brian m. carlson 67830784db
Implement multistage authentication
In 2.46, Git will support multistage authentication from credential
helpers.  This will allow Git and Git LFS to implement functionality
like NTLM and Kerberos in the credential helper, which lets this
functionality to work even if Git LFS doesn't support it natively.

This requires two separate pieces of data.  First, it involves a
`state[]` field, which each credential helper can add to keep track of
state.  Second, it allows the usage of a boolean `continue` field, which
indicates that the response is multistage and this is not the final

In order to make this work, we adjust a few things.  First, we advertise
the `state` capability.  Additionally, we save and pass back the
`state[]` fields that the credential helper may send to us.  We also
don't change the authentication scheme if the helper told us that this
was a multistage response.  Finally, we add a check to avoid a
credential helper getting stuck in an infinite loop if it keeps handing
back the same credentials.
2024-06-24 19:57:05 +00:00

377 lines
12 KiB

package lfsapi
import (
var (
defaultEndpointFinder = NewEndpointFinder(nil)
defaultMaxAuthAttempts = 3
// DoWithAuth sends an HTTP request to get an HTTP response. It attempts to add
// authentication from netrc or git's credential helpers if necessary,
// supporting basic authentication.
func (c *Client) DoWithAuth(remote string, access creds.Access, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
count := 0
res, err := c.doWithAuth(remote, &count, access, req, nil)
if errors.IsAuthError(err) {
if len(req.Header.Get("Authorization")) == 0 {
// This case represents a rejected request that
// should have been authenticated but wasn't. Do
// not count this against our redirection
// maximum.
newAccess := c.Endpoints.AccessFor(access.URL())
tracerx.Printf("api: http response indicates %q authentication. Resubmitting...", newAccess.Mode())
return c.DoWithAuth(remote, newAccess, req)
return res, err
// DoWithAuthNoRetry sends an HTTP request to get an HTTP response. It works in
// the same way as DoWithAuth, but will not retry the request if it fails with
// an authorization error.
func (c *Client) DoWithAuthNoRetry(remote string, access creds.Access, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
count := 0
return c.doWithAuth(remote, &count, access, req, nil)
// DoAPIRequestWithAuth sends an HTTP request to get an HTTP response similarly
// to DoWithAuth, but using the LFS API endpoint for the provided remote and
// operation to determine the access mode.
func (c *Client) DoAPIRequestWithAuth(remote string, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
operation := getReqOperation(req)
apiEndpoint := c.Endpoints.Endpoint(operation, remote)
access := c.Endpoints.AccessFor(apiEndpoint.Url)
return c.DoWithAuth(remote, access, req)
func (c *Client) doWithAuth(remote string, count *int, access creds.Access, req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if *count == defaultMaxAuthAttempts {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many authentication attempts")
req.Header = c.client.ExtraHeadersFor(req)
credWrapper, err := c.getCreds(remote, access, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := c.doWithCreds(req, count, credWrapper, access, via)
if err != nil {
if errors.IsAuthError(err) {
multistage := credWrapper.Creds.IsMultistage()
newMode, newModes, headers := getAuthAccess(res, access.Mode(), c.access, multistage)
newAccess := access.Upgrade(newMode)
if newAccess.Mode() != access.Mode() {
c.access = newModes
if credWrapper.Creds != nil {
if multistage && *count < defaultMaxAuthAttempts && res != nil && res.StatusCode == 401 {
} else {
if res != nil && res.StatusCode < 300 && res.StatusCode > 199 {
return res, err
func (c *Client) doWithCreds(req *http.Request, count *int, credWrapper creds.CredentialHelperWrapper, access creds.Access, via []*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if access.Mode() == creds.NegotiateAccess {
return c.doWithNegotiate(req, credWrapper)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", lfshttp.UserAgent)
client, err := c.client.HttpClient(req.URL, access.Mode())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
redirectedReq, res, err := c.client.DoWithRedirect(client, req, "", via)
if err != nil || res != nil {
return res, err
if redirectedReq == nil {
return res, errors.New(tr.Tr.Get("failed to redirect request"))
return c.doWithAuth("", count, access, redirectedReq, via)
// getCreds fills the authorization header for the given request if possible,
// from the following sources:
// 1. NTLM access is handled elsewhere.
