Philipp Oeser 834e87af7b Alembic: remove non-functional "Renderable Objects" only option
When introduced in {rB61050f75b13e} this was actually working (meaning
it checked the Outliner OB_RESTRICT_RENDER flag and skipped the object if

Behavior has since then been commented in rBae6e9401abb7 and apparently
refactored out in rB2917df21adc8.

If checked, it seemed to be working (objects marked non-renderable in
the Outliner were pruned from the export), however unchecking that
option did not include them in the export.

Now it changed - for the worse if you like - in rBa95f86359673 which
made it so if "Renderable Objects" only is checked, it will still export
objects invisible in renders. So since we now have the non-functional
option with a broken/misleading default, it is better to just remove it

In fact it has been superseeded by the "Visible Objects" option (this
does the same thing: depsgraph is evaluated in render mode) and as a
second step (and to make this even clearer) a choice whether
Render or Viewport evaluation is used can be added (just like the USD
exporter has). When that choice is explicit, it's also clear which
visibility actually matters.

This is breaking API usage, should be in release notes.

ref. T89594

Maniphest Tasks: T89594

Differential Revision:
2021-07-06 13:22:07 +02:00

664 lines
28 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
Alembic Export Tests
This test suite runs outside of Blender. Tests run Blender to call the exporter,
and then use the Alembic CLI tools to inspect the exported Alembic files.
import argparse
import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest
from typing import Tuple
from modules.test_utils import (
class AbcPropError(Exception):
"""Raised when AbstractAlembicTest.abcprop() finds an error."""
class AbstractAlembicTest(AbstractBlenderRunnerTest):
def setUpClass(cls):
import re
cls.blender = args.blender
cls.testdir = pathlib.Path(args.testdir)
cls.alembic_root = pathlib.Path(args.alembic_root)
# 'abcls' outputs ANSI colour codes, even when stdout is not a terminal.
# See
cls.ansi_remove_re = re.compile(rb'\x1b[^m]*m')
# 'abcls' array notation, like "name[16]"
cls.abcls_array = re.compile(r'^(?P<name>[^\[]+)(\[(?P<arraysize>\d+)\])?$')
def abcls(self, *arguments) -> Tuple[int, str]:
"""Uses abcls and return its output.
:return: tuple (process exit status code, stdout)
command = (self.alembic_root / 'bin' / 'abcls', *arguments)
# Convert Path to str; Path works fine on Linux, but not on Windows.
command_str = [str(arg) for arg in command]
proc =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
coloured_output = proc.stdout
output = self.ansi_remove_re.sub(b'', coloured_output).decode('utf8')
# Because of the ANSI colour codes, we need to remove those first before
# decoding to text. This means that we cannot use the universal_newlines
# parameter to, and have to do the conversion ourselves
output = output.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
if proc.returncode:
str_command = " ".join(str(c) for c in command)
print(f'command {str_command} failed with status {proc.returncode}')
return (proc.returncode, output)
def abcprop(self, filepath: pathlib.Path, proppath: str) -> dict:
"""Uses abcls to obtain compound property values from an Alembic object.
A dict of subproperties is returned, where the values are Python values.
The Python bindings for Alembic are old, and only compatible with Python 2.x,
so that's why we can't use them here, and have to rely on other tooling.
import collections
command = ('-vl', '%s%s' % (filepath, proppath))
returncode, output = self.abcls(*command)
if returncode:
raise AbcPropError('Error %d running abcls:\n%s' % (returncode, output))
# Mapping from value type to callable that can convert a string to Python values.
converters = {
'bool_t': int,
'uint8_t': int,
'int16_t': int,
'int32_t': int,
'uint32_t': int,
'uint64_t': int,
'float64_t': float,
'float32_t': float,
'string': str,
result = {}
# Ideally we'd get abcls to output JSON, see
lines = collections.deque(output.split('\n'))
while lines:
info = lines.popleft()
if not info:
parts = info.split()
proptype = parts[0]
if proptype == 'CompoundProperty':
# To read those, call self.abcprop() on it.
valtype_and_arrsize, name_and_extent = parts[1:]
except ValueError as ex:
raise ValueError(f'Error parsing result from abcprop "{info.strip()}": {ex}') from ex
# Parse name and extent
m = self.abcls_array.match(name_and_extent)
if not m:'Unparsable name/extent from abcls: %s' % name_and_extent)
name, extent ='name'),'arraysize')
if extent != '1':'Unsupported extent %s for property %s/%s' % (extent, proppath, name))
