Ton Roosendaal da376e0237 Cycles render engine, initial commit. This is the engine itself, blender modifications and build instructions will follow later.
Cycles uses code from some great open source projects, many thanks them:

* BVH building and traversal code from NVidia's "Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs":
* Open Shading Language for a large part of the shading system:
* Blender for procedural textures and a few other nodes.
* Approximate Catmull Clark subdivision from NVidia Mesh tools:
* Sobol direction vectors from:
* Film response functions from:
2011-04-27 11:58:34 +00:00

395 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#define MBVH_OBJECT_SENTINEL 0x76543210
#define MBVH_NODE_SIZE 8
#define MBVH_STACK_SIZE 1024
#define MBVH_RAY_STACK_SIZE 10000
typedef struct MBVHTask {
int node;
int index;
int num;
int object;
} MBVHTask;
typedef struct MVBHRay {
float3 P;
float u;
float3 idir;
float v;
float t;
int index;
int object;
float3 origP;
float3 origD;
float tmax;
} MBVHRay;
__device float3 mbvh_inverse_direction(float3 dir)
// Avoid divide by zero (ooeps = exp2f(-80.0f))
float ooeps = 0.00000000000000000000000082718061255302767487140869206996285356581211090087890625f;
float3 idir;
idir.x = 1.0f / (fabsf(dir.x) > ooeps ? dir.x : copysignf(ooeps, dir.x));
idir.y = 1.0f / (fabsf(dir.y) > ooeps ? dir.y : copysignf(ooeps, dir.y));
idir.z = 1.0f / (fabsf(dir.z) > ooeps ? dir.z : copysignf(ooeps, dir.z));
return idir;
__device void mbvh_instance_push(KernelGlobals *kg, int object, MBVHRay *ray)
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, object, OBJECT_INVERSE_TRANSFORM);
ray->P = transform(&tfm, ray->origP);
float3 dir = ray->origD;
if(ray->t != ray->tmax) dir *= ray->t;
dir = transform_direction(&tfm, dir);
ray->idir = mbvh_inverse_direction(normalize(dir));
if(ray->t != ray->tmax) ray->t = len(dir);
__device void mbvh_instance_pop(KernelGlobals *kg, int object, MBVHRay *ray)
Transform tfm = object_fetch_transform(kg, object, OBJECT_TRANSFORM);
if(ray->t != ray->tmax)
ray->t = len(transform_direction(&tfm, (1.0f/(ray->idir)) * (ray->t)));
ray->P = ray->origP;
ray->idir = mbvh_inverse_direction(ray->origD);
/* Sven Woop's algorithm */
__device void mbvh_triangle_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, MBVHRay *ray, int object, int triAddr)
float3 P = ray->P;
float3 idir = ray->idir;
/* compute and check intersection t-value */
float4 v00 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+0);
float4 v11 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+1);
float3 dir = 1.0f/idir;
float Oz = v00.w - P.x*v00.x - P.y*v00.y - P.z*v00.z;
float invDz = 1.0f/(dir.x*v00.x + dir.y*v00.y + dir.z*v00.z);
float t = Oz * invDz;
if(t > 0.0f && t < ray->t) {
/* compute and check barycentric u */
float Ox = v11.w + P.x*v11.x + P.y*v11.y + P.z*v11.z;
float Dx = dir.x*v11.x + dir.y*v11.y + dir.z*v11.z;
float u = Ox + t*Dx;
if(u >= 0.0f) {
/* compute and check barycentric v */
float4 v22 = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_woop, triAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+2);
float Oy = v22.w + P.x*v22.x + P.y*v22.y + P.z*v22.z;
float Dy = dir.x*v22.x + dir.y*v22.y + dir.z*v22.z;
float v = Oy + t*Dy;
if(v >= 0.0f && u + v <= 1.0f) {
/* record intersection */
ray->index = triAddr;
ray->object = object;
ray->u = u;
ray->v = v;
ray->t = t;
__device void mbvh_node_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, __m128 *traverseChild,
__m128 *tHit, float3 P, float3 idir, float t, int nodeAddr)
/* X axis */
const __m128 bminx = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+0);
