Antony Riakiotakis 13c39e90b3 VBO offscreen selection drawing, cdderivedmesh
Get rid of legacy drawing, it's only used for selection,
    in which case we can prepare a temporary color buffer and draw
    at once. Code is not complete here because we still redundantly
    set the draw color in the draw function and don't ommit hidden
    faces automatically. Still it works 100% without immediate mode
2015-07-15 18:50:02 +02:00

741 lines
45 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
* BKE_bad_level_calls function stubs
/** \file blenderplayer/bad_level_call_stubs/stubs.c
* \ingroup blc
#define ASSERT_STUBS 0
# include <assert.h>
# define STUB_ASSERT(x) (assert(x))
# define STUB_ASSERT(x)
struct ARegion;
struct ARegionType;
struct BMEditMesh;
struct Base;
struct BoundBox;
struct Brush;
struct CSG_FaceIteratorDescriptor;
struct CSG_VertexIteratorDescriptor;
struct ChannelDriver;
struct ColorBand;
struct Context;
struct Curve;
struct CurveMapping;
struct DerivedMesh;
struct EditBone;
struct EnvMap;
struct FCurve;
struct Heap;
struct HeapNode;
struct ID;
struct ImBuf;
struct Image;
struct ImageUser;
struct KeyingSet;
struct KeyingSetInfo;
struct MCol;
struct MTex;
struct Main;
struct Mask;
struct Material;
struct MenuType;
struct Mesh;
struct MetaBall;
struct Lattice;
struct ModifierData;
struct MovieClip;
struct MultiresModifierData;
struct HookModifierData;
struct NodeBlurData;
struct Nurb;
struct Object;
struct PBVHNode;
struct PyObject;
struct Render;
struct RenderEngine;
struct RenderEngineType;
struct RenderLayer;
struct RenderResult;
struct Scene;
struct Scene;
struct ScrArea;
struct SculptSession;
struct ShadeInput;
struct ShadeResult;
struct SpaceButs;
struct SpaceClip;
struct SpaceImage;
struct SpaceNode;
struct Tex;
struct TexResult;
struct Text;
struct ToolSettings;
struct View2D;
struct View3D;
struct bAction;
struct bArmature;
struct bConstraint;
struct bConstraintOb;
struct bConstraintTarget;
struct bContextDataResult;
struct bNode;
struct bNodeType;
struct bNodeSocket;
struct bNodeSocketType;
struct bNodeTree;
struct bNodeTreeType;
struct bPoseChannel;
struct bPythonConstraint;
struct bTheme;
struct uiLayout;
struct wmEvent;
struct wmKeyConfig;
struct wmKeyMap;
struct wmOperator;
struct wmOperatorType;
struct wmWindow;
struct wmWindowManager;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Declarations */
/* may cause troubles... enable for now so args match for certain */
#if 1
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wmissing-prototypes"
#include "../../intern/cycles/blender/CCL_api.h"
#include "../../intern/dualcon/dualcon.h"
#include "../../intern/elbeem/extern/elbeem.h"
#include "../blender/blenkernel/BKE_modifier.h"
#include "../blender/blenkernel/BKE_paint.h"
#include "../blender/collada/collada.h"
#include "../blender/compositor/COM_compositor.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_armature.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_buttons.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_clip.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_curve.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_fileselect.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_image.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_info.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_keyframes_edit.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_keyframing.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_lattice.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_mball.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_mesh.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_node.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_object.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_particle.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_render.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_screen.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_space_api.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_text.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_transform.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_uvedit.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/ED_view3d.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/UI_interface.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/UI_interface_icons.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/UI_resources.h"
#include "../blender/editors/include/UI_view2d.h"
#include "../blender/freestyle/FRS_freestyle.h"
#include "../blender/python/BPY_extern.h"
#include "../blender/render/extern/include/RE_engine.h"
#include "../blender/render/extern/include/RE_pipeline.h"
#include "../blender/render/extern/include/RE_render_ext.h"
#include "../blender/render/extern/include/RE_shader_ext.h"
#include "../blender/windowmanager/WM_api.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Externs
* (ideally we wouldn't have _any_ but we can't include all directly)
/* bpy_operator_wrap.h */
extern void macro_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata);
extern void operator_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata);
/* bpy_rna.h */
extern bool pyrna_id_FromPyObject(struct PyObject *obj, struct ID **id);
extern const char *BPY_app_translations_py_pgettext(const char *msgctxt, const char *msgid);
extern const char *BPY_app_translations_py_pgettext(const char *msgctxt, const char *msgid);
extern struct PyObject *pyrna_id_CreatePyObject(struct ID *id);
/* end declarations */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Return Macro's */
#include <string.h> /* memset */
#define RET_NULL {STUB_ASSERT(0); return (void *) NULL;}
#define RET_ZERO {STUB_ASSERT(0); return 0;}
#define RET_MINUSONE {STUB_ASSERT(0); return -1;}
#define RET_STRUCT(t) {struct t v; STUB_ASSERT(0); memset(&v, 0, sizeof(v)); return v;}
