2016-11-21 16:44:41 -07:00

156 lines
3.9 KiB

package filepathfilter
import (
type Pattern interface {
Match(filename string) bool
type Filter struct {
include []Pattern
exclude []Pattern
func NewFromPatterns(include, exclude []Pattern) *Filter {
return &Filter{include: include, exclude: exclude}
func New(include, exclude []string) *Filter {
return NewFromPatterns(convertToPatterns(include), convertToPatterns(exclude))
func (f *Filter) Allows(filename string) bool {
if f == nil {
return true
if len(f.include)+len(f.exclude) == 0 {
return true
cleanedName := filepath.Clean(filename)
if len(f.include) > 0 {
matched := false
for _, inc := range f.include {
matched = inc.Match(cleanedName)
if matched {
if !matched {
return false
if len(f.exclude) > 0 {
for _, ex := range f.exclude {
if ex.Match(cleanedName) {
return false
return true
func NewPattern(rawpattern string) Pattern {
cleanpattern := filepath.Clean(rawpattern)
// Special case local dir, matches all (inc subpaths)
if _, local := localDirSet[cleanpattern]; local {
return noOpMatcher{}
hasPathSep := strings.Contains(cleanpattern, string(filepath.Separator))
// special case * when there are no path separators
// filepath.Match never allows * to match a path separator, which is correct
// for gitignore IF the pattern includes a path separator, but not otherwise
// So *.txt should match in any subdir, as should test*, but sub/*.txt would
// only match directly in the sub dir
// Don't need to test cross-platform separators as both cleaned above
if !hasPathSep && strings.Contains(cleanpattern, "*") {
pattern := regexp.QuoteMeta(cleanpattern)
regpattern := fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", strings.Replace(pattern, "\\*", ".*", -1))
return &pathlessWildcardPattern{
rawPattern: cleanpattern,
wildcardRE: regexp.MustCompile(regpattern),
// Also support ** with path separators
} else if hasPathSep && strings.Contains(cleanpattern, "**") {
pattern := regexp.QuoteMeta(cleanpattern)
regpattern := fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", strings.Replace(pattern, "\\*\\*", ".*", -1))
return &doubleWildcardPattern{
rawPattern: cleanpattern,
wildcardRE: regexp.MustCompile(regpattern),
} else {
return &basicPattern{rawPattern: cleanpattern}
func convertToPatterns(rawpatterns []string) []Pattern {
patterns := make([]Pattern, len(rawpatterns))
for i, raw := range rawpatterns {
patterns[i] = NewPattern(raw)
return patterns
type basicPattern struct {
rawPattern string
// Match is a revised version of filepath.Match which makes it behave more
// like gitignore
func (p *basicPattern) Match(name string) bool {
matched, _ := filepath.Match(p.rawPattern, name)
// Also support matching a parent directory without a wildcard
return matched || strings.HasPrefix(name, p.rawPattern+string(filepath.Separator))
type pathlessWildcardPattern struct {
rawPattern string
wildcardRE *regexp.Regexp
// Match is a revised version of filepath.Match which makes it behave more
// like gitignore
func (p *pathlessWildcardPattern) Match(name string) bool {
matched, _ := filepath.Match(p.rawPattern, name)
// Match the whole of the base name but allow matching in folders if no path
return matched || p.wildcardRE.MatchString(filepath.Base(name))
type doubleWildcardPattern struct {
rawPattern string
wildcardRE *regexp.Regexp
// Match is a revised version of filepath.Match which makes it behave more
// like gitignore
func (p *doubleWildcardPattern) Match(name string) bool {
matched, _ := filepath.Match(p.rawPattern, name)
// Match the whole of the base name but allow matching in folders if no path
return matched || p.wildcardRE.MatchString(name)
type noOpMatcher struct {
func (n noOpMatcher) Match(name string) bool {
return true
var localDirSet = map[string]struct{}{
".": struct{}{},
"./": struct{}{},
".\\": struct{}{},