brian m. carlson 0245ce5aa6
commands: don't honor lfs.fetch* for ls-files
Currently, if a user runs git lfs ls-files with lfs.fetchexclude set to
*, then all files are excluded from the output.  This doesn't make much
sense, since the lfs.fetchinclude and lfs.fetchexclude options are
documented to work only on fetches.  Let's ensure that we don't load the
fetch filters by default when performing a non-fetch operation so that
git lfs ls-files isn't affected by these exclusions.
2020-03-31 13:55:24 +00:00

394 lines
12 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
// migrateIncludeRefs is a set of Git references to explicitly include
// in the migration.
migrateIncludeRefs []string
// migrateExcludeRefs is a set of Git references to explicitly exclude
// in the migration.
migrateExcludeRefs []string
// migrateYes indicates that an answer of 'yes' should be presumed
// whenever 'git lfs migrate' asks for user input.
migrateYes bool
// migrateSkipFetch assumes that the client has the latest copy of
// remote references, and thus should not contact the remote for a set
// of updated references.
migrateSkipFetch bool
// migrateEverything indicates the presence of the --everything flag,
// and instructs 'git lfs migrate' to migrate all local references.
migrateEverything bool
// migrateVerbose enables verbose logging
migrateVerbose bool
// objectMapFile is the path to the map of old sha1 to new sha1
// commits
objectMapFilePath string
// migrateNoRewrite is the flag indicating whether or not the
// command should rewrite git history
migrateNoRewrite bool
// migrateCommitMessage is the message to use with the commit generated
// by the migrate command
migrateCommitMessage string
// exportRemote is the remote from which to download objects when
// performing an export
exportRemote string
// migrateFixup is the flag indicating whether or not to infer the
// included and excluded filepath patterns.
migrateFixup bool
// migrate takes the given command and arguments, *gitobj.ObjectDatabase, as well
// as a BlobRewriteFn to apply, and performs a migration.
func migrate(args []string, r *githistory.Rewriter, l *tasklog.Logger, opts *githistory.RewriteOptions) {
opts, err := rewriteOptions(args, opts, l)
if err != nil {
_, err = r.Rewrite(opts)
if err != nil {
// getObjectDatabase creates a *git.ObjectDatabase from the filesystem pointed
// at the .git directory of the currently checked-out repository.
func getObjectDatabase() (*gitobj.ObjectDatabase, error) {
dir, err := git.GitCommonDir()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "cannot open root")
alternates, _ := cfg.OSEnv().Get("GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES")
return gitobj.FromFilesystemWithAlternates(filepath.Join(dir, "objects"), cfg.TempDir(), alternates)
// rewriteOptions returns *githistory.RewriteOptions able to be passed to a
// *githistory.Rewriter that reflect the current arguments and flags passed to
// an invocation of git-lfs-migrate(1).
// It is merged with the given "opts". In other words, an identical "opts" is
// returned, where the Include and Exclude fields have been filled based on the
// following rules:
// The included and excluded references are determined based on the output of
// includeExcludeRefs (see below for documentation and detail).
// If any of the above could not be determined without error, that error will be
// returned immediately.
func rewriteOptions(args []string, opts *githistory.RewriteOptions, l *tasklog.Logger) (*githistory.RewriteOptions, error) {
include, exclude, err := includeExcludeRefs(l, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &githistory.RewriteOptions{
Include: include,
Exclude: exclude,
UpdateRefs: opts.UpdateRefs,
Verbose: opts.Verbose,
ObjectMapFilePath: opts.ObjectMapFilePath,
BlobFn: opts.BlobFn,
TreePreCallbackFn: opts.TreePreCallbackFn,
TreeCallbackFn: opts.TreeCallbackFn,
}, nil
// includeExcludeRefs returns fully-qualified sets of references to include, and
// exclude, or an error if those could not be determined.
// They are determined based on the following rules:
// - Include all local refs/heads/<branch> references for each branch
// specified as an argument.
// - Include the currently checked out branch if no branches are given as
// arguments and the --include-ref= or --exclude-ref= flag(s) aren't given.
// - Include all references given in --include-ref=<ref>.
// - Exclude all references given in --exclude-ref=<ref>.
func includeExcludeRefs(l *tasklog.Logger, args []string) (include, exclude []string, err error) {
hardcore := len(migrateIncludeRefs) > 0 || len(migrateExcludeRefs) > 0
if len(args) == 0 && !hardcore && !migrateEverything {
// If no branches were given explicitly AND neither
// --include-ref or --exclude-ref flags were given, then add the
// currently checked out reference.
current, err := currentRefToMigrate()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
args = append(args, current.Name)
if migrateEverything && len(args) > 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("fatal: cannot use --everything with explicit reference arguments")
for _, name := range args {
var excluded bool
if strings.HasPrefix("^", name) {
name = name[1:]
excluded = true
// Then, loop through each branch given, resolve that reference,
// and include it.
ref, err := git.ResolveRef(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if excluded {
exclude = append(exclude, ref.Refspec())
} else {
include = append(include, ref.Refspec())
if hardcore {
if migrateEverything {
return nil, nil, errors.New("fatal: cannot use --everything with --include-ref or --exclude-ref")
// If either --include-ref=<ref> or --exclude-ref=<ref> were
// given, append those to the include and excluded reference
// set, respectively.
include = append(include, migrateIncludeRefs...)
exclude = append(exclude, migrateExcludeRefs...)