# Parse type
m = self.abcls_array.match(valtype_and_arrsize)
if not m:'Unparsable value type from abcls: %s' % valtype_and_arrsize)
valtype, scalarsize ='name'),'arraysize')
# Convert values
conv = converters[valtype]
except KeyError:'Unsupported type %s for property %s/%s' % (valtype, proppath, name))
def convert_single_line(linevalue):
if scalarsize is None:
return conv(linevalue)
return [conv(v.strip()) for v in linevalue.split(',')]
except ValueError as ex:
return str(ex)
if proptype == 'ScalarProperty':
value = lines.popleft()
result[name] = convert_single_line(value)
elif proptype == 'ArrayProperty':
arrayvalue = []
# Arrays consist of a variable number of items, and end in a blank line.
while True:
linevalue = lines.popleft()
if not linevalue:
result[name] = arrayvalue
else:'Unsupported type %s for property %s/%s' % (proptype, proppath, name))
return result
def assertAlmostEqualFloatArray(self, actual, expect, places=6, delta=None):
"""Asserts that the arrays of floats are almost equal."""
self.assertEqual(len(actual), len(expect),
'Actual array has %d items, expected %d' % (len(actual), len(expect)))
for idx, (act, exp) in enumerate(zip(actual, expect)):
self.assertAlmostEqual(act, exp, places=places, delta=delta,
msg='%f != %f at index %d' % (act, exp, idx))
class HierarchicalAndFlatExportTest(AbstractAlembicTest):
def test_hierarchical_export(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = tempdir / ''
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1, " \
"visible_objects_only=True, flatten=False)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('cubes-hierarchy.blend', script)
# Now check the resulting Alembic file.
xform = self.abcprop(abc, '/Cube/Cube_002/Cube_012/.xform')
self.assertEqual(1, xform['.inherits'])
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
3.07484, -2.92265, 0.0586434, 1.0]
def test_flat_export(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = tempdir / ''
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1, " \
"visible_objects_only=True, flatten=True)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('cubes-hierarchy.blend', script)
# Now check the resulting Alembic file.
xform = self.abcprop(abc, '/Cube_012/.xform')
self.assertEqual(1, xform['.inherits'], "Blender transforms always inherit")
[0.343134, 0.485243, 0.804238, 0,
0.0, 0.856222, -0.516608, 0,
-0.939287, 0.177266, 0.293799, 0,
1, 3, 4, 1],
class DupliGroupExportTest(AbstractAlembicTest):
def test_hierarchical_export(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = tempdir / ''
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1, " \
"visible_objects_only=True, flatten=False)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('dupligroup-scene.blend', script)
# Now check the resulting Alembic file.
xform = self.abcprop(abc, '/Real_Cube/Linked_Suzanne/Cylinder-0/Suzanne-1/.xform')
self.assertEqual(1, xform['.inherits'])
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0]
def test_flat_export(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = tempdir / ''
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1, " \
"visible_objects_only=True, flatten=True)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('dupligroup-scene.blend', script)
# Now check the resulting Alembic file.
xform = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne-1/.xform')
self.assertEqual(1, xform['.inherits'])
[1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 0.0,
2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0]
def test_multiple_duplicated_hierarchies(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = tempdir / ""
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('multiple-duplicated-hierarchies.blend', script)
# This is the expected hierarchy:
# `--Triangle
# |--Triangle
# |--Empty-1
# | `--Pole-1-0
# | |--Pole
# | `--Block-1-1
# | `--Block
# |--Empty
# | `--Pole-0
# | |--Pole
# | `--Block-1
# | `--Block
# |--Empty-2
# | `--Pole-2-0
# | |--Pole
# | `--Block-2-1
# | `--Block
# `--Empty-0
# `--Pole-0-0
# |--Pole
# `--Block-0-1
# `--Block
# Now check the resulting Alembic file.
xform = self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-1/Pole-1-0/Block-1-1/.xform')
self.assertEqual(1, xform['.inherits'])
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0]
# If the property can be gotten, the hierarchy is okay. No need to actually check each xform.
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-1/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-1/Pole-1-0/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-1/Pole-1-0/Block-1-1/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty/Pole-0/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty/Pole-0/Block-1/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-2/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-2/Pole-2-0/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-2/Pole-2-0/Block-2-1/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-0/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-0/Pole-0-0/.xform')