const __m128 t0x = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bminx, _mm_set_ps1(P.x)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.x));
const __m128 bmaxx = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+1);
const __m128 t1x = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bmaxx, _mm_set_ps1(P.x)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.x));
__m128 tmin = _mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(t0x, t1x), _mm_setzero_ps());
__m128 tmax = _mm_min_ps(_mm_max_ps(t0x, t1x), _mm_set_ps1(t));
/* Y axis */
const __m128 bminy = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+2);
const __m128 t0y = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bminy, _mm_set_ps1(P.y)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.y));
const __m128 bmaxy = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+3);
const __m128 t1y = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bmaxy, _mm_set_ps1(P.y)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.y));
tmin = _mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(t0y, t1y), tmin);
tmax = _mm_min_ps(_mm_max_ps(t0y, t1y), tmax);
/* Z axis */
const __m128 bminz = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+4);
const __m128 t0z = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bminz, _mm_set_ps1(P.z)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.z));
const __m128 bmaxz = kernel_tex_fetch_m128(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+5);
const __m128 t1z = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(bmaxz, _mm_set_ps1(P.z)), _mm_set_ps1(idir.z));
tmin = _mm_max_ps(_mm_min_ps(t0z, t1z), tmin);
tmax = _mm_min_ps(_mm_max_ps(t0z, t1z), tmax);
/* compare and get mask */
*traverseChild = _mm_cmple_ps(tmin, tmax);
/* get distance XXX probably wrong */
*tHit = tmin;
static void mbvh_sort_by_length(int id[4], float len[4])
for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
int j = i - 1;
while(j >= 0 && len[j] > len[j+1]) {
swap(len[j], len[j+1]);
swap(id[j], id[j+1]);
__device void scene_intersect(KernelGlobals *kg, MBVHRay *rays, int numrays)
/* traversal stacks */
MBVHTask task_stack[MBVH_STACK_SIZE];
int active_ray_stacks[4][MBVH_RAY_STACK_SIZE];
int num_task, num_active[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
__m128i one_mm = _mm_set1_epi32(1);
/* push root node task on stack */
task_stack[0].node = kernel_data.bvh.root;
task_stack[0].index = 0;
task_stack[0].num = numrays;
task_stack[0].object = ~0;
num_task = 1;
/* push all rays in first SIMD lane */
for(int i = 0; i < numrays; i++)
active_ray_stacks[0][i] = i;
num_active[0] = numrays;
while(num_task >= 1) {
/* pop task */
MBVHTask task = task_stack[--num_task];
if(task.node == MBVH_OBJECT_SENTINEL) {
/* instance pop */
/* pop rays from stack */
num_active[task.index] -= task.num;
int ray_offset = num_active[task.index];
/* transform rays */
for(int i = 0; i < task.num; i++) {
MBVHRay *ray = &rays[active_ray_stacks[task.index][ray_offset + i]];
mbvh_instance_pop(kg, task.object, ray);
else if(task.node >= 0) {
/* inner node? */
/* pop rays from stack*/
num_active[task.index] -= task.num;
int ray_offset = num_active[task.index];
/* initialze simd values */
__m128i num_active_mm = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)num_active);
__m128 len_mm = _mm_set_ps1(0.0f);
for(int i = 0; i < task.num; i++) {
int rayid = active_ray_stacks[task.index][ray_offset + i];
MVBHRay *ray = rays + rayid;
/* intersect 4 QBVH node children */
__m128 result;
__m128 thit;
mbvh_node_intersect(kg, &result, &thit, ray->P, ray->idir, ray->t, task.node);
/* update length for sorting */
len_mm = _mm_add_ps(len_mm, _mm_and_ps(thit, result));