#define RET_ARG(arg) {STUB_ASSERT(0); return arg; }
#define RET_NONE {STUB_ASSERT(0);}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Stubs */
/*new render funcs */
void EDBM_selectmode_set(struct BMEditMesh *em) RET_NONE
void EDBM_mesh_load(struct Object *ob) RET_NONE
void EDBM_mesh_make(struct ToolSettings *ts, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE
void EDBM_mesh_normals_update(struct BMEditMesh *em) RET_NONE
void *g_system;
bool EDBM_mtexpoly_check(struct BMEditMesh *em) RET_ZERO
float *RE_RenderLayerGetPass(volatile struct RenderLayer *rl, int passtype, const char *viewname) RET_NULL
float RE_filter_value(int type, float x) RET_ZERO
struct RenderLayer *RE_GetRenderLayer(struct RenderResult *rr, const char *name) RET_NULL
void RE_init_texture_rng() RET_NONE
void RE_exit_texture_rng() RET_NONE
bool RE_layers_have_name(struct RenderResult *result) {STUB_ASSERT(0); return 0;}
void RE_engine_active_view_set(struct RenderEngine *engine, const char *viewname) {STUB_ASSERT(0);}
void RE_engine_get_camera_model_matrix(struct RenderEngine *engine, struct Object *camera, float *r_modelmat) {STUB_ASSERT(0);}
float RE_engine_get_camera_shift_x(struct RenderEngine *engine, struct Object *camera) RET_ZERO
void RE_SetActiveRenderView(struct Render *re, const char *viewname) {STUB_ASSERT(0);}
struct RenderPass *RE_pass_find_by_type(volatile struct RenderLayer *rl, int passtype, const char *viewname) RET_NULL
bool RE_HasFakeLayer(RenderResult *res) RET_ZERO
/* zbuf.c stub */
void antialias_tagbuf(int xsize, int ysize, char *rectmove) RET_NONE
void RE_zbuf_accumulate_vecblur(struct NodeBlurData *nbd, int xsize, int ysize, float *newrect, float *imgrect, float *vecbufrect, float *zbufrect) RET_NONE
/* imagetexture.c stub */
void ibuf_sample(struct ImBuf *ibuf, float fx, float fy, float dx, float dy, float *result) RET_NONE
/* Freestyle */
bool ED_texture_context_check_linestyle(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO
void FRS_free_view_map_cache(void) RET_NONE
/* texture.c */
int multitex_ext(struct Tex *tex, float texvec[3], float dxt[3], float dyt[3], int osatex, struct TexResult *texres, struct ImagePool *pool, bool scene_color_manage, const bool skip_load_image) RET_ZERO
int multitex_ext_safe(struct Tex *tex, float texvec[3], struct TexResult *texres, struct ImagePool *pool, bool scene_color_manage, const bool skip_load_image) RET_ZERO
int multitex_nodes(struct Tex *tex, float texvec[3], float dxt[3], float dyt[3], int osatex, struct TexResult *texres, const short thread, short which_output, struct ShadeInput *shi, struct MTex *mtex, struct ImagePool *pool) RET_ZERO
struct Material *RE_init_sample_material(struct Material *orig_mat, struct Scene *scene) RET_NULL
void RE_free_sample_material(struct Material *mat) RET_NONE
void RE_sample_material_color(struct Material *mat, float color[3], float *alpha, const float volume_co[3], const float surface_co[3],
int face_index, short hit_quad, struct DerivedMesh *orcoDm, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE
/* nodes */
struct Render *RE_GetRender(const char *name) RET_NULL
struct Object *RE_GetCamera(struct Render *re) RET_NULL
float RE_lamp_get_data(struct ShadeInput *shi, struct Object *lamp_obj, float col[4], float lv[3], float *dist, float shadow[4]) RET_ZERO
/* blenkernel */
bool BKE_paint_proj_mesh_data_check(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, bool *uvs, bool *mat, bool *tex, bool *stencil) RET_ZERO
/* render */
void RE_FreeRenderResult(struct RenderResult *res) RET_NONE
void RE_FreeAllRenderResults(void) RET_NONE
struct RenderResult *RE_MultilayerConvert(void *exrhandle, const char *colorspace, bool predivide, int rectx, int recty) RET_NULL
struct Scene *RE_GetScene(struct Render *re) RET_NULL
void RE_Database_Free(struct Render *re) RET_NONE
void RE_FreeRender(struct Render *re) RET_NONE
void RE_DataBase_GetView(struct Render *re, float mat[4][4]) RET_NONE
int externtex(struct MTex *mtex, const float vec[3], float *tin, float *tr, float *tg, float *tb, float *ta, const int thread, struct ImagePool *pool, const bool skip_load_image) RET_ZERO
float texture_value_blend(float tex, float out, float fact, float facg, int blendtype) RET_ZERO
void texture_rgb_blend(float in[3], const float tex[3], const float out[3], float fact, float facg, int blendtype) RET_NONE
const unsigned char stipple_quarttone[128];
double elbeemEstimateMemreq(int res, float sx, float sy, float sz, int refine, char *retstr) RET_ZERO
struct Render *RE_NewRender(const char *name) RET_NULL
void RE_SwapResult(struct Render *re, struct RenderResult **rr) RET_NONE
void RE_BlenderFrame(struct Render *re, struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct SceneRenderLayer *srl, struct Object *camera_override, unsigned int lay_override, int frame, const bool write_still) RET_NONE
bool RE_WriteEnvmapResult(struct ReportList *reports, struct Scene *scene, struct EnvMap *env, const char *relpath, const char imtype, float layout[12]) RET_ZERO
/* rna */
float *ED_view3d_cursor3d_get(struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d) RET_NULL
void WM_menutype_free(void) RET_NONE
void WM_menutype_freelink(struct MenuType *mt) RET_NONE
bool WM_menutype_add(struct MenuType *mt) RET_ZERO
int WM_operator_props_dialog_popup(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, int width, int height) RET_ZERO
int WM_operator_confirm(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO
struct MenuType *WM_menutype_find(const char *idname, bool quiet) RET_NULL
void WM_operator_stack_clear(struct wmWindowManager *wm) RET_NONE
void WM_operator_handlers_clear(wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmOperatorType *ot) RET_NONE
void WM_autosave_init(wmWindowManager *wm) RET_NONE
