Brecht Van Lommel d43682d51b Cycles: Subsurface Scattering
New features:

* Bump mapping now works with SSS
* Texture Blur factor for SSS, see the documentation for details:

Work in progress for feedback:

Initial implementation of the "BSSRDF Importance Sampling" paper, which uses
a different importance sampling method. It gives better quality results in
many ways, with the availability of both Cubic and Gaussian falloff functions,
but also tends to be more noisy when using the progressive integrator and does
not give great results with some geometry. It works quite well for the
non-progressive integrator and is often less noisy there.

This code may still change a lot, so unless you're testing it may be best to
stick to the Compatible falloff function.

Skin test render and file that takes advantage of the gaussian falloff:
2013-08-18 14:15:57 +00:00

309 lines
10 KiB

* Adapted from code Copyright 2009-2010 NVIDIA Corporation,
* and code copyright 2009-2012 Intel Corporation
* Modifications Copyright 2011-2013, Blender Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* This is a template BVH traversal function for subsurface scattering, where
* various features can be enabled/disabled. This way we can compile optimized
* versions for each case without new features slowing things down.
* BVH_INSTANCING: object instancing
* BVH_MOTION: motion blur rendering
#define FEATURE(f) (((BVH_FUNCTION_FEATURES) & (f)) != 0)
__device uint BVH_FUNCTION_NAME(KernelGlobals *kg, const Ray *ray, Intersection *isect_array,
int subsurface_object, uint *lcg_state, int max_hits)
/* todo:
* - test if pushing distance on the stack helps (for non shadow rays)
* - separate version for shadow rays
* - likely and unlikely for if() statements
* - SSE for hair
* - test restrict attribute for pointers
/* traversal stack in CUDA thread-local memory */
int traversalStack[BVH_STACK_SIZE];
traversalStack[0] = ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL;
/* traversal variables in registers */
int stackPtr = 0;
int nodeAddr = kernel_data.bvh.root;
/* ray parameters in registers */
const float tmax = ray->t;
float3 P = ray->P;
float3 idir = bvh_inverse_direction(ray->D);
int object = ~0;
const uint visibility = ~0;
uint num_hits = 0;
Transform ob_tfm;
#if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__)
const shuffle_swap_t shuf_identity = shuffle_swap_identity();
const shuffle_swap_t shuf_swap = shuffle_swap_swap();
const __m128i pn = _mm_set_epi32(0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);
__m128 Psplat[3], idirsplat[3];
Psplat[0] = _mm_set_ps1(P.x);
Psplat[1] = _mm_set_ps1(P.y);
Psplat[2] = _mm_set_ps1(P.z);
idirsplat[0] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.x), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
idirsplat[1] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.y), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
idirsplat[2] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.z), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
__m128 tsplat = _mm_set_ps(-tmax, -tmax, 0.0f, 0.0f);
shuffle_swap_t shufflex = (idir.x >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
shuffle_swap_t shuffley = (idir.y >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
shuffle_swap_t shufflez = (idir.z >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
/* traversal loop */
do {
/* traverse internal nodes */
while(nodeAddr >= 0 && nodeAddr != ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL)
bool traverseChild0, traverseChild1;
int nodeAddrChild1;
#if !defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__)
/* Intersect two child bounding boxes, non-SSE version */
float t = tmax;
/* fetch node data */
float4 node0 = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*BVH_NODE_SIZE+0);
float4 node1 = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*BVH_NODE_SIZE+1);
float4 node2 = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*BVH_NODE_SIZE+2);
float4 cnodes = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, nodeAddr*BVH_NODE_SIZE+3);
/* intersect ray against child nodes */
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c0lox = (node0.x - P.x) * idir.x;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c0hix = (node0.z - P.x) * idir.x;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c0loy = (node1.x - P.y) * idir.y;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c0hiy = (node1.z - P.y) * idir.y;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c0loz = (node2.x - P.z) * idir.z;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c0hiz = (node2.z - P.z) * idir.z;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c0min = max4(min(c0lox, c0hix), min(c0loy, c0hiy), min(c0loz, c0hiz), 0.0f);
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c0max = min4(max(c0lox, c0hix), max(c0loy, c0hiy), max(c0loz, c0hiz), t);
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c1lox = (node0.y - P.x) * idir.x;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c1hix = (node0.w - P.x) * idir.x;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c1loy = (node1.y - P.y) * idir.y;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c1hiy = (node1.w - P.y) * idir.y;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c1loz = (node2.y - P.z) * idir.z;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c1hiz = (node2.w - P.z) * idir.z;
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c1min = max4(min(c1lox, c1hix), min(c1loy, c1hiy), min(c1loz, c1hiz), 0.0f);
NO_EXTENDED_PRECISION float c1max = min4(max(c1lox, c1hix), max(c1loy, c1hiy), max(c1loz, c1hiz), t);
/* decide which nodes to traverse next */