/* push rays on stack */
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
active_ray_stacks[j][num_active[j]] = rayid;
/* update num active */
__m128i resulti = _mm_and_si128(*((__m128i*)&result), one_mm);
num_active_mm = _mm_add_epi32(resulti, num_active_mm);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)num_active, num_active_mm);
if(num_active[0] || num_active[1] || num_active[2] || num_active[3]) {
/* load child node addresses */
float4 cnodes = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, task.node);
int child[4] = {
/* sort nodes by average intersection distance */
int ids[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
float len[4];
_mm_store_ps(len, len_mm);
mbvh_sort_by_length(ids, len);
/* push new tasks on stack */
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if(num_active[j]) {
int id = ids[j];
task_stack[num_task].node = child[id];
task_stack[num_task].index = id;
task_stack[num_task].num = num_active[id];
task_stack[num_task].object = task.object;
else {
/* fetch leaf node data */
float4 leaf = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, (-task.node-1)*MBVH_NODE_SIZE+(MBVH_NODE_SIZE-2));
int triAddr = __float_as_int(leaf.x);
int triAddr2 = __float_as_int(leaf.y);
/* pop rays from stack*/
num_active[task.index] -= task.num;
int ray_offset = num_active[task.index];
/* triangles */
if(triAddr >= 0) {
int i, numq = (task.num >> 2) << 2;
/* SIMD ray leaf intersection */
for(i = 0; i < numq; i += 4) {
MBVHRay *ray4[4] = {
&rays[active_ray_stacks[task.index][ray_offset + i + 0]],
&rays[active_ray_stacks[task.index][ray_offset + i + 1]],
&rays[active_ray_stacks[task.index][ray_offset + i + 2]],
&rays[active_ray_stacks[task.index][ray_offset + i + 3]]};
/* load SoA */
while(triAddr < triAddr2) {
mbvh_triangle_intersect(ray4[0], task.object, task.node);
mbvh_triangle_intersect(ray4[1], task.object, task.node);
mbvh_triangle_intersect(ray4[2], task.object, task.node);
mbvh_triangle_intersect(ray4[3], task.object, task.node);
/* some shadow ray optim could be done by setting t=0 */
/* store AoS */
/* mono ray leaf intersection */
for(; i < task.num; i++) {
MBVHRay *ray = &rays[active_ray_stacks[task.index][ray_offset + i]];
while(triAddr < triAddr2) {
mbvh_triangle_intersect(kg, ray, task.object, task.node);
else {
/* instance push */
int object = -triAddr-1;
int node = triAddr;
/* push instance pop task */
task_stack[num_task].node = MBVH_OBJECT_SENTINEL;
task_stack[num_task].index = task.index;
task_stack[num_task].num = task.num;
task_stack[num_task].object = object;
num_active[task.index] += task.num;
/* push node task */
task_stack[num_task].node = node;
task_stack[num_task].index = task.index;
task_stack[num_task].num = task.num;
task_stack[num_task].object = object;
for(int i = 0; i < task.num; i++) {
int rayid = active_ray_stacks[task.index][ray_offset + i];
/* push on stack for last task */
active_ray_stacks[task.index][num_active[task.index]] = rayid;
/* transform ray */
MBVHRay *ray = &rays[rayid];
mbvh_instance_push(kg, object, ray);
__device void mbvh_set_ray(MBVHRay *rays, int i, Ray *ray, float tmax)
MBVHRay *mray = &rays[i];
/* ray parameters in registers */
mray->P = ray->P;
mray->idir = mbvh_inverse_direction(ray->D);
mray->t = tmax;
__device bool mbvh_get_intersection(MVBHRay *rays, int i, Intersection *isect, float tmax)
MBVHRay *mray = &rays[i];
if(mray->t == tmax)
return false;
isect->t = mray->t;
isect->u = mray->u;
isect->v = mray->v;
isect->index = mray->index;
isect->object = mray->object;
return true;
__device bool mbvh_get_shadow(MBVHRay *rays, int i, float tmax)
return (rays[i].t == tmax);