Janne Karhu 874d38eeb4 Point cache editing:
- Baked point caches for particles, cloth and softbody can now be edited in particle mode.
	* This overwrites the old cloth/sb cache editmode editing.
	* The type of editable system is chosen from a menu.
	* For particles the current particle system and it's current cache are used.
- Currently this only works for caches that are in memory, but some automatic conversion from disk to memory and back can be implemented later.
- All tools from hair editing can't be applied to point caches and are hidden in the tool panel and specials menu. Some functionality like subdividing paths can be later implemented in a slightly different way from how it works for hair.
- Code is not yet optimized for speed, so editing might be slow sometimes.

Known issues:
- Cloth doesn't update properly while in particle mode, due to the way cloth modifier currently works. Daniel can you check on this?
- As "particle mode" is not only for particles any more some other name would be in place?
- Better icons are needed for the path, point, and tip-modes as the current icons from mesh edit mode are quite misleading.
- Direct editing of point velocities is not yet implemented, but will be in the future.

Other changes:
- Hair editing doesn't require a "make editable" button press any more.
- Multiple caches in single particle system disables changing emission properties.
- Unified ui code for all point cache panels.
	* Defined in and imported for cloth, smoke & softbody.
- Proper disabling of properties in ui after baking point caches. (Daniel could you please make needed disable code for smoke panels as their functionality is not familiar to me.)
- Hair weight brush has been removed. Once hair dynamics is re-implemented I'll code a more useable alternative to the functionality.

Bug fixes:
- Unlinking particle settings crashed.
- Deleting the active object with particles in the scene crashed.
- Softbody didn't write point caches correctly on save.
2009-08-29 15:20:36 +00:00

906 lines
26 KiB

import bpy
def particle_panel_enabled(psys):
return psys.point_cache.baked==False and psys.edited==False
def particle_panel_poll(context):
psys = context.particle_system
if psys==None: return False
if psys.settings==None: return False
return psys.settings.type in ('EMITTER', 'REACTOR', 'HAIR')
def point_cache_ui(self, cache, enabled, particles, smoke):
layout = self.layout
layout.set_context_pointer("PointCache", cache)
row = layout.row()
row.template_list(cache, "point_cache_list", cache, "active_point_cache_index", rows=2 )
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemO("ptcache.add_new", icon='ICON_ZOOMIN', text="")
col.itemO("ptcache.remove", icon='ICON_ZOOMOUT', text="")
row = layout.row()
row.itemL(text="File Name:")
if particles:
row.itemR(cache, "external")
if cache.external:
split = layout.split(percentage=0.80)
split.itemR(cache, "name", text="")
split.itemR(cache, "index", text="")
layout.itemL(text="File Path:")
layout.itemR(cache, "filepath", text="")
layout.itemR(cache, "name", text="")
if not particles:
row = layout.row()
row.enabled = enabled
row.itemR(cache, "start_frame")
row.itemR(cache, "end_frame")
row = layout.row()
if cache.baked == True:
row.itemO("ptcache.free_bake", text="Free Bake")
row.item_booleanO("ptcache.bake", "bake", True, text="Bake")
sub = row.row()
sub.enabled = (cache.frames_skipped or cache.outdated) and enabled
sub.itemO("ptcache.bake", "bake", False, text="Calculate to Current Frame")
row = layout.row()
row.enabled = enabled
row.itemO("ptcache.bake_from_cache", text="Current Cache to Bake")
row.itemR(cache, "step");
if not smoke:
row = layout.row()
sub = row.row()
sub.enabled = enabled
sub.itemR(cache, "quick_cache")
row.itemR(cache, "disk_cache")
row = layout.row()
row.item_booleanO("ptcache.bake_all", "bake", True, text="Bake All Dynamics")
row.itemO("ptcache.free_bake_all", text="Free All Bakes")
layout.itemO("ptcache.bake_all", "bake", False, text="Update All Dynamics to current frame")
class ParticleButtonsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
__space_type__ = 'PROPERTIES'
__region_type__ = 'WINDOW'
__context__ = "particle"
def poll(self, context):
return particle_panel_poll(context)
class PARTICLE_PT_particles(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__show_header__ = False
def poll(self, context):
return (context.particle_system or context.object)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
