2022-06-14 20:36:19 -07:00

419 lines
13 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
// migrateIncludeRefs is a set of Git references to explicitly include
// in the migration.
migrateIncludeRefs []string
// migrateExcludeRefs is a set of Git references to explicitly exclude
// in the migration.
migrateExcludeRefs []string
// migrateYes indicates that an answer of 'yes' should be presumed
// whenever 'git lfs migrate' asks for user input.
migrateYes bool
// migrateSkipFetch assumes that the client has the latest copy of
// remote references, and thus should not contact the remote for a set
// of updated references.
migrateSkipFetch bool
// migrateImportAboveFmt indicates the presence of the --above=<size>
// flag and instructs 'git lfs migrate import' to import all files
// above the provided size.
migrateImportAboveFmt string
// migrateEverything indicates the presence of the --everything flag,
// and instructs 'git lfs migrate' to migrate all local references.
migrateEverything bool
// migrateVerbose enables verbose logging
migrateVerbose bool
// objectMapFile is the path to the map of old sha1 to new sha1
// commits
objectMapFilePath string
// migrateNoRewrite is the flag indicating whether or not the
// command should rewrite git history
migrateNoRewrite bool
// migrateCommitMessage is the message to use with the commit generated
// by the migrate command
migrateCommitMessage string
// exportRemote is the remote from which to download objects when
// performing an export
exportRemote string
// migrateFixup is the flag indicating whether or not to infer the
// included and excluded filepath patterns.
migrateFixup bool
// migrate takes the given command and arguments, *gitobj.ObjectDatabase, as well
// as a BlobRewriteFn to apply, and performs a migration.
func migrate(args []string, r *githistory.Rewriter, l *tasklog.Logger, opts *githistory.RewriteOptions) {
opts, err := rewriteOptions(args, opts, l)
if err != nil {
_, err = r.Rewrite(opts)
if err != nil {
// getObjectDatabase creates a *git.ObjectDatabase from the filesystem pointed
// at the .git directory of the currently checked-out repository.
func getObjectDatabase() (*gitobj.ObjectDatabase, error) {
dir, err := git.GitCommonDir()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, tr.Tr.Get("cannot open root"))
return git.ObjectDatabase(cfg.OSEnv(), cfg.GitEnv(), dir, cfg.TempDir())
// rewriteOptions returns *githistory.RewriteOptions able to be passed to a
// *githistory.Rewriter that reflect the current arguments and flags passed to
// an invocation of git-lfs-migrate(1).
// It is merged with the given "opts". In other words, an identical "opts" is
// returned, where the Include and Exclude fields have been filled based on the
// following rules:
// The included and excluded references are determined based on the output of
// includeExcludeRefs (see below for documentation and detail).
// If any of the above could not be determined without error, that error will be
// returned immediately.
func rewriteOptions(args []string, opts *githistory.RewriteOptions, l *tasklog.Logger) (*githistory.RewriteOptions, error) {
include, exclude, err := includeExcludeRefs(l, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &githistory.RewriteOptions{
Include: include,
Exclude: exclude,
UpdateRefs: opts.UpdateRefs,
Verbose: opts.Verbose,
ObjectMapFilePath: opts.ObjectMapFilePath,
BlobFn: opts.BlobFn,
TreePreCallbackFn: opts.TreePreCallbackFn,
TreeCallbackFn: opts.TreeCallbackFn,
}, nil
// isSpecialGitRef checks if a ref spec is a special git ref to exclude from
// --everything
func isSpecialGitRef(refspec string) bool {
// Special refspecs.
switch refspec {
case "refs/stash":
return true
// Special refspecs from namespaces.
parts := strings.SplitN(refspec, "/", 3)
if len(parts) < 3 {
return false
prefix := strings.Join(parts[:2], "/")
switch prefix {
case "refs/notes", "refs/bisect", "refs/replace":
return true
return false
// includeExcludeRefs returns fully-qualified sets of references to include, and
// exclude, or an error if those could not be determined.
