Sebastián Barschkis 4ff7c5eed6 Mantaflow [Part 1]: Added preprocessed Mantaflow source files
Includes preprocessed Mantaflow source files for both OpenMP and TBB (if OpenMP is not present, TBB files will be used instead).

These files come directly from the Mantaflow repository. Future updates to the core fluid solver will take place by updating the files.

Reviewed By: sergey, mont29

Maniphest Tasks: T59995

Differential Revision:
2019-12-16 16:27:26 +01:00

325 lines
9.6 KiB

* MantaFlow fluid solver framework
* Copyright 2011 Tobias Pfaff, Nils Thuerey
* This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the
* Apache License, Version 2.0
* Helper functions for interpolation
#ifndef _INTERPOL_H
#define _INTERPOL_H
#include "vectorbase.h"
// Grid values are stored at i+0.5, j+0.5, k+0.5
// MAC grid values are stored at i,j+0.5,k+0.5 (for x) ...
namespace Manta {
inline Vec3 fdTangent(const Vec3 &p0, const Vec3 &p1, const Vec3 &p2)
return 0.5 * (getNormalized(p2 - p1) + getNormalized(p1 - p0));
inline Vec3 crTangent(const Vec3 &p0, const Vec3 &p1, const Vec3 &p2)
return 0.5 * (p2 - p0);
inline Vec3 hermiteSpline(const Vec3 &p0, const Vec3 &p1, const Vec3 &m0, const Vec3 &m1, Real t)
const Real t2 = t * t, t3 = t2 * t;
return (2.0 * t3 - 3.0 * t2 + 1.0) * p0 + (t3 - 2.0 * t2 + t) * m0 +
(-2.0 * t3 + 3.0 * t2) * p1 + (t3 - t2) * m1;
static inline void checkIndexInterpol(const Vec3i &size, IndexInt idx)
if (idx < 0 || idx > (IndexInt)size.x * size.y * size.z) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "Grid interpol dim " << size << " : index " << idx << " out of bound ";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Grid interpolators
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define BUILD_INDEX \
Real px = pos.x - 0.5f, py = pos.y - 0.5f, pz = pos.z - 0.5f; \
int xi = (int)px; \
int yi = (int)py; \
int zi = (int)pz; \
Real s1 = px - (Real)xi, s0 = 1. - s1; \
Real t1 = py - (Real)yi, t0 = 1. - t1; \
Real f1 = pz - (Real)zi, f0 = 1. - f1; \
/* clamp to border */ \
if (px < 0.) { \
xi = 0; \
s0 = 1.0; \
s1 = 0.0; \
} \
if (py < 0.) { \
yi = 0; \
t0 = 1.0; \
t1 = 0.0; \
} \
if (pz < 0.) { \
zi = 0; \
f0 = 1.0; \
f1 = 0.0; \
} \
if (xi >= size.x - 1) { \
xi = size.x - 2; \
s0 = 0.0; \
s1 = 1.0; \
} \
if (yi >= size.y - 1) { \
yi = size.y - 2; \
t0 = 0.0; \
t1 = 1.0; \
} \
if (size.z > 1) { \
if (zi >= size.z - 1) { \
zi = size.z - 2; \
f0 = 0.0; \
f1 = 1.0; \
} \
} \
const int X = 1; \
const int Y = size.x;
template<class T> inline T interpol(const T *data, const Vec3i &size, const int Z, const Vec3 &pos)
IndexInt idx = (IndexInt)xi + (IndexInt)Y * yi + (IndexInt)Z * zi;
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndexInterpol(size, idx));
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndexInterpol(size, idx + X + Y + Z));
return ((data[idx] * t0 + data[idx + Y] * t1) * s0 +
(data[idx + X] * t0 + data[idx + X + Y] * t1) * s1) *
f0 +
((data[idx + Z] * t0 + data[idx + Y + Z] * t1) * s0 +