ob = context.object
psys = context.particle_system
if ob:
row = layout.row()
row.template_list(ob, "particle_systems", ob, "active_particle_system_index", rows=2)
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemO("object.particle_system_add", icon='ICON_ZOOMIN', text="")
col.itemO("object.particle_system_remove", icon='ICON_ZOOMOUT', text="")
if psys and not psys.settings:
split = layout.split(percentage=0.32)
col = split.column()
col = split.column()
col.itemR(psys, "name", text="")
col.template_ID(psys, "settings", new="")
elif psys:
part = psys.settings
split = layout.split(percentage=0.32)
col = split.column()
if part.type in ('EMITTER', 'REACTOR', 'HAIR'):
col = split.column()
col.itemR(psys, "name", text="")
if part.type in ('EMITTER', 'REACTOR', 'HAIR'):
col.template_ID(psys, "settings", new="")
#row = layout.row()
if part:
if part.type not in ('EMITTER', 'REACTOR', 'HAIR'):
layout.itemL(text="No settings for fluid particles")
row.enabled = particle_panel_enabled(psys)
row.itemR(part, "type", text="")
row.itemR(psys, "seed")
split = layout.split(percentage=0.65)
if part.type=='HAIR':
if psys.edited==True:
split.itemO("particle.edited_clear", text="Free Edit")
row = split.row()
row.enabled = particle_panel_enabled(psys)
row.itemR(part, "hair_step")
elif part.type=='REACTOR':
split.enabled = particle_panel_enabled(psys)
split.itemR(psys, "reactor_target_object")
split.itemR(psys, "reactor_target_particle_system", text="Particle System")
class PARTICLE_PT_emission(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Emission"
def poll(self, context):
if particle_panel_poll(context):
return not context.particle_system.point_cache.external
return False
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
part = psys.settings
layout.enabled = particle_panel_enabled(psys) and not psys.multiple_caches
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "amount")
split = layout.split()
col = split.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "start")
col.itemR(part, "end")
col = split.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "lifetime")
col.itemR(part, "random_lifetime", slider=True)
layout.row().itemL(text="Emit From:")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "emit_from", expand=True)
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "trand")
if part.distribution!='GRID':
row.itemR(part, "even_distribution")
if part.emit_from=='FACE' or part.emit_from=='VOLUME':
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "distribution", expand=True)
row = layout.row()
if part.distribution=='JIT':
row.itemR(part, "userjit", text="Particles/Face")
row.itemR(part, "jitter_factor", text="Jittering Amount", slider=True)
elif part.distribution=='GRID':
row.itemR(part, "grid_resolution")
class PARTICLE_PT_cache(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Cache"
__default_closed__ = True
def poll(self, context):
psys = context.particle_system
if psys==None: return False
if psys.settings==None: return False
phystype = psys.settings.physics_type
if phystype == 'NO' or phystype == 'KEYED':
return False
return psys.settings.type in ('EMITTER', 'REACTOR')
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
point_cache_ui(self, psys.point_cache, particle_panel_enabled(psys), 1, 0)
class PARTICLE_PT_initial(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Velocity"
def poll(self, context):
if particle_panel_poll(context):
psys = context.particle_system
return psys.settings.physics_type != 'BOIDS' and not psys.point_cache.external
return False
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
part = psys.settings
layout.enabled = particle_panel_enabled(psys)
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "normal_factor")
if part.emit_from=='PARTICLE':
sub.itemR(part, "particle_factor")
sub.itemR(part, "object_factor", slider=True)
sub.itemR(part, "random_factor")
sub.itemR(part, "tangent_factor")
sub.itemR(part, "tangent_phase", slider=True)
sub = split.column()
sub.itemL(text="Object aligned")
sub.itemL(text="direction: X, Y, Z")
if part.type=='REACTOR':
sub.itemR(part, "reactor_factor")
sub.itemR(part, "reaction_shape", slider=True)
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "rotation_mode", text="Axis")
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "rotation_dynamic")
sub.itemR(part, "random_rotation_factor", slider=True)
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "phase_factor", slider=True)
