
210 lines
4.9 KiB

/* $Id$
This source file is part of VideoTexture library
Copyright (c) 2006 The Zdeno Ash Miklas
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
#include <strstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <Python.h>
#include "Exception.h"
// exception identificators
ExceptionID ErrGeneral, ErrNotFound;
// exception descriptions
ExpDesc errGenerDesc (ErrGeneral, "General Error");
ExpDesc errNFoundDesc (ErrNotFound, "Error description not found");
// implementation of ExpDesc
// constructor
ExpDesc::ExpDesc (ExceptionID & exp, char * desc, RESULT hres)
: m_expID(exp), m_hRslt(hres), m_description(desc)
// destructor
ExpDesc::~ExpDesc (void) {}
// list of descriptions
std::vector<ExpDesc*> ExpDesc::m_expDescs;
// class Exception
// last exception description
std::string Exception::m_lastError;
// log file name
char * Exception::m_logFile = NULL;
// basic constructor
Exception::Exception ()
// default values
m_expID = &ErrNotFound;
m_hRslt = S_OK;
m_line = 0;
// destructor
Exception::~Exception () throw() { }
// copy constructor
Exception::Exception (const Exception & xpt)
{ copy (xpt); }
// assignment operator
Exception & Exception::operator= (const Exception & xpt)
{ copy (xpt); return *this; }
// get exception description
const char * Exception::what()
// set exception description
// return c string
return m_desc.c_str();
// debug version - with file and line of exception
Exception::Exception (ExceptionID & expID, RESULT rslt, char * fil, int lin)
: m_expID (&expID), m_hRslt (rslt)
// set file and line
if (strlen(fil) > 0 || lin > 0)
setFileLine (fil, lin);
// set file and line
void Exception::setFileLine (char * fil, int lin)
if (fil != NULL) m_fileName = fil;
m_line = lin;
// report exception
void Exception::report(void)
// set exception description
// set python error
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, what());
// if log file is set
if (m_logFile != NULL)
// write description to log
std::ofstream logf (m_logFile, std::ios_base::app);
logf << m_fileName << ':' << m_line << ':' << m_desc << std::endl;
// set exception description
void Exception::setXptDesc (void)
// if description is not set
if (m_desc.size() == 0)
// start of search -1
// found description "NotFound" 0
// found description without matching result 1
// found description with matching result 2
int best = -1;
// find exception description
for (std::vector<ExpDesc*>::iterator it = ExpDesc::m_expDescs.begin(); it != ExpDesc::m_expDescs.end(); ++it)
// use "NotFound", if there is not better
if (best < 0 && (*it)->isExp(&ErrNotFound) > 0)
best = 0;
// match exception
int nBest = (*it)->isExp(m_expID, m_hRslt);
// if exception is matching better
if (nBest > 0 && best < nBest)
// set description
best = nBest;
// if matching exactly, finish search
if (best == 2) break;
// add result code
// length of result code
const size_t rsltSize = 10;
// delimit description
const char delimRslt[] = ": ";
// set text of description
char rsltTxt[rsltSize];
std::ostrstream os(rsltTxt, rsltSize);
os << std::hex << m_hRslt << delimRslt;
// copy result to description
m_desc.insert(0, rsltTxt, rsltSize);
// copy exception description to last exception string
m_lastError = m_desc;
// copy exception data
void Exception::copy (const Exception & xpt)
// standard data
m_expID = xpt.m_expID;
m_hRslt = xpt.m_hRslt;
m_desc = xpt.m_desc;
// debug data
m_fileName = xpt.m_fileName;
m_line = xpt.m_line;
void registerAllExceptions(void)