Add read swan 131 radar data from micaps server.

This commit is contained in:
NMC-DAVE 2020-03-26 17:32:19 +08:00
parent b96e2ec87c
commit cf716c7215
2 changed files with 167 additions and 2 deletions

@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
"name": "python",
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"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.7.4"
"version": "3.7.6"
"toc": {
"base_numbering": 1,
@ -438,7 +438,8 @@
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"toc_section_display": true,
"toc_window_display": false
"toc-autonumbering": false
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@ -1338,3 +1338,167 @@ def get_tlogps(directory, filenames, allExists=True, pbar=False, **kargs):
return None
return pd.concat(dataset)
def get_radar_swan(directory, filename=None, suffix="*.000", scale=[0.1, 0],
varattrs={'long_name': 'quantitative_precipitation_forecast', 'short_name': 'QPF', 'units': 'mm'},
refer to
:param directory: the data directory on the service
:param filename: the data filename, if none, will be the latest file.
:param suffix: the filename filter pattern which will be used to
find the specified file.
:param scale: data value will be scaled = (data + scale[1]) * scale[0], normally,
CREF, CAPPI: [0.5, -66]
radar echo height, VIL, OHP, ...: [0.1, 0]
:param cache: cache retrieved data to local directory, default is True.
:return: pandas DataFrame object.
>>> data = get_radar_131("RADARMOSAIC/EXTRAPOLATION/QPF/")
# get data file name
if filename is None:
# connect to data service
service = GDSDataService()
status, response = service.getLatestDataName(directory, suffix)
except ValueError:
print('Can not retrieve data from ' + directory)
return None
StringResult = DataBlock_pb2.StringResult()
if status == 200:
if StringResult is not None:
filename =
if filename == '':
return None
return None
# retrieve data from cached file
if cache:
cache_file = CONFIG.get_cache_file(directory, filename, name="MICAPS_DATA")
if cache_file.is_file():
with open(cache_file, 'rb') as f:
records = pickle.load(f)
return records
# get data contents
service = GDSDataService()
status, response = service.getData(directory, filename)
except ValueError:
print('Can not retrieve data' + filename + ' from ' + directory)
return None
ByteArrayResult = DataBlock_pb2.ByteArrayResult()
if status == 200:
if ByteArrayResult is not None:
byteArray = ByteArrayResult.byteArray
if byteArray == b'':
print('There is no data ' + filename + ' in ' + directory)
return None
# define head structure
head_dtype = [
('ZonName', 'S12'),
('DataName', 'S38'),
('Flag', 'S8'),
('Version', 'S8'),
('year', 'i2'),
('month', 'i2'),
('day', 'i2'),
('hour', 'i2'),
('minute', 'i2'),
('interval', 'i2'),
('XNumGrids', 'i2'),
('YNumGrids', 'i2'),
('ZNumGrids', 'i2'),
('RadarCount', 'i4'),
('StartLon', 'f4'),
('StartLat', 'f4'),
('CenterLon', 'f4'),
('CenterLat', 'f4'),
('XReso', 'f4'),
('YReso', 'f4'),
('ZhighGrids', 'f4', 40),
('RadarStationName', 'S20', 16),
('RadarLongitude', 'f4', 20),
('RadarLatitude', 'f4', 20),
('RadarAltitude', 'f4', 20),
('MosaicFlag', 'S1', 20),
('m_iDataType', 'i2'),
('m_iLevelDimension', 'i2'),
('Reserved', 'S168')]
# read head information
head_info = np.frombuffer(byteArray[0:1024], dtype=head_dtype)
ind = 1024
# get coordinates
nlon = head_info['XNumGrids'][0].astype(np.int64)
nlat = head_info['YNumGrids'][0].astype(np.int64)
nlev = head_info['ZNumGrids'][0].astype(np.int64)
dlon = head_info['XReso'][0].astype(np.float)
dlat = head_info['YReso'][0].astype(np.float)
lat = head_info['StartLat'][0] - np.arange(nlat)*dlat - dlat/2.0
lon = head_info['StartLon'][0] + np.arange(nlon)*dlon - dlon/2.0
lev = head_info['ZhighGrids'][0][0:nlev]
# retrieve data records
data_type = ['u1', 'u1', 'u2', 'i2']
data_type = data_type[head_info['m_iDataType'][0]]
data_len = (nlon * nlat * nlev)
data = np.frombuffer(
byteArray[ind:(ind + data_len*int(data_type[1]))],
dtype=data_type, count=data_len)
# convert data type
data.shape = (nlev, nlat, nlon)
data = data.astype(np.float32)
data = (data + scale[1]) * scale[0]
# reverse latitude axis
data = np.flip(data, 1)
lat = lat[::-1]
# set time coordinates
time = datetime(
head_info['year'][0], head_info['month'][0],
head_info['day'][0], head_info['hour'][0],
time = np.array([time], dtype='datetime64[m]')
data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=0)
# define coordinates
time_coord = ('time', time)
lon_coord = ('lon', lon, {
'long_name':'longitude', 'units':'degrees_east', '_CoordinateAxisType':'Lon'})
lat_coord = ('lat', lat, {
'long_name':'latitude', 'units':'degrees_north', '_CoordinateAxisType':'Lat'})
lev_coord = ('lev', lev, {
'long_name':'height', 'units':'m'})
# create xarray
data = xr.Dataset({'data':(['time', 'lev', 'lat', 'lon'], data, varattrs)},
coords={'time':time_coord, 'lev':lev_coord, 'lat':lat_coord, 'lon':lon_coord})
# add attributes
data.attrs['Conventions'] = "CF-1.6"
data.attrs['Origin'] = 'MICAPS Cassandra Server'
# cache data
if cache:
with open(cache_file, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(data, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
# return
return data
return None
return None