(data[idx + X + Z] * t0 + data[idx + X + Y + Z] * t1) * s1) *
template<int c>
inline Real interpolComponent(const Vec3 *data, const Vec3i &size, const int Z, const Vec3 &pos)
IndexInt idx = (IndexInt)xi + (IndexInt)Y * yi + (IndexInt)Z * zi;
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndexInterpol(size, idx));
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndexInterpol(size, idx + X + Y + Z));
return ((data[idx][c] * t0 + data[idx + Y][c] * t1) * s0 +
(data[idx + X][c] * t0 + data[idx + X + Y][c] * t1) * s1) *
f0 +
((data[idx + Z][c] * t0 + data[idx + Y + Z][c] * t1) * s0 +
(data[idx + X + Z][c] * t0 + data[idx + X + Y + Z][c] * t1) * s1) *
template<class T>
inline void setInterpol(
T *data, const Vec3i &size, const int Z, const Vec3 &pos, const T &v, Real *sumBuffer)
IndexInt idx = (IndexInt)xi + (IndexInt)Y * yi + (IndexInt)Z * zi;
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndexInterpol(size, idx));
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndexInterpol(size, idx + X + Y + Z));
T *ref = &data[idx];
Real *sum = &sumBuffer[idx];
Real s0f0 = s0 * f0, s1f0 = s1 * f0, s0f1 = s0 * f1, s1f1 = s1 * f1;
Real w0 = t0 * s0f0, wx = t0 * s1f0, wy = t1 * s0f0, wxy = t1 * s1f0;
Real wz = t0 * s0f1, wxz = t0 * s1f1, wyz = t1 * s0f1, wxyz = t1 * s1f1;
sum[Z] += wz;
sum[X + Z] += wxz;
sum[Y + Z] += wyz;
sum[X + Y + Z] += wxyz;
ref[Z] += wz * v;
ref[X + Z] += wxz * v;
ref[Y + Z] += wyz * v;
ref[X + Y + Z] += wxyz * v;
sum[0] += w0;
sum[X] += wx;
sum[Y] += wy;
sum[X + Y] += wxy;
ref[0] += w0 * v;
ref[X] += wx * v;
ref[Y] += wy * v;
ref[X + Y] += wxy * v;
/* shifted coords */ \
int s_xi = (int)pos.x, s_yi = (int)pos.y, s_zi = (int)pos.z; \
Real s_s1 = pos.x - (Real)s_xi, s_s0 = 1. - s_s1; \
Real s_t1 = pos.y - (Real)s_yi, s_t0 = 1. - s_t1; \
Real s_f1 = pos.z - (Real)s_zi, s_f0 = 1. - s_f1; \
/* clamp to border */ \
if (pos.x < 0) { \
s_xi = 0; \
s_s0 = 1.0; \
s_s1 = 0.0; \
} \
if (pos.y < 0) { \
s_yi = 0; \
s_t0 = 1.0; \
s_t1 = 0.0; \
} \
if (pos.z < 0) { \
s_zi = 0; \
s_f0 = 1.0; \
s_f1 = 0.0; \
} \
if (s_xi >= size.x - 1) { \
s_xi = size.x - 2; \
s_s0 = 0.0; \
s_s1 = 1.0; \
} \
if (s_yi >= size.y - 1) { \
s_yi = size.y - 2; \
s_t0 = 0.0; \
s_t1 = 1.0; \
} \
if (size.z > 1) { \
if (s_zi >= size.z - 1) { \
s_zi = size.z - 2; \
s_f0 = 0.0; \
s_f1 = 1.0; \
} \
inline Vec3 interpolMAC(const Vec3 *data, const Vec3i &size, const int Z, const Vec3 &pos)
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndexInterpol(size, (zi * (IndexInt)size.y + yi) * (IndexInt)size.x + xi));
size, (s_zi * (IndexInt)size.y + s_yi) * (IndexInt)size.x + s_xi + X + Y + Z));
// process individual components
Vec3 ret(0.);
{ // X
const Vec3 *ref = &data[((zi * size.y + yi) * size.x + s_xi)];
ret.x = f0 * ((ref[0].x * t0 + ref[Y].x * t1) * s_s0 +
(ref[X].x * t0 + ref[X + Y].x * t1) * s_s1) +
f1 * ((ref[Z].x * t0 + ref[Z + Y].x * t1) * s_s0 +
(ref[X + Z].x * t0 + ref[X + Y + Z].x * t1) * s_s1);
{ // Y
const Vec3 *ref = &data[((zi * size.y + s_yi) * size.x + xi)];
