2017-01-06 14:38:57 -07:00

313 lines
8.3 KiB

package lfsapi
import (
var (
defaultCredentialHelper = &commandCredentialHelper{}
defaultNetrcFinder = &noFinder{}
defaultEndpointFinder = NewEndpointFinder(nil)
func (c *Client) DoWithAuth(remote string, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
credHelper := c.Credentials
if credHelper == nil {
credHelper = defaultCredentialHelper
netrcFinder := c.Netrc
if netrcFinder == nil {
netrcFinder = defaultNetrcFinder
ef := c.Endpoints
if ef == nil {
ef = defaultEndpointFinder
apiEndpoint, access, creds, credsURL, err := getCreds(credHelper, netrcFinder, ef, remote, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := c.doWithCreds(req, credHelper, creds, credsURL, access)
if err != nil {
if errors.IsAuthError(err) {
newAccess := getAuthAccess(res)
if newAccess != access {
c.Endpoints.SetAccess(apiEndpoint.Url, newAccess)
if access == NoneAccess || creds != nil {
tracerx.Printf("api: http response indicates %q authentication. Resubmitting...", newAccess)
if creds != nil {
return c.DoWithAuth(remote, req)
err = errors.Wrap(err, "http")
if res == nil {
return nil, err
switch res.StatusCode {
case 401, 403:
if res.StatusCode < 300 && res.StatusCode > 199 {
return res, err
func (c *Client) doWithCreds(req *http.Request, credHelper CredentialHelper, creds Creds, credsURL *url.URL, access Access) (*http.Response, error) {
if access == NTLMAccess {
return c.doWithNTLM(req, credHelper, creds, credsURL)
return c.Do(req)
// getCreds fills the authorization header for the given request if possible,
// from the following sources:
// 1. NTLM access is handled elsewhere.
// 2. Existing Authorization or ?token query tells LFS that the request is ready.
// 3. Netrc based on the hostname.
// 4. URL authentication on the Endpoint URL or the Git Remote URL.
// 5. Git Credential Helper, potentially prompting the user.
// There are three URLs in play, that make this a little confusing.
// 1. The request URL, which should be something like ""
// 2. The LFS API URL, which should be something like ""
// This URL used for the "lfs.URL.access" git config key, which determines
// what kind of auth the LFS server expects. Could be BasicAccess, NTLMAccess,
// or NoneAccess, in which the Git Credential Helper step is skipped. We do
// not want to prompt the user for a password to fetch public repository data.
// 3. The Git Remote URL, which should be something like ""
// This URL is used for the Git Credential Helper. This way existing https
// Git remote credentials can be re-used for LFS.
func getCreds(credHelper CredentialHelper, netrcFinder NetrcFinder, ef EndpointFinder, remote string, req *http.Request) (Endpoint, Access, Creds, *url.URL, error) {
operation := getReqOperation(req)
apiEndpoint := ef.Endpoint(operation, remote)
access := ef.AccessFor(apiEndpoint.Url)
if access != NTLMAccess {
if requestHasAuth(req) || setAuthFromNetrc(netrcFinder, req) || access == NoneAccess {
return apiEndpoint, access, nil, nil, nil
credsURL, err := getCredURLForAPI(ef, operation, remote, apiEndpoint, req)
if err != nil {
return apiEndpoint, access, nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creds")
if credsURL == nil {
return apiEndpoint, access, nil, nil, nil
creds, err := fillGitCreds(credHelper, ef, req, credsURL)
return apiEndpoint, access, creds, credsURL, err
credsURL, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint.Url)
if err != nil {
return apiEndpoint, access, nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "creds")
if netrcMachine := getAuthFromNetrc(netrcFinder, req); netrcMachine != nil {
creds := Creds{
"protocol": credsURL.Scheme,
"host": credsURL.Host,
"username": netrcMachine.Login,
"password": netrcMachine.Password,
"source": "netrc",
return apiEndpoint, access, creds, credsURL, nil
creds, err := getGitCreds(credHelper, ef, req, credsURL)
return apiEndpoint, access, creds, credsURL, err
func getGitCreds(credHelper CredentialHelper, ef EndpointFinder, req *http.Request, u *url.URL) (Creds, error) {
path := strings.TrimPrefix(u.Path, "/")
input := Creds{"protocol": u.Scheme, "host": u.Host, "path": path}
if u.User != nil && u.User.Username() != "" {
input["username"] = u.User.Username()
creds, err := credHelper.Fill(input)
if creds == nil || len(creds) < 1 {
errmsg := fmt.Sprintf("Git credentials for %s not found", u)
if err != nil {
errmsg = errmsg + ":\n" + err.Error()
} else {
errmsg = errmsg + "."
