2015-09-23 11:58:16 -06:00

343 lines
9.4 KiB

// Package git contains various commands that shell out to git
package git
import (
type RefType int
const (
RefTypeLocalBranch = RefType(iota)
RefTypeRemoteBranch = RefType(iota)
RefTypeLocalTag = RefType(iota)
RefTypeRemoteTag = RefType(iota)
RefTypeHEAD = RefType(iota) // current checkout
RefTypeOther = RefType(iota) // stash or unknown
// A git reference (branch, tag etc)
type Ref struct {
Name string
Type RefType
Sha string
// Some top level information about a commit (only first line of message)
type CommitSummary struct {
Sha string
ShortSha string
Parents []string
CommitDate time.Time
AuthorDate time.Time
AuthorName string
AuthorEmail string
CommitterName string
CommitterEmail string
Subject string
func LsRemote(remote, remoteRef string) (string, error) {
if remote == "" {
return "", errors.New("remote required")
if remoteRef == "" {
return simpleExec("git", "ls-remote", remote)
return simpleExec("git", "ls-remote", remote, remoteRef)
func ResolveRef(ref string) (*Ref, error) {
outp, err := simpleExec("git", "rev-parse", ref, "--symbolic-full-name", ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lines := strings.Split(outp, "\n")
if len(lines) <= 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Git can't resolve ref: %q", ref)
fullref := &Ref{Sha: lines[0]}
fullref.Type, fullref.Name = ParseRefToTypeAndName(lines[1])
return fullref, nil
func CurrentRef() (*Ref, error) {
return ResolveRef("HEAD")
func CurrentBranch() (string, error) {
return simpleExec("git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD")
func CurrentRemoteRef() (*Ref, error) {
remote, err := CurrentRemote()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ResolveRef(remote)
func CurrentRemote() (string, error) {
branch, err := CurrentBranch()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if branch == "HEAD" {
return "", errors.New("not on a branch")
remote := Config.Find(fmt.Sprintf("branch.%s.remote", branch))
if remote == "" {
return "", errors.New("remote not found")
return remote + "/" + branch, nil
func UpdateIndex(file string) error {
_, err := simpleExec("git", "update-index", "-q", "--refresh", file)
return err
type gitConfig struct {
var Config = &gitConfig{}
// Find returns the git config value for the key
func (c *gitConfig) Find(val string) string {
output, _ := simpleExec("git", "config", val)
return output
// Find returns the git config value for the key
func (c *gitConfig) FindLocal(val string) string {
output, _ := simpleExec("git", "config", "--local", val)
return output
// SetGlobal sets the git config value for the key in the global config
func (c *gitConfig) SetGlobal(key, val string) {
simpleExec("git", "config", "--global", key, val)
// UnsetGlobal removes the git config value for the key from the global config
func (c *gitConfig) UnsetGlobal(key string) {
simpleExec("git", "config", "--global", "--unset", key)
func (c *gitConfig) UnsetGlobalSection(key string) {
simpleExec("git", "config", "--global", "--remove-section", key)
// SetLocal sets the git config value for the key in the specified config file
func (c *gitConfig) SetLocal(file, key, val string) {
args := make([]string, 1, 5)
args[0] = "config"
if len(file) > 0 {
args = append(args, "--file", file)
args = append(args, key, val)
simpleExec("git", args...)
// UnsetLocalKey removes the git config value for the key from the specified config file
func (c *gitConfig) UnsetLocalKey(file, key string) {
args := make([]string, 1, 5)
args[0] = "config"
if len(file) > 0 {
args = append(args, "--file", file)
args = append(args, "--unset", key)
simpleExec("git", args...)
// List lists all of the git config values
func (c *gitConfig) List() (string, error) {
return simpleExec("git", "config", "-l")
// ListFromFile lists all of the git config values in the given config file
func (c *gitConfig) ListFromFile(f string) (string, error) {
if _, err := os.Stat(f); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", nil
return simpleExec("git", "config", "-l", "-f", f)
// Version returns the git version
func (c *gitConfig) Version() (string, error) {
return simpleExec("git", "version")
// simpleExec is a small wrapper around os/exec.Command.
func simpleExec(name string, args ...string) (string, error) {
tracerx.Printf("run_command: '%s' %s", name, strings.Join(args, " "))
cmd := execCommand(name, args...)