void WM_jobs_kill_all_except(struct wmWindowManager *wm, void *owner) RET_NONE
char *WM_clipboard_text_get(bool selection, int *r_len) RET_NULL
char *WM_clipboard_text_get_firstline(bool selection, int *r_len) RET_NULL
void WM_clipboard_text_set(const char *buf, bool selection) RET_NONE
void WM_cursor_set(struct wmWindow *win, int curor) RET_NONE
void WM_cursor_modal_set(struct wmWindow *win, int curor) RET_NONE
void WM_cursor_modal_restore(struct wmWindow *win) RET_NONE
void WM_cursor_time(struct wmWindow *win, int nr) RET_NONE
void WM_cursor_warp(struct wmWindow *win, int x, int y) RET_NONE
void WM_ndof_deadzone_set(float deadzone) RET_NONE
void WM_uilisttype_init(void) RET_NONE
struct uiListType *WM_uilisttype_find(const char *idname, bool quiet) RET_NULL
bool WM_uilisttype_add(struct uiListType *ult) RET_ZERO
void WM_uilisttype_freelink(struct uiListType *ult) RET_NONE
void WM_uilisttype_free(void) RET_NONE
void WM_framebuffer_index_get(int index, int *r_col) RET_NONE
struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_keymap_item_find_id(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, int id) RET_NULL
int WM_enum_search_invoke(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO
void WM_event_add_notifier(const struct bContext *C, unsigned int type, void *reference) RET_NONE
void WM_main_add_notifier(unsigned int type, void *reference) RET_NONE
void ED_armature_bone_rename(struct bArmature *arm, const char *oldnamep, const char *newnamep) RET_NONE
void ED_armature_transform(struct bArmature *arm, float mat[4][4]) RET_NONE
struct wmEventHandler *WM_event_add_modal_handler(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op) RET_NULL
struct wmTimer *WM_event_add_timer(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, int event_type, double timestep) RET_NULL
void WM_event_remove_timer(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, struct wmTimer *timer) RET_NONE
float WM_event_tablet_data(const struct wmEvent *event, int *pen_flip, float tilt[2]) RET_ZERO
bool WM_event_is_tablet(const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO
void ED_armature_edit_bone_remove(struct bArmature *arm, struct EditBone *exBone) RET_NONE
void object_test_constraints(struct Object *owner) RET_NONE
void ED_armature_ebone_to_mat4(struct EditBone *ebone, float mat[4][4]) RET_NONE
void ED_armature_ebone_from_mat4(EditBone *ebone, float mat[4][4]) RET_NONE
void ED_object_parent(struct Object *ob, struct Object *par, int type, const char *substr) RET_NONE
void ED_object_constraint_set_active(struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *con) RET_NONE
void ED_node_composit_default(const struct bContext *C, struct Scene *scene) RET_NONE
void *ED_region_draw_cb_activate(struct ARegionType *art, void(*draw)(const struct bContext *, struct ARegion *, void *), void *custumdata, int type) RET_ZERO /* XXX this one looks weird */
void *ED_region_draw_cb_customdata(void *handle) RET_ZERO /* XXX This one looks wrong also */
void ED_region_draw_cb_exit(struct ARegionType *art, void *handle) RET_NONE
void ED_area_headerprint(struct ScrArea *sa, const char *str) RET_NONE
void UI_view2d_region_to_view(struct View2D *v2d, float x, float y, float *viewx, float *viewy) RET_NONE
bool UI_view2d_view_to_region_clip(struct View2D *v2d, float x, float y, int *regionx, int *regiony) RET_ZERO
void UI_view2d_view_to_region(struct View2D *v2d, float x, float y, int *regionx, int *region_y) RET_NONE
void UI_view2d_sync(struct bScreen *screen, struct ScrArea *sa, struct View2D *v2dcur, int flag) RET_NONE
struct EditBone *ED_armature_bone_get_mirrored(const struct ListBase *edbo, EditBone *ebo) RET_NULL
struct EditBone *ED_armature_edit_bone_add(struct bArmature *arm, const char *name) RET_NULL
struct ListBase *get_active_constraints (struct Object *ob) RET_NULL
struct ListBase *get_constraint_lb(struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *con, struct bPoseChannel **r_pchan) RET_NULL
bool ED_space_image_show_uvedit(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct Object *obedit) RET_ZERO
bool ED_space_image_show_render(struct SpaceImage *sima) RET_ZERO
bool ED_space_image_show_paint(struct SpaceImage *sima) RET_ZERO
void ED_space_image_paint_update(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct ToolSettings *settings) RET_NONE
void ED_space_image_set(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *obedit, struct Image *ima) RET_NONE
void ED_space_image_uv_sculpt_update(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct ToolSettings *settings) RET_NONE
void ED_space_image_scopes_update(const struct bContext *C, struct SpaceImage *sima, struct ImBuf *ibuf, bool use_view_settings) RET_NONE
void ED_uvedit_get_aspect(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, struct BMesh *em, float *aspx, float *aspy) RET_NONE
void ED_screen_set_scene(struct bContext *C, struct bScreen *screen, struct Scene *scene) RET_NONE
struct MovieClip *ED_space_clip_get_clip(struct SpaceClip *sc) RET_NULL
void ED_space_clip_set_clip(struct bContext *C, struct bScreen *screen, struct SpaceClip *sc, struct MovieClip *clip) RET_NONE
void ED_space_clip_set_mask(struct bContext *C, struct SpaceClip *sc, struct Mask *mask) RET_NONE
void ED_space_image_set_mask(struct bContext *C, struct SpaceImage *sima, struct Mask *mask) RET_NONE
void ED_area_tag_redraw_regiontype(struct ScrArea *sa, int regiontype) RET_NONE
void ED_render_engine_changed(struct Main *bmain) RET_NONE
void ED_file_read_bookmarks(void) RET_NONE
void ED_file_change_dir(struct bContext *C, const bool checkdir) RET_NONE
void ED_preview_kill_jobs(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct Main *bmain) RET_NONE
struct FSMenu *ED_fsmenu_get(void) RET_NULL
struct FSMenuEntry *ED_fsmenu_get_category(struct FSMenu *fsmenu, FSMenuCategory category) RET_NULL