sub.itemR(part, "random_phase_factor", text="Random", slider=True)
layout.row().itemL(text="Angular velocity:")
layout.row().itemR(part, "angular_velocity_mode", expand=True)
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "angular_velocity_factor", text="")
class PARTICLE_PT_physics(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Physics"
def poll(self, context):
if particle_panel_poll(context):
return not context.particle_system.point_cache.external
return False
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
part = psys.settings
layout.enabled = particle_panel_enabled(psys)
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "physics_type", expand=True)
if part.physics_type != 'NO':
row = layout.row()
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "particle_size")
col.itemR(part, "random_size", slider=True)
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "mass")
col.itemR(part, "sizemass", text="Multiply mass with size")
if part.physics_type == 'NEWTON':
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "brownian_factor")
sub.itemR(part, "drag_factor", slider=True)
sub.itemR(part, "damp_factor", slider=True)
sub.itemR(part, "integrator")
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "acceleration")
elif part.physics_type == 'KEYED':
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
row = layout.row()
col = row.column() = not psys.keyed_timing
col.itemR(part, "keyed_loops", text="Loops")
row.itemR(psys, "keyed_timing", text="Use Timing")
elif part.physics_type=='BOIDS':
boids = part.boids
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(boids, "allow_flight")
row.itemR(boids, "allow_land")
row.itemR(boids, "allow_climb")
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
col = sub.column(align=True) = boids.allow_flight
col.itemR(boids, "air_max_speed")
col.itemR(boids, "air_min_speed", slider="True")
col.itemR(boids, "air_max_acc", slider="True")
col.itemR(boids, "air_max_ave", slider="True")
col.itemR(boids, "air_personal_space")
row = col.row() = (boids.allow_land or boids.allow_climb) and boids.allow_flight
row.itemR(boids, "landing_smoothness")
sub = split.column()
col = sub.column(align=True) = boids.allow_land or boids.allow_climb
col.itemR(boids, "land_max_speed")
col.itemR(boids, "land_jump_speed")
col.itemR(boids, "land_max_acc", slider="True")
col.itemR(boids, "land_max_ave", slider="True")
col.itemR(boids, "land_personal_space")
col.itemR(boids, "land_stick_force")
row = layout.row()
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(boids, "health")
col.itemR(boids, "strength")
col.itemR(boids, "aggression")
col.itemR(boids, "accuracy")
col.itemR(boids, "range")
col = row.column()
col.itemR(part, "gravity")
col.itemR(boids, "banking", slider=True)
col.itemR(boids, "height", slider=True)
if part.physics_type=='NEWTON':
sub.itemR(part, "size_deflect")
sub.itemR(part, "die_on_collision")
sub.itemR(part, "sticky")
elif part.physics_type=='KEYED' or part.physics_type=='BOIDS':
if part.physics_type=='BOIDS':
row = layout.row()
row.template_list(psys, "targets", psys, "active_particle_target_index")
col = row.column()
subrow = col.row()
subcol = subrow.column(align=True)
subcol.itemO("particle.new_target", icon='ICON_ZOOMIN', text="")
subcol.itemO("particle.remove_target", icon='ICON_ZOOMOUT', text="")
subrow = col.row()
subcol = subrow.column(align=True)
subcol.itemO("particle.target_move_up", icon='VICON_MOVE_UP', text="")
subcol.itemO("particle.target_move_down", icon='VICON_MOVE_DOWN', text="")
key = psys.active_particle_target
if key:
row = layout.row()
if part.physics_type=='KEYED':
col = row.column()
#doesn't work yet
#col.red_alert = key.valid
col.itemR(key, "object", text="")
col.itemR(key, "system", text="System")
col = row.column(); = psys.keyed_timing
col.itemR(key, "time")
col.itemR(key, "duration")
subrow = row.row()
#doesn't work yet
#subrow.red_alert = key.valid
subrow.itemR(key, "object", text="")
subrow.itemR(key, "system", text="System")
layout.itemR(key, "mode", expand=True)
class PARTICLE_PT_boidbrain(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Boid Brain"
def poll(self, context):
psys = context.particle_system
if psys==None: return False
if psys.settings==None: return False
if psys.point_cache.external: return False
return psys.settings.physics_type=='BOIDS'
def draw(self, context):
boids = context.particle_system.settings.boids
layout = self.layout
layout.enabled = particle_panel_enabled(psys)