output, err := cmd.Output()
if _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
return "", nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("Error running %s %s", name, args), err
return strings.Trim(string(output), " \n"), nil
// RecentBranches returns branches with commit dates on or after the given date/time
// Return full Ref type for easier detection of duplicate SHAs etc
// since: refs with commits on or after this date will be included
// includeRemoteBranches: true to include refs on remote branches
// onlyRemote: set to non-blank to only include remote branches on a single remote
func RecentBranches(since time.Time, includeRemoteBranches bool, onlyRemote string) ([]*Ref, error) {
cmd := execCommand("git", "for-each-ref",
`--format=%(refname) %(objectname) %(committerdate:iso)`,
outp, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to call git for-each-ref: %v", err)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(outp)
// Output is like this:
// refs/heads/master f03686b324b29ff480591745dbfbbfa5e5ac1bd5 2015-08-19 16:50:37 +0100
// refs/remotes/origin/master ad3b29b773e46ad6870fdf08796c33d97190fe93 2015-08-13 16:50:37 +0100
// Output is ordered by latest commit date first, so we can stop at the threshold
regex := regexp.MustCompile(`^(refs/[^/]+/\S+)\s+([0-9A-Za-z]{40})\s+(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\s+[\+\-]\d{4})`)
var ret []*Ref
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if match := regex.FindStringSubmatch(line); match != nil {
fullref := match[1]
sha := match[2]
reftype, ref := ParseRefToTypeAndName(fullref)
if reftype == RefTypeRemoteBranch || reftype == RefTypeRemoteTag {
if !includeRemoteBranches {
if onlyRemote != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(ref, onlyRemote+"/") {
// This is a ref we might use
// Check the date
commitDate, err := ParseGitDate(match[3])
if err != nil {
return ret, err
if commitDate.Before(since) {
// the end
ret = append(ret, &Ref{ref, reftype, sha})
return ret, nil
// Get the type & name of a git reference
func ParseRefToTypeAndName(fullref string) (t RefType, name string) {
const localPrefix = "refs/heads/"
const remotePrefix = "refs/remotes/"
const remoteTagPrefix = "refs/remotes/tags/"
const localTagPrefix = "refs/tags/"
if fullref == "HEAD" {
name = fullref
t = RefTypeHEAD
} else if strings.HasPrefix(fullref, localPrefix) {
name = fullref[len(localPrefix):]
t = RefTypeLocalBranch
} else if strings.HasPrefix(fullref, remotePrefix) {
name = fullref[len(remotePrefix):]
t = RefTypeRemoteBranch
} else if strings.HasPrefix(fullref, remoteTagPrefix) {
name = fullref[len(remoteTagPrefix):]
t = RefTypeRemoteTag
} else if strings.HasPrefix(fullref, localTagPrefix) {
name = fullref[len(localTagPrefix):]
t = RefTypeLocalTag
} else {
name = fullref
t = RefTypeOther
// Parse a Git date formatted in ISO 8601 format (%ci/%ai)
func ParseGitDate(str string) (time.Time, error) {
// Unfortunately Go and Git don't overlap in their builtin date formats
// Go's time.RFC1123Z and Git's %cD are ALMOST the same, except that
// when the day is < 10 Git outputs a single digit, but Go expects a leading
// zero - this is enough to break the parsing. Sigh.
// Format is for 2 Jan 2006, 15:04:05 -7 UTC as per Go
return time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700", str)
// FormatGitDate converts a Go date into a git command line format date
func FormatGitDate(tm time.Time) string {
// Git format is "Fri Jun 21 20:26:41 2013 +0900" but no zero-leading for day
return tm.Format("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 2006 -0700")
// Get summary information about a commit
func GetCommitSummary(commit string) (*CommitSummary, error) {
cmd := execCommand("git", "show", "-s",
`--format=%H|%h|%P|%ai|%ci|%ae|%an|%ce|%cn|%s`, commit)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to call git show: %v %v", err, string(out))
// At most 10 substrings so subject line is not split on anything
fields := strings.SplitN(string(out), "|", 10)
// Cope with the case where subject is blank
if len(fields) >= 9 {
ret := &CommitSummary{}
// Get SHAs from output, not commit input, so we can support symbolic refs
ret.Sha = fields[0]
ret.ShortSha = fields[1]
ret.Parents = strings.Split(fields[2], " ")
// %aD & %cD (RFC2822) matches Go's RFC1123Z format
ret.AuthorDate, _ = ParseGitDate(fields[3])
ret.CommitDate, _ = ParseGitDate(fields[4])
ret.AuthorEmail = fields[5]
ret.AuthorName = fields[6]
ret.CommitterEmail = fields[7]
ret.CommitterName = fields[8]
if len(fields) > 9 {
ret.Subject = strings.TrimRight(fields[9], "\n")
return ret, nil
} else {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected output from git show: %v", string(out))
return nil, errors.New(msg)