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#!/usr/bin/env bash
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
# HACK(taylor): git uses ".g<hash>" in the version name to signal that it is
# from the "next" branch, which is the only (current) version of Git that has
# support for the filter protocol.
ensure_git_version_isnt $VERSION_LOWER "2.11.0"
begin_test "filter process: checking out a branch"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo
git lfs track "*.dat"
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "initial commit"
contents_a_oid="$(calc_oid $contents_a)"
printf "%s" "$contents_a" > a.dat
git add a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
git checkout -b b
contents_b_oid="$(calc_oid $contents_b)"
printf "%s" "$contents_b" > b.dat
git add b.dat
git commit -m "add b.dat"
git push origin --all
pushd ..
# Git will choose filter.lfs.process over `filter.lfs.clean` and
# `filter.lfs.smudge`
-c "filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process" \
-c "filter.lfs.clean=false"\
-c "filter.lfs.smudge=false" \
-c "filter.lfs.required=true" \
clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$reponame-assert"
cd "$reponame-assert"
# Assert that we are on the "main" branch, and have a.dat
[ "main" = "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" ]
[ "$contents_a" = "$(cat a.dat)" ]
assert_pointer "main" "a.dat" "$contents_a_oid" 10
git checkout b
# Assert that we are on the "b" branch, and have b.dat
[ "b" = "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" ]
[ "$contents_b" = "$(cat b.dat)" ]
assert_pointer "b" "b.dat" "$contents_b_oid" 10
commands,t: gitignore matching for fetch filters The "lfs.fetchinclude" and "lfs.fetchexclude" Git configuration options, if set, are used to control the action of a number of Git LFS commands. Since PR #4556, the "git lfs clone", "git lfs fetch", and "git lfs pull" commands have strictly applied gitignore(5)-style matching rules to these configuration options. However, other commands including "git lfs filter-process" and "git lfs smudge" now apply gitattributes(5)-style matching rules to these same configuration options, leading to confusion. We therefore revise all remaining uses of these configuration options to also use gitignore-style matching rules. We also add new tests for the "git lfs filter-process" and "git lfs fsck" commands and adjust or expand existing tests for the "git lfs prune" and "git lfs smudge" commands in order to confirm that gitignore-style matching is used for all of them. These new and updated tests fail if gitattributes-style matching is used instead. (Note that the "git lfs migrate" command does not require any changes because it does not read the "lfs.fetch*" configuration options. Instead, it supplies a "false" value for the "useFetchOptions" flag to the determineIncludeExcludePaths() function, so any "lfs.fetch*" configuration values are ignored. This is significant because "git lfs migrate" deliberately uses gitattributes-style matching for any path patterns supplied via its -I/-X command-line arguments, unlike all other commands that accept -I/-X arguments as overrides for the "lfs.fetch*" configuration options.)
2022-04-18 07:24:53 +00:00
begin_test "filter process: include/exclude"
set -e
reponame="$(basename "$0" ".sh")-includeexclude"
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git lfs track "*.dat"
mkdir -p foo/bar
contents_a_oid="$(calc_oid $contents_a)"
printf "%s" "$contents_a" > a.dat
cp a.dat foo
cp a.dat foo/bar
git add .gitattributes a.dat foo
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin main
# The Git LFS objects for a.dat and foo/bar/a.dat would both download except
# we're going to prevent them from doing so with include/exclude.
# We also need to prevent MSYS from rewriting /foo into a Windows path.
MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 git config --global "lfs.fetchinclude" "/foo"
MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 git config --global "lfs.fetchexclude" "/foo/bar"
pushd ..
# Git will choose filter.lfs.process over `filter.lfs.clean` and
# `filter.lfs.smudge`
-c "filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process" \
-c "filter.lfs.clean=false"\
-c "filter.lfs.smudge=false" \
-c "filter.lfs.required=true" \
clone "$GITSERVER/$reponame" "$reponame-assert"
cd "$reponame-assert"
pointer="$(pointer "$contents_a_oid" 10)"
[ "$pointer" = "$(cat a.dat)" ]
assert_pointer "main" "a.dat" "$contents_a_oid" 10
[ "$contents_a" = "$(cat foo/a.dat)" ]
assert_pointer "main" "foo/a.dat" "$contents_a_oid" 10
[ "$pointer" = "$(cat foo/bar/a.dat)" ]
assert_pointer "main" "foo/bar/a.dat" "$contents_a_oid" 10
begin_test "filter process: adding a file"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git lfs track "*.dat"
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "initial commit"
contents_oid="$(calc_oid "$contents")"
printf "%s" "$contents" > a.dat
git add a.dat
expected="$(pointer "$contents_oid" "${#contents}")"
got="$(git cat-file -p :a.dat)"
diff -u <(echo "$expected") <(echo "$got")
begin_test "filter process: add a file with 1024 bytes"
set -e
mkdir repo-issue-1697
cd repo-issue-1697
git init
git lfs track "*.dat"
dd if=/dev/zero of=first.dat bs=1024 count=1
printf "any contents" > second.dat
git add .
begin_test "filter process: hash-object --stdin --path does not hang"
set -e
mkdir repo-hash-object
cd repo-hash-object
git init
git lfs track "*.dat"
contents_oid="$(calc_oid "$contents")"
expected=$(pointer "$contents_oid" 4 | git hash-object --stdin)
dd if=/dev/zero of=first.dat bs=1000 count=1
echo a > second.dat
# Works for existing file longer than this one.
output=$(printf test | git hash-object --path first.dat --stdin)
[ "$expected" = "$output" ]
# Works for existing file shorter than this one.
output=$(printf test | git hash-object --path second.dat --stdin)
[ "$expected" = "$output" ]
# Works for absent file.
output=$(printf test | git hash-object --path third.dat --stdin)
[ "$expected" = "$output" ]
dd if=/dev/zero of=large.dat bs=65537 count=1
oid=$(calc_oid_file large.dat)
expected=$(pointer "$oid" 65537 | git hash-object --stdin)
output=$(git hash-object --path third.dat --stdin <large.dat)
[ "$expected" = "$output" ]
git add .
begin_test "filter process: checking out a branch with --skip-smudge and checkout-index"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git lfs track "*.dat"
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "initial commit"
contents_a_oid="$(calc_oid $contents_a)"
printf "%s" "$contents_a" > a.dat
git add a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
git checkout -b b
contents_b_oid="$(calc_oid $contents_b)"
printf "%s" "$contents_b" > b.dat
git add b.dat
git commit -m "add b.dat"
git lfs install --local --skip-smudge
git checkout main
rm a.dat
git checkout-index -af
git lfs pointer --check --file a.dat
assert_pointer "main" "a.dat" "$contents_a_oid" 10
git checkout b
rm *.dat
git checkout-index -af
git lfs pointer --check --file a.dat
git lfs pointer --check --file b.dat
# Assert that we are on the "b" branch, and have b.dat
assert_pointer "b" "b.dat" "$contents_b_oid" 10
begin_test "filter process: git archive does not invoke SSH"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
sshurl=$(ssh_remote "$reponame")
git config lfs.url "$sshurl"
git lfs track "*.dat"
printf "%s" "$contents" > test.dat
git add .gitattributes test.dat
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin main 2>&1
cd ..
GIT_TRACE=1 git clone "$sshurl" "$reponame-2" 2>&1 | tee trace.log
grep "lfs-ssh-echo.*git-lfs-transfer .*$reponame.git download" trace.log
cd "$reponame-2"
GIT_TRACE=1 GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git archive -o foo.tar HEAD 2>&1 | tee archive.log
grep 'pure SSH' archive.log && exit 1