int ED_fsmenu_get_nentries(struct FSMenu *fsmenu, FSMenuCategory category) RET_ZERO
struct FSMenuEntry *ED_fsmenu_get_entry(struct FSMenu *fsmenu, FSMenuCategory category, int index) RET_NULL
char *ED_fsmenu_entry_get_path(struct FSMenuEntry *fsentry) RET_NULL
void ED_fsmenu_entry_set_path(struct FSMenuEntry *fsentry, const char *name) RET_NONE
char *ED_fsmenu_entry_get_name(struct FSMenuEntry *fsentry) RET_NULL
void ED_fsmenu_entry_set_name(struct FSMenuEntry *fsentry, const char *name) RET_NONE
struct PTCacheEdit *PE_get_current(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob) RET_NULL
void PE_current_changed(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE
/* rna keymap */
struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_active(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmKeyMap *keymap) RET_NULL
struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_find(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf, const char *idname, int spaceid, int regionid) RET_NULL
struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_keymap_add_item(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, const char *idname, int type, int val, int modifier, int keymodifier) RET_NULL
struct wmKeyMap *WM_keymap_list_find(ListBase *lb, const char *idname, int spaceid, int regionid) RET_NULL
struct wmKeyConfig *WM_keyconfig_new(struct wmWindowManager *wm, const char *idname) RET_NULL
struct wmKeyConfig *WM_keyconfig_new_user(struct wmWindowManager *wm, const char *idname) RET_NULL
bool WM_keyconfig_remove(struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf) RET_ZERO
bool WM_keymap_remove(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconfig, struct wmKeyMap *keymap) RET_ZERO
void WM_keyconfig_set_active(struct wmWindowManager *wm, const char *idname) RET_NONE
bool WM_keymap_remove_item(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) RET_ZERO
void WM_keymap_restore_to_default(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE
void WM_keymap_restore_item_to_default(struct bContext *C, struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) RET_NONE
void WM_keymap_properties_reset(struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi, struct IDProperty *properties) RET_NONE
void WM_keyconfig_update_tag(struct wmKeyMap *keymap, struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) RET_NONE
int WM_keymap_item_compare(struct wmKeyMapItem *k1, struct wmKeyMapItem *k2) RET_ZERO
int WM_keymap_map_type_get(struct wmKeyMapItem *kmi) RET_ZERO
/* rna editors */
struct EditMesh;
struct FCurve *verify_fcurve(struct bAction *act, const char group[], struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char rna_path[], const int array_index, short add) RET_NULL
int insert_vert_fcurve(struct FCurve *fcu, float x, float y, short flag) RET_ZERO
void delete_fcurve_key(struct FCurve *fcu, int index, bool do_recalc) RET_NONE
struct KeyingSetInfo *ANIM_keyingset_info_find_name (const char name[]) RET_NULL
struct KeyingSet *ANIM_scene_get_active_keyingset (struct Scene *scene) RET_NULL
int ANIM_scene_get_keyingset_index(struct Scene *scene, struct KeyingSet *ks) RET_ZERO
struct ListBase builtin_keyingsets;
void ANIM_keyingset_info_register(struct KeyingSetInfo *ksi) RET_NONE
void ANIM_keyingset_info_unregister(struct Main *bmain, KeyingSetInfo *ksi) RET_NONE
short ANIM_validate_keyingset(struct bContext *C, struct ListBase *dsources, struct KeyingSet *ks) RET_ZERO
int ANIM_add_driver(struct ReportList *reports, struct ID *id, const char rna_path[], int array_index, short flag, int type) RET_ZERO
bool ANIM_remove_driver(struct ReportList *reports, struct ID *id, const char rna_path[], int array_index, short flag) RET_ZERO
void ED_space_image_release_buffer(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct ImBuf *ibuf, void *lock) RET_NONE
struct ImBuf *ED_space_image_acquire_buffer(struct SpaceImage *sima, void **r_lock) RET_NULL
void ED_space_image_get_zoom(struct SpaceImage *sima, struct ARegion *ar, float *zoomx, float *zoomy) RET_NONE
const char *ED_info_stats_string(struct Scene *scene) RET_NULL
void ED_area_tag_redraw(struct ScrArea *sa) RET_NONE
void ED_area_tag_refresh(struct ScrArea *sa) RET_NONE
void ED_area_newspace(struct bContext *C, struct ScrArea *sa, int type) RET_NONE
void ED_region_tag_redraw(struct ARegion *ar) RET_NONE
void WM_event_add_fileselect(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op) RET_NONE
void WM_cursor_wait(bool val) RET_NONE
void ED_node_texture_default(const struct bContext *C, struct Tex *tex) RET_NONE
void ED_node_tag_update_id(struct ID *id) RET_NONE
void ED_node_tag_update_nodetree(struct Main *bmain, struct bNodeTree *ntree) RET_NONE
void ED_node_tree_update(const struct bContext *C) RET_NONE
void ED_node_set_tree_type(struct SpaceNode *snode, struct bNodeTreeType *typeinfo){}
void ED_init_custom_node_type(struct bNodeType *ntype){}
void ED_init_custom_node_socket_type(struct bNodeSocketType *stype){}
void ED_init_standard_node_socket_type(struct bNodeSocketType *stype) RET_NONE
void ED_init_node_socket_type_virtual(struct bNodeSocketType *stype) RET_NONE
int ED_node_tree_path_length(struct SpaceNode *snode){return 0;}
void ED_node_tree_path_get(struct SpaceNode *snode, char *value){}
void ED_node_tree_path_get_fixedbuf(struct SpaceNode *snode, char *value, int max_length){}
void ED_node_tree_start(struct SpaceNode *snode, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct ID *id, struct ID *from){}
void ED_node_tree_push(struct SpaceNode *snode, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *gnode){}
void ED_node_tree_pop(struct SpaceNode *snode){}
int ED_view3d_scene_layer_set(int lay, const int *values, int *active) RET_ZERO
