Erwin Coumans 2e6d576182 Sorry to break the cvs-closed status, so if you really need to make a new 2.40 build, just disable the game engine if it doesn't compile for a platform. Again, sorry if this breaks non-windows platforms, but I hope people help to get this amazing fix working for all platforms. Armature-fixing contribution from Snailrose. Also lots of cool things from Snailrose and Lagan.
Armatures are back
Split screen
Double sided lightning
Ambient lighting
Alpha test
Material IPO support (one per object atm)
Blender materials
GLSL shaders - Python access
Up to three texture samplers from the material panel ( 2D & Cube map )
Python access to a second set of uv coordinates

2006-01-06 03:46:54 +00:00

262 lines
7.3 KiB

* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender
* Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under
* the Blender License. See for information
* about this.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
* Camera in the gameengine. Cameras are also used for views.
#ifndef __KX_CAMERA
#define __KX_CAMERA
#include "MT_Transform.h"
#include "MT_Matrix3x3.h"
#include "MT_Matrix4x4.h"
#include "MT_Vector3.h"
#include "MT_Point3.h"
#include "KX_GameObject.h"
#include "IntValue.h"
#include "RAS_CameraData.h"
class KX_Camera : public KX_GameObject
/** Camera parameters (clips distances, focal lenght). These
* params are closely tied to Blender. In the gameengine, only the
* projection and modelview matrices are relevant. There's a
* conversion being done in the engine class. Why is it stored
* here? It doesn't really have a function here. */
RAS_CameraData m_camdata;
// Never used, I think...
// void MoveTo(const MT_Point3& movevec)
// {
/*MT_Transform camtrans;
MT_Matrix3x3 camorient = camtrans.getBasis();
// }
* Storage for the projection matrix that is passed to the
* rasterizer. */
MT_Matrix4x4 m_projection_matrix;
* Storage for the modelview matrix that is passed to the
* rasterizer. */
MT_Matrix4x4 m_modelview_matrix;
* true if the view frustum (modelview/projection matrix)
* has changed - the clip planes (m_planes) will have to be
* regenerated.
bool m_dirty;
* true if the frustum planes have been normalised.
bool m_normalised;
* View Frustum clip planes.
MT_Vector4 m_planes[6];
* This camera is frustum culling.
* Some cameras (ie if the game was started from a non camera view should not cull.)
bool m_frustum_culling;
* true if this camera has a valid projection matrix.
bool m_set_projection_matrix;
* The centre point of the frustum.
MT_Point3 m_frustum_centre;
MT_Scalar m_frustum_radius;
bool m_set_frustum_centre;
* Python module doc string.
static char doc[];
* Extracts the camera clip frames from the projection and world-to-camera matrices.
void ExtractClipPlanes();
* Normalise the camera clip frames.
void NormaliseClipPlanes();
* Extracts the bound sphere of the view frustum.
void ExtractFrustumSphere();
typedef enum { INSIDE, INTERSECT, OUTSIDE } ;
KX_Camera(void* sgReplicationInfo,SG_Callbacks callbacks,const RAS_CameraData& camdata, bool frustum_culling = true, PyTypeObject *T = &Type);
virtual ~KX_Camera();
MT_Transform GetWorldToCamera() const;
MT_Transform GetCameraToWorld() const;
* Not implemented.
void CorrectLookUp(MT_Scalar speed);
const MT_Point3 GetCameraLocation() const;
/* I want the camera orientation as well. */
const MT_Quaternion GetCameraOrientation() const;
/** Sets the projection matrix that is used by the rasterizer. */
void SetProjectionMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 & mat);
/** Sets the modelview matrix that is used by the rasterizer. */
void SetModelviewMatrix(const MT_Matrix4x4 & mat);
/** Gets the projection matrix that is used by the rasterizer. */
const MT_Matrix4x4& GetProjectionMatrix() const;
/** returns true if this camera has been set a projection matrix. */
bool hasValidProjectionMatrix() const;
/** Sets the validity of the projection matrix. Call this if you change camera
data (eg lens, near plane, far plane) and require the projection matrix to be
void InvalidateProjectionMatrix(bool valid = false);
/** Gets the modelview matrix that is used by the rasterizer.
* @warning If the Camera is a dynamic object then this method may return garbage. Use GetCameraToWorld() instead.
const MT_Matrix4x4& GetModelviewMatrix() const;
/** Gets the focal length. */
float GetLens() const;
/** Gets the near clip distance. */
float GetCameraNear() const;
/** Gets the far clip distance. */
float GetCameraFar() const;
/** Gets all camera data. */
RAS_CameraData* GetCameraData();
* Tests if the given sphere is inside this camera's view frustum.
* @param centre The centre of the sphere, in world coordinates.
* @param radius The radius of the sphere.
* @return INSIDE, INTERSECT, or OUTSIDE depending on the sphere's relation to the frustum.
int SphereInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3& centre, const MT_Scalar &radius);
* Tests the given eight corners of a box with the view frustum.
* @param box a pointer to eight MT_Point3 representing the world coordinates of the corners of the box.
* @return INSIDE, INTERSECT, or OUTSIDE depending on the box's relation to the frustum.
int BoxInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3 *box);
* Tests the given point against the view frustum.
* @return true if the given point is inside or on the view frustum; false if it is outside.
bool PointInsideFrustum(const MT_Point3& x);
* Gets this camera's culling status.
bool GetFrustumCulling() const;
* Sets this camera's viewport status.
void EnableViewport(bool viewport);
* Sets this camera's viewport.
void SetViewport(int left, int bottom, int right, int top);
* Gets this camera's viewport status.
bool GetViewport() const;
* Gets this camera's viewport left.
int GetViewportLeft() const;
* Gets this camera's viewport bottom.
int GetViewportBottom() const;
* Gets this camera's viewport right.
int GetViewportRight() const;
* Gets this camera's viewport top.
int GetViewportTop() const;
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, sphereInsideFrustum);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, boxInsideFrustum);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, pointInsideFrustum);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, getCameraToWorld);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, getWorldToCamera);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, getProjectionMatrix);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, setProjectionMatrix);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, enableViewport);
KX_PYMETHOD_DOC(KX_Camera, setViewport);
virtual PyObject* _getattr(const STR_String& attr); /* lens, near, far, projection_matrix */
virtual int _setattr(const STR_String& attr, PyObject *pyvalue);
#endif //__KX_CAMERA