brian m. carlson 9fad6ff488
locking: reject multiple paths
Currently, when trying to lock or unlock multiple paths, we simply
ignore paths other than the first.  This is surprising to users, so
let's print an error in this case.  In addition, let's have both
commands exit unsuccessfully to indicate failure.

Note that we don't just allow multiple paths because the JSON format
can't handle multiple items.
2021-07-01 17:30:03 +00:00

147 lines
3.7 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
unlockCmdFlags unlockFlags
// unlockFlags holds the flags given to the `git lfs unlock` command
type unlockFlags struct {
// Id is the Id of the lock that is being unlocked.
Id string
// Force specifies whether or not the `lfs unlock` command was invoked
// with "--force", signifying the user's intent to break another
// individual's lock(s).
Force bool
var unlockUsage = "Usage: git lfs unlock (--id my-lock-id | <path>)"
func unlockCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
hasPath := len(args) > 0
hasId := len(unlockCmdFlags.Id) > 0
if hasPath == hasId || len(args) > 1 {
// If there is both an `--id` AND a `<path>`, or there is
// neither, or there are multiple paths, print the usage and
// quit.
if len(lockRemote) > 0 {
refUpdate := git.NewRefUpdate(cfg.Git, cfg.PushRemote(), cfg.CurrentRef(), nil)
lockClient := newLockClient()
lockClient.RemoteRef = refUpdate.Right()
defer lockClient.Close()
if hasPath {
path, err := lockPath(args[0])
if err != nil {
if !unlockCmdFlags.Force {
Exit("Unable to determine path: %v", err.Error())
path = args[0]
// This call can early-out
err = lockClient.UnlockFile(path, unlockCmdFlags.Force)
if err != nil {
Exit("%s", errors.Cause(err))
if !locksCmdFlags.JSON {
Print("Unlocked %s", path)
} else if unlockCmdFlags.Id != "" {
// This call can early-out
unlockAbortIfFileModifiedById(unlockCmdFlags.Id, lockClient)
err := lockClient.UnlockFileById(unlockCmdFlags.Id, unlockCmdFlags.Force)
if err != nil {
Exit("Unable to unlock %v: %v", unlockCmdFlags.Id, errors.Cause(err))
if !locksCmdFlags.JSON {
Print("Unlocked Lock %s", unlockCmdFlags.Id)
} else {
if err := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(struct {
Unlocked bool `json:"unlocked"`
}{true}); err != nil {
func unlockAbortIfFileModified(path string) {
modified, err := git.IsFileModified(path)
if err != nil {
if unlockCmdFlags.Force {
// Since git/git@b9a7d55, `git-status(1)` causes an
// error when asked about files that don't exist,
// causing `err != nil`, as above.
// Unlocking a files that does not exist with
// --force is OK.
if modified {
if unlockCmdFlags.Force {
// Only a warning
Error("Warning: unlocking with uncommitted changes because --force")
} else {
Exit("Cannot unlock file with uncommitted changes")
func unlockAbortIfFileModifiedById(id string, lockClient *locking.Client) {
// Get the path so we can check the status
filter := map[string]string{"id": id}
// try local cache first
locks, _ := lockClient.SearchLocks(filter, 0, true, false)
if len(locks) == 0 {
// Fall back on calling server
locks, _ = lockClient.SearchLocks(filter, 0, false, false)
if len(locks) == 0 {
// Don't block if we can't determine the path, may be cleaning up old data
func init() {
RegisterCommand("unlock", unlockCommand, func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&lockRemote, "remote", "r", "", lockRemoteHelp)
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&unlockCmdFlags.Id, "id", "i", "", "unlock a lock by its ID")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&unlockCmdFlags.Force, "force", "f", false, "forcibly break another user's lock(s)")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&locksCmdFlags.JSON, "json", "", false, "print output in json")