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package commands
import (
2015-09-11 15:57:21 +00:00
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
var (
pruneCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "prune",
Short: "Deletes old LFS files from the local store",
Run: pruneCommand,
pruneDryRunArg bool
pruneVerboseArg bool
pruneVerifyArg bool
pruneDoNotVerifyArg bool
func pruneCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Guts of this must be re-usable from fetch --prune so just parse & dispatch
if pruneVerifyArg && pruneDoNotVerifyArg {
Exit("Cannot specify both --verify-remote and --no-verify-remote")
verify := !pruneDoNotVerifyArg &&
(lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig().PruneVerifyRemoteAlways || pruneVerifyArg)
prune(verify, pruneDryRunArg, pruneVerboseArg)
type PruneProgressType int
const (
PruneProgressTypeLocal = PruneProgressType(iota)
PruneProgressTypeRetain = PruneProgressType(iota)
PruneProgressTypeVerify = PruneProgressType(iota)
// Progress from a sub-task of prune
type PruneProgress struct {
Type PruneProgressType
Count int // Number of items done
type PruneProgressChan chan PruneProgress
func prune(verifyRemote, dryRun, verbose bool) {
localObjects := make([]*lfs.Pointer, 0, 100)
retainedObjects := lfs.NewStringSetWithCapacity(100)
var reachableObjects lfs.StringSet
var taskwait sync.WaitGroup
// Add all the base funcs to the waitgroup before starting them, in case
// one completes really fast & hits 0 unexpectedly
// each main process can Add() to the wg itself if it subdivides the task
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
taskwait.Add(4) // 1..4: localObjects, current & recent refs, unpushed, worktree
if verifyRemote {
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
taskwait.Add(1) // 5
progressChan := make(PruneProgressChan, 100)
// Collect errors
errorChan := make(chan error, 10)
var errorwait sync.WaitGroup
var taskErrors []error
go pruneTaskCollectErrors(&taskErrors, errorChan, &errorwait)
// Populate the single list of local objects
go pruneTaskGetLocalObjects(&localObjects, progressChan, &taskwait)
// Now find files to be retained from many sources
retainChan := make(chan string, 100)
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
go pruneTaskGetRetainedCurrentAndRecentRefs(retainChan, errorChan, &taskwait)
go pruneTaskGetRetainedUnpushed(retainChan, errorChan, &taskwait)
go pruneTaskGetRetainedWorktree(retainChan, errorChan, &taskwait)
if verifyRemote {
reachableObjects = lfs.NewStringSetWithCapacity(100)
go pruneTaskGetReachableObjects(&reachableObjects, errorChan, &taskwait)
// Now collect all the retained objects, on separate wait
var retainwait sync.WaitGroup
go pruneTaskCollectRetained(&retainedObjects, retainChan, progressChan, &retainwait)
// Report progress
var progresswait sync.WaitGroup
go pruneTaskDisplayProgress(progressChan, &progresswait)
taskwait.Wait() // wait for subtasks
close(retainChan) // triggers retain collector to end now all tasks have
retainwait.Wait() // make sure all retained objects added
close(errorChan) // triggers error collector to end now all tasks have
errorwait.Wait() // make sure all errors have been processed
prunableObjects := make([]string, 0, len(localObjects)/2)
// Build list of prunables (also queue for verify at same time if applicable)
var verifyQueue *lfs.TransferQueue
var verifiedObjects lfs.StringSet
var totalSize int64
var verboseOutput bytes.Buffer
if verifyRemote && !dryRun {
lfs.Config.CurrentRemote = lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig().PruneRemoteName
// build queue now, no estimates or progress output
verifyQueue = lfs.NewDownloadCheckQueue(0, 0, true)
verifiedObjects = lfs.NewStringSetWithCapacity(len(localObjects) / 2)
for _, pointer := range localObjects {
if !retainedObjects.Contains(pointer.Oid) {
prunableObjects = append(prunableObjects, pointer.Oid)
totalSize += pointer.Size
if verbose {
// Save up verbose output for the end, spinner still going
verboseOutput.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" * %v (%v)\n", pointer.Oid, humanizeBytes(pointer.Size)))
if verifyRemote && !dryRun {
verifyQueue.Add(lfs.NewDownloadCheckable(&lfs.WrappedPointer{Pointer: pointer}))
if verifyRemote && !dryRun {
// this channel is filled with oids for which Check() succeeded & Transfer() was called
verifyc := verifyQueue.Watch()
var verifywait sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
