2011-02-25 10:51:01 +00:00

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/** \file elbeem/intern/ntl_lighting.cpp
* \ingroup elbeem
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* a light object
#include "ntl_lighting.h"
#include "ntl_ray.h"
#include "ntl_world.h"
* Default Constructor
ntlLightObject::ntlLightObject(ntlRenderGlobals *glob) :
mpGlob( glob ),
mActive( 1 ),
mCastShadows( 1 ),
mcColor( ntlColor(1.0) ),
mvPosition( ntlVec3Gfx(0.0) )
// nothing to do...
* Constructor with parameters
ntlLightObject::ntlLightObject(ntlRenderGlobals *glob, const ntlColor& col) :
mpGlob( glob ),
mActive( 1 ),
mCastShadows( 1 ),
mcColor( col )
// nothing to do...
* Destructor
// nothing to do...
* Determine color contribution of a lightsource (Phong model)
* Specular part is returned in seperate parameter and added later
const ntlColor
ntlLightObject::getShadedColor(const ntlRay &reflectedRay, const ntlVec3Gfx lightDir,
ntlMaterial *surf, ntlColor &highlight) const
gfxReal ldot = dot(lightDir, reflectedRay.getNormal()); /* equals cos( angle(L,N) ) */
ntlColor reflected_color = ntlColor(0.0); /* adds up to total reflected color */
if(mpGlob->getDebugOut() > 5) errorOut("Lighting dir:"<<lightDir<<" norm:"<<reflectedRay.getNormal()<<" "<<ldot );
/* lambertian reflection model */
if (ldot > 0.0) {
//ldot *= -1.0;
reflected_color += surf->getDiffuseRefl() * (getColor() * ldot );
/* specular part */
/* specular reflection only makes sense, when the light is facing the surface,
as the highlight is supposed to be a reflection of the lightsource, it cannot
be reflected on surfaces with ldot<=0, as this means the arc between light
and normal is more than 90 degrees. If this isn't done, ugly moiree patterns appear
in the highlights, and refractions have strange patterns due to highlights on the
inside of the surface */
gfxReal spec = dot(reflectedRay.getDirection(), lightDir); // equals cos( angle(R,L) )
if((spec > 0.0) && (surf->getSpecular()>0)) {
spec = pow( spec, surf->getSpecExponent() ); /* phong exponent */
highlight += getColor() * surf->getSpecular() * spec;
//errorOut( " "<< surf->getName() <<" S "<<highlight<<" "<<spec<<" "<<surf->getSpecular()<<" "<<surf->getSpecExponent() );
return ntlColor(reflected_color);
// omni light implementation
*! prepare shadow maps if necessary
void ntlLightObject::prepare( bool doCaustics )
doCaustics = false; // unused
if(!mActive) { return; }
* Illuminate the given point on an object
ntlColor ntlLightObject::illuminatePoint(ntlRay &reflectedRay, ntlGeometryObject *closest,
ntlColor &highlight )
/* is this light active? */
if(!mActive) { return ntlColor(0.0); }
gfxReal visibility = 1.0; // how much of light is visible
ntlVec3Gfx intersectionPos = reflectedRay.getOrigin();
ntlColor current_color = ntlColor(0.0);
ntlMaterial *clossurf = closest->getMaterial();
ntlVec3Gfx lightDir = (mvPosition - intersectionPos);
gfxReal lightDirNorm = normalize(lightDir);
// where is the lightsource ?
ntlRay rayOfLight(intersectionPos, lightDir, 0, 1.0, mpGlob );
if( (1) && (mCastShadows)&&(closest->getReceiveShadows()) ) {
ntlTriangle *tri;
ntlVec3Gfx triNormal;
gfxReal trit;
mpGlob->getRenderScene()->intersectScene(rayOfLight, trit, triNormal, tri, TRI_CASTSHADOWS);
if(( trit>0 )&&( trit<lightDirNorm )) visibility = 0.0;
if(mpGlob->getDebugOut() > 5) errorOut("Omni lighting with "<<visibility );
/* is light partly visible ? */
//? visibility=1.;
if (visibility>0.0) {
ntlColor highTemp(0.0); // temporary highlight color to multiply highTemp with offFac
current_color = getShadedColor(reflectedRay, lightDir, clossurf, highTemp) * visibility;
highlight += highTemp * visibility;
if(mpGlob->getDebugOut() > 5) errorOut("Omni lighting color "<<current_color );
return current_color;
* Default constructor
ntlMaterial::ntlMaterial( void ) :
mName( "default" ),
mDiffuseRefl(0.5,0.5,0.5), mAmbientRefl(0.0,0.0,0.0),
mSpecular(0.0), mSpecExponent(0.0), mMirror(0.0),
mTransparence(0.0), mRefracIndex(1.05), mTransAdditive(0.0), mTransAttCol(0.0),
mFresnel( 0 ) {
// just do default init...
* Init constructor
ntlMaterial::ntlMaterial( string name,
const ntlColor& Ref, const ntlColor& Amb,
gfxReal Spec, gfxReal SpecEx, gfxReal Mirr,
gfxReal Trans, gfxReal Refrac, gfxReal TAdd,
const ntlColor& Att, int fres)
mName = name;
mDiffuseRefl = Ref;
mAmbientRefl = Amb;
mSpecular = Spec;
mSpecExponent = SpecEx;
mMirror = Mirr;
mTransparence = Trans;
mRefracIndex = Refrac;
mTransAdditive = TAdd;
mTransAttCol = Att;
mFresnel = fres;