ret.y = f0 * ((ref[0].y * s_t0 + ref[Y].y * s_t1) * s0 +
(ref[X].y * s_t0 + ref[X + Y].y * s_t1) * s1) +
f1 * ((ref[Z].y * s_t0 + ref[Z + Y].y * s_t1) * s0 +
(ref[X + Z].y * s_t0 + ref[X + Y + Z].y * s_t1) * s1);
{ // Z
const Vec3 *ref = &data[((s_zi * size.y + yi) * size.x + xi)];
ret.z = s_f0 *
((ref[0].z * t0 + ref[Y].z * t1) * s0 + (ref[X].z * t0 + ref[X + Y].z * t1) * s1) +
s_f1 * ((ref[Z].z * t0 + ref[Z + Y].z * t1) * s0 +
(ref[X + Z].z * t0 + ref[X + Y + Z].z * t1) * s1);
return ret;
inline void setInterpolMAC(
Vec3 *data, const Vec3i &size, const int Z, const Vec3 &pos, const Vec3 &val, Vec3 *sumBuffer)
DEBUG_ONLY(checkIndexInterpol(size, (zi * (IndexInt)size.y + yi) * (IndexInt)size.x + xi));
size, (s_zi * (IndexInt)size.y + s_yi) * (IndexInt)size.x + s_xi + X + Y + Z));
// process individual components
{ // X
const IndexInt idx = (IndexInt)(zi * size.y + yi) * size.x + s_xi;
Vec3 *ref = &data[idx], *sum = &sumBuffer[idx];
Real s0f0 = s_s0 * f0, s1f0 = s_s1 * f0, s0f1 = s_s0 * f1, s1f1 = s_s1 * f1;
Real w0 = t0 * s0f0, wx = t0 * s1f0, wy = t1 * s0f0, wxy = t1 * s1f0;
Real wz = t0 * s0f1, wxz = t0 * s1f1, wyz = t1 * s0f1, wxyz = t1 * s1f1;
sum[Z].x += wz;
sum[X + Z].x += wxz;
sum[Y + Z].x += wyz;
sum[X + Y + Z].x += wxyz;
ref[Z].x += wz * val.x;
ref[X + Z].x += wxz * val.x;
ref[Y + Z].x += wyz * val.x;
ref[X + Y + Z].x += wxyz * val.x;
sum[0].x += w0;
sum[X].x += wx;
sum[Y].x += wy;
sum[X + Y].x += wxy;
ref[0].x += w0 * val.x;
ref[X].x += wx * val.x;
ref[Y].x += wy * val.x;
ref[X + Y].x += wxy * val.x;
{ // Y
const IndexInt idx = (IndexInt)(zi * size.y + s_yi) * size.x + xi;
Vec3 *ref = &data[idx], *sum = &sumBuffer[idx];
Real s0f0 = s0 * f0, s1f0 = s1 * f0, s0f1 = s0 * f1, s1f1 = s1 * f1;
Real w0 = s_t0 * s0f0, wx = s_t0 * s1f0, wy = s_t1 * s0f0, wxy = s_t1 * s1f0;
Real wz = s_t0 * s0f1, wxz = s_t0 * s1f1, wyz = s_t1 * s0f1, wxyz = s_t1 * s1f1;
sum[Z].y += wz;
sum[X + Z].y += wxz;
sum[Y + Z].y += wyz;
sum[X + Y + Z].y += wxyz;
ref[Z].y += wz * val.y;
ref[X + Z].y += wxz * val.y;
ref[Y + Z].y += wyz * val.y;
ref[X + Y + Z].y += wxyz * val.y;
sum[0].y += w0;
sum[X].y += wx;
sum[Y].y += wy;
sum[X + Y].y += wxy;
ref[0].y += w0 * val.y;
ref[X].y += wx * val.y;
ref[Y].y += wy * val.y;
ref[X + Y].y += wxy * val.y;
{ // Z
const IndexInt idx = (IndexInt)(s_zi * size.y + yi) * size.x + xi;
Vec3 *ref = &data[idx], *sum = &sumBuffer[idx];
Real s0f0 = s0 * s_f0, s1f0 = s1 * s_f0, s0f1 = s0 * s_f1, s1f1 = s1 * s_f1;
Real w0 = t0 * s0f0, wx = t0 * s1f0, wy = t1 * s0f0, wxy = t1 * s1f0;
Real wz = t0 * s0f1, wxz = t0 * s1f1, wyz = t1 * s0f1, wxyz = t1 * s1f1;
sum[0].z += w0;
sum[X].z += wx;
sum[Y].z += wy;
sum[X + Y].z += wxy;
sum[Z].z += wz;
sum[X + Z].z += wxz;
sum[Y + Z].z += wyz;
sum[X + Y + Z].z += wxyz;
ref[0].z += w0 * val.z;
ref[X].z += wx * val.z;
ref[Y].z += wy * val.z;
ref[X + Y].z += wxy * val.z;
ref[Z].z += wz * val.z;
ref[X + Z].z += wxz * val.z;
ref[Y + Z].z += wyz * val.z;
ref[X + Y + Z].z += wxyz * val.z;
} // namespace Manta