# Currently boids can only use the first state so these are commented out for now.
#row = layout.row()
#row.template_list(boids, "states", boids, "active_boid_state_index", compact="True")
#col = row.row()
#subrow = col.row(align=True)
#subrow.itemO("boid.boidstate_add", icon='ICON_ZOOMIN', text="")
#subrow.itemO("boid.boidstate_del", icon='ICON_ZOOMOUT', text="")
#subrow = row.row(align=True)
#subrow.itemO("boid.boidstate_move_up", icon='VICON_MOVE_UP', text="")
#subrow.itemO("boid.boidstate_move_down", icon='VICON_MOVE_DOWN', text="")
state = boids.active_boid_state
#layout.itemR(state, "name", text="State name")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(state, "ruleset_type")
if state.ruleset_type=='FUZZY':
row.itemR(state, "rule_fuzziness", slider=True)
row = layout.row()
row.template_list(state, "rules", state, "active_boid_rule_index")
col = row.column()
subrow = col.row()
subcol = subrow.column(align=True)
subcol.item_menu_enumO("boid.boidrule_add", "type", icon='ICON_ZOOMIN', text="")
subcol.itemO("boid.boidrule_del", icon='ICON_ZOOMOUT', text="")
subrow = col.row()
subcol = subrow.column(align=True)
subcol.itemO("boid.boidrule_move_up", icon='VICON_MOVE_UP', text="")
subcol.itemO("boid.boidrule_move_down", icon='VICON_MOVE_DOWN', text="")
rule = state.active_boid_rule
if rule:
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(rule, "name", text="")
#somebody make nice icons for boids here please! -jahka
row.itemR(rule, "in_air", icon='VICON_MOVE_UP', text="")
row.itemR(rule, "on_land", icon='VICON_MOVE_DOWN', text="")
row = layout.row()
if rule.type == 'GOAL':
row.itemR(rule, "object")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(rule, "predict")
elif rule.type == 'AVOID':
row.itemR(rule, "object")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(rule, "predict")
row.itemR(rule, "fear_factor")
elif rule.type == 'FOLLOW_PATH':
row.itemL(text="Not yet functional.")
elif rule.type == 'AVOID_COLLISION':
row.itemR(rule, "boids")
row.itemR(rule, "deflectors")
row.itemR(rule, "look_ahead")
elif rule.type == 'FOLLOW_LEADER':
row.itemR(rule, "object", text="")
row.itemR(rule, "distance")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(rule, "line")
subrow = row.row() = rule.line
subrow.itemR(rule, "queue_size")
elif rule.type == 'AVERAGE_SPEED':
row.itemR(rule, "speed", slider=True)
row.itemR(rule, "wander", slider=True)
row.itemR(rule, "level", slider=True)
elif rule.type == 'FIGHT':
row.itemR(rule, "distance")
row.itemR(rule, "flee_distance")
class PARTICLE_PT_render(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Render"
def poll(self, context):
psys = context.particle_system
if psys==None: return False
if psys.settings==None: return False
return True;
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
part = psys.settings
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "material")
row.itemR(psys, "parent");
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "emitter");
sub.itemR(part, "parent");
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "unborn");
sub.itemR(part, "died");
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "ren_as", expand=True)
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
if part.ren_as == 'LINE':
sub.itemR(part, "line_length_tail")
sub.itemR(part, "line_length_head")
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "velocity_length")
elif part.ren_as == 'PATH':
if (part.type!='HAIR' and part.physics_type!='KEYED' and psys.point_cache.baked==False):
box =
box.itemL(text="Baked or keyed particles needed for correct rendering.")
sub.itemR(part, "render_strand")
colsub = sub.column() = part.render_strand == False
colsub.itemR(part, "render_adaptive")
colsub = sub.column() = part.render_adaptive or part.render_strand == True
colsub.itemR(part, "adaptive_angle")
colsub = sub.column() = part.render_adaptive == True and part.render_strand == False
colsub.itemR(part, "adaptive_pix")
sub.itemR(part, "hair_bspline")
sub.itemR(part, "render_step", text="Steps")
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "abs_path_time")
sub.itemR(part, "path_start", text="Start", slider= not part.abs_path_time)
sub.itemR(part, "path_end", text="End", slider= not part.abs_path_time)
sub.itemR(part, "random_length", text="Random", slider=True)
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()
if part.type=='HAIR' and part.render_strand==True and part.child_type=='FACES':
layout.itemR(part, "enable_simplify")
if part.enable_simplify==True:
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "simplify_refsize")
row.itemR(part, "simplify_rate")
row.itemR(part, "simplify_transition")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "viewport")
subrow = row.row() = part.viewport==True
subrow.itemR(part, "simplify_viewport")
elif part.ren_as == 'OBJECT':
sub.itemR(part, "dupli_object")
elif part.ren_as == 'GROUP':
sub.itemR(part, "dupli_group")
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "whole_group")
sub = split.column()
colsub = sub.column() = part.whole_group == False
colsub.itemR(part, "rand_group")
elif part.ren_as == 'BILLBOARD':
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "billboard_align", expand=True)
row.itemR(part, "billboard_lock", text="Lock")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "billboard_object")
row = layout.row()
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "billboard_tilt", text="Angle", slider=True)
col.itemR(part, "billboard_random_tilt", slider=True)
col = row.column()
col.itemR(part, "billboard_offset")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(psys, "billboard_normal_uv")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(psys, "billboard_time_index_uv")
row = layout.row()
row.itemL(text="Split uv's:")
row.itemR(part, "billboard_uv_split", text="Number of splits")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(psys, "billboard_split_uv")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "billboard_animation", expand=True)
row.itemR(part, "billboard_split_offset", expand=True)
if part.ren_as == 'HALO' or part.ren_as == 'LINE' or part.ren_as=='BILLBOARD':
