
110 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env bash
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
ensure_git_version_isnt $VERSION_LOWER "2.5.0"
begin_test "prune worktree"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "remote_$reponame"
clone_repo "remote_$reponame" "$reponame"
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
content_head="First checkout HEAD"
content_worktree1head="Worktree 1 head"
content_worktree2head="Worktree 2 head"
content_oldcommit1="Always pruned 1"
content_oldcommit2="Always pruned 2"
content_oldcommit3="Always pruned 3"
oid_head=$(calc_oid "$content_head")
oid_worktree1head=$(calc_oid "$content_worktree1head")
oid_worktree2head=$(calc_oid "$content_worktree2head")
oid_oldcommit1=$(calc_oid "$content_oldcommit1")
oid_oldcommit2=$(calc_oid "$content_oldcommit2")
oid_oldcommit3=$(calc_oid "$content_oldcommit3")
echo "[
\"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -40d)\",
{\"Filename\":\"file.dat\",\"Size\":${#content_oldcommit1}, \"Data\":\"$content_oldcommit1\"}]
\"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -35d)\",
{\"Filename\":\"file.dat\",\"Size\":${#content_oldcommit2}, \"Data\":\"$content_oldcommit2\"}]
\"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -20d)\",
{\"Filename\":\"file.dat\",\"Size\":${#content_worktree1head}, \"Data\":\"$content_worktree1head\"}]
\"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -30d)\",
{\"Filename\":\"file.dat\",\"Size\":${#content_oldcommit3}, \"Data\":\"$content_oldcommit3\"}]
\"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -15d)\",
{\"Filename\":\"file.dat\",\"Size\":${#content_worktree2head}, \"Data\":\"$content_worktree2head\"}]
\"CommitDate\":\"$(get_date -30d)\",
{\"Filename\":\"file.dat\",\"Size\":${#content_head}, \"Data\":\"$content_head\"}]
]" | lfstest-testutils addcommits
# push everything so that's not a retention issue
git push origin master:master branch1:branch1 branch2:branch2
# don't keep any recent, just checkouts
git config lfs.fetchrecentrefsdays 0
git config lfs.fetchrecentremoterefs true
git config lfs.fetchrecentcommitsdays 0
# before worktree, everything except current checkout would be pruned
git lfs prune --dry-run 2>&1 | tee prune.log
grep "prune: 6 local object(s), 1 retained, done" prune.log
grep "prune: 5 file(s) would be pruned" prune.log
# now add worktrees on the other branches
git worktree add "../w1_$reponame" "branch1"
git worktree add "../w2_$reponame" "branch2"
# now should retain all 3 heads
git lfs prune --dry-run 2>&1 | tee prune.log
grep "prune: 6 local object(s), 3 retained, done" prune.log
grep "prune: 3 file(s) would be pruned" prune.log
# also check that the same result is obtained when inside worktree rather than main
cd "../w1_$reponame"
git lfs prune --dry-run 2>&1 | tee prune.log
grep "prune: 6 local object(s), 3 retained, done" prune.log
grep "prune: 3 file(s) would be pruned" prune.log
# now remove a worktree & prove that frees up 1 head while keeping the other
cd "../$reponame"
rm -rf "../w1_$reponame"
git worktree prune # required to get git to tidy worktree metadata
git lfs prune --dry-run 2>&1 | tee prune.log
grep "prune: 6 local object(s), 2 retained, done" prune.log
grep "prune: 4 file(s) would be pruned" prune.log