
207 lines
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/** \file elbeem/intern/simulation_object.h
* \ingroup elbeem
* El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method
* Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey
* Basic interface for all simulation modules
#include "ntl_geometryshader.h"
#include "parametrizer.h"
# include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
class LbmSolverInterface;
class CellIdentifierInterface;
class ntlTree;
class ntlRenderGlobals;
class ntlRenderGlobals;
class ParticleTracer;
struct elbeemSimulationSettings;
//! type fluid geometry init
// warning : should match typeslbm.h values!
const int cFgiFlagstart = 16;
typedef enum {
fgiFluid = (1<<(cFgiFlagstart+0)),
fgiNoFluid = (1<<(cFgiFlagstart+1)),
fgiSlipNo = (1<<(cFgiFlagstart+2)),
fgiSlipFree = (1<<(cFgiFlagstart+3)),
fgiNoBnd = (1<<(cFgiFlagstart+4)),
fgiAcc = (1<<(cFgiFlagstart+5)),
fgiNoAcc = (1<<(cFgiFlagstart+6)),
fgiBndAll = (fgiSlipNo | fgiSlipFree)
} FgiFlagType;
/*! interface for different simluation models to visualize */
class SimulationObject :
public ntlGeometryShader {
/*! Constructor */
/*! Destructor */
virtual ~SimulationObject();
/*! for init from API */
void copyElbeemSettings(elbeemSimulationSettings *settings);
/*! init tree for certain geometry init */
void initGeoTree();
/*! destroy tree etc. when geometry init done */
void freeGeoTree();
/*! get fluid init type at certain position */
int geoInitGetPointType(ntlVec3Gfx org, int &OId);
/*! check for a certain flag type at position org */
bool geoInitCheckPointInside(ntlVec3Gfx org, int flags, int &OId);
// access functions
/*! get current (max) simulation time */
double getCurrentTime( void ) { return mTime; }
/*! set geometry generation start point */
virtual void setGeoStart(ntlVec3Gfx set) { mGeoStart = set; }
/*! set geometry generation end point */
virtual void setGeoEnd(ntlVec3Gfx set) { mGeoEnd = set; }
/*! set sim panic flag */
void setPanic(bool set) { mPanic = set; }
/*! get sim panic flag */
bool getPanic( void ) { return mPanic; }
/*! simluation interface: initialize simulation */
int initializeLbmSimulation(ntlRenderGlobals *glob);
/*! set current frame */
void setFrameNum(int num);
/*! Do geo etc. init */
virtual int postGeoConstrInit(ntlRenderGlobals *glob) { return initializeLbmSimulation(glob); };
virtual int initializeShader() { /* ... */ return true; };
/*! notify object that dump is in progress (e.g. for field dump) */
virtual void notifyShaderOfDump(int dumptype, int frameNr,char *frameNrStr,string outfilename);
/*! simluation interface: draw the simulation with OpenGL */
virtual void draw( void ) {};
virtual vector<ntlGeometryObject *>::iterator getObjectsBegin();
virtual vector<ntlGeometryObject *>::iterator getObjectsEnd();
/*! simluation interface: advance simulation another step (whatever delta time that might be) */
virtual void step( void );
/*! prepare visualization of simulation for e.g. raytracing */
virtual void prepareVisualization( void );
/*! GUI - display debug info */
virtual void drawDebugDisplay();
/*! GUI - display interactive info */
virtual void drawInteractiveDisplay();
/*! GUI - handle mouse movement for selection */
virtual void setMousePos(int x,int y, ntlVec3Gfx org, ntlVec3Gfx dir);
virtual void setMouseClick();
/*! get current start simulation time */
double getStartTime( void );
/*! get time for a single animation frame */
double getFrameTime( int frame );
/*! get time for a single time step in the simulation */
double getTimestep( void );
//! access solver
LbmSolverInterface *getSolver(){ return mpLbm; }
/*! current time in the simulation */
double mTime;
/*! for display - start and end vectors for geometry */
ntlVec3Gfx mGeoStart, mGeoEnd;
/*! geometry init id */
//? int mGeoInitId;
/*! tree object for geomerty initialization */
ntlTree *mpGiTree;
/*! object vector for geo init */
vector<ntlGeometryObject*> *mpGiObjects;
/*! remember globals */
ntlRenderGlobals *mpGlob;
/*! simulation panic on/off */
bool mPanic;
/*! debug info to display */
int mDebugType;
/*! pointer to the lbm solver */
LbmSolverInterface *mpLbm;
/*! parametrizer for lbm solver */
Parametrizer *mpParam;
/*! particle tracing object */
ParticleTracer *mpParts;
/*! show parts of the simulation toggles */
bool mShowSurface;
bool mShowParticles;
/*! debug display settings */
int mDebDispSetting;
/*! pointer to identifier of selected node */
CellIdentifierInterface *mSelectedCid;
/*! storage of API settings */
elbeemSimulationSettings *mpElbeemSettings;
// debug display setting funtions
/*! set type of info to display */
inline void setDebugDisplay(int disp) { mDebugType = disp; }
inline int getDebugDisplay() { return mDebugType; }
/* miscelleanous access functions */
/*! init parametrizer for anim step length */
void initParametrizer(Parametrizer *set) { mpParam = set; }
/*! init parametrizer for anim step length */
Parametrizer *getParametrizer() { return mpParam; }
/*! check status (e.g. stop/abort) from calling program, returns !=0 if sth. happened... */
// parameters same as elbeem runsimCallback
int checkCallerStatus(int status, int frame);
/*! get bounding box of fluid for GUI */
virtual inline ntlVec3Gfx *getBBStart() { return &mGeoStart; }
virtual inline ntlVec3Gfx *getBBEnd() { return &mGeoEnd; }