void ED_view3d_quadview_update(struct ScrArea *sa, struct ARegion *ar, bool do_clip) RET_NONE
void ED_view3d_from_m4(float mat[4][4], float ofs[3], float quat[4], float *dist) RET_NONE
struct BGpic *ED_view3D_background_image_new(struct View3D *v3d) RET_NULL
void ED_view3D_background_image_remove(struct View3D *v3d, struct BGpic *bgpic) RET_NONE
void ED_view3D_background_image_clear(struct View3D *v3d) RET_NONE
void ED_view3d_update_viewmat(struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, struct ARegion *ar, float viewmat[4][4], float winmat[4][4]) RET_NONE
float ED_view3d_grid_scale(struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, const char **grid_unit) RET_ZERO
void ED_view3d_shade_update(struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, struct ScrArea *sa) RET_NONE
void ED_node_shader_default(const struct bContext *C, struct ID *id) RET_NONE
void ED_screen_animation_timer_update(struct bScreen *screen, int redraws, int refresh) RET_NONE
struct bScreen *ED_screen_animation_playing(const struct wmWindowManager *wm) RET_NULL
void ED_base_object_select(struct Base *base, short mode) RET_NONE
bool ED_object_modifier_remove(struct ReportList *reports, struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob, struct ModifierData *md) RET_ZERO
struct ModifierData *ED_object_modifier_add(struct ReportList *reports, struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, const char *name, int type) RET_ZERO
void ED_object_modifier_clear(struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE
void ED_object_editmode_enter(struct bContext *C, int flag) RET_NONE
void ED_object_editmode_exit(struct bContext *C, int flag) RET_NONE
bool ED_object_editmode_load(struct Object *obedit) RET_ZERO
void ED_object_check_force_modifiers(struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *object) RET_NONE
bool uiLayoutGetActive(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO
int uiLayoutGetOperatorContext(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO
int uiLayoutGetAlignment(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO
bool uiLayoutGetEnabled(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO
float uiLayoutGetScaleX(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO
float uiLayoutGetScaleY(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO
void uiLayoutSetActive(struct uiLayout *layout, bool active) RET_NONE
void uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(struct uiLayout *layout, int opcontext) RET_NONE
void uiLayoutSetEnabled(uiLayout *layout, bool enabled) RET_NONE
void uiLayoutSetAlignment(uiLayout *layout, char alignment) RET_NONE
void uiLayoutSetScaleX(struct uiLayout *layout, float scale) RET_NONE
void uiLayoutSetScaleY(struct uiLayout *layout, float scale) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateIconView(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int show_labels, float icon_scale) RET_NONE
void ED_base_object_free_and_unlink(struct Main *bmain, struct Scene *scene, struct Base *base) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_update(struct Mesh *mesh, struct bContext *C, int calc_edges, int calc_tessface) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_vertices_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_edges_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_tessfaces_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_loops_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_polys_add(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_vertices_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_edges_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE
void ED_mesh_faces_remove(struct Mesh *mesh, struct ReportList *reports, int count) RET_NONE
int ED_mesh_color_add(struct Mesh *me, const char *name, const bool active_set) RET_MINUSONE
int ED_mesh_uv_texture_add(struct Mesh *me, const char *name, const bool active_set) RET_MINUSONE
bool ED_mesh_color_remove_named(struct Mesh *me, const char *name) RET_ZERO
bool ED_mesh_uv_texture_remove_named(struct Mesh *me, const char *name) RET_ZERO
void ED_object_constraint_dependency_update(struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob) RET_NONE
void ED_object_constraint_dependency_tag_update(struct Main *bmain, struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *con) RET_NONE
void ED_object_constraint_update(struct Object *ob) RET_NONE
void ED_object_constraint_tag_update(struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *con) RET_NONE
void ED_vgroup_vert_add(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum, float weight, int assignmode) RET_NONE
void ED_vgroup_vert_remove(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum) RET_NONE
float ED_vgroup_vert_weight(struct Object *ob, struct bDeformGroup *dg, int vertnum) RET_ZERO
int ED_mesh_mirror_topo_table(struct Object *ob, char mode) RET_ZERO
int ED_mesh_mirror_spatial_table(struct Object *ob, struct BMEditMesh *em, const float co[3], char mode) RET_ZERO
float ED_rollBoneToVector(EditBone *bone, const float new_up_axis[3], const bool axis_only) RET_ZERO
void ED_space_image_get_size(struct SpaceImage *sima, int *width, int *height) RET_NONE
bool ED_space_image_check_show_maskedit(struct Scene *scene, struct SpaceImage *sima) RET_ZERO
bool ED_texture_context_check_world(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO
bool ED_texture_context_check_material(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO
bool ED_texture_context_check_lamp(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO
bool ED_texture_context_check_particles(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO
bool ED_texture_context_check_others(const struct bContext *C) RET_ZERO
bool ED_text_region_location_from_cursor(SpaceText *st, ARegion *ar, const int cursor_co[2], int r_pixel_co[2]) RET_ZERO