// 2. Existing Authorization or ?token query tells LFS that the request is ready.
// 3. Netrc based on the hostname.
// 4. URL authentication on the Endpoint URL or the Git Remote URL.
// 5. Git Credential Helper, potentially prompting the user.
// There are three URLs in play, that make this a little confusing.
// 1. The request URL, which should be something like ""
// 2. The LFS API URL, which should be something like ""
// This URL used for the "lfs.URL.access" git config key, which determines
// what kind of auth the LFS server expects. Could be BasicAccess,
// NTLMAccess, NegotiateAccess, or NoneAccess, in which the Git Credential
// Helper step is skipped. We do not want to prompt the user for a password
// to fetch public repository data.
// 3. The Git Remote URL, which should be something like ""
// This URL is used for the Git Credential Helper. This way existing https
// Git remote credentials can be re-used for LFS.
func (c *Client) getCreds(remote string, access creds.Access, req *http.Request) (creds.CredentialHelperWrapper, error) {
ef := c.Endpoints
if ef == nil {
ef = defaultEndpointFinder
operation := getReqOperation(req)
apiEndpoint := ef.Endpoint(operation, remote)
if access.Mode() != creds.NegotiateAccess {
if requestHasAuth(req) || access.Mode() == creds.NoneAccess {
return creds.CredentialHelperWrapper{CredentialHelper: creds.NullCreds, Input: nil, Url: nil, Creds: nil}, nil
credsURL, err := getCredURLForAPI(ef, operation, remote, apiEndpoint, req)
if err != nil {
return creds.CredentialHelperWrapper{CredentialHelper: creds.NullCreds, Input: nil, Url: nil, Creds: nil}, errors.Wrap(err, tr.Tr.Get("credentials"))
if credsURL == nil {
return creds.CredentialHelperWrapper{CredentialHelper: creds.NullCreds, Input: nil, Url: nil, Creds: nil}, nil
credWrapper := c.getGitCredsWrapper(ef, req, credsURL)
err = credWrapper.FillCreds()
if err == nil {
tracerx.Printf("Filled credentials for %s", credsURL)
setRequestAuthWithCreds(req, credWrapper.Creds)
return credWrapper, err
// Negotiate only
credsURL, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint.Url)
if err != nil {
return creds.CredentialHelperWrapper{CredentialHelper: creds.NullCreds, Input: nil, Url: nil, Creds: nil}, errors.Wrap(err, tr.Tr.Get("credentials"))
// NTLM uses creds to create the session
credWrapper := c.getGitCredsWrapper(ef, req, credsURL)
return credWrapper, err
func (c *Client) getGitCredsWrapper(ef EndpointFinder, req *http.Request, u *url.URL) creds.CredentialHelperWrapper {
return c.credContext.GetCredentialHelper(c.Credentials, u)
func getCredURLForAPI(ef EndpointFinder, operation, remote string, apiEndpoint lfshttp.Endpoint, req *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) {
apiURL, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint.Url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if the LFS request doesn't match the current LFS url, don't bother
// attempting to set the Authorization header from the LFS or Git remote URLs.
if req.URL.Scheme != apiURL.Scheme ||
req.URL.Host != apiURL.Host {
return req.URL, nil
if setRequestAuthFromURL(req, apiURL) {
return nil, nil
if len(remote) > 0 {
if u := ef.GitRemoteURL(remote, operation == "upload"); u != "" {
schemedUrl, _ := fixSchemelessURL(u)
gitRemoteURL, err := url.Parse(schemedUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if gitRemoteURL.Scheme == apiURL.Scheme &&
gitRemoteURL.Host == apiURL.Host {
if setRequestAuthFromURL(req, gitRemoteURL) {
return nil, nil
return gitRemoteURL, nil
return apiURL, nil
// fixSchemelessURL prepends an empty scheme "//" if none was found in
// the URL and replaces the first colon with a slash in order to satisfy RFC
// 3986 §3.3, and `net/url.Parse()`.
