brian m. carlson 9e006ac4e2
Rename default branch in tests to "main"
Currently, our default branch in tests is "master".  This is the Git
default, but the Git default will likely change in the future, so it
makes sense to update our testsuite to be explicit about the branch
name.  We'll ensure this continues by building against older versions of
Git as well as newer versions.

We use "main" for the new branch name, since that's the proposed value

This commit was made entirely by automated means using the following

  git grep -l master t | xargs sed -i -e 's/master/main/g'
2020-07-08 15:38:17 +00:00

524 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
ensure_git_version_isnt $VERSION_LOWER "2.3.0"
begin_test "credentials with url-specific helper skips askpass"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git config credential.useHttpPath false
git config credential.helper ""
git config credential.$GITSERVER.helper "lfstest"
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "hello" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "initial commit"
# askpass is skipped
GIT_ASKPASS="lfs-bad-cmd" GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin main 2>&1 | tee push.log
[ "0" -eq "$(grep "filling with GIT_ASKPASS" push.log | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials without useHttpPath, with bad path password"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
printf "path:wrong" > "$CREDSDIR/$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" without-path
git config credential.useHttpPath false
git checkout -b without-path
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
printf "a" > a.dat
git add a.dat
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin without-path 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 1 B" push.log
echo "approvals:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
echo "fills:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "credential calls have no path:"
credcalls="$(grep "creds: git credential" push.log)"
[ "0" -eq "$(echo "$credcalls" | grep "no-httppath-bad-password" | wc -l)" ]
expected="$(echo "$credcalls" | wc -l)"
[ "$expected" -eq "$(printf "%s" "$credcalls" | grep '", "")' | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials with url-specific useHttpPath, with bad path password"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
printf "path:wrong" > "$CREDSDIR/$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" with-url-specific-path
git config credential.$GITSERVER.useHttpPath false
git config lfs.locksverify false
git checkout -b without-path
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
printf "a" > a.dat
git add a.dat
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin without-path 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 1 B" push.log
echo "approvals:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
echo "fills:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials with useHttpPath, with wrong password"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
printf "path:wrong" > "$CREDSDIR/$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" with-path-wrong-pass
git checkout -b with-path-wrong-pass
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
contents_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents")
printf "%s" "$contents" > a.dat
git add a.dat
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin with-path-wrong-pass 2>&1 | tee push.log
[ "0" = "$(grep -c "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 0 B" push.log)" ]
echo "approvals:"
[ "0" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
echo "fills:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials with useHttpPath, with correct password"
set -e
reponame="$(basename "$0" ".sh")"
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
printf "path:$reponame" > "$CREDSDIR/$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" with-path-correct-pass
git checkout -b with-path-correct-pass
git lfs track "*.dat" 2>&1 | tee track.log
grep "Tracking \"\*.dat\"" track.log
# creating new branch does not re-send any objects existing on other
# remote branches anymore, generate new object, different from prev tests
contents_oid=$(calc_oid "$contents")
printf "%s" "$contents" > b.dat
git add b.dat
git add .gitattributes
git commit -m "add b.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git push origin with-path-correct-pass 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 1 B" push.log
echo "approvals:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
echo "fills:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "credential calls have path:"
credcalls="$(grep "creds: git credential" push.log)"
[ "0" -eq "$(echo "$credcalls" | grep '", "")' | wc -l)" ]
expected="$(echo "$credcalls" | wc -l)"
[ "$expected" -eq "$(printf "%s" "$credcalls" | grep "t-credentials" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "git credential"
set -e
printf "git:server" > "$CREDSDIR/"
printf "git:path" > "$CREDSDIR/"
mkdir empty
cd empty
git init
echo "protocol=http
path=some/path" | GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git credential fill > cred.log
cat cred.log
[ "$expected" = "$(cat cred.log)" ]
git config credential.useHttpPath false
echo "protocol=http" | GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git credential fill > cred.log
cat cred.log
[ "$expected" = "$(cat cred.log)" ]
echo "protocol=http
path=some/path" | GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git credential fill > cred.log
cat cred.log
[ "$expected" = "$(cat cred.log)" ]
if [[ $(uname) == *"MINGW"* ]]; then
begin_test "credentials from netrc"
set -e
printf "machine localhost\nlogin netrcuser\npassword netrcpass\n" >> "$NETRCFILE"
echo $HOME
# prevent prompts on Windows particularly
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo
# Need a remote named "localhost" or in netrc will interfere with the other auth
git remote add "netrc" "$(echo $GITSERVER | sed s/"
git lfs env
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs push netrc main 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log
echo "any netrc credential calls:"
[ "4" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential" | wc -l)" ]
echo "any netrc credential fills:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "any netrc credential approvals:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials from netrc with unknown keyword"
set -e
printf "machine localhost\nlogin netrcuser\nnot-a-key something\npassword netrcpass\n" >> "$NETRCFILE"
echo $HOME
# prevent prompts on Windows particularly
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo2
# Need a remote named "localhost" or in netrc will interfere with the other auth
git remote add "netrc" "$(echo $GITSERVER | sed s/"