bool snapObjectsRayEx(struct Scene *scene, struct Base *base_act, struct View3D *v3d, struct ARegion *ar, struct Object *obedit, short snap_mode,
struct Object **r_ob, float r_obmat[4][4],
const float ray_start[3], const float ray_normal[3], float *r_ray_dist,
const float mval[2], float *r_dist_px, float r_loc[3], float r_no[3], SnapMode mode) RET_ZERO
void make_editLatt(struct Object *obedit) RET_NONE
void load_editLatt(struct Object *obedit) RET_NONE
void load_editNurb(struct Object *obedit) RET_NONE
void make_editNurb(struct Object *obedit) RET_NONE
void uiItemR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int flag, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
struct PointerRNA uiItemFullO(uiLayout *layout, const char *idname, const char *name, int icon, struct IDProperty *properties, int context, int flag) RET_STRUCT(PointerRNA)
PointerRNA uiItemFullO_ptr(struct uiLayout *layout, struct wmOperatorType *ot, const char *name, int icon, struct IDProperty *properties, int context, int flag) RET_STRUCT(PointerRNA)
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutRow(uiLayout *layout, int align) RET_NULL
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutColumn(uiLayout *layout, int align) RET_NULL
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutColumnFlow(uiLayout *layout, int number, int align) RET_NULL
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutBox(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_NULL
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutSplit(uiLayout *layout, float percentage, int align) RET_NULL
bool uiLayoutGetRedAlert(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_ZERO
void uiLayoutSetRedAlert(uiLayout *layout, bool redalert) RET_NONE
void uiItemsEnumR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE
void uiItemMenuEnumR_prop(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
void uiItemMenuEnumR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
void uiItemEnumR_string(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *value, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
void uiItemPointerR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, struct PointerRNA *searchptr, const char *searchpropname, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
void uiItemsEnumO(uiLayout *layout, const char *opname, const char *propname) RET_NONE
void uiItemEnumO_string(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, const char *value) RET_NONE
void uiItemMenuEnumO(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, const char *opname, const char *propname, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
void uiItemBooleanO(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, int value) RET_NONE
void uiItemIntO(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, int value) RET_NONE
void uiItemFloatO(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, float value) RET_NONE
void uiItemStringO(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon, const char *opname, const char *propname, const char *value) RET_NONE
void uiItemL(struct uiLayout *layout, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
void uiItemM(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, const char *menuname, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
void uiItemS(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_NONE
void uiItemFullR(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct PropertyRNA *prop, int index, int value, int flag, const char *name, int icon) RET_NONE
void uiLayoutSetContextPointer(uiLayout *layout, const char *name, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NONE
const char *uiLayoutIntrospect(uiLayout *layout) RET_NULL
void UI_reinit_font(void) RET_NONE
int UI_rnaptr_icon_get(struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, int rnaicon, const bool big) RET_ZERO
struct bTheme *UI_GetTheme(void) RET_NULL
/* rna template */
void uiTemplateAnyID(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *proptypename, const char *text) RET_NONE
void uiTemplatePathBuilder(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, struct PointerRNA *root_ptr, const char *text) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateHeader(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateID(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *newop, const char *openop, const char *unlinkop) RET_NONE
struct uiLayout *uiTemplateModifier(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NULL
struct uiLayout *uiTemplateConstraint(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NULL
void uiTemplatePreview(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct ID *id, int show_buttons, struct ID *parent,
struct MTex *slot, const char *preview_id) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateIDPreview(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *newop, const char *openop, const char *unlinkop, int rows, int cols) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateCurveMapping(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int type, int levels, int brush, int neg_slope) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateColorRamp(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int expand) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateLayers(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *used_ptr, const char *used_propname, int active_layer) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateImageLayers(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct Image *ima, struct ImageUser *iuser) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateList(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, const char *listtype_name, const char *list_id,
