Add support micaps 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 type file read.

This commit is contained in:
NMC-DAVE 2020-03-15 00:37:10 +08:00
parent 6bac20f9d3
commit 4171a3bfa5
2 changed files with 459 additions and 5 deletions

@ -14,6 +14,191 @@ import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def read_micaps_1(fname, limit=None):
Read Micaps 1 type fle, the surface observation data.
此类数据用于规范的地面填图, 数据
区站号长整数 经度 纬度 拔海高度均为浮点数站点级别整数 总云量 风向 风速
海平面气压或本站气压 3小时变压 过去天气1 过去天气2 6小时降水 低云状 低云量 低云高
露点 能见度 现在天气 温度 中云状 高云状 标志1 标志2均为整数 24小时变温 24小时变压
fname (str): data filename.
limit (list): region limit, [min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon]
pandas DataFrame
>>> data = read_micaps_1("Z:/data/surface/plot/19010108.000")
# check file exist
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
return None
# read contents
encodings = ['utf-8', 'gb18030', 'GBK']
for encoding in encodings:
txt = None
with open(fname, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
txt ='\n', ' ').split()
except Exception:
if txt is None:
print("Micaps 1 file error: " + fname)
return None
# head information
head_info = txt[2]
# date and time
year = int(txt[3]) if len(txt[3]) == 4 else int(txt[3]) + 2000
month = int(txt[4])
day = int(txt[5])
hour = int(txt[6])
time = datetime(year, month, day, hour)
# number of stations
number = int(txt[7])
# set record column names
columns = [
'ID', 'lon', 'lat', 'alt', 'grade', 'total_cloud_cover', 'wind_angle', 'wind_speed',
'MSLP', 'pressure_3h_trend', 'past_weather_1', 'past_weather_2', 'precipitation_6h',
'low_cloud_type', 'low_cloud_cover', 'low_cloud_base', 'dewpoint', 'visibility',
'current_weather', 'temperature', 'middle_cloud_type', 'high_cloud_type', 'flag1', 'flag2']
# cut the data
txt = txt[8:]
if (len(txt) % 24) == 0:
txt = np.array(txt)
txt.shape = [number, 24]
txt = np.array(txt)
txt.shape = [number, 26]
columns.extend(['temperature_24h_trend', 'pressure_24h_trend'])
# initial data
data = pd.DataFrame(txt, columns=columns)
# convert column type
for column in data.columns:
if column == 'ID':
data[column] = pd.to_numeric(data[column])
data[column].mask(data[column] == 9999.0, inplace=True)
# cut the region
if limit is not None:
data = data[(limit[0] <= data['lat']) & (data['lat'] <= limit[2]) &
(limit[1] <= data['lon']) & (data['lon'] <= limit[3])]
# check records
if len(data) == 0:
return None
# decode the sea leavl pressure
data.loc[data['MSLP'] <= 600, 'MSLP'] = data.loc[data['MSLP'] <= 600, 'MSLP']/10. + 1000.
data.loc[data['MSLP'] > 600, 'MSLP'] = data.loc[data['MSLP'] > 600, 'MSLP']/10. + 900.
# add time
data['time'] = time
# return
return data
def read_micaps_2(fname, limit=None):
Read Micaps 2 type file (high observation)
fname (str): data filename.