// It returns a string parse-able with `net/url.Parse()` and a boolean whether
// or not an empty scheme was added.
func fixSchemelessURL(u string) (string, bool) {
if hasScheme(u) {
return u, false
colon := strings.Index(u, ":")
slash := strings.Index(u, "/")
if colon >= 0 && (slash < 0 || colon < slash) {
// First path segment has a colon, assumed that it's a
// scheme-less URL. Append an empty scheme on top to
// satisfy RFC 3986 §3.3, and `net/url.Parse()`.
// In addition, replace the first colon with a slash since
// otherwise the colon looks like it's introducing a port
// number.
return fmt.Sprintf("//%s", strings.Replace(u, ":", "/", 1)), true
return u, true
var (
// supportedSchemes is the list of URL schemes the `lfsapi` package
// supports.
supportedSchemes = []string{"ssh", "http", "https"}
// hasScheme returns whether or not a given string (taken to represent a RFC
// 3986 URL) has a scheme that is supported by the `lfsapi` package.
func hasScheme(what string) bool {
for _, scheme := range supportedSchemes {
if strings.HasPrefix(what, fmt.Sprintf("%s://", scheme)) {
return true
return false
func requestHasAuth(req *http.Request) bool {
// The "Authorization" string constant is safe, since we assume that all
// request headers have been canonicalized.
if len(req.Header.Get("Authorization")) > 0 {
return true
return len(req.URL.Query().Get("token")) > 0
func setRequestAuthFromURL(req *http.Request, u *url.URL) bool {
if u.User == nil {
return false
if pass, ok := u.User.Password(); ok {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, tr.Tr.Get("warning: current Git remote contains credentials"))
setRequestAuth(req, u.User.Username(), pass)
return true
return false
func setRequestAuth(req *http.Request, user, pass string) {
if len(user) == 0 && len(pass) == 0 {
token := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", user, pass)
auth := "Basic " + strings.TrimSpace(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(token)))
req.Header.Set("Authorization", auth)
func setRequestAuthWithCreds(req *http.Request, c creds.Creds) {
authtype := creds.FirstEntryForKey(c, "authtype")
credential := creds.FirstEntryForKey(c, "credential")
if len(authtype) == 0 && len(credential) == 0 {
user := creds.FirstEntryForKey(c, "username")
pass := creds.FirstEntryForKey(c, "password")
setRequestAuth(req, user, pass)
auth := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", authtype, credential)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", auth)
func getReqOperation(req *http.Request) string {
operation := "download"
if req.Method == "POST" || req.Method == "PUT" {
operation = "upload"
return operation
var (
authenticateHeaders = []string{"Lfs-Authenticate", "Www-Authenticate"}
func getAuthAccess(res *http.Response, access creds.AccessMode, modes []creds.AccessMode, multistage bool) (creds.AccessMode, []creds.AccessMode, []string) {
newModes := make([]creds.AccessMode, 0, len(modes))
for _, mode := range modes {
if multistage || access != mode {
newModes = append(newModes, mode)
headers := make([]string, 0)
if res != nil {
for _, headerName := range authenticateHeaders {
headers = append(headers, res.Header[headerName]...)
supportedModes := make(map[creds.AccessMode]struct{})
for _, headerName := range authenticateHeaders {
for _, auth := range res.Header[headerName] {
pieces := strings.SplitN(strings.ToLower(auth), " ", 2)
if len(pieces) == 0 {
supportedModes[creds.AccessMode(pieces[0])] = struct{}{}
for _, mode := range newModes {
if _, ok := supportedModes[mode]; ok {
return mode, newModes, headers
return creds.BasicAccess, newModes, headers