PointerRNA *dataptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *active_dataptr, const char *active_propname,
const char *item_dyntip_propname, int rows, int maxrows, int layout_type, int columns) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateRunningJobs(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateOperatorSearch(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateHeader3D(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateEditModeSelection(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateImage(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, struct PointerRNA *userptr, int compact, int multiview) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateColorPicker(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int value_slider, int lock, int lock_luminosity, int cubic) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateHistogram(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateReportsBanner(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateWaveform(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateVectorscope(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateNodeLink(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *node, struct bNodeSocket *input) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateNodeView(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *node, struct bNodeSocket *input) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateTextureUser(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateTextureShow(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct PropertyRNA *prop) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateKeymapItemProperties(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateMovieClip(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int compact) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateMovieclipInformation(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, struct PointerRNA *userptr) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateTrack(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateMarker(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *userptr, PointerRNA *trackptr, int compact) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateImageSettings(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *imfptr, int color_management) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateColorspaceSettings(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateColormanagedViewSettings(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateComponentMenu(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, const char *name) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateNodeSocket(struct uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C, float *color) RET_NONE
void uiTemplatePalette(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, int color) RET_NONE
void uiTemplateImageStereo3d(struct uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *stereo3d_format_ptr) RET_NONE
/* rna render */
struct RenderResult *RE_engine_begin_result(RenderEngine *engine, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *layername, const char *viewname) RET_NULL
struct RenderResult *RE_AcquireResultRead(struct Render *re) RET_NULL
struct RenderResult *RE_AcquireResultWrite(struct Render *re) RET_NULL
struct RenderStats *RE_GetStats(struct Render *re) RET_NULL
struct RenderData *RE_engine_get_render_data(struct Render *re) RET_NULL
void RE_engine_update_result(struct RenderEngine *engine, struct RenderResult *result) RET_NONE
void RE_engine_update_progress(struct RenderEngine *engine, float progress) RET_NONE
void RE_engine_set_error_message(RenderEngine *engine, const char *msg) RET_NONE
void RE_engine_end_result(RenderEngine *engine, struct RenderResult *result, int cancel, int merge_results) RET_NONE
void RE_engine_update_stats(RenderEngine *engine, const char *stats, const char *info) RET_NONE
void RE_layer_load_from_file(struct RenderLayer *layer, struct ReportList *reports, const char *filename, int x, int y) RET_NONE
void RE_result_load_from_file(struct RenderResult *result, struct ReportList *reports, const char *filename) RET_NONE
void RE_AcquireResultImage(struct Render *re, struct RenderResult *rr, const int view_id) RET_NONE
void RE_ReleaseResult(struct Render *re) RET_NONE
void RE_ReleaseResultImage(struct Render *re) RET_NONE
int RE_engine_test_break(struct RenderEngine *engine) RET_ZERO
void RE_engines_init() RET_NONE
void RE_engines_exit() RET_NONE
void RE_engine_report(struct RenderEngine *engine, int type, const char *msg) RET_NONE
ListBase R_engines = {NULL, NULL};
void RE_engine_free(struct RenderEngine *engine) RET_NONE
struct RenderEngineType *RE_engines_find(const char *idname) RET_NULL
void RE_engine_update_memory_stats(struct RenderEngine *engine, float mem_used, float mem_peak) RET_NONE
struct RenderEngine *RE_engine_create(struct RenderEngineType *type) RET_NULL
void RE_engine_frame_set(struct RenderEngine *engine, int frame, float subframe) RET_NONE
void RE_FreePersistentData(void) RET_NONE
void RE_instance_get_particle_info(struct ObjectInstanceRen *obi, float *index, float *age, float *lifetime, float co[3], float *size, float vel[3], float angvel[3]) RET_NONE
/* python */
struct wmOperatorType *WM_operatortype_find(const char *idname, bool quiet) RET_NULL
void WM_operatortype_iter(struct GHashIterator *ghi) RET_NONE
struct wmOperatorTypeMacro *WM_operatortype_macro_define(struct wmOperatorType *ot, const char *idname) RET_NULL
int WM_operator_call_py(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, short context, struct PointerRNA *properties, struct ReportList *reports, const bool is_undo) RET_ZERO
void WM_operatortype_remove_ptr(struct wmOperatorType *ot) RET_NONE
bool WM_operatortype_remove(const char *idname) RET_ZERO