limit (list): region limit, [min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon]
pandas DataFrame
>>> data = read_micaps_2("Z:/data/high/plot/500/19010108.000")
# check file exist
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
return None
# read contents
encodings = ['utf-8', 'gb18030', 'GBK']
for encoding in encodings:
txt = None
with open(fname, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
txt ='\n', ' ').split()
except Exception:
if txt is None:
print("Micaps 1 file error: " + fname)
return None
# head information
head_info = txt[2]
# date and time
year = int(txt[3]) if len(txt[3]) == 4 else int(txt[3]) + 2000
month = int(txt[4])
day = int(txt[5])
hour = int(txt[6])
time = datetime(year, month, day, hour)
# level
level = float(txt[7])
# number of stations
number = int(txt[8])
# set record column names
columns = [
'ID', 'lon', 'lat', 'alt', 'grade', 'height', 'temperature', 'dewpoint_depression',
'wind_angle', 'wind_speed']
# cut the data
txt = np.array(txt[9:])
txt.shape = [number, 10]
# initial data
data = pd.DataFrame(txt, columns=columns)
# convert column type
for column in data.columns:
if column == 'ID':
data[column] = pd.to_numeric(data[column])
data[column].mask(data[column] == 9999.0, inplace=True)
# cut the region
if limit is not None:
data = data[(limit[0] <= data['lat']) & (data['lat'] <= limit[2]) &
(limit[1] <= data['lon']) & (data['lon'] <= limit[3])]
# check records
if len(data) == 0:
return None
# add time
data['time'] = time
data['level'] = level
# return
return data
def read_micaps_3(fname, limit=None):
Read Micaps 3 type file (general scatter point)
@ -111,7 +296,11 @@ def read_micaps_3(fname, limit=None):
data = pd.DataFrame(txt, columns=columns)
# convert column type
data = data.iloc[:, 1:].apply(pd.to_numeric)
for column in data.columns:
if column == 'ID':
data[column] = pd.to_numeric(data[column])
data[column].mask(data[column] == 9999.0, inplace=True)
# cut the region
if limit is not None:
@ -256,6 +445,271 @@ def read_micaps_4(fname, limit=None, varname='data', varattrs={'units':''}, scal
return data
def read_micaps_5(fname, limit=None):
Read Micaps 5 type file (TLOGP observation)
fname (str): data filename.
limit (list): region limit, [min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon]
pandas DataFrame
>>> data = read_micaps_5("Z:/data/high/tlogp/20031420.000")
# check file exist
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
return None
# read contents
encodings = ['utf-8', 'gb18030', 'GBK']
for encoding in encodings:
txt = None
with open(fname, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
txt ='\n', ' ').split()
except Exception:
if txt is None:
print("Micaps 1 file error: " + fname)
return None
# head information
head_info = txt[2]
# date and time
year = int(txt[3]) if len(txt[3]) == 4 else int(txt[3]) + 2000
month = int(txt[4])
day = int(txt[5])
hour = int(txt[6])
time = datetime(year, month, day, hour)
# number of stations
number = int(txt[7])
# set record column names
columns = ['ID', 'lon', 'lat', 'alt', 'pressure', 'height', 'temperature', 'dewpoint',
'wind_angle', 'wind_speed']
# loop every station
pid = 8
data = []
for istn in range(number):
ID = txt[pid]
lon = float(txt[pid+1])
lat = float(txt[pid+2])
alt = float(txt[pid+3])
length = int(txt[pid+4])
pid += 5
for irec in range(int(length/6)):
record = {'ID':ID, 'lon':lon, 'lat':lat, 'alt':alt}
record['pressure'] = float(txt[pid])
record['height'] = float(txt[pid+1])
record['temperature'] = float(txt[pid+2])
record['dewpoint'] = float(txt[pid+3])
record['wind_angle'] = float(txt[pid+4])
record['wind_speed'] = float(txt[pid+5])
pid += 6
# initial data
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
# convert column type
for column in data.columns:
if column == 'ID':
data[column].mask(data[column] == 9999.0, inplace=True)
# cut the region
if limit is not None:
data = data[(limit[0] <= data['lat']) & (data['lat'] <= limit[2]) &
(limit[1] <= data['lon']) & (data['lon'] <= limit[3])]
# check records
if len(data) == 0:
return None
# add time
data['time'] = time
# return
return data
def read_micaps_7(fname):
Read Micaps 7 type file (typhoon track record)
fname (str): data filename.