self.abcprop(abc, '/Triangle/Empty-0/Pole-0-0/Block-0-1/.xform')
class CurveExportTest(AbstractAlembicTest):
def test_export_single_curve(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = tempdir / ''
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1, " \
"visible_objects_only=True, flatten=False)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('single-curve.blend', script)
# Now check the resulting Alembic file.
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/NurbsCurve/CurveData/.geom')
self.assertEqual(abcprop['.orders'], [4])
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/NurbsCurve/CurveData/.geom/.userProperties')
self.assertEqual(abcprop['blender:resolution'], 10)
class HairParticlesExportTest(AbstractAlembicTest):
"""Tests exporting with/without hair/particles.
Just a basic test to ensure that the enabling/disabling works, and that export
works at all. NOT testing the quality/contents of the exported file.
def _do_test(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path, export_hair: bool, export_particles: bool) -> pathlib.Path:
abc = tempdir / ''
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1, " \
"visible_objects_only=True, flatten=False, " \
"export_hair=%r, export_particles=%r, as_background_job=False)" \
% (abc.as_posix(), export_hair, export_particles)
self.run_blender('hair-particles.blend', script)
return abc
def test_with_both(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = self._do_test(tempdir, True, True)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne/Hair_system/.geom')
self.assertIn('nVertices', abcprop)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne/Non-hair_particle_system/.geom')
self.assertIn('.velocities', abcprop)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne/MonkeyMesh/.geom')
self.assertIn('.faceIndices', abcprop)
def test_with_hair_only(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = self._do_test(tempdir, True, False)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne/Hair_system/.geom')
self.assertIn('nVertices', abcprop)
self.assertRaises(AbcPropError, self.abcprop, abc,
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne/MonkeyMesh/.geom')
self.assertIn('.faceIndices', abcprop)
def test_with_particles_only(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = self._do_test(tempdir, False, True)
self.assertRaises(AbcPropError, self.abcprop, abc, '/Suzanne/Hair_system/.geom')
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne/Non-hair_particle_system/.geom')
self.assertIn('.velocities', abcprop)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne/MonkeyMesh/.geom')
self.assertIn('.faceIndices', abcprop)
def test_with_neither(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = self._do_test(tempdir, False, False)
self.assertRaises(AbcPropError, self.abcprop, abc, '/Suzanne/Hair_system/.geom')
self.assertRaises(AbcPropError, self.abcprop, abc,
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Suzanne/MonkeyMesh/.geom')
self.assertIn('.faceIndices', abcprop)
class UVMapExportTest(AbstractAlembicTest):
def test_uvmap_export(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
"""Minimal test for exporting multiple UV maps on an animated mesh.
This covers the issue reported in T77021.
basename = 'T77021-multiple-uvmaps-animated-mesh'
abc = tempdir / f'{basename}.abc'
script = f"import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='{abc.as_posix()}', start=1, end=1, " \
f"visible_objects_only=True, flatten=False)"
self.run_blender(f'{basename}.blend', script)
self.maxDiff = 1000
# The main UV map should be written to .geom
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Cube/Cube/.geom/uv')
self.assertEqual(abcprop['.vals'], [
[0.625, 0.75],
[0.875, 0.75],
[0.875, 0.5],
[0.625, 0.5],
[0.375, 1.0],
[0.625, 1.0],
[0.375, 0.75],
[0.375, 0.25],
[0.625, 0.25],
[0.625, 0.0],
[0.375, 0.0],
[0.125, 0.75],
[0.375, 0.5],
[0.125, 0.5],
# The second UV map should be written to .arbGeomParams
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Cube/Cube/.geom/.arbGeomParams/Secondary')
self.assertEqual(abcprop['.vals'], [
[0.75, 0.375],
[0.75, 0.125],
[0.5, 0.125],
[0.5, 0.375],
[1.0, 0.625],
[1.0, 0.375],
[0.75, 0.625],
[0.25, 0.625],
[0.25, 0.375],
[0.0, 0.375],
[0.0, 0.625],
[0.75, 0.875],
