
This commit is contained in:
NMC-DAVE 2022-04-02 00:08:56 +08:00
parent 51879d4744
commit 655252775a
3 changed files with 113 additions and 11 deletions

Binary file not shown.

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def resolve_awx_bytearray(btarray, units=''):
('dataRecordNumber', 'i2'), # 产品数据占用记录数
('productCategory', 'i2'), # 产品类别, 1静止, 2极轨, 3格点定量, 4离散, 5: 图形和分析
('compressMethod', 'i2'), # 压缩方式, 0: 未压缩; 1 行程编码压缩; 2 LZW方式压缩; 3 特点方式压缩
('formatString', 'S8'), # 格式说明字符串, 'SAT2004', 'SAT98'为早期版本(不支持)
('formatString', 'S8'), # 格式说明字符串, 'SAT2004', 'SAT98'为早期版本
('qualityFlag', 'i2')] # 产品数据质量标记, 1 完全可靠; 2 基本可靠; 3 有缺值, 可用; 4 不可用
head1_info = np.frombuffer(btarray[0:40], dtype=head1_dtype)
ind = 40
@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ def resolve_awx_bytearray(btarray, units=''):
pad_field = np.frombuffer(btarray[ind:(ind+head1_info['padDataLength'][0])], dtype='u1')
ind += head1_info['padDataLength'][0]
# retrieve data records
data_len = (head1_info['dataRecordNumber'][0].astype(int) *
# retrieve data records
data_len = (head2_info['heightOfImage'][0].astype(int) *
data = np.frombuffer(btarray[ind:(ind + data_len)], dtype='u1', count=data_len)
if calibration_table is not None:
data = calibration_table[data]
data.shape = (head1_info['dataRecordNumber'][0], head1_info['recordLength'][0])
data.shape = (head2_info['heightOfImage'][0], head2_info['widthOfImage'][0])
# 由于数据是按照左上角开始放置, 为此需要对纬度顺序进行反转
data = np.flip(data, axis=0)
@ -184,16 +184,115 @@ def resolve_awx_bytearray(btarray, units=''):
return data
elif head1_info['productCategory'] == 3:
# TODO参考https://github.com/wqshen/AwxReader 读取格点定量数据
print("The productCategory is not supported.")
return None
# 参考https://github.com/wqshen/AwxReader 读取格点定量数据
# the second class file head 二级文件头采用不定长方式,内容依据产品的不同而不同.
head2_dtype = [
('satelliteName', 'S8'), # 卫星名
('element', 'i2'), # 格点场要素
('byte', 'i2'), # 格点数据字节
('base', 'i2'), # 格点数据基准值
('scale', 'i2'), # 格点数据比例因子
('timeScale', 'i2'), # 时间范围代码
('startYear', 'i2'), ('startMonth', 'i2'),
('startDay', 'i2'), ('startHour', 'i2'),
('startMinute', 'i2'), ('endYear', 'i2'),
('endMonth', 'i2'), ('endDay', 'i2'),
('endHour', 'i2'), ('endMinute', 'i2'),
('leftupLat', 'i2'), # 网格左上角纬度
('leftupLon', 'i2'), # 网格左上角经度
('rightdownLat', 'i2'), # 网格右下角纬度
('rightdownLon', 'i2'), # 网格右下角经度
('resolutionUnit', 'i2'), # 格距单位
('horizontalResolution', 'i2'), # 横向格距
('verticalResolution', 'i2'), # 纵向格距
('widthOfImage', 'i2'), # 横行格点数
('heightOfImage', 'i2'), # 纵向格点数
('hasLand', 'i2'), # 有无陆地判释值
('land', 'i2'), # 陆地具体判释值
('hasCloud', 'i2'), # 有无云判释值
('cloud', 'i2'), # 云具体判释值
('hasWater', 'i2'), # 有无水体判释值
('water', 'i2'), # 水体具体判释值
('hasIce', 'i2'), # 有无冰体判释值
('ice', 'i2'), # 冰体具体判释值
('hasQuality', 'i2'), # 是否有质量控制值
('qualityUp', 'i2'), # 质量控制值上限
('qualityDown', 'i2'), # 质量控制值下限
('reserved', 'i2')]
head2_info = np.frombuffer(btarray[ind:(ind+80)], dtype=head2_dtype)
ind += 80
# 读入数据
hgrid_num, vgrid_num = head2_info['widthOfImage'][0].astype(int), head2_info['heightOfImage'][0].astype(int)
data_len = hgrid_num * vgrid_num
data = np.frombuffer(btarray[ind:(ind + data_len)], dtype='u1', count=data_len)
data.shape = (vgrid_num, hgrid_num)
