fprintf(stdout, "CP at %f,%f,%f aft fw:%f, f:%f,%f,%f , vw:%f, v:%f,%f,%f \n",fluidpos[0],fluidpos[1],fluidpos[2], force->weightAtt, force->forceAtt[0], force->forceAtt[1], force->forceAtt[2], force->weightVel, force->forceVel[0], force->forceVel[1], force->forceVel[2]);
void ControlParticles::calculateMaxdForce(ControlParticle *cp, LbmVec fluidpos, ControlForces *force) {
if(force->weightAtt != 0.) return; // maxd force off
if(cp->influence <= 0.5) return; // ignore
LbmVec posDelta;
//if(DEBUG_MODVEL) fprintf(stdout, "CP at %f,%f,%f bef fw:%f, f:%f,%f,%f , vw:%f, v:%f,%f,%f \n",fluidpos[0],fluidpos[1],fluidpos[2], force->weightAtt, force->forceAtt[0], force->forceAtt[1], force->forceAtt[2], force->weightVel, force->forceVel[0], force->forceVel[1], force->forceVel[2]);
posDelta = cp->pos - fluidpos;
#if LBMDIM==2 && (CP_PROJECT2D==1)
posDelta[2] = 0.; // project to xy plane, z-velocity should already be gone...
// dont reset, only add...
// test distance, simple squared distance reject
const LbmFloat distsqr = posDelta[0]*posDelta[0]+posDelta[1]*posDelta[1]+posDelta[2]*posDelta[2];
// closer cp found
if(force->maxDistance*force->maxDistance < distsqr) return;
const LbmFloat dmin = _radiusMinMaxd*cp->size;
if(distsqr<dmin*dmin) return; // inside min
const LbmFloat dmax = _radiusMaxd*cp->size;
if(distsqr>dmax*dmax) return; // outside
if(DEBUG_MODVEL) fprintf(stdout, " Pd at %f,%f,%f d%f \n",posDelta[0],posDelta[1],posDelta[2], distsqr);
// cut at influence=0.5 , scaling not really makes sense
const LbmFloat dis = sqrtf((float)distsqr);
//const LbmFloat sc = dis - dmin;
const LbmFloat sc = (dis-dmin)/(dmax-dmin); // scale from 0-1
force->maxDistance = dis;
force->forceMaxd = (posDelta/dis) * sc;
//debug errMsg("calculateMaxdForce","pos"<<fluidpos<<" dis"<<dis<<" sc"<<sc<<" dmin"<<dmin<<" maxd"<< force->maxDistance <<" fmd"<<force->forceMaxd );