// They are determined based on the following rules:
// - Include all local refs/heads/<branch> references for each branch
// specified as an argument.
// - Include the currently checked out branch if no branches are given as
// arguments and the --include-ref= or --exclude-ref= flag(s) aren't given.
// - Include all references given in --include-ref=<ref>.
// - Exclude all references given in --exclude-ref=<ref>.
func includeExcludeRefs(l *tasklog.Logger, args []string) (include, exclude []string, err error) {
hardcore := len(migrateIncludeRefs) > 0 || len(migrateExcludeRefs) > 0
if len(args) == 0 && !hardcore && !migrateEverything {
// If no branches were given explicitly AND neither
// --include-ref or --exclude-ref flags were given, then add the
// currently checked out reference.
current, err := currentRefToMigrate()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
args = append(args, current.Name)
if migrateEverything && len(args) > 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New(tr.Tr.Get("Cannot use --everything with explicit reference arguments"))
for _, name := range args {
var excluded bool
if strings.HasPrefix("^", name) {
name = name[1:]
excluded = true
// Then, loop through each branch given, resolve that reference,
// and include it.
ref, err := git.ResolveRef(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if excluded {
exclude = append(exclude, ref.Refspec())
} else {
include = append(include, ref.Refspec())
if hardcore {
if migrateEverything {
return nil, nil, errors.New(tr.Tr.Get("Cannot use --everything with --include-ref or --exclude-ref"))
// If either --include-ref=<ref> or --exclude-ref=<ref> were
// given, append those to the include and excluded reference
// set, respectively.
include = append(include, migrateIncludeRefs...)
exclude = append(exclude, migrateExcludeRefs...)
} else if migrateEverything {
refs, err := git.AllRefsIn("")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for _, ref := range refs {
switch ref.Type {
case git.RefTypeLocalBranch, git.RefTypeLocalTag,
include = append(include, ref.Refspec())
case git.RefTypeOther:
if isSpecialGitRef(ref.Refspec()) {
include = append(include, ref.Refspec())
} else {
bare, err := git.IsBare()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, tr.Tr.Get("Unable to determine bareness"))
if !bare {
// Otherwise, if neither --include-ref=<ref> or
// --exclude-ref=<ref> were given, include no additional
// references, and exclude all remote references that
// are remote branches or remote tags.
remoteRefs, err := getRemoteRefs(l)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for remote, refs := range remoteRefs {
for _, ref := range refs {
exclude = append(exclude,
formatRefName(ref, remote))
return include, exclude, nil
// getRemoteRefs returns a fully qualified set of references belonging to all
// remotes known by the currently checked-out repository, or an error if those
// references could not be determined.
func getRemoteRefs(l *tasklog.Logger) (map[string][]*git.Ref, error) {
refs := make(map[string][]*git.Ref)
remotes, err := git.RemoteList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !migrateSkipFetch {
w := l.Waiter(fmt.Sprintf("migrate: %s", tr.Tr.Get("Fetching remote refs")))
if err := git.Fetch(remotes...); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, remote := range remotes {
var refsForRemote []*git.Ref
if migrateSkipFetch {
refsForRemote, err = git.CachedRemoteRefs(remote)
} else {
refsForRemote, err = git.RemoteRefs(remote)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
refs[remote] = refsForRemote
return refs, nil
// formatRefName returns the fully-qualified name for the given Git reference
// "ref".
func formatRefName(ref *git.Ref, remote string) string {
if ref.Type == git.RefTypeRemoteBranch {
return strings.Join([]string{
"refs", "remotes", remote, ref.Name}, "/")
return ref.Refspec()
// currentRefToMigrate returns the fully-qualified name of the currently
// checked-out reference, or an error if the reference's type was not a local
// branch.
func currentRefToMigrate() (*git.Ref, error) {
current, err := git.CurrentRef()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if current.Type == git.RefTypeOther ||
current.Type == git.RefTypeRemoteBranch {
return nil, errors.Errorf(tr.Tr.Get("Cannot migrate non-local ref: %s", current.Name))
return current, nil
// getHistoryRewriter returns a history rewriter that includes the filepath
// filter given by the --include and --exclude arguments.