pandas DataFrame
>>> data = read_micaps_7("Z:/data/cyclone/babj/babj2028.dat")
# check file exist
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
return None
# read contents
encodings = ['utf-8', 'gb18030', 'GBK']
for encoding in encodings:
txt = None
with open(fname, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
txt ='\n', ' ').split()
except Exception:
if txt is None:
print("Micaps 1 file error: " + fname)
return None
# head information
head_info = txt[2]
# loop every
pid = 3
data = []
while (pid < len(txt)):
# typhoon name
name = txt[pid]
ID = txt[pid+1]
origin = txt[pid+2]
number = int(txt[pid+3])
pid += 4
for irec in range(number):
record = {'name':name, 'ID':ID, 'origin':origin}
year= int(txt[pid])
month = int(txt[pid+1])
day = int(txt[pid+2])
hour = int(txt[pid+3])
record['time'] = datetime(year, month, day, hour)
record['fhour'] = int(txt[pid+4])
record['cent_lon'] = float(txt[pid+5])
record['cent_lat'] = float(txt[pid+6])
record['max_wind_speed'] = float(txt[pid+7])
record['min_pressure'] = float(txt[pid+8])
record['radius_wind_7'] = float(txt[pid+9])
record['radius_wind_10'] = float(txt[pid+10])
record['move_direction'] = float(txt[pid+11])
record['move_speed'] = float(txt[pid+12])
pid += 13
# check the end
if pid >= len(txt):
pid += 1
# initial data
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
# convert column type
for column in data.columns:
if column in ['name', 'ID', 'origin']:
data[column].mask(data[column] == 9999.0, inplace=True)
# return
return data
def read_micaps_8(fname, limit=None):
Read Micaps 8 type file (city forecast)
区站号 经度 纬度 拔海高度 天气现象1 风向1 风速1 最低温度 最高温度 天气现象2 风向2 风速2
fname (str): data filename.
limit (list): region limit, [min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon]
pandas DataFrame
>>> data = read_micaps_2("Z:/data/high/plot/500/19010108.000")
# check file exist
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
return None
# read contents
encodings = ['utf-8', 'gb18030', 'GBK']
for encoding in encodings:
txt = None
with open(fname, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
txt ='\n', ' ').split()
except Exception:
if txt is None:
print("Micaps 1 file error: " + fname)
return None
# head information
head_info = txt[2]
# date and time
year = int(txt[3]) if len(txt[3]) == 4 else int(txt[3]) + 2000
month = int(txt[4])
day = int(txt[5])
hour = int(txt[6])
time = datetime(year, month, day, hour)
fhour = int(txt[7])
# number of stations
number = int(txt[8])
# set record column names
columns = ['ID', 'lon', 'lat', 'alt', 'weather_code1', 'wind_angle1', 'wind_speed1',
'min_temperature', 'max_temperature', 'weather_code2', 'wind_angle2', 'wind_speed2',]
# cut the data
txt = np.array(txt[9:])
txt.shape = [number, 12]
# initial data
data = pd.DataFrame(txt, columns=columns)
# convert column type
for column in data.columns:
if column == 'ID':
data[column] = pd.to_numeric(data[column])
data[column].mask(data[column] == 9999.0, inplace=True)
# cut the region
if limit is not None:
data = data[(limit[0] <= data['lat']) & (data['lat'] <= limit[2]) &
(limit[1] <= data['lon']) & (data['lon'] <= limit[3])]
# check records
if len(data) == 0:
return None
# add time
data['time'] = time
data['fhour'] = fhour
# return
return data
def read_micaps_11(fname, limit=None, scale_off=None, no_level=False,
levattrs={'long_name':'pressure_level', 'units':'hPa', '_CoordinateAxisType':'Pressure'}):

@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ def cimiss_obs_grid_by_time(time_str, limit=None, data_code="SURF_CMPA_FRT_5KM",
filename = time_str
if limit is not None:
filename = filename + '.' + str(limit)
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="CIMISS_DATA")
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="CIMISS")
if cache_file.is_file():
with open(cache_file, 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ def cimiss_analysis_by_time(time_str, limit=None, data_code='NAFP_CLDAS2.0_RT_GR
filename = time_str
if limit is not None:
filename = filename + '.' + str(limit)
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="CIMISS_DATA")
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="CIMISS")
if cache_file.is_file():
with open(cache_file, 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ def cimiss_model_grid(data_code, init_time_str, valid_time, fcst_ele, fcst_level
if cache:
directory = os.path.join(data_code, fcst_ele, str(fcst_level))
filename = init_time_str + '.' + str(valid_time).zfill(3)
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="CIMISS_DATA")
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="CIMISS")
if cache_file.is_file():
with open(cache_file, 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
@ -1628,7 +1628,7 @@ def cimiss_model_by_time(init_time_str, valid_time=0, limit=None,
filename = init_time_str + '.' + str(valid_time)
if limit is not None:
filename = filename + '.' + str(limit)
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="CIMISS_DATA")
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="CIMISS")
if cache_file.is_file():
with open(cache_file, 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)