git lfs env
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs push netrc main 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log
echo "any netrc credential calls:"
[ "4" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential" | wc -l)" ]
echo "any netrc credential fills:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "any netrc credential approvals:"
[ "2" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials from netrc with bad password"
set -e
printf "machine localhost\nlogin netrcuser\npassword badpass\n" >> "$NETRCFILE"
echo $HOME
# prevent prompts on Windows particularly
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo3
# Need a remote named "localhost" or in netrc will interfere with the other auth
git remote add "netrc" "$(echo $GITSERVER | sed s/"
git lfs env
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
git push netrc main 2>&1 | tee push.log
[ "0" = "$(grep -c "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log)" ]
begin_test "credentials with bad netrc creds will retry"
set -e
printf "machine localhost\nlogin netrcuser\npassword badpassretry\n" >> "$NETRCFILE"
echo $HOME
# prevent prompts on Windows particularly
# ensure we provide the correct creds through ASKPASS so we can fall back
# when .netrc fails
export LFS_ASKPASS_USERNAME="netrcuser"
export LFS_ASKPASS_PASSWORD="netrcpass"
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" repo4
# Need a remote named "localhost" or in netrc will interfere with the other auth
git remote add "netrc" "$(echo $GITSERVER | sed s/"
git lfs env
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
GIT_TRACE=1 GIT_ASKPASS="lfs-askpass" git push netrc main 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep -c "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log
# netrc credentials should be attempted then rejected for the lock request
echo "netrc credentials attempted:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "netrc credentials rejected:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "netrc: git credential reject" | wc -l)" ]
# credhelper should then use askpass to find the proper credentials, which
# should be successful
echo "askpass credentials attempted:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential fill" | wc -l)" ]
echo "askpass credentials approved:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential approve" | wc -l)" ]
# askpass creds should be cached and used for the batch request
echo "cached credentials used:"
[ "1" -eq "$(cat push.log | grep "creds: git credential cache" | wc -l)" ]
begin_test "credentials from lfs.url"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push a" > a.dat
git add .gitattributes a.dat
git commit -m "add a.dat"
echo "bad push"
git lfs env
git lfs push origin main 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 0% (0/1), 0 B" push.log
echo "good push"
gitserverhost=$(echo "$GITSERVER" | cut -d'/' -f3)
git config lfs.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git/info/lfs
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs push origin main 2>&1 | tee push.log
# A 401 indicates URL access mode for the /storage endpoint
# was used instead of for the lfsapi endpoint
grep "HTTP: 401" push.log
# Ensure we didn't make a second batch request, which means the request
# was successfully retried internally
[ ! "$(grep "tq: retrying object" push.log)" ]
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 0% (0/1), 0 B" push.log
echo "bad fetch"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config lfs.url http://$gitserverhost/$reponame.git/info/lfs
git lfs env
git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
grep "Downloading LFS objects: 0% (0/1), 0 B" fetch.log
echo "good fetch"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config lfs.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git/info/lfs
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# No 401 should occur as we've already set an access mode for the
# storage endpoint during the push
[ ! "$(grep "HTTP: 401" fetch.log)" ]
git lfs fsck
echo "good fetch, setting access mode"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config lfs.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git/info/lfs
git config lfs.http://$gitserverhost/storage/.access "None"
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# A 401 indicates URL access mode for the /storage endpoint
# was used instead of for the lfsapi endpoint
grep "HTTP: 401" fetch.log
# Ensure we didn't make a second batch request, which means the request
# was successfully retried internally
[ ! "$(grep "tq: retrying object" fetch.log)" ]
git lfs fsck
begin_test "credentials from remote.origin.url"
set -e
setup_remote_repo "$reponame"
clone_repo "$reponame" "$reponame"
git lfs track "*.dat"
echo "push b" > b.dat
git add .gitattributes b.dat
git commit -m "add b.dat"
echo "bad push"
git lfs env
git lfs push origin main 2>&1 | tee push.log
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 0% (0/1), 0 B" push.log
echo "good push"
gitserverhost=$(echo "$GITSERVER" | cut -d'/' -f3)
git config remote.origin.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs push origin main 2>&1 | tee push.log
# A 401 indicates URL access mode for the /storage endpoint
# was used instead of for the lfsapi endpoint
grep "HTTP: 401" push.log
# Ensure we didn't make a second batch request, which means the request
# was successfully retried internally
[ ! "$(grep "tq: retrying object" push.log)" ]
grep "Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 7 B" push.log
echo "bad fetch"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config remote.origin.url http://$gitserverhost/$reponame.git
git lfs env
git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# Missing authentication causes `git lfs fetch` to fail before the progress
# meter is printed to the TTY.
echo "good fetch"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config remote.origin.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# No 401 should occur as we've already set an access mode for the
# storage endpoint during the push
[ ! "$(grep "HTTP: 401" fetch.log)" ]
git lfs fsck
echo "good fetch, setting access mode"
rm -rf .git/lfs/objects
git config remote.origin.url http://requirecreds:pass@$gitserverhost/$reponame.git
git config lfs.http://$gitserverhost/storage/.access "None"
git lfs env
GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 2>&1 | tee fetch.log
# A 401 indicates URL access mode for the /storage endpoint
# was used instead of for the lfsapi endpoint
grep "HTTP: 401" fetch.log
# Ensure we didn't make a second batch request, which means the request
# was successfully retried internally
[ ! "$(grep "tq: retrying object" fetch.log)" ]
git lfs fsck