err = errors.New(errmsg)
return creds, err
func fillGitCreds(credHelper CredentialHelper, ef EndpointFinder, req *http.Request, u *url.URL) (Creds, error) {
creds, err := getGitCreds(credHelper, ef, req, u)
if err == nil {
tracerx.Printf("Filled credentials for %s", u)
setRequestAuth(req, creds["username"], creds["password"])
return creds, err
func getAuthFromNetrc(netrcFinder NetrcFinder, req *http.Request) *netrc.Machine {
hostname := req.URL.Host
var host string
if strings.Contains(hostname, ":") {
var err error
host, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(hostname)
if err != nil {
tracerx.Printf("netrc: error parsing %q: %s", hostname, err)
return nil
} else {
host = hostname
return netrcFinder.FindMachine(host)
func setAuthFromNetrc(netrcFinder NetrcFinder, req *http.Request) bool {
if machine := getAuthFromNetrc(netrcFinder, req); machine != nil {
setRequestAuth(req, machine.Login, machine.Password)
return true
return false
func getCredURLForAPI(ef EndpointFinder, operation, remote string, apiEndpoint Endpoint, req *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) {
apiURL, err := url.Parse(apiEndpoint.Url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if the LFS request doesn't match the current LFS url, don't bother
// attempting to set the Authorization header from the LFS or Git remote URLs.
if req.URL.Scheme != apiURL.Scheme ||
req.URL.Host != apiURL.Host {
return req.URL, nil
if setRequestAuthFromURL(req, apiURL) {
return nil, nil
if len(remote) > 0 {
if u := ef.GitRemoteURL(remote, operation == "upload"); u != "" {
gitRemoteURL, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if gitRemoteURL.Scheme == apiURL.Scheme &&
gitRemoteURL.Host == apiURL.Host {
if setRequestAuthFromURL(req, gitRemoteURL) {
return nil, nil
return gitRemoteURL, nil
return apiURL, nil
func requestHasAuth(req *http.Request) bool {
if len(req.Header.Get("Authorization")) > 0 {
return true
return len(req.URL.Query().Get("token")) > 0
func setRequestAuthFromURL(req *http.Request, u *url.URL) bool {
if u.User == nil {
return false
if pass, ok := u.User.Password(); ok {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "warning: current Git remote contains credentials")
setRequestAuth(req, u.User.Username(), pass)
return true
return false
func setRequestAuth(req *http.Request, user, pass string) {
// better not be NTLM!
if len(user) == 0 && len(pass) == 0 {
token := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", user, pass)
auth := "Basic " + strings.TrimSpace(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(token)))
req.Header.Set("Authorization", auth)
func getReqOperation(req *http.Request) string {
operation := "download"
if req.Method == "POST" || req.Method == "PUT" {
operation = "upload"
return operation
var (
authenticateHeaders = []string{"Lfs-Authenticate", "Www-Authenticate"}
func getAuthAccess(res *http.Response) Access {
for _, headerName := range authenticateHeaders {
for _, auth := range res.Header[headerName] {
pieces := strings.SplitN(strings.ToLower(auth), " ", 2)
if len(pieces) == 0 {
switch Access(pieces[0]) {
case NegotiateAccess, NTLMAccess:
// When server sends Www-Authentication: Negotiate, it supports both Kerberos and NTLM.
// Since git-lfs current does not support Kerberos, we will return NTLM in this case.
return NTLMAccess
return BasicAccess