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()
col.itemR(part, "trail_count")
if part.trail_count > 1:
col.itemR(part, "abs_path_time", text="Length in frames")
col = row.column()
col.itemR(part, "path_end", text="Length", slider=not part.abs_path_time)
col.itemR(part, "random_length", text="Random", slider=True)
col = row.column()
class PARTICLE_PT_draw(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Display"
__default_closed__ = True
def poll(self, context):
psys = context.particle_system
if psys==None: return False
if psys.settings==None: return False
return True;
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
part = psys.settings
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "draw_as", expand=True)
if part.draw_as=='NONE' or (part.ren_as=='NONE' and part.draw_as=='RENDER'):
path = (part.ren_as=='PATH' and part.draw_as=='RENDER') or part.draw_as=='PATH'
if path and part.type!='HAIR' and part.physics_type!='KEYED' and psys.point_cache.baked==False:
box =
box.itemL(text="Baked or keyed particles needed for correct drawing.")
row = layout.row()
row.itemR(part, "display", slider=True)
if part.draw_as!='RENDER' or part.ren_as=='HALO':
row.itemR(part, "draw_size")
row = layout.row()
col = row.column()
col.itemR(part, "show_size")
col.itemR(part, "velocity")
col.itemR(part, "num")
if part.physics_type == 'BOIDS':
col.itemR(part, "draw_health")
col = row.column()
col.itemR(part, "material_color", text="Use material color")
if (path):
col.itemR(part, "draw_step")
subcol = col.column() = part.material_color==False
#subcol.itemL(text="Override material color")
class PARTICLE_PT_children(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Children"
__default_closed__ = True
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
part = psys.settings
layout.row().itemR(part, "child_type", expand=True)
if part.child_type=='NONE':
row = layout.row()
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "child_nbr", text="Display")
col.itemR(part, "rendered_child_nbr", text="Render")
col = row.column(align=True)
if part.child_type=='FACES':
col.itemR(part, "virtual_parents", slider=True)
col.itemR(part, "child_radius", text="Radius")
col.itemR(part, "child_roundness", text="Roundness", slider=True)
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "child_size", text="Size")
col.itemR(part, "child_random_size", text="Random")
row = layout.row()
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "clump_factor", slider=True)
col.itemR(part, "clumppow", slider=True)
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "rough_endpoint")
col.itemR(part, "rough_end_shape")
row = layout.row()
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "rough1")
col.itemR(part, "rough1_size")
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "rough2")
col.itemR(part, "rough2_size")
col.itemR(part, "rough2_thres", slider=True)
row = layout.row()
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemR(part, "child_length", slider=True)
col.itemR(part, "child_length_thres", slider=True)
col = row.column(align=True)
col.itemL(text="Space reserved for")
col.itemL(text="hair parting controls")
layout.row().itemR(part, "kink", expand=True)
split = layout.split()
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "kink_amplitude")
sub.itemR(part, "kink_frequency")
sub = split.column()
sub.itemR(part, "kink_shape", slider=True)
class PARTICLE_PT_effectors(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Effectors"
__default_closed__ = True
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
part = psys.settings
layout.itemR(part, "effector_group")
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_all", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_spherical", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_vortex", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_magnetic", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_wind", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_curveguide", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_texture", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_harmonic", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_charge", slider=True)
layout.itemR(part, "eweight_lennardjones", slider=True)
class PARTICLE_PT_vertexgroups(ParticleButtonsPanel):
__label__ = "Vertexgroups"
__default_closed__ = True
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
psys = context.particle_system
part = psys.settings
layout.itemL(text="Nothing here yet.")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemL(text="Vertex Group")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_density")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_density_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_velocity")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_velocity_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_length")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_length_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_clump")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_clump_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_kink")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_kink_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_roughness1")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_roughness1_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_roughness2")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_roughness2_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_roughness_end")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_roughness_end_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_size")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_size_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_tangent")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_tangent_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_rotation")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_rotation_negate", text="")
#row = layout.row()
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_field")
#row.itemR(psys, "vertex_group_field_negate", text="")