Campbell Barton aee06ac0d0 added an active face for the mesh editmode and normal mesh - this is needed because the TFace flag was not always easy to access from editmode.
using the last selected face was almost good enough however when selecting verts and edges the last selected face would become inactive and the space image would flicker about too much.
The active face is used for getting the space image at the moment and keeps scripts that use this flag working also.

This has 2 commands to get and set, so the variable is not accessed directly.

all "UV Calculate" scripts work now

last commit crashed when in solid draw mode, it seems subsurf modifier is ignoring the displayMask since MTFACE is available. just made it do a null check for now. - should be done inC and put in the snap menu.
2007-09-22 17:54:13 +00:00

253 lines
7.8 KiB

Name: 'Follow Active (quads)'
Blender: 242
Group: 'UVCalculation'
Tooltip: 'Follow from active quads.'
__author__ = "Campbell Barton"
__url__ = ("blender", "elysiun")
__version__ = "1.0 2006/02/07"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script sets the UV mapping and image of selected faces from adjacent unselected faces.
for full docs see...
# Script copyright (C) Campbell J Barton
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
from Blender import *
import bpy
import BPyMesh
def extend():
sce =
ob =
# print ob, ob.type
if ob == None or ob.type != 'Mesh':
Draw.PupMenu('ERROR: No mesh object.')
# Toggle Edit mode
is_editmode = Window.EditMode()
if is_editmode:
me = ob.getData(mesh=1)
me_verts = me.verts
# 0:normal extend, 1:edge length
EXTEND_MODE = Draw.PupMenu("Use Face Area%t|Loop Average%x2|None%x0")
if EXTEND_MODE == -1:
t = sys.time()
edge_average_lengths = {}
OTHER_INDEX = 2,3,0,1
FAST_INDICIES = 0,2,1,3 # order is faster
def extend_uvs(face_source, face_target, edge_key):
Takes 2 faces,
Projects its extends its UV coords onto the face next to it.
Both faces must share an edge.
def face_edge_vs(vi):
# assunme a quad
return [(vi[0], vi[1]), (vi[1], vi[2]), (vi[2], vi[3]), (vi[3], vi[0])]
uvs_source = face_source.uv
uvs_target = face_target.uv
vidx_source = [v.index for v in face_source]
vidx_target = [v.index for v in face_target]
# vertex index is the key, uv is the value
uvs_vhash_source = dict( [ (vindex, uvs_source[i]) for i, vindex in enumerate(vidx_source)] )
uvs_vhash_target = dict( [ (vindex, uvs_target[i]) for i, vindex in enumerate(vidx_target)] )
edge_idxs_source = face_edge_vs(vidx_source)
edge_idxs_target = face_edge_vs(vidx_target)
source_matching_edge = -1
target_matching_edge = -1
edge_key_swap = edge_key[1], edge_key[0]
try: source_matching_edge = edge_idxs_source.index(edge_key)
except: source_matching_edge = edge_idxs_source.index(edge_key_swap)
try: target_matching_edge = edge_idxs_target.index(edge_key)
except: target_matching_edge = edge_idxs_target.index(edge_key_swap)
edgepair_inner_source = edge_idxs_source[source_matching_edge]
edgepair_inner_target = edge_idxs_target[target_matching_edge]
edgepair_outer_source = edge_idxs_source[OTHER_INDEX[source_matching_edge]]
edgepair_outer_target = edge_idxs_target[OTHER_INDEX[target_matching_edge]]
if edge_idxs_source[source_matching_edge] == edge_idxs_target[target_matching_edge]:
iA= 0; iB= 1 # Flipped, most common
else: # The normals of these faces must be different
iA= 1; iB= 0
# Set the target UV's touching source face, no tricky calc needed,
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_inner_target[0]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[iA]]
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_inner_target[1]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[iB]]
# Set the 2 UV's on the target face that are not touching
# for this we need to do basic expaning on the source faces UV's
if EXTEND_MODE == 2:
try: # divide by zero is possible
measure the length of each face from the middle of each edge to the opposite
allong the axis we are copying, use this
i1a= edgepair_outer_target[iB]
i2a= edgepair_inner_target[iA]
if i1a>i2a: i1a, i2a = i2a, i1a
i1b= edgepair_outer_source[iB]
i2b= edgepair_inner_source[iA]
if i1b>i2b: i1b, i2b = i2b, i1b
# print edge_average_lengths
factor = edge_average_lengths[i1a, i2a][0] / edge_average_lengths[i1b, i2b][0]
# Div By Zero?
factor = 1.0
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_outer_target[iB]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[0]] +factor * (uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[0]] - uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_outer_source[1]])
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_outer_target[iA]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[1]] +factor * (uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[1]] - uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_outer_source[0]])
# same as above but with no factor
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_outer_target[iB]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[0]] + (uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[0]] - uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_outer_source[1]])
uvs_vhash_target[edgepair_outer_target[iA]][:] = uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[1]] + (uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_inner_source[1]] - uvs_vhash_source[edgepair_outer_source[0]])
if not me.faceUV:
Draw.PupMenu('ERROR: Mesh has no face UV coords.')
face_act = me.activeFace
if face_act == -1:
Draw.PupMenu('ERROR: No active face')
face_sel= [f for f in me.faces if len(f) == 4 and f.sel]
face_act_local_index = -1
for i, f in enumerate(face_sel):
if f.index == face_act:
face_act_local_index = i
if face_act_local_index == -1:
Draw.PupMenu('ERROR: Active face not selected')
# Modes
# 0 unsearched
# 1:mapped, use search from this face. - removed!!
# 2:all siblings have been searched. dont search again.
face_modes = [0] * len(face_sel)
face_modes[face_act_local_index] = 1 # extend UV's from this face.
# Edge connectivty
edge_faces = {}
for i, f in enumerate(face_sel):
for edkey in f.edge_keys:
try: edge_faces[edkey].append(i)
except: edge_faces[edkey] = [i]
SEAM = Mesh.EdgeFlags.SEAM
if EXTEND_MODE == 2:
edge_loops = BPyMesh.getFaceLoopEdges(face_sel, [ed.key for ed in me.edges if ed.flag & SEAM] )
me_verts = me.verts
for loop in edge_loops:
looplen = [0.0]
for ed in loop:
edge_average_lengths[ed] = looplen
looplen[0] += (me_verts[ed[0]].co - me_verts[ed[1]].co).length
looplen[0] = looplen[0] / len(loop)
# remove seams, so we dont map accross seams.
for ed in me.edges:
if ed.flag & SEAM:
# remove the edge pair if we can
try: del edge_faces[ed.key]
except: pass
# Done finding seams
# face connectivity - faces around each face
# only store a list of indicies for each face.
face_faces = [[] for i in xrange(len(face_sel))]
for edge_key, faces in edge_faces.iteritems():
if len(faces) == 2: # Only do edges with 2 face users for now
face_faces[faces[0]].append((faces[1], edge_key))
face_faces[faces[1]].append((faces[0], edge_key))
# Now we know what face is connected to what other face, map them by connectivity
ok = True
while ok:
ok = False
for i in xrange(len(face_sel)):
if face_modes[i] == 1: # searchable
for f_sibling, edge_key in face_faces[i]:
if face_modes[f_sibling] == 0:
face_modes[f_sibling] = 1 # mapped and search from.
extend_uvs(face_sel[i], face_sel[f_sibling], edge_key)
face_modes[i] = 1 # we can map from this one now.
ok= True # keep searching
face_modes[i] = 2 # dont search again
print sys.time() - t
if is_editmode:
if __name__ == '__main__':