data = (data.astype(float) + head2_info['base'][0]) / head2_info['scale'][0]
# 由于数据是按照左上角开始放置, 为此需要对纬度顺序进行反转
data = np.flip(data, axis=0)
# construct longitude and latitude coordinates
latmax = head2_info['leftupLat'][0] / 100.
lonmin = head2_info['leftupLon'][0] / 100.
latmin = head2_info['rightdownLat'][0] / 100.
lonmax = head2_info['rightdownLon'][0] / 100.
hreso = head2_info['horizontalResolution'][0] / 100.
vreso = head2_info['verticalResolution'][0] / 100.
lon = np.arange(lonmin, lonmax + hreso, hreso)
lat = np.arange(latmin, latmax + vreso, vreso)
# construct time
time = datetime(
head2_info['startYear'][0], head2_info['startMonth'][0],
head2_info['startDay'][0], head2_info['startHour'][0], head2_info['startMinute'][0])
time = np.array([time], dtype='datetime64[ms]')
# define element
_element = {0: '数值预报', 1: '海面温度K', 2: '海冰分布', 3: '海冰密度', 4: '射出长波辐射W/m2',
5: '归一化植被指数', 6: '比值植被指数', 7: '积雪分布', 8: '土壤湿度kg/m3',
9: '日照(小时)', 10: '云顶高度hPa', 11: '云顶温度K', 12: '低云云量', 13: '高云云量',
14: '降水指数mm/1小时', 15: '降水指数mm/6小时', 16: '降水指数mm/12小时',
17: '降水指数mm/24小时', 18: '对流层中上层水汽量(相对湿度)', 19: '亮度温度',
20: '云总量(百分比)', 21: '云分类', 22: '降水估计mm/6小时', 23: '降水估计mm/24小时',
24: '晴空大气可降水mm', 25: '备用', 26: '地面入射太阳辐射W/m2', 27: '备用', 28: '备用',
29: '备用', 30: '备用', 31: '1000hPa相对湿度', 32: '850hPa相对湿度', 33: '700hPa相对湿度',
34: '600hPa相对湿度', 35: '500hPa相对湿度', 36: '400hPa相对湿度', 37: '300hPa相对湿度'}
# define coordinates
time_coord = ('time', time)
lon_coord = ('lon', lon, {
'long_name':'longitude', 'units':'degrees_east',
'_CoordinateAxisType':'Lon', 'axis': "X"})
lat_coord = ('lat', lat, {
'long_name':'latitude', 'units':'degrees_north',
'_CoordinateAxisType':'Lat', 'axis': "Y"})
# create xarray
data = data[np.newaxis, ...]
varattrs = {
'productCategory': head1_info['productCategory'][0], # 产品类型, 1:静止, 2:极轨, 3:格点, 4:离散, 5:图形和分析
'formatString': head1_info['formatString'][0], # 产品格式名称
'qualityFlag': head1_info['qualityFlag'][0], # 产品质量标识
'satelliteName': head2_info['satelliteName'][0], # 卫星名称
'element': _element[head2_info['element'][0]], # 格点场要素
'units': units}
data = xr.Dataset({
'image':(['time', 'lat', 'lon'], data, varattrs)},
coords={ 'time':time_coord, 'lat':lat_coord, 'lon':lon_coord})
# add attributes
data.attrs['Conventions'] = "CF-1.6"
data.attrs['Origin'] = 'MICAPS Cassandra Server'
# return
return data
print("The productCategory is not supported.")
return None
def read_awx_cloud(fname, units=''):
def read_fy_awx(fname, units=''):
Read satellite awx format file.
@ -201,7 +300,8 @@ def read_awx_cloud(fname, units=''):
:return: data list
>>> headinfo, data = read_awx_cloud("./data/ANI_IR1_R04_20191026_2100_FY2G.AWX")
>>> data = read_fy_awx("./examples/samples/ANI_IR1_R04_20220331_2100_FY2G.AWX")
>>> data = read_fy_awx("./examples/samples/FY2E_CTA_MLT_OTG_20170126_0130.AWX")
# read part of binary

@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ def get_model_grid(directory, filename=None, suffix="*.024",
>>> data = get_model_grid("ECMWF_HR/TMP/850")
>>> data_ens = get_model_grid("ECMWF_ENSEMBLE/RAW/HGT/500", filename='18021708.024')
>>> data_ens = get_model_grid('ECMWF_ENSEMBLE/RAW/TMP_2M', '19083008.024')
>>> directory = "SATELLITE/FY4A/L2/CHINA/CLT/"
>>> data = get_model_grid(directory, suffix="*.000")
# get data file name