func getHistoryRewriter(cmd *cobra.Command, db *gitobj.ObjectDatabase, l *tasklog.Logger) *githistory.Rewriter {
include, exclude := getIncludeExcludeArgs(cmd)
filter := buildFilepathFilterWithPatternType(cfg, include, exclude, false, filepathfilter.GitAttributes)
return githistory.NewRewriter(db,
githistory.WithFilter(filter), githistory.WithLogger(l))
func ensureWorkingCopyClean(in io.Reader, out io.Writer) {
dirty, err := git.IsWorkingCopyDirty()
if err != nil {
tr.Tr.Get("Could not determine if working copy is dirty")))
if !dirty {
var proceed bool
if migrateYes {
proceed = true
} else {
answer := bufio.NewReader(in)
for {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "migrate: %s", tr.Tr.Get("override changes in your working copy? All uncommitted changes will be lost! [y/N] "))
s, err := answer.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
break L
tr.Tr.Get("Could not read answer")))
switch strings.TrimSpace(s) {
// TRANSLATORS: these are negative (no) responses.
case tr.Tr.Get("n"), tr.Tr.Get("N"), "":
proceed = false
break L
// TRANSLATORS: these are positive (yes) responses.
case tr.Tr.Get("y"), tr.Tr.Get("Y"):
proceed = true
break L
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "\n") {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
if proceed {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "migrate: %s\n", tr.Tr.Get("changes in your working copy will be overridden ..."))
} else {
Exit("migrate: %s", tr.Tr.Get("working copy must not be dirty"))
func init() {
info := NewCommand("info", migrateInfoCommand)
info.Flags().IntVar(&migrateInfoTopN, "top", 5, "--top=<n>")
info.Flags().StringVar(&migrateInfoAboveFmt, "above", "", "--above=<n>")
info.Flags().StringVar(&migrateInfoUnitFmt, "unit", "", "--unit=<unit>")
info.Flags().StringVar(&migrateInfoPointers, "pointers", "", "Ignore, dereference, or include LFS pointer files")
info.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateFixup, "fixup", false, "Infer filepaths based on .gitattributes")
importCmd := NewCommand("import", migrateImportCommand)
importCmd.Flags().StringVar(&migrateImportAboveFmt, "above", "", "--above=<n>")
importCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateVerbose, "verbose", false, "Verbose logging")
importCmd.Flags().StringVar(&objectMapFilePath, "object-map", "", "Object map file")
importCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateNoRewrite, "no-rewrite", false, "Add new history without rewriting previous")
importCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&migrateCommitMessage, "message", "m", "", "With --no-rewrite, an optional commit message")
importCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateFixup, "fixup", false, "Infer filepaths based on .gitattributes")
exportCmd := NewCommand("export", migrateExportCommand)
exportCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&migrateVerbose, "verbose", false, "Verbose logging")
exportCmd.Flags().StringVar(&objectMapFilePath, "object-map", "", "Object map file")
exportCmd.Flags().StringVar(&exportRemote, "remote", "", "Remote from which to download objects")
RegisterCommand("migrate", nil, func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&includeArg, "include", "I", "", "Include a list of paths")
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&excludeArg, "exclude", "X", "", "Exclude a list of paths")
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVar(&migrateIncludeRefs, "include-ref", nil, "An explicit list of refs to include")
cmd.PersistentFlags().StringSliceVar(&migrateExcludeRefs, "exclude-ref", nil, "An explicit list of refs to exclude")
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&migrateEverything, "everything", false, "Migrate all local references")
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&migrateSkipFetch, "skip-fetch", false, "Assume up-to-date remote references.")
cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&migrateYes, "yes", "y", false, "Don't prompt for answers.")
cmd.AddCommand(exportCmd, importCmd, info)