[0.5, 0.625],
[0.5, 0.875],
class LongNamesExportTest(AbstractAlembicTest):
def test_export_long_names(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = tempdir / ''
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1, " \
"visible_objects_only=False, flatten=False)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('long-names.blend', script)
name_parts = [
name = '/' + '/'.join(name_parts)
# Now check the resulting Alembic file.
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '%s/.xform' % name)
self.assertEqual(abcprop['.vals'], [
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0,
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '%s/Cube/.geom' % name)
self.assertIn('.faceCounts', abcprop)
class InvisibleObjectExportTest(AbstractAlembicTest):
"""Export an object which is invisible.
This test only tests a small subset of the functionality that is required to
export invisible objects. It just tests that the visibility property is
written, and that it has the correct initial value. This is a limitation
caused by these tests relying on `abcls`.
def test_hierarchical_export(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path):
abc = tempdir / ''
script = "import bpy; bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=2, " \
"visible_objects_only=False)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('visibility.blend', script)
def test(cube_name: str, expect_visible: bool):
returncode, output = self.abcls('-va', f'{abc}/{cube_name}')
if returncode:"abcls failed: {output}")
output = output.strip()
self.assertEqual(f'Cube .xform visible {int(expect_visible)}', output)
# This cube is always visible.
test('VisibleCube', True)
# This cube is never visible, and thus will not be pulled into the
# depsgraph by the standard builder, only by the all-objects builder.
test('InvisibleCube', False)
# This cube has animated visibility, and thus will be pulled into the
# depsgraph by the standard builder as well as the all-objects builder.
test('InvisibleAnimatedCube', False)
class CustomPropertiesExportTest(AbstractAlembicTest):
"""Test export of custom properties."""
def _run_export(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
abc = tempdir / ''
script = (
"import bpy; bpy.context.scene.frame_set(1); "
"bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('custom-properties.blend', script)
return abc
def test_xform_props(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
abc = self._run_export(tempdir)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Cube/.xform/.userProperties')
# Simple, single values.
self.assertEqual(abcprop['static_int'], [327])
self.assertEqual(abcprop['static_float'], [47.01])
self.assertEqual(abcprop['static_string'], ['Agents'])
self.assertEqual(abcprop['keyed_float'], [-1])
self.assertEqual(abcprop['keyed_int'], [-47])
# Arrays.
self.assertEqual(abcprop['keyed_array_float'], [-1.000, 0.000, 1.000])
self.assertEqual(abcprop['keyed_array_int'], [42, 47, 327])
# Multi-dimensional arrays.
self.assertEqual(abcprop['array_of_strings'], ['ผัดไทย', 'Pad Thai'])
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.33333, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.33333, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
[10, 20, 30, 1, 2, 47])
def test_mesh_props(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
abc = self._run_export(tempdir)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Cube/Cube/.geom/.userProperties')
self.assertEqual(abcprop['mesh_tags'], ['cube', 'box', 'low-poly-sphere'])
def test_camera_props(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
abc = self._run_export(tempdir)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Camera/Hasselblad/.geom/.userProperties')
self.assertEqual(abcprop['type'], ['500c/m'])
def test_disabled_export_option(self, tempdir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
abc = tempdir / ''
script = (
"import bpy; bpy.context.scene.frame_set(1); "
"bpy.ops.wm.alembic_export(filepath='%s', start=1, end=1, export_custom_properties=False)" % abc.as_posix()
self.run_blender('custom-properties.blend', script)
abcprop = self.abcprop(abc, '/Camera/Hasselblad/.geom/.userProperties')
self.assertIn('eyeSeparation', abcprop, 'Regular non-standard properties should still be written')
self.assertNotIn('type', abcprop, 'Custom properties should not be written')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--blender', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--testdir', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--alembic-root', required=True)
args, remaining = parser.parse_known_args()
unittest.main(argv=sys.argv[0:1] + remaining)