int WM_operator_poll(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot) RET_ZERO
int WM_operator_poll_context(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, short context) RET_ZERO
int WM_operator_props_popup(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO
void WM_operator_properties_free(struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NONE
void WM_operator_properties_create(struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *opstring) RET_NONE
void WM_operator_properties_create_ptr(struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct wmOperatorType *ot) RET_NONE
void WM_operator_properties_sanitize(struct PointerRNA *ptr, const bool no_context) RET_NONE
void WM_operatortype_append_ptr(void (*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType *, void *), void *userdata) RET_NONE
void WM_operatortype_append_macro_ptr(void (*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType *, void *), void *userdata) RET_NONE
void WM_operator_bl_idname(char *to, const char *from) RET_NONE
void WM_operator_py_idname(char *to, const char *from) RET_NONE
int WM_operator_ui_popup(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, int width, int height) RET_ZERO
void update_autoflags_fcurve(struct FCurve *fcu, struct bContext *C, struct ReportList *reports, struct PointerRNA *ptr) RET_NONE
short insert_keyframe(struct ReportList *reports, struct ID *id, struct bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag) RET_ZERO
short delete_keyframe(struct ReportList *reports, struct ID *id, struct bAction *act, const char group[], const char rna_path[], int array_index, float cfra, short flag) RET_ZERO
struct bAction *verify_adt_action(struct ID *id, short add) RET_NULL
char *WM_operator_pystring_ex(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const bool all_args, const bool macro_args, struct wmOperatorType *ot, struct PointerRNA *opptr) RET_NULL
char *WM_operator_pystring(struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const bool all_args, const bool macro_args) RET_NULL
struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_modalkeymap_add_item(struct wmKeyMap *km, int type, int val, int modifier, int keymodifier, int value) RET_NULL
struct wmKeyMapItem *WM_modalkeymap_add_item_str(struct wmKeyMap *km, int type, int val, int modifier, int keymodifier, const char *value) RET_NULL
struct wmKeyMap *WM_modalkeymap_add(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf, const char *idname, struct EnumPropertyItem *items) RET_NULL
struct uiPopupMenu *UI_popup_menu_begin(struct bContext *C, const char *title, int icon) RET_NULL
void UI_popup_menu_end(struct bContext *C, struct uiPopupMenu *head) RET_NONE
struct uiLayout *UI_popup_menu_layout(struct uiPopupMenu *head) RET_NULL
struct uiLayout *UI_pie_menu_layout(struct uiPieMenu *pie) RET_NULL
int UI_pie_menu_invoke(struct bContext *C, const char *idname, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO
struct uiPieMenu *UI_pie_menu_begin(struct bContext *C, const char *title, int icon, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_NULL
void UI_pie_menu_end(struct bContext *C, uiPieMenu *pie) RET_NONE
struct uiLayout *uiLayoutRadial(struct uiLayout *layout) RET_NULL
int UI_pie_menu_invoke_from_operator_enum(struct bContext *C, const char *title, const char *opname,
const char *propname, const struct wmEvent *event) RET_ZERO
/* RNA COLLADA dependency */
int collada_export(struct Scene *sce,
const char *filepath,
int apply_modifiers,
BC_export_mesh_type export_mesh_type,
int selected,
int include_children,
int include_armatures,
int include_shapekeys,
int deform_bones_only,
int active_uv_only,
int include_uv_textures,
int include_material_textures,
int use_texture_copies,
int triangulate,
int use_object_instantiation,
int sort_by_name,
BC_export_transformation_type export_transformation_type,
int open_sim) RET_ZERO
void ED_mesh_calc_tessface(struct Mesh *mesh, bool free_mpoly) RET_NONE
/* bpy/python internal api */
void operator_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata) RET_NONE
void BPY_text_free_code(struct Text *text) RET_NONE
void BPY_id_release(struct ID *id) RET_NONE
int BPY_context_member_get(struct bContext *C, const char *member, struct bContextDataResult *result) RET_ZERO
void BPY_pyconstraint_target(struct bPythonConstraint *con, struct bConstraintTarget *ct) RET_NONE
float BPY_driver_exec(struct ChannelDriver *driver, const float evaltime) RET_ZERO /* might need this one! */
void BPY_DECREF(void *pyob_ptr) RET_NONE
void BPY_pyconstraint_exec(struct bPythonConstraint *con, struct bConstraintOb *cob, struct ListBase *targets) RET_NONE
void macro_wrapper(struct wmOperatorType *ot, void *userdata) RET_NONE
bool pyrna_id_FromPyObject(struct PyObject *obj, struct ID **id) RET_ZERO
struct PyObject *pyrna_id_CreatePyObject(struct ID *id) RET_NULL
void BPY_context_update(struct bContext *C) RET_NONE;
const char *BPY_app_translations_py_pgettext(const char *msgctxt, const char *msgid) RET_ARG(msgid)
/* intern/dualcon */
void *dualcon(const DualConInput *input_mesh,
/* callbacks for output */
DualConAllocOutput alloc_output,
DualConAddVert add_vert,
DualConAddQuad add_quad,
DualConFlags flags,
DualConMode mode,
float threshold,
float hermite_num,
float scale,
int depth) RET_ZERO
/* intern/cycles */
struct CCLDeviceInfo;
struct CCLDeviceInfo *CCL_compute_device_list(int opencl) RET_NULL
/* compositor */
void COM_execute(RenderData *rd, Scene *scene, bNodeTree *editingtree, int rendering,
const ColorManagedViewSettings *viewSettings, const ColorManagedDisplaySettings *displaySettings,
const char *viewName) RET_NONE
bool RE_RenderResult_is_stereo(RenderResult *res) RET_ZERO
void uiTemplateImageViews(uiLayout *layout, struct PointerRNA *imfptr) RET_NONE