} else if migrateEverything {
refs, err := git.AllRefsIn("")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for _, ref := range refs {
switch ref.Type {
case git.RefTypeLocalBranch, git.RefTypeLocalTag,
include = append(include, ref.Refspec())
case git.RefTypeOther:
parts := strings.SplitN(ref.Refspec(), "/", 3)
if len(parts) < 2 {
switch parts[1] {
// The following are GitLab-, GitHub-, VSTS-,
// and BitBucket-specific reference naming
// conventions.
case "merge-requests", "pull", "pull-requests":
include = append(include, ref.Refspec())
} else {
bare, err := git.IsBare()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "fatal: unable to determine bareness")
if !bare {
// Otherwise, if neither --include-ref=<ref> or
// --exclude-ref=<ref> were given, include no additional
// references, and exclude all remote references that
// are remote branches or remote tags.
remoteRefs, err := getRemoteRefs(l)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for remote, refs := range remoteRefs {
for _, ref := range refs {
exclude = append(exclude,
formatRefName(ref, remote))
return include, exclude, nil
// getRemoteRefs returns a fully qualified set of references belonging to all
// remotes known by the currently checked-out repository, or an error if those
// references could not be determined.
func getRemoteRefs(l *tasklog.Logger) (map[string][]*git.Ref, error) {
refs := make(map[string][]*git.Ref)
remotes, err := git.RemoteList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !migrateSkipFetch {
w := l.Waiter("migrate: Fetching remote refs")
if err := git.Fetch(remotes...); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, remote := range remotes {
var refsForRemote []*git.Ref
if migrateSkipFetch {
refsForRemote, err = git.CachedRemoteRefs(remote)
} else {
refsForRemote, err = git.RemoteRefs(remote)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
refs[remote] = refsForRemote
return refs, nil
// formatRefName returns the fully-qualified name for the given Git reference
// "ref".
func formatRefName(ref *git.Ref, remote string) string {
if ref.Type == git.RefTypeRemoteBranch {
return strings.Join([]string{
"refs", "remotes", remote, ref.Name}, "/")
return ref.Refspec()
// currentRefToMigrate returns the fully-qualified name of the currently
// checked-out reference, or an error if the reference's type was not a local
// branch.
func currentRefToMigrate() (*git.Ref, error) {
current, err := git.CurrentRef()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if current.Type == git.RefTypeOther ||
current.Type == git.RefTypeRemoteBranch {
return nil, errors.Errorf("fatal: cannot migrate non-local ref: %s", current.Name)
return current, nil
// getHistoryRewriter returns a history rewriter that includes the filepath
// filter given by the --include and --exclude arguments.
func getHistoryRewriter(cmd *cobra.Command, db *gitobj.ObjectDatabase, l *tasklog.Logger) *githistory.Rewriter {
include, exclude := getIncludeExcludeArgs(cmd)
filter := buildFilepathFilter(cfg, include, exclude, false)
return githistory.NewRewriter(db,
githistory.WithFilter(filter), githistory.WithLogger(l))
func ensureWorkingCopyClean(in io.Reader, out io.Writer) {
dirty, err := git.IsWorkingCopyDirty()
if err != nil {
"fatal: could not determine if working copy is dirty"))
if !dirty {
var proceed bool
if migrateYes {
proceed = true
} else {
answer := bufio.NewReader(in)
for {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "migrate: override changes in your working copy? [Y/n] ")
s, err := answer.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
break L
"fatal: could not read answer"))
switch strings.TrimSpace(s) {
case "n", "N":
proceed = false
break L
case "y", "Y":
proceed = true
break L
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "\n") {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
if proceed {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "migrate: changes in your working copy will be overridden ...\n")
} else {
Exit("migrate: working copy must not be dirty")
func init() {
info := NewCommand("info", migrateInfoCommand)
info.Flags().IntVar(&migrateInfoTopN, "top", 5, "--top=<n>")
info.Flags().StringVar(&migrateInfoAboveFmt, "above", "", "--above=<n>")
info.Flags().StringVar(&migrateInfoUnitFmt, "unit", "", "--unit=<unit>")
importCmd := NewCommand("import", migrateImportCommand)
importCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateVerbose, "verbose", false, "Verbose logging")
importCmd.Flags().StringVar(&objectMapFilePath, "object-map", "", "Object map file")
importCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateNoRewrite, "no-rewrite", false, "Add new history without rewriting previous")
importCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&migrateCommitMessage, "message", "m", "", "With --no-rewrite, an optional commit message")
importCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateFixup, "fixup", false, "Infer filepaths based on .gitattributes")
exportCmd := NewCommand("export", migrateExportCommand)
exportCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateVerbose, "verbose", false, "Verbose logging")
exportCmd.Flags().StringVar(&objectMapFilePath, "object-map", "", "Object map file")
exportCmd.Flags().StringVar(&exportRemote, "remote", "", "Remote from which to download objects")
RegisterCommand("migrate", nil, func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&includeArg, "include", "I", "", "Include a list of paths")
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&excludeArg, "exclude", "X", "", "Exclude a list of paths")
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVar(&migrateIncludeRefs, "include-ref", nil, "An explicit list of refs to include")
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVar(&migrateExcludeRefs, "exclude-ref", nil, "An explicit list of refs to exclude")
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&migrateEverything, "everything", false, "Migrate all local references")
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&migrateSkipFetch, "skip-fetch", false, "Assume up-to-date remote references.")
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&migrateYes, "yes", "y", false, "Don't prompt for answers.")
cmd.AddCommand(exportCmd, importCmd, info)