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2015-05-19 22:54:15 +00:00
# assert_pointer confirms that the pointer in the repository for $path in the
# given $ref matches the given $oid and $size.
# $ assert_pointer "master" "path/to/file" "some-oid" 123
assert_pointer() {
local ref=$1
local path=$2
local oid=$3
local size=$4
gitblob=$(git ls-tree -l $ref | grep $path | cut -f 3 -d " ")
actual=$(git cat-file -p $gitblob)
expected=$(pointer $oid $size)
if [ "$expected" != "$actual" ]; then
exit 1
# no-op. check that the object does not exist in the git lfs server
refute_server_object() {
echo "refute server object: no-op"
# no-op. check that the object does exist in the git lfs server
assert_server_object() {
echo "assert server object: no-op"
2015-05-19 22:54:15 +00:00
# pointer returns a string Git LFS pointer file.
# $ pointer abc-some-oid 123
# > version ...
pointer() {
local oid=$1
local size=$2
printf "version
oid sha256:%s
size %s
" "$oid" "$size"
2015-05-19 22:54:15 +00:00
# wait_for_file simply sleeps until a file exists.
# $ wait_for_file "path/to/upcoming/file"
wait_for_file() {
local filename=$1
2015-05-18 19:58:58 +00:00
while [ $n -lt 10 ]; do
if [ -s $filename ]; then
return 0
sleep 0.5
2015-05-18 19:58:58 +00:00
n=`expr $n + 1`
return 1
2015-05-19 22:54:15 +00:00
# setup_remote_repo intializes a bare Git repository that is accessible through
# the test Git server. The `pwd` is set to the repository's directory, in case
# further commands need to be run. This server is running for every test in a
# script/integration run, so every test file should setup its own remote
# repository to avoid conflicts.
# $ setup_remote_repo "some-name"
setup_remote_repo() {
local reponame=$1
echo "set up remote git repository: $reponame"
mkdir -p "$repodir"
cd "$repodir"
git init --bare
git config http.receivepack true
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
# dump a simple git config file so clones use this test's Git LFS command
2015-05-19 22:54:15 +00:00
# and the custom credential helper. This overrides any Git config that is
# already setup on the system.
printf "[filter \"lfs\"]
required = true
smudge = %s smudge %%f
clean = %s clean %%f
helper = \"!f() { echo \\"username=user\\\\npassword=pass\\"; }; f\"
[remote \"origin\"]
url = %s/%s
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
" "$GITLFS" "$GITLFS" "$GITSERVER" "$reponame" > "$LFS_CONFIG-$reponame"
2015-05-19 22:54:15 +00:00
# clone_repo clones a repository from the test Git server to the subdirectory
# $dir under $TRASHDIR. setup_remote_repo() needs to be run first.
clone_repo() {
local reponame=$1
local dir=$2
echo "clone local git repository $reponame to $dir"
out=$(GIT_CONFIG="$LFS_CONFIG-$reponame" git clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$dir" 2>&1)
cd "$dir"
git config credential.helper '!f() { echo "username=user\npassword=pass"; }; f'
echo "$out"
2015-05-20 17:25:20 +00:00
# setup initializes the clean, isolated environment for integration tests.
setup() {
rm -rf "test/remote"
mkdir "test/remote"
echo "compile git-lfs for $0"
for go in test/cmd/*.go; do
go build -o "$BINPATH/$(basename $go .go)" "$go"
2015-05-18 23:29:29 +00:00
LFSTEST_URL="$LFS_URL_FILE" LFSTEST_DIR="$REMOTEDIR" lfstest-gitserver > "$REMOTEDIR/gitserver.log" 2>&1 &
wait_for_file "$LFS_URL_FILE"
2015-05-19 22:54:15 +00:00
# shutdown cleans the $TRASHDIR and shuts the test Git server down.
shutdown() {
rm -rf "$TRASHDIR"
2015-05-18 23:15:32 +00:00
if [ "$SHUTDOWN_LFS" != "no" ]; then
if [ -s "$LFS_URL_FILE" ]; then
curl "$(cat "$LFS_URL_FILE")/shutdown"