/* this visibility test gives a 5% performance hit, how to solve? */
traverseChild0 = (c0max >= c0min) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.z) & visibility);
traverseChild1 = (c1max >= c1min) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.w) & visibility);
traverseChild0 = (c0max >= c0min);
traverseChild1 = (c1max >= c1min);
#else // __KERNEL_SSE2__
/* Intersect two child bounding boxes, SSE3 version adapted from Embree */
/* fetch node data */
__m128 *bvh_nodes = (__m128*)kg-> + nodeAddr*BVH_NODE_SIZE;
float4 cnodes = ((float4*)bvh_nodes)[3];
/* intersect ray against child nodes */
const __m128 tminmaxx = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(shuffle_swap(bvh_nodes[0], shufflex), Psplat[0]), idirsplat[0]);
const __m128 tminmaxy = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(shuffle_swap(bvh_nodes[1], shuffley), Psplat[1]), idirsplat[1]);
const __m128 tminmaxz = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(shuffle_swap(bvh_nodes[2], shufflez), Psplat[2]), idirsplat[2]);
const __m128 tminmax = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_max_ps(_mm_max_ps(tminmaxx, tminmaxy), _mm_max_ps(tminmaxz, tsplat)), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
const __m128 lrhit = _mm_cmple_ps(tminmax, shuffle_swap(tminmax, shuf_swap));
/* decide which nodes to traverse next */
/* this visibility test gives a 5% performance hit, how to solve? */
traverseChild0 = (_mm_movemask_ps(lrhit) & 1) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.z) & visibility);
traverseChild1 = (_mm_movemask_ps(lrhit) & 2) && (__float_as_uint(cnodes.w) & visibility);
traverseChild0 = (_mm_movemask_ps(lrhit) & 1);
traverseChild1 = (_mm_movemask_ps(lrhit) & 2);
#endif // __KERNEL_SSE2__
nodeAddr = __float_as_int(cnodes.x);
nodeAddrChild1 = __float_as_int(cnodes.y);
if(traverseChild0 && traverseChild1) {
/* both children were intersected, push the farther one */
#if !defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__)
bool closestChild1 = (c1min < c0min);
union { __m128 m128; float v[4]; } uminmax;
uminmax.m128 = tminmax;
bool closestChild1 = uminmax.v[1] < uminmax.v[0];
if(closestChild1) {
int tmp = nodeAddr;
nodeAddr = nodeAddrChild1;
nodeAddrChild1 = tmp;
traversalStack[stackPtr] = nodeAddrChild1;
else {
/* one child was intersected */
if(traverseChild1) {
nodeAddr = nodeAddrChild1;
else if(!traverseChild0) {
/* neither child was intersected */
nodeAddr = traversalStack[stackPtr];
/* if node is leaf, fetch triangle list */
if(nodeAddr < 0) {
float4 leaf = kernel_tex_fetch(__bvh_nodes, (-nodeAddr-1)*BVH_NODE_SIZE+(BVH_NODE_SIZE-1));
int primAddr = __float_as_int(leaf.x);
if(primAddr >= 0) {
int primAddr2 = __float_as_int(leaf.y);
/* pop */
nodeAddr = traversalStack[stackPtr];
/* primitive intersection */
while(primAddr < primAddr2) {
/* only primitives from the same object */
uint tri_object = (object == ~0)? kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, primAddr): object;
if(tri_object == subsurface_object) {
/* intersect ray against primitive */
bvh_triangle_intersect_subsurface(kg, isect_array, P, idir, object, primAddr, tmax, &num_hits, lcg_state, max_hits);
else {
/* instance push */
if(subsurface_object == kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, -primAddr-1)) {
object = subsurface_object;
float t_ignore = FLT_MAX;
bvh_instance_motion_push(kg, object, ray, &P, &idir, &t_ignore, &ob_tfm, tmax);
bvh_instance_push(kg, object, ray, &P, &idir, &t_ignore, tmax);
#if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__)
Psplat[0] = _mm_set_ps1(P.x);
Psplat[1] = _mm_set_ps1(P.y);
Psplat[2] = _mm_set_ps1(P.z);
idirsplat[0] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.x), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
idirsplat[1] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.y), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
idirsplat[2] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.z), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
tsplat = _mm_set_ps(-tmax, -tmax, 0.0f, 0.0f);
shufflex = (idir.x >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
shuffley = (idir.y >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
shufflez = (idir.z >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
traversalStack[stackPtr] = ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL;
nodeAddr = kernel_tex_fetch(__object_node, object);
else {
/* pop */
nodeAddr = traversalStack[stackPtr];
} while(nodeAddr != ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL);
if(stackPtr >= 0) {
kernel_assert(object != ~0);
/* instance pop */
float t_ignore = FLT_MAX;
bvh_instance_motion_pop(kg, object, ray, &P, &idir, &t_ignore, &ob_tfm, tmax);
bvh_instance_pop(kg, object, ray, &P, &idir, &t_ignore, tmax);
#if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__)
Psplat[0] = _mm_set_ps1(P.x);
Psplat[1] = _mm_set_ps1(P.y);
Psplat[2] = _mm_set_ps1(P.z);
idirsplat[0] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.x), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
idirsplat[1] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.y), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
idirsplat[2] = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_set_ps1(idir.z), _mm_castsi128_ps(pn));
tsplat = _mm_set_ps(-tmax, -tmax, 0.0f, 0.0f);
shufflex = (idir.x >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
shuffley = (idir.y >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
shufflez = (idir.z >= 0)? shuf_identity: shuf_swap;
object = ~0;
nodeAddr = traversalStack[stackPtr];
} while(nodeAddr != ENTRYPOINT_SENTINEL);
return num_hits;
#undef FEATURE