for oid := range verifyc {
progressChan <- PruneProgress{PruneProgressTypeVerify, 1}
close(progressChan) // after verify (uses spinner) but before check
pruneCheckVerified(prunableObjects, reachableObjects, verifiedObjects)
} else {
if len(prunableObjects) == 0 {
Print("Nothing to prune")
if dryRun {
2015-10-12 10:55:16 +00:00
Print("%d files would be pruned (%v)", len(prunableObjects), humanizeBytes(totalSize))
if verbose {
} else {
Print("Pruning %d files, (%v)", len(prunableObjects), humanizeBytes(totalSize))
if verbose {
2015-10-12 10:55:16 +00:00
func pruneCheckVerified(prunableObjects []string, reachableObjects, verifiedObjects lfs.StringSet) {
// There's no issue if an object is not reachable and misisng, only if reachable & missing
var problems bytes.Buffer
for _, oid := range prunableObjects {
// Test verified first as most likely reachable
if !verifiedObjects.Contains(oid) {
if reachableObjects.Contains(oid) {
problems.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", oid))
// technically we could still prune the other oids, but this indicates a
// more serious issue because the local state implies that these can be
// deleted but that's incorrect; bad state has occurred somehow, might need
// push --all to resolve
if problems.Len() > 0 {
Exit("Failed to find prunable objects on remote, aborting:\n%v", problems.String())
func pruneCheckErrors(taskErrors []error) {
if len(taskErrors) > 0 {
for _, err := range taskErrors {
LoggedError(err, "Prune error: %v", err)
Exit("Prune sub-tasks failed, cannot continue")
func pruneTaskDisplayProgress(progressChan PruneProgressChan, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
spinner := lfs.NewSpinner()
localCount := 0
retainCount := 0
verifyCount := 0
var msg string
for p := range progressChan {
switch p.Type {
case PruneProgressTypeLocal:
case PruneProgressTypeRetain:
case PruneProgressTypeVerify:
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%d local objects, %d retained", localCount, retainCount)
if verifyCount > 0 {
msg += fmt.Sprintf(", %d verified with remote", verifyCount)
spinner.Print(OutputWriter, msg)
spinner.Finish(OutputWriter, msg)
func pruneTaskCollectRetained(outRetainedObjects *lfs.StringSet, retainChan chan string,
progressChan PruneProgressChan, retainwait *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer retainwait.Done()
for oid := range retainChan {
if outRetainedObjects.Add(oid) {
progressChan <- PruneProgress{PruneProgressTypeRetain, 1}
func pruneTaskCollectErrors(outtaskErrors *[]error, errorChan chan error, errorwait *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer errorwait.Done()
for err := range errorChan {
*outtaskErrors = append(*outtaskErrors, err)
func pruneDeleteFiles(prunableObjects []string) {
2015-09-11 15:57:21 +00:00
spinner := lfs.NewSpinner()
var problems bytes.Buffer
// In case we fail to delete some
var deletedFiles int
for i, oid := range prunableObjects {
spinner.Print(OutputWriter, fmt.Sprintf("Deleting object %d/%d", i, len(prunableObjects)))
mediaFile, err := lfs.LocalMediaPath(oid)
if err != nil {
problems.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to find media path for %v: %v\n", oid, err))
err = os.Remove(mediaFile)
if err != nil {
problems.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to remove file %v: %v\n", mediaFile, err))
spinner.Finish(OutputWriter, fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %d files", deletedFiles))
if problems.Len() > 0 {
LoggedError(fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete some files"), problems.String())
Exit("Prune failed, see errors above")
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetLocalObjects(outLocalObjects *[]*lfs.Pointer, progChan PruneProgressChan, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
localObjectsChan := lfs.AllLocalObjectsChan()
for p := range localObjectsChan {
*outLocalObjects = append(*outLocalObjects, p)
progChan <- PruneProgress{PruneProgressTypeLocal, 1}
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
func pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref string, retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
// Only files AT ref, recent is checked in pruneTaskGetRetainedRecentRefs
opts := &lfs.ScanRefsOptions{ScanMode: lfs.ScanRefsMode, SkipDeletedBlobs: true}
refchan, err := lfs.ScanRefsToChan(ref, "", opts)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
for wp := range refchan {
retainChan <- wp.Pointer.Oid
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetPreviousVersionsOfRef(ref string, since time.Time, retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
refchan, err := lfs.ScanPreviousVersionsToChan(ref, since)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
for wp := range refchan {
retainChan <- wp.Pointer.Oid
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
func pruneTaskGetRetainedCurrentAndRecentRefs(retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
// We actually increment the waitg in this func since we kick off sub-goroutines
// Make a list of what unique commits to keep, & search backward from
commits := lfs.NewStringSet()
// Do current first
ref, err := git.CurrentRef()
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
// Now recent
fetchconf := lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig()
pruneRefDays := fetchconf.FetchRecentRefsDays + fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays
refsSince := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -pruneRefDays)
// Keep all recent refs including any recent remote branches
refs, err := git.RecentBranches(refsSince, true, "")
if err != nil {
Panic(err, "Could not scan for recent refs")
for _, ref := range refs {
if commits.Add(ref.Sha) {
// A new commit
go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
// For every unique commit we've fetched, check recent commits too
// Only if we're fetching recent commits, otherwise only keep at refs
if fetchconf.FetchRecentCommitsDays > 0 {
pruneCommitDays := fetchconf.FetchRecentCommitsDays + fetchconf.PruneOffsetDays
for commit := range commits.Iter() {
// We measure from the last commit at the ref
summ, err := git.GetCommitSummary(commit)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- fmt.Errorf("Couldn't scan commits at %v: %v", commit, err)
commitsSince := summ.CommitDate.AddDate(0, 0, -pruneCommitDays)
go pruneTaskGetPreviousVersionsOfRef(commit, commitsSince, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
2015-09-29 22:32:50 +00:00
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedUnpushed(retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
remoteName := lfs.Config.FetchPruneConfig().PruneRemoteName
refchan, err := lfs.ScanUnpushedToChan(remoteName)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
for wp := range refchan {
retainChan <- wp.Pointer.Oid
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetRetainedWorktree(retainChan chan string, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
// Retain other worktree HEADs too
// Working copy, branch & maybe commit is different but repo is shared
allWorktreeRefs, err := git.GetAllWorkTreeHEADs(lfs.LocalGitStorageDir)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
// Don't repeat any commits, worktrees are always on their own branches but
// may point to the same commit
commits := lfs.NewStringSet()
// current HEAD is done elsewhere
headref, err := git.CurrentRef()
if err != nil {
errorChan <- err
for _, ref := range allWorktreeRefs {
if commits.Add(ref.Sha) {
// Worktree is on a different commit
// Don't need to 'cd' to worktree since we share same repo
go pruneTaskGetRetainedAtRef(ref.Sha, retainChan, errorChan, waitg)
// Background task, must call waitg.Done() once at end
func pruneTaskGetReachableObjects(outObjectSet *lfs.StringSet, errorChan chan error, waitg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitg.Done()
// converts to `git rev-list --all`
// We only pick up objects in real commits and not the reflog
opts := &lfs.ScanRefsOptions{ScanMode: lfs.ScanAllMode, SkipDeletedBlobs: false}
pointerchan, err := lfs.ScanRefsToChan("", "", opts)
if err != nil {
errorChan <- fmt.Errorf("Error scanning for reachable objects: %v", err)
for p := range pointerchan {
func init() {
pruneCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&pruneDryRunArg, "dry-run", "d", false, "Don't delete anything, just report")
pruneCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&pruneVerboseArg, "verbose", "v", false, "Print full details of what is/would be deleted")
pruneCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&pruneVerifyArg, "verify-remote", "c", false, "Verify that remote has LFS files before deleting")
pruneCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&pruneDoNotVerifyArg, "no-verify-remote", false, "Override lfs